Can't believe it!

susanne - sorry meant to be sending you positive vibes for the start but 'fraid got knocked down by the chemo chu chu this time - bugger of a thing…but spose I had got off lightly first 2 times…hope you’re doing ok kid…mary x

Actually feeling quite a bit better now! 24hours of grottiness, not too bad. Of course, it’s only the first one…

But it’s doing me good… it’s doing me good… it’s doing me good…

Mary and Susanne, sorry to hear you are both suffering after chemo. Keeep that positive chantra going Susanne! Just seen you are feeling a bit better now, good to hear! love Debs x

I’m alot better today, it just sneaks up behind you sometimes…mary x

Hi all

Sorry to hear that the chemo was a toughie!! Look after yourselves and get lots of rest.

I too heard the very positive statistics about breast cancer today. Great news- things are improving all the time,



we all need good statistics! Makes you feel better! Hope you are all well! Love Debs xxx


Before I start can I apologise in advance.

I just can’t undertand what is wrong with me. I just can’t snap out of this negativity. I know that in relation to many people’s diagnosis I am relatively fortunate but I just can’t feel positive about anything.

I seem to be permanently tired yet I sleep really soundly for 8 hours a night.I’ve got horrendous lower back pain and just feel generally weak.I would love to have an afternoon nap but with two young children I can’t. I’m wondering if it is hormone related as I do have PMT but it is never normally this bad.

I’m also frutrated that I can’t seem to get a referral for genetic testing from my consultant. They want me to concentrate on getting myself sorted first. I know this is important but if I do have the rogue gene surely it might affect my choice of surgery?

I do wonder whether it is this waiting game again that is making my mood low again.

I used to be such a positive , happy person!

Hope everyone is okay particularly those having chemo,waiting for results, and waiting for treatments,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I went for my premed yesterday before 2nd surgery next week and one of the questions was do you suffer from depression or anxiety!! i said not until all this started! What a stupid question!!!
I’m sure all your symptoms are stress related thats what I keep telling myself I think also we are all still dealing with the shock of it all. Its a tough one to take on!

Hope you feel better soon, love debs xxxxxxx

Just to add to my paranoia, had bllod test yesterday for my premed, got a phone call from the dr I saw at 5 to say I have to have more tests as my blood count was up! of course I panicked but he said there is nothing to worry about,…BUT is there??? love Debs xxx


Thanks Debs, I’m sure you’re right about the stress thing, just long to feel better again.You are always so good with putting up with my moans!!

Don’t know what your blood count thing means??? Also, weirdly they said to me that I don’t need another pre op assessment, they’ll just use the notes from last time. Okay I guess except for the fact I seem to feel worse as each day goes by!!

Let me know what it means if you find out!!


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie,
Haven’t a clue about the blood count been trying to look it up, apparently stress and trauma can raise it,mmmmmm I wonder!!!
Glad I help think its just that you often say what I’m thinking, so think I’m reassuring myself! Goodness knows what we will be like by next Thurs eve!! Take care, love Debs xxxx

debs - when is your op?? mary x

Hi Mary, its 1st May same as freddie! Went for re-run of blood test today apparently it was my liver function up, so of course I have now convinced myself its there too!
Can anyone offer any ideas please! yours in a major panic and feeling quite down, love Debs xxxx

Hi Debs

I noticed you said your liver function tests were raised at your last blood count. Mine were very slightly raised just before my chemo and my Oncologist said that anaesthetics can cause that and the effects can last for some time. So if this a second op then maybe that’s the reason why? There are also some medications that can affect liver function readings.

Just a thought.

Gennie xx

Thanks for that Gennie, I just keep thinking its gone to my liver as I see people on here with liver mets, can anyone explain what mets means?? Still learning on here!!
It sometimes so hard to stay positive!
love Debs xxx

debs - mets stands for metastatic - a tumour that is in an organ away from the primary tumour (so for us breast…)


Thanks Theresa, just hoping it isn’t! love Debs xxx

Looking for help,tips and info operation 31/3 lobular cancer/3cm/WLE/ER/lymph glands removed getting bone scan,ct scan and mri results on the 6/5 know that i am definite for chemo, rad.
It the secondary cancer that i think will knock me for six if i have it but i know there is no point worrying till they tell me.

Hi yvoyo - sorry you have had to join us… Do you know what grade your cancer was yet and whether any lymph nodes were involved…?


Hi theresa it is stage 3 and all nodes were removed they took out the whole gland ,very funny feeling that is left in your arm you think they cut a piece of the muscle as it feels shorter but its not just painful when you stretch your arm