Can't believe it!

Freddie, will be thinking of you big time! lots of time to chat before Monday! thanks love debs xxxx

Debs, FEC takes about an hour to an hour-and-a-half, depending on how quickly the saline flows into your veins. But before you can start there’s a load of pfaffing about, so allow about another half-an-hour for that. Then there’s waiting around before they even get to you… I wonder if that’s why they call us “patients”? Good luck with it - hope you don’t get too many of the nasties, but if you do, just tell yourself that every side-effect is a sign that it’s doing something.

Just wanted to “pop in” and say hello again, Debs - hope the chemo is OK - and Freddie, Good luck for Monday. You’ve both had a long haul to get so far - with more than your fair share of ups and downs - I’ll be thinking about you both.

Glad you’ve got a surgeon you feel happy with, Freddie, and she’s listened to how you feel and what you want - that is so important, and I don’t think it always happens!

Good luck and (((hugs)))) to everyone else having stuff - take care

Lizzie XX

Debs I hope that your first chemo went well. I’m due to start my last cycle on Friday and can’t believe it. I just hope that nothing happens to delay it. My neutrophils were down at the end of last week but have thankfully come back up now.
Freddie glad to hear that a decision has been made and that you’re not having to wait too long.
Debs as well as scarves look at hats. Baker boy hats are good as they are quite deep and cover your head well. Look at the scarf hut website . I ordered a couple of hats, including a cotton cap to wear in bed as my head got cold(but it was January) and they were delivered the next day.
Take care all
Nicky x

Thanks Nicky, will have a look! tried the cold cap, so will just wait and see! It wasn’t too bad having treatment, nurse was lovely had trouble finding vein as usual!! Just waitng now for any side effects!

Love Debs xxxx

Freddie, just posted a message to you on the wrong thread!! Can I blame my scattiness on chemo after one day!!
Just wanted to ask how you are feeling about Monday, hope you are ok with it all, although obviously worried.
Anyway just to let you know I’m thinking about you,

love Debs xxxxx

Hi all

Hope the first session was okay Debs!

I had my pre op today- a very long process! three hours all in all!!
I’m now beginning to get a bit nervous. Funny really ,knowing I will never feel my right boob properly again! Surprisingly they’ve also said to bring nightwear ‘just in case’ I need to stay in overnight. Can’t believe anyone is able to come in and out in a day after a mastectomy and recon but apparantly some do! I think I might stay in hospital as I know what I’m like-find it hard to sit down and all that…

Hope everyone is okay.

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxx

hi freddie, cant believe you might be coming out the same day. As you may remember i had Mx 7 weeks ago. They wanted to send me out the next morning but i didn’t feel ready so i ended up staying 48 hours. I still wasn’t ready. I still was very emotional for a fell days and needed lots of reasurance. Coming home with the drain in was difficult too.

The op wasn’t a problem at all, don’t worry about that. I have very neat flat scare and nearly full use back in my arm. i Didn’t have recn as just started chemo. Are you still having reconstruction at the same time, sorry can’t remember?

Take care, luve pauline xxx

Hi all
Freddie, agree with Pauline - really sounds a bit harsh expecting you to come out same day! Tie yourself to that bed, girl!

If I don’t get “on” before you go in on Monday, I’ll be thinking about you, hope it goes well. (((((hugs)))))

Pauline / Debs - good luck with the chemo,

Lizzie XX

Stay in freddie! that sounds far too quick! Especially with young children as you will be tempted to do too much!! I’m sure you are feeling nervous even though you want it done!
love Debs xxxxxx

I agree with the others dont come out too quickly. I spent 4 nights in and still felt grotty and that was just Mx, with recon I think you will be too sore. Let the hospital take the strain and rest up you will want to get on with stuff when you are home so enjoy the rest while you can.

i also was diagnosed a bit like this, was told the biopsy was fine but they wanted the lump out.
just to make sure, then three weeks after the operation i went back for the results expecting nothing, to find the consultant along with the counsellor, to be told after all it is cancer,
what a shock, i hope you will be okay.

Hi Freddie,

Just wanting to wish you all the luck in the world for Monday, we’ll all be thinking about you. I agree with the others, I can’t believe coming out same day is even an option! Try and stay there as long as you need (even though I know you will be desperate to get home) but if you don’t feel well enough to be discharged, please dig your heels in.

Can’t wait to hear from you afterwards (as soon as you feel up to posting of course).

My thoughts are with you, and everybody else on this forum.


freddie just wanted to add my best wishes for you on monday, please dont come out before your ready and we will be waiting to hear from you as soon as your up to it. Good luck freddie, luv Pauline xxx

Good luck freddie for monday. i will be sending loads of positive vibes and let us all know how you are doing when you can. Try not to worry and just “go with the flow” love n hugs xx

Best of luck for Monday, Freddie - we’re all rooting for you!

Freddie, will be thinking of you big time tomorrow, hope it all goes well. Take care and look forward to hearing from you when you are up and about again!
lots of love and hugs Debs xxxxx

Good luck freddie xxxxx

Hi all

Thank you all so much for your good wishes and support. It is quite overwhelming!

I’ve just sent the OH to get me a couple of books to read to ease the waiting times! Actually looking forward to getting stuck into a good book-not much time for that normally.But this isn’t a ‘normal’ time is it? I’ve also resolved to make sure that I don’t come out until I’m ready.

Hope everyone else is feeling okay.

Will post as soon as I’m able to again!

Love Freddie xxxx

freddie - take care, rest up after and I’ll be thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes etc…mary xx