Can't believe it!

Hi all

Thanks so much for all your good vibes and messages for today.

Susanne- Can’t wait to see the wig - hope it’s a good’un1

Well I finally know!! Good and bad news…

Realistically I’ve had the best news I had hoped for. As the consultant had suspected, the lump is DCIS and no invasive cells were found! Yippee!

Not so good- they didn’t get all the lump out so I have to have another op on the 1st May. If they can’t get it all then I have to have a masectomy.I did ask whther there could be invasive in the bit that is still in but he says it is found in the middle of the lump if it’s there at all and it wasn’t.

I know to many this masectomy thing is a very big deal- but I’m not bothered- I want it out!!

So in a way I’m relieved- still forgot to ask lots of questions that I’ve now thought of though. I was nearly asleep by the time I went into the appointment as I didn’t see the consultant until 7 pm
( appointment was 4.25!)

Hope you are all okay.

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxx

Well freddie, glad you finally got your results, what a wait! You and me will both be in on 1st May for 2nd op! Glad to hear its not invasive, must say I am still getting confused with all the technical terms! I never seem to ask questions just sit and take it all! Have a drink now and try to relax love Debs xxxx

That’s great news, Freddie - shame about the second op, but in-situ is almost the best to hope for (apart from “actually it was just a cyst.”) Will you be having any follow-up after the second op, or don’t you know yet?

Debs, you need a bl*dddy sense of humour with all this malarky going on. But I’ve never been one to sweat the small stuff. I once did a psychometric test which showed that on the emotional stability scale I came out at 99.4%! The tutor didn’t beleive me - he smirked a bit, and told us the test had a parallel (hidden) lie-detector scale in it. I came out at 4% on that! So either I’m a gibbering wreck but a bl*dddy good liar, or I really am the sanest person around!

freddie - glad you have the results and yippee about it being non invasive!! Like you say once you get all the surgery out of the way you’ll be on a roll!! mary x

Love it Susanne!! just choose what you want to be!! Actually i think the swings decribe me at the moment!!! Love Debs xxx

Love the results!! 99.4% - mucho impressed! Quite agree, sense of humour needed right now.
Freddie and Debs - 1st May locked in my brain - about time you guys had things a bit more straight forwards,

Freddie - 7pm to see your consultant?! - I felt badly done for waiting till 11.30 for a 10.20 appt! Bet you were kn*ck**ed!!

Take care all - we’ll get there in the end…!

Lizzy XX

Hi all,

On the come down of results now- worrying about another WLE, how will they know if they’ve got every tiny bit-apparantly this DCIS can be all over the place.Most people seem to know if their DCIS is high or low grade too -I’ve got no idea.

I think I might try to contact the breast cancer nurse.

Blimey- I always think of the questions after the event!

Debs- what is it about our crazy journey? It’s always nice to do things in pairs!!

Freddie xxxxxxx

Strange isn’t it! As you say good to do in pairs! Off to Rye today for a couple of days and although hubby is taking laptop not sure if I’ll get on it! Be back on aturday, take care everyone we are on our way!!! love Debs xxxx

have a good break debs…take care all, mary x
ps lizzy, sorry you didn’t get yours,but I’m spurring them on for you!! x

Freddie, I’m sorry you have to have another op, but it’s really good to know it’s not invasive. 1st May isn’t too far off and then it’ll be all behind you. I know what you mean about the questions, it’s only when you’ve had time to mull things over that you think of something else. Hey ho, that’s life I guess.

Susanne, I did one of those psychometric tests once and I think they’re wierdly accurate. I apparently went off the scale for being independent. lol. Mmmmm, that’s why I always decline offers of help…

Hi all hope you are well! Had a good break, big breakfasts and pub meals! Who cares about the calories!! love Debs xxx

Hi all

Thanks for all the positive comments regarding my results. I’m kind of okay with them although I am seriously considering a double mastectomy . A little drastic I know but for me I think the peace of mind will help alot. I’ve applied for the genetic test though and alot will depend on the results of that. Hope they don’t take too long to come back though!

Debs- so glad you had a great time. I could do with some tasty meals that somebody else has cooked for me!!

I would also like to do one of those psychometric tests too- I’m intrigued!!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I did it when I was at teacher training college, in my psychology course. Mind you, that was back in the early 70s - they’ve gone out of favour a bit now!

Hi Freddie, you have a big decision! But i can understand you wanting to have no more worry. I never realised i can be so full of paranoia! I don’t think I ask enough questions!!! love Debs xxxx


Hi all

Sorry not been posting for a bit. Feel a bit at sea with things at the moment. I’m getting very preoccupied about my itchy armpit! Will this paranioa ever subside???!!!

Also been enjoying lovely weather with children. Have had highlights done in an attempt to ‘lift me’.

I’m meant to be going back to work tomorrow- trying to get my head around that one.

Will ever feel ‘normal’ and ‘healthy’ again??

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie - good to see you on here. I could do with highlights myself! the sun here in Spain is fabulous but its a nightmare on your hair! as fast as I get a colour on it the sun bleaches it back out! but I shouldnt complain it really is lovely here at the moment.

Good luck when you go back to work today - hope it all goes well. I dont know how long it takes to feel “normal” or “healthy” again, I suppose everyones experiences are different depending on lifestyle, support and out look … just take it one day at a time (god thats sounds cliche!!! - sorry!)

Look after yourself and enjoy your time in the sun with the children.

Sue xxxx

Hi all,

Hope everyone is okay.

Sorry to be such a misery guts yesterday- one of those ‘woe is me’ days I think!

Well, I went to work today and it was okay- actually really great to see everyone. Whilst I was feeling extremely daunted by the prospect , I’m glad I made the effort. Mind you, I’m absolutely wiped out now- I’m soooooooo tired! I had to come home early. Got used to the home life I think!

I’m currently trying to get my genetic testing referral papers done. Easier said than done when trying to ring/contact the right people and they are not there. If I’m finding the contact hard I do feel for you sueinspain!!

Susanne- did your chemo start today? If so, hope you’re okay.

Love to all

Freddie xxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie, hope tomorrow goes easier at work! i was hoping to return before next op but not really possible. I need to change hair appointment thinking of having it cut shorter in preparation!
Susanne hope you are ok?
love Debs xxx

Errrrghhhh! Why was I looking forward to this? Slept for thirteen hours, woke up feeling like I’d spent most of them trying to compete for the world heavyweight boxing title! A bit of sickness, and I think I may be cooking up a bout of diarhoea.

But it’s doing me good… it’s doing me good… it’s doing me good…

Just read a news report that deaths from BC are at a record low - in spite of a lot more women being diagnosed - 45,500 per year. The peak was in 1989, with 41.6 women per 100,000 dying, to 26.7 per 100,000 in 2007.