CBD oil to help with cancer

Thanks Peta I will take a look. Yes it is hard to know exactly what to believe but I do believe that a lot of things a holistic therapist will tell you, especially about dietary changes, are definitely worth following. Lots of leafy green vegetables for instance help cells regenerate properly which can help against the bad regenerations that cause cancer. It is certainly worth trying because of nothing else you will be eating healthier. There are a lot of studies that eating healthier and maintaining a healthy weight helps reduce the chances of reoccurrence. It also helps DNA repair itself so will help reduce the chances of braca mutations. Even if it is only a tiny bit anything that helps reduce chances of it coming back has to be a good thing right? I mean nobody wants to go through all this c**p again do they. If there are less toxins in your body, which pollution and poor diet cause, then there is less of a chance of things going wrong inside your body.

hi red robin sheena aka fredflowerpot here. can i ask what one you take . i have just brought cbd brothers white , so far since monday take just two drops in the morning. not the nicest thing to taste but if it helps . i can put up with that …

I have that one too. Tastes foul but as my Nan always said and Dad still does if it tastes foul it is doing you good! Lol xx

You stay well and happy too Petra xx

Sorry Peta. I made a typo on your name. Xx

Hi, please can you message me to tell me who you order your cbd oil from. Many thanks

Hi it won’t let me send you a private message and I can’t put it on here. The powers that be don’t allow it.
If you want me to message you, you will have to make sure you have it enabled on your profile. If you pm me first I can reply xx

I can’t pm you. It won’t let me! Says your profile doesn’t allow it. You will need to sort out your settings first or maybe you could try messaging me. It isn’t hard to find it online and it is on some pretty well known sites.

Hi I would be interested in hearing form anyone that is able to provide me with a UK distributor for good quality CBD oil. Thank you in advance.

Hi ,
I’ve been using cbd oil for 4 weeks , I’m sure n paciltacel for weekly x12 and am on week 3 . I have no neuropathy at all and my SEs are almost nothing… only hot sweats ( about 6 a day ) and awake a bit a night but I always did that anyway…
il post link for taking it with paciltacel and find out where my friend gets the oil .
Zena x

No sorry that was just a link for info
Mine is made by cibdol …
Sorry for confusion- I am in no way recommending oil to anyone- it’s up to the individual.
I was just putting my 2 pence in as I am trying it .
All this is just about trying to live and get thru treatment and I guess we all do what we feel may help.
Good luck to anyone and interesting to hear results and feedback good and bad I reckon.

Hi, could somebody please pm where to get cannabis oil from please? I would be very grateful. Thank you x

Knitwit_ni sorry haven’t been on for a while. I will ask my holistic therapist friend. There are few drug interactions apparently but I’m not sure about the hormone tablet ones as I am er- so not on any of that.

Btw I can tell you who I use if you pm me. I won’t put it on the main page as that isn’t really encouraged. Anyone wants to know pm me as some of you haven’t got settings enabled for me to pm you. Xx

Hi I am 36 years old. I was diagnosed with grade 1 bc last week. I am in the process of getting some oil. I have to have a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. My operation is at the end of this month
When should I start taking this and what dosage?
Thanks for help in advance


My sister has recently been diagnosed with HR2 breast cancer.  In the past I have read many blogs about CBD Oil and have been looking into this for her.

Does anyone have views on how CBD can work with HR2 and if you can use iit alongside Chemo (which she starts next Tuesday).

If anyone knows of places to purchase, or indeed where to look to purchase this, i would be really very grateful.



Hi , just an update on my progress.
Diagnosed with lobular and level 3 nodes bc in Dec 16 , 2 x Fec and 12 paciltacel, and herceptin. Now just about to have wle and anc .
Been taking cbd oil from the first week I found out I had bc .
My MRI last week came back with no signs of cancer in breast or lymphs. I’m her 2 positive and Er positive.
I’m not saying it’s cbd oil but I’m not ever gonna stop taking it for the rest of my life , I believe it helped as I had no neuropathy and I had bad back before this and now no back pain , I know for sure it’s helped that as I stopped for a week as I ran out and back pain came back.
Keep fighting anyway that feels right for you.
Zena xx

Hi red-robin, I’d be very grateful if you would pm me where you get your oil from! Also, how do you know that it’s what it claims? Many thanks in advance xx

HI there! I would be so grateful if somome could PM on where to get CBD oil from please? Thank you

Hi everyone

Im thinking about this swiss oilfor my treatment. Has someone used it and can say something more?
