Can't believe it!

sound like a bossy mum now but remember your body is now getting over 2 ops girls…take it easy and gentle ((((hugs)))) Freddie - we’ll organise a get together…mary x

hi ladies, hope you dont mind me joining you. been home two days after mastectamy so i am in need of some moral support from people who understand. still got drain in and lots of pain killers.

huggs pauline x

Hi Pauline, hope you are feeling a little better and the painkillars are working, the drain is a pain to lug around isn’t it I kept forgetting I was attached!
Thanks Mary, have been waited on hand and foot ‘what do you think you are doing’ is all I hear!!
Wish I was nearer to meet you and Freddie!
Freddie, how are you doing?
love Debs xxxxx

Glad you’re both home Debs and Freddie. I’m going to repeat what Mary says and take care of yourselves. I found 2nd time around more painful initially but it settled more quickly (but my under arm was still v sore and I think that that quickly took over boob again).
Rest up. Hope things are improving for you too Pauline.
Nicky x

Hi all,

Thanks for all the good wishes. I’ve been doing my best to rest although still busy with the children!

Soreness is getting a little better now. Psychologically I always seem to be a bit ‘low’ after the surgery though. Has anyone else experienced this? Think I might have to go down the counsellor route.A bit scary though as I never normally do that kind of thing.Can’t expect all of you to do it all the time for me!!!

Love to all

Freddie xxxxxxxxxx

PS Be really great to meet up Mary x

Hi freddie and all,

feel really c**p today and don’t know why! is it just post surgery? feel very emotional and low, hit me a day later than you Freddie, just really fed up! Sorry to moan!

love Debs xxx

You’re probably both being over-optimistic about how quickly you would recover from this. You’ve had a second anaesthetic in a short period of time - not to mention the impact of having geared yourself up and got through it once, only to have to go through it again. Take it easy, sit in the sun - you WILL start to feel better.

Thanks Susanne, think you are probably right! My husband said the same! Have rested today! xxxx

Hi All

Sorry to hear that you feel the same Debs, but kind of makes me feel less like a complete nutter!!!

I think Susanne is right ( and our husbands- mine has said the same ). I think we gear ourselves up for the next step each time then have a bit of a ‘come down’ afterwards. Added to that , the effects of the anaesthetic etc.

BC is s****y though!!!

Must get into the sunshine I guess,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Freddie, I can agree with sh***y comment! Think I tried to be too normal yesterday! Just got the wandering mind syndrome today about secondaries, what happened to the level headed person I used to be!!!

love debs xxxxxxxx


Mmm echo the level headed comment!

Love freddie xxxxxxx

Hope everyone has had a good bank holiday, i feel a little better today went to friends for a wet and chilly bbq!
Freddie, hope you are ok and recovering well!
love debs xxxxx

Hi all

So glad you’re feeling a bit better Debs. I am too! I’ve had to remove my dressing as it was itching like crazy. I’ve discovered I have a bit of an allergy. Well the area looks okay-rather colourful with the bruise,but not so bad I suppose.

Hope everyone is well too,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hi freddie - know what you mean about the itching - my dressing round the line is driving me mad and due for sorting today or tomorrow…scratch scratch…mary x

I found the plasticy dressing made me itch, but they switched it for a soft dressing, like felted paper, and that was fine.

I’m now on Day 15 of chemo cycle, feeling fine now but just waiting for hair to fall out! It feels quite dry today, and a lot more than usual in my comb, so I guess it could be any minute now! In an odd way, I won’t mind as it will show the stuff’s doing what it’s supposed to do.

Welcome back, Debs and Freddie, and hope you are recovering, Pauline.

Totally agree with the post op downer - I think we must be pumping the old adrenaline beforehand, then there is the euphoria immediately post op, just because it’s done. (I was high as a kite in the recovery room! Like an Oscar speech - thanking the marvellous anaesthetist, congratulating him on his wonderful sleep inducing drugs; telling the surgeon he was brilliant; and as for the nurse who let me have a sip of water - well, she was the next Mother Theresa as far as I was concerned! Sooo kind!! Embarrased or what!!)

Then, we are sent home, same day (WLEs)- which is what most of us prefer, but this used to be an op that they kept you in for a few days. We don’t actually heal any quicker, OK, the anaesthetics are probably “lighter” than the past, but we have false expectations of what we can manage.

Even though we think we are not doing too much, what woman can walk past something, anything! - that needs doing? If you go to the bathroom - can you ignore a sink that “just needs a little clean”? Put clothes in the machine? Empty the dishwasher? Bet you all do!!

So we have a blip - knac**red, weepy - THEN we rest! Properly!!!

Take care, all, Susanne, I now have an image of your hair going “any minute!” - it’s there, now it’s not! - as you say - tough stuff, that chemo, just envisage what it’s doing to the baddies,

Lizzie XX

Lizzie, that has bought a smile to my face! But what you say is so true!
I have tried to do nothing, bottom firmly on the sofa! Freddie think I should have changed my dressing but haven’t been brave enough yet! I have no itch!
Hope you are all well, love debs xxxx

Hi All,

Lizzy - what alot of things well said!! LOL!!!

Boob’s healing much better now the dressing has gone. It’s definitely smaller in size though but for the better I think. I actually went up 2 sizes after children (weird I know) . Now my cancer boob is much more perky and compared to my ‘normal’ droopy one. So positives can come out of this! Shame they’re not a matching pair though!!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxx

Freddie, mine are no longer a matching pair either!!! But as you say cancer one is more perky! have you noticed how people now look at your boobs as they ask how you are!!!
Will be interesting being measured for a bra now!!

love Debs xxxxxxxx

the joys of being female - I reckon if we all walked with our heads to one side we’d look fine - or everyone with wonky boobs would…maybe not…one of mine was a bit smaller - which side had the lump? Yip - the smaller one…mary x