Can't believe it!

We are a right lot on this thread!! Good job we’ve got each other for support!
Hopefully the week will get better for us all! love Debs xxx

Freddie my WLE was hard but has gone done I had my lymph glands removed so it takes time to get rid of fluid but after 3 weeks big improvement.

Hope everyone is ok! Like to keep us near the top, so bump! xxxxx

Hi all
I think I’ve managed to get rid of my grumpy head.
I went to a Look Good Feel Better workshop today and it was really good. Went through cleansing and make up and came away with a goody bag full of the products used from companies such as Clinique, No7 etc. Allof us got to know each other very quickly as we got stuck in the lift on the way up. An effective ice breaker. I would recommend everyone to apply for a session. They don’t run one at my local hospital so I had to check the website for my closest venue. You don’t have to be a patient there and can attend a workshop at any venue you like. Book early though as I had to wait 3 months for mine.
Now got my name down for a manicure.
Hope all goes well with your bloods Freddie.
Nicky x

Hi all

Actually feel a bit better today. Rest must be good .Starting to worry about the implications of the blood thing now. Surely can’t be much different from my pre-op results can they???

Nicky- Glad to hear you’ve had a good day. I’m going to look into booking that myself too.

Debs and Lizzy- only a few days to go- bring it on, we’ll be a bit further on then anyway.

Yvoyvo- glad to hear your op was okay. Guess the ‘hardness’ is a common symptom then?

Hope everyone’s treatment is going as well as it could do. Hope all are coping well,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Went to chemo today and chemo nurse said that Monday should have been a radiotherapy consult with onc. She was amazed that I’ve got to wait another 6 weeks so I was right to feel a bit frustrated. I guess that it means that my radiotherapy will be delayed a bit.
Hope that you’re all ok.
Nicky x

Freddie, will be thinking of you tomorrow as we both face the next step! Hope it all goes well!
Hope all is well with you too Lizzy!
Hope everyone is well,
love Debs xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi all,

Our minds are in sync again Debs, was just going to post as you did! The very best of luck tomorrow-let’s hope they get the clear marhins this time! Not sure about you,but I feel quite blase about this one-like it’s all a bit routine. The annoying thing I keep thinking about is the wait for the results again!

Lizzy, hope all goes well for you too.

Hope everyone else is okay,

Mary, hope your son isn’t too sore!!
Susanne,good to see you’re up and posting again but sorry to hear about the complexion issue!!
Nicky- hope the wait isn’t too annoying!
Yvoyvo- hope all is ok


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Good luck for tomorrow Debs and Freddie…


Freddie and Debs
Thinking of you tomorrow
Nicky x

Thanks everyone, just want to get it over with now and hoping that its clear margins this time!
Will be back on here asap!!!
love debs xxxxxxxx

Hi all

Thnaks everyone from me too,

Wonder who’ll be posting first Debs??

Honestylt, don’t rush- make sure you rest

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You too! But I think I’m staying overnight and you are out same day, so think you might win!!!

Take care love Debs xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi debs, nice to chat to you all tonight on ‘live chat’

Good luck, Debs and Freddie - positive vibes heading your way…hope all goes well, take it easy post op, whether you stay in overnight or come out same day…

Lizzie XXXX

Good luck to both of you - let’s hear it for clear margins! (Oh, what a different language we speak when we get into this malarky!)

im home was only day surgery Freddie! bit sore and woozy but ok, hope its clear margins this time! 2 wks to wait!
Freddie hope you r ok?
thanks for all messages!
lol Debs xxxxxxxxxx

Hi all,

Glad you’re op went okay Debs. Hope you’re resting.

Obviously I’m back too. I’m much more sore than last time. Serves me right for gloating before I guess!! Got the painkillers ready though- they must have anticipated more pain as they’ve given me two types this time. It was a busy day at the hospital too with lots of breast ladies so I didn’t feel so lonely today.

A little bit glum though as I asked the consultant what grade my DCIS is and he said’high grade’. High grade DCIS almost always turns into invasive cancer so I guess I’m very fortunate to have found it. But it is also more likely to come back. BOO! Also, high grade DCIS usually turns into high grade cancer .EEK!!

With this info I’m pretty sure I want a mastectomy but I’ve got a feeling I might have to push for it. Am I mad???

Food for thought I guess,

Hope everyone is good, thanks for the messages,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

well done both, rest up well, mary x

Freddie, I got 2 types of painkillers this time too and have just got up thinking that I’m sorer this time, didn’t notice the boob last time cos of the nodes!

Take time to make your decision its a big one but I can imagine how you are feeling. When my surgeon said they sometimes have to go again to get clear margins, I said just take the lot next time!! But hopefully will be ok. Then on to the dreaded chemo!

Recover in the sunshine! Take care,
love Debs xxxxxxxxxxx