Celeste in hospital

Hi all, just had a text from Celeste to say she’s in hospital with pneumonia. Haven’t got any details of why and how this has happened but told her I would let everyone know. Will post more when I hear back from her as to what’s happening.

Lesley xx

Hi Lesley,
gosh what a shock please send her my best wishes and hope she recovers soon.
Wondered where she was?
Thank you Lesley please keep us posted.
Love Debsxxx

oh celeste, I hope that they’re looking after you and that you’re back with us soon
missing you already

I’ve read lots of your posts Celeste even though we haven’t “chatted” in person. Hope you get well soon and are back here with your good advice and caring posts xxx

So sorry to hear this. Can you send her my best wishes and hope for quick recovery.


Hi Lesley - thanks for letting us know.
To Celeste - hope you are getting the best care and you are out soon, you are missed on these boards :slight_smile:

Nicky x

Thanks for letting us know, Lesley. If you are in touch with Celeste, could you say that I am hoping she feels better and can get back home really soon. Sending her lots of cyber hugs

Kay x

Please pass on my love to Celeste, we missed her at our recent Bristol meet-up. Hope she is recovering…


I wondered where she was also. Very best wishes for a speedy recovery Celeste.
Anne x

Have exchanged a couple of texts again this afternoon - Celeste is being moved to the new unit in the hospital later today but isn’t sure when they’ll let her come home yet. She sounds in good spirits! I’ll text her again tomorrow and see how’s she doing.

Lesley xx

Sending lots of love to Celeste and hope that she can get home soon. Thanks Lesley for keeping us up to date.

Take care all

hope you get well soon .x

Thanks people - got out - still with some of their medical equipment attached!, but feeling weak as a kitten. Anyone else had this? They tell me it’s going to be ages before i recover - what can i do to speed this up? Secondary constraints are quite bad enough

Hi and welcome back I have missed you. I had that nasty virus thing in Feb and it has taken ages to feel more human but I am getting there and so will you! This secondary milarki is the pits.
Love Debsxxx

Hi, glad you’re home - take it very easy for as long as you need to. I’ve picked up some sort of throat infection - keep getting very hot and don’t know if it’s the infection giving me a bit of a temperature or the hot flushes, lol. Luckily the temperature hasn’t gone up too high at the moment, hope it stays that way.

Lesley xx

good to see that you’re home, i’m just sat here wondering what piece of equipment you’ve come home with…the bed?

all i can say to a weak kitten is maybe try lucozade, lucozade tablets and some fortisips if you don’t feel like eating too much.

just take your time and you’ll be back with us soon

take care

Celeste - know how you feel - it took me a week before i felt 25% again, its really hard after a hospital stay to build yourself up again, but there have been some good tips here, try to get out of bed a little bit more each day.


Hi Celeste, so sorry you have been so poorly, really hope you start to feel stronger really soon. Being home always makes me feel better to be honest.


Only just seen this. Sorry to hear you’ve been so poorly Celeste. It’s just one thing after another isn’t it with this disease. I really hope that each day you will start to feel a bit stronger but don’t push yourself. Take it steadily.Hope to see you at the next Bristol meet.

sorry to hear you’re not well either Lesley.I hope you’ll be feeling better soon.
Anne x

Glad to hear you’re out of hospital. Just take it easy and build yourself back up again, hopefully we might have a couple of days of nice weather so get yourself in the garden (i’m thinking sunlounger and good book) and soak up the vitamin D.

Take care
