Can't believe it!

sorry forgot to say 4 node positive

Hi All,

Hi yvoyvo, sorry you have had to join us but welcome.

Debs,when I was pregnant I had a condition called cholestasis which was liver related and my liver function tests showed that bloods were up. Apparantly it was when there were too many hormones circulating around my body in pregnancy and my liver was unable to deal with them.Immediately after I had given birth they were back to normal. I am not suggesting that you could be pregnant ,but perhaps it could be hormone related? Presumably they must have taken your blood at the pre med last time too. Have they compared the two readings - could be good for your own piece of mind to get the other one too? I’m sure nothing sinister could have happened in between.

Keep positive and keep posting,

love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks freddie, got very upset last night at the thought of secondaries, know how you are feeling wowo!
But the hormone bit is interesting as I do have period at the moment and they have been all over the place, I am 49 and my dr said it could be my age aswell as stress!
My husband keeps saying that it can’t have changed since last premed, but we all know how our minds work overtime!
Just get so scared with all of this!
love Debs xxxxx

Hi Debs

It’s all so scary isn’t it. Are you feeling any better about things today? I know I was worried about the liver thing before as I had very itchy skin. However the nurse gave me some amazing body moisturiser that’s done the trick so I can cross that symptom off for now!

I’m beginning to think people are going to start avoiding me soon as I always seem to have some ailment or other now!!

I’m in the scared club too today. Today I’ve been having the most excrutiating pains shooting through my right breast ( the one with the lump ) . It is really quite frightening and I don’t understand what it could be. Funny thing is that it hasn’t been painful at all until today. I don’t think it can’t be related to the WLE as that seems to be healing very well indeed (until they cut me open again on Friday that is!).

We weren’t like this three months ago were we?!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

No Freddie we weren’t! I’m now dreading a phone call tomorrow from the hospital! The pain you have could just be the healing on the inside, I still get one from node removal almost like a drawing pain, can’t really describe it!!

went out for a meal with my husband last night and got tearful again, he is finding it so hard too, but trying to be supportive for me. But still a bit down!

Going to research a couple of centres near me that offer massage, reflexology etc for people with cancer, maybe something like that will help me feel better!!

Still find it hard to actually say ‘I have breast cancer’ !!

love Debs xxxxxxxx

Hi all, like your contributors I am in the state of ’ can’t believe it.’
I had a lumpectomy for very small area of calcification 3 weeks ago and the Surgeon expressed real surprise when he found a big area of invasive and non invasive cancer. Now I am booked for a mastectomy and node job. I think it is sentinal nodes. I am worried that there may be more surgery if the nodes are infected. Also my husband cannot understand why they did not pick all this up in the first operation.
I would also like advice about the benefits of reconstruction. I am 64 and very active smimmer and other sports. I am also trying to hold down a part time job!.
I am sure it will all go ok but it is the uncertainty and shock whick is difficult at the moment. Thanks to all.

ahhh debs ((((hugs)))) my daughter (16) gets funny if my hubby says I have bc, she says “no, mum had bc, its gone now…” where are you frmo again debs? I love camping and was thinking it would be great to get a few bc friends/families to camp together, that way if we live a good bit apart we could meet up…
I know what you mean re hubbys etc, we had a tearful morning yesterday, daughter has gcse’s soon and is mega stressed out but I’m sure me having this fun thing is making her worse ans she’s really quite depressed, I got up set theinking god its all my fault if I wasn’t blah blah blah, he cried cause I cried and on it went…not fair eh…mary x

Hi Mary, I’m from Surrey, nearer the South London end! We love camping too, but haven’t been for a while! It would be good to meet up sometime.
My husband is sayiny I’m the important one, whereas being a usual mum and wife I think he and my daughter are!! Hate what I’m doing to them!
Oh well lets get positive again, the sun is shining!!!
Take care,
love Debs xxx

Hi Ivorna,Mary and Debs at all!!

Hope everyone is feeling a little better today.Debs, I think your husband is right, for now you must be priority.If you’re anything like me, I bet you’ve been bottom of the pile until now!!!

Ivorna, I’m concerned and confused as to why they didn’t get all my BC out first go too. They were sure they had all of the lump so I can only thing that there must be lots of little bits dispersed everywhere!

I know what you mean about not being able to say ‘I have breast cancer’. I think it is for that and other similar reasons that I’ve gone back to work and tried to carry on ‘as normal’. For my family I’ve tried to be ‘normal Mum’ but I’m actually really exhausted by it all.I think I’ve underestimated the mental exhaustion it can bring.

