Capectibine stories

Hi everyone.
So yesterday I found out that my cancer has spread to a couple of new places and extra within my liver. I’ve been on Ribociclib and Letrozole for about 8 months. I only found out in February this year that I had secondary cancer in two bone areas and my liver so Ribociclib and Letrozole were my first treatment for this. I’m now due to start on capectibine in a couple of weeks after my bloods are checked. I’m just looking for some positive stories of people on capectibine as I’m feeling very negative/scared at the moment. I found some old posts but they were from around 2010.

Edit - I’ve since found some newer posts from last year and this year with some really positive stories.

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Hi grasby29

I started capectibine in September, after I had progression on palbociclib and Fulvestrant. I have been fine, although a couple of days I have had “morning sickness” but I’ve been on holiday for 4 weeks for my whole second cycle and just started my third one Wednesday this week. Maybe the sunshine has helped but I feel better than I did in august and early September on the old treatment!
This is a link to another couple of ladies just starting out on capectibine

Good luck

Hi Spikey.
Thank you for your reply. I will take a look. Thank you.

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