Can't believe it!

Hate to tell you ladies but wait til you start rads… my op boob is amazingly perky,quite a feat when was a 40e before op, meanwhile by “good” boob disappears into my armpit when I lie down…lol. Hope you are all doing well.

Sandra x

Erggggh - had to go for a jab today as blood count was low, which means another blood test tomorrow… I’ve had more needles stuck in me the past couple of months than in the whole previous 59 years of my life! And last night I thought my hair was starting to come out, so I took the kitchen shears to it, hacked it down to about half-an-inch all over - and then it seems to have stopped shedding! You can imagine what it looks like!

Susanne, hope blood test is ok 2morrow and that your hair looks good!
That was a brave thing to do!
Sandra love the boob problem at the moment I’m pleased i still have 2 even if they are odd!

Hope everyone is well, freddie are you ok??
Love Debs xxxxxxx

Nipped down to the hairdressers today and had it all shaved off! It feels really cold - good job we’ve been promised a good summer.
Have really been getting that achy side-effect from the jab yesterday - it’s like when you’ve slept too long in a really soft bed, aching from mid-lumbar to half-way down my thighs - I guess those are the big bones that make the most bone marrow. I’m imagining the cells sitting in there going, “Make yer bleedin’ mind up (my Sahf Lundn origins lingers in my bones) First you kick us to death, now you want us to get up and get busy.”

Hope you are feeling better Susanne, where are your South London roots? Being from there myself!!

Good to chat to you Sandra on live chat tonight!

Freddie, how are you?

Mary is all ok with you?

Love Debs xxxx

Hi Debs ,yes it’s good to chat on there but Im soooooooooo slow at typing ! lol

I come from Dulwich, Debs - East, not the posh West, though I gather East Dulwich is getting gentrified now! Haven’t been back for over 25 years - just have a little peep on Google now and then. I worked at Kings College Hospital for a while as a lab technician on the lung research unit.

Hi all

Good to hear from everyone and I’m glad all seem in good spirits.
I really need to try these ‘live chats’ as they sound good.

I’ve had a remarkably well few days until the return of the dreaded paranoia. Unfortunately today I am convinced I must have a brain tumour as I have a sore lump on a bone at the back of my head! Oh the joys of BC and the mind games it plays.

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxx

yes, I’m herea nd ok ta - had son in for little op with general anaethetic yesterday so he’s doing ok and then had my first of 3 tax chemo - 4 down and 2 to go now!!! Yah!!! Getting there…mary x

Mary, glad to hear you and your son are ok! I’m sure you can see an end to it all now over half way!!
Freddie, I don’t think we will ever be free of worries do you? I’m feeling better now, but will probably get nervous before hosp next week.
Lets all try and go on live chat next week!!
Love debs xxxx

I see the onc next wed - half way assessment and ?? radiotherapy chat?? The worries are there niggling but i 'spose thats to be expected…onwards and upwards…mary x

Glad to hear that you and your son are ok Mary. I hope that you have better luck with your rads appt with the onc than I had. Still feeling a bit disgruntled about that especially as the next appt still hasn’t arrived in the post as promised. Glad everyone else is ok.
Nicky x

thanks everybody…he’s ok bit sore…nicky it was you I was thinking when I said about rads etc - think it’ll be a laid back chat more than anything, general half way chemo?? Who knows…how are you anyway? mary x

hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine!
Last time I went for results of WLE i got told I needed another one! Will I get an appt to see oncologist this time if its clear?? (going on thurs)
love Debs xxxxxx

thinking of you debs, heads all over the place today - not a good one…mary x

hope you are feeling better now mary, its very hard to be normal and positive all the time isn’t it!
sending good vibes, take care love Debs xxxx

feeling a lot better now ta debs,it sneaks up you sometimes…think its early days from the first tax chemo on thurs…mary xkeep well all…

Well prior to hearing when my chemo will start i went to the hairdressers today and had my hair cut short, well longer bits at the front! Thought i would start to prepare myself! My OH thinks it looks great! My hairdresser was lovely and very helpful about wigs!!

Glad to hear you are felling better mary, how is everyone else??

Love Debs xxxxx

Hi all

Sorry not posted for a few days but Ive had no internet access- I feel as if I’ve been without my left leg for a few days!!

Had lots of good times in the sunshine though. Had a ‘proud mummy moment’ too yesterday as my 4 year old has learnt to ride his bike wiithout stabilisers!!

I’ve been back at work today and have felt well- almost weirdly ‘normal’. I think there is such a long time between my appointments that I’ve been able to switch off a bit.

Soory to hear that a few of you have had a few dodgy days- hope all are back on track,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie, good to hear from you, I was wondering if something was wrong!
Glad to hear you have been enjoying the sunshine.
I’m hoping to return to work next Monday, I’m sure I will be exhausted been off so long! Now just got results on Thurs to look forward to, and you have another week to wait!!

love debs xxxx