I have decided today that I must slow down and not be such a martyr about all this. I need to shake off this virus if I’m going to have the energy for all this BC treatment anyway.

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie, hope you shake off this virus soon especially with Friday looming!
Ivorna, i think we all feel the disbelief bit, its one hell of a shock especially when you have felt fine!
I’m still very worried about blood test and can’t shake off the fear of secondaries, think I’ve read too much!
Just don’t want to answer the phone tomorrow!
Take care all, love Debs xxxxxxx

Hi Debs

Completely understand your paranoia and it’s natural. But try not to waste any much needed energy on these negative thoughts.I think every symptom we have could be related to some secondary or other!It’s funny isn’t it, just one little statement in something we read can keep in our heads forever can’t it.Not sure if you’ve read it, but I bought the Dr Susan Love breast cancer book and found it to be very realistic and thorough. I now use it constantly for referring to little things and it helps alot.

I’m off to doc’s (AGAIN!)tomorrow.I really am turning into Dot Cotton!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks freddie,

think I might get that book! just having a low time I think, husband been a bit down too as he said every day its like something new and we are learning as we go but yes very stressful and as you say freddie being ‘normal’ is just so hard sometimes!!

love Debs xxxx

Freddie and Ivorna having to have a wider excision doesn’t mean they didn’t get it all first time, it just means the margins weren’t clear enough. I had to have a wider excision and the second time around it was totally clear. They want to be thorough and can’t see single cells with the naked eye. I was told that margins aren’t clear enough in about 20% of cases.
I’m seeing onc tomorrow and like you Debs my liver functions are a bit haywire. Logically I know that its the chemo but I will be glad to talk about it tomorrow.
Take care all
Nicky x


Hope everyone is ok and coping well with current treatments. Susanne, I do hope you are as well as can be expected, not heard from you for a bit.

Thanks Nicky for helping me get a clearer idea about the margins thing.Wierd thing is that where my thickening was ( and lump removed from) the area is still lumpy and quite hard in places. Is this usual too after a WLE?

I’m finding it really hard to feel assured that most of my BC is removed. I’m just so anxious about it all, I really think the masectomy might be best for my state of mind regardless the outcome of the next WLE.

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Nicky, thanks for that as I too have to have wider exclusion on Friday.
As for the liver function I haven’t started any treatment yet and thats why I’m so worried!
Here’s to next week girls! love Debs xxxx

hi all, nicky good luck for today - keep us posted! Freddie and susanne I hope you feel a bit bettr and debs too, mary x

Hi all
Good luck, Debs and Freddie for May 1st, fingers crossed for clear margins for both of you. You’ve both had more than your share of the ups and downs, the stress of waiting for tests and results is a complete nightmare. Anxious? Us?!- what ever would give that idea?!

Freddie, my WLE area is also hard and lumpy, and I have occasional sharp shooting type pains, think it’s part of the healing?

Debs, all sorts of things can send liver function tests haywire, won’t say “try not to worry” - 'cos worry is what we do at the moment, but, well, try not to worry!! You know what I mean!

Like someone here said - “We weren’t like this three months ago, were we?” - my recall letter came early January, after a mammo in December. The last 4 months have been surreal, and this website has been such a support. I’ve got rads to go - and I know that I’ll find help and answers on here.

(((((Hugs))))) to all, take care

Lizzy XX

Thanks Lizzie, have been dreading the phone today but it hasn’t rung!! I know what you mean about don’t worry but its great to have positive thoughts coming from you all! Couldn’t cope without this site at the moment, I used to be so level headed think I’ve undergone a personality transplant!!!
love to all Debs xxxx

Well I’ve been reassured about haywire liver functions but nothing else came of visit to onc. Was told I would get some info about rads but have to go back in 6 weeks. Feeling a bit frustrated today so I’m not going to hang around incase I moan too much.
Nicky x

Hi all

Sorry to here you’ve had a disappointing day Nicky. It is so hard when we get ourselves worked up towards an appointment, then for it not to be all it promised to be, it is such a let down. Most of my appointments so far seem to have been like that.Don’t worry about moaning, most of my posts are moans- oh no!

I went to doc’s again and got a good telling off for returning to work too early. I just wanted to try and get back to ‘normal’. Looks like I’m in the blood test gang too. They are worried about my white blood cell count as I keep getting ill so will have blood taken on Weds and go from there.Just something else to worry about then! Sent off my gene testing stuff though , so at least I’m being proactive somewhere.

Good to hear from you too, lizzy and thanks for the info about your WLE. Mine must be fairly ‘normal’ there then.

Great to hear from everyone,

Take care

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx