central scotland coffee and chat

Hi all,
I live just outside falkirk and would like to meet some other women, who are
interested in meeting up.
I wanted to join a group, but could not find one near Falkirk.
I was just wondering if there are any central scotland ladies who would be interested in meeting up for a coffee and a chat.
I got diagnoised december 07 with dcis. I had a mastectomy with reconstruction, february 08.
I am 42 and have two children aged 4 and 8.
Please let me kow if you are interested.


I wanted to bump this up as it took a few hours to show up.Don’t want you thinking no-one is interested ,they may just have missed it.
I am in Edinburgh,so not too far away and could travel for coffee etc.
I am 44 and was Dx in July 08 with grade 1 but 3 lumps so a mastectomy and recon on 23 July.
Which recon did you have?,I had a LD flap.
I have no regrets over my recon but my emotions are a bit all over the place.


Hi Mandy

You could give our office in Scotland a ring or drop them an email. They should be able to tell you if they know of any groups in your area (Tel: 0141 353 8330 Email: <script type=“text/javascript”>eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%73%63%6f%40%62%72%65%61%73%74%63%61%6e%63%65%72%63%61%72%65%2e%6f%72%67%2e%75%6b%22%3e%73%63%6f%40%62%72%65%61%73%74%63%61%6e%63%65%72%63%61%72%65%2e%6f%72%67%2e%75%6b%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b’))</script>)

Best wishes


Hi Dot,
I had a LD flap operation. I think the worse thing at first was not being able to get comfy to sleep at night.
I was due to get my nipple done 23rd october, but it got cancelled. Its now on 18th of december.
How are you getting on?
I have joined the gym recently, I want to get fit. I stopped smoking, and have put a bit of weight on.
Where in Edinburgh are you? Who was your surgeon. I had Mike Dixon.
My emotions are all over the place as well.

Take care,

Hi Mandy,
I too had terrible problems sleeping after my op as I always sleep on my tummy! Obviously not after my surgery so I found it so hard to sleep on my back.It was so hot in the hospital when I was in (I missed the summer,it happened when I was in the ward) ,I used to pretend I was lying on a sunlounger on a tropical beach!
Now I can ,believe it or not,sleep on my tummy again for short spells.
My Surgeon was Mr Chetty.I am just a couple of miles from WGH.
I have a couple of issues with my scars which he has promised to fix if they don’t sort themselves out in a few months.I have just made an appt to see him sooner though as I feel my back scar is very tight and seems stuck to my ribs.Its making moving very stiff and awkward.
A new nipple for Christmas!
I might get mine for Easter!

Take care,

Im in Edinburgh and had a mastectomy in Jan 06(Mr Chetty at the Western) had my Tram flap at St Johns 6 weeks ago, Mr Raine. Still Lying on my back, there is a hard lump(breast bone Ithink) where my new boob is, hope fully it will blend in naturally. I joined the gym to try and get fit after chemo but with my work being quite physical was too tired to get the full use.
There are a few of us meet up every few weeks, 2 come from Falkirk area, we are all at various stagesof treatment.
Check out younger womens forums for info.

Louise xx

Hi Louise,
I would love to meet up with the others, Dot might want to as well. I have seen the posts.
I dont know Edinburgh very well, apart from Princess Street. I dont think I would find the place you are meeeting up in.
Would it be easy to get to if I took the train to waverly. I do drive, but dont want to get lost.

Is the tram flap the muscle from the tummy operation? Did you get an implant?

I am really pleased with my new boob. I got a small implant and muscle from my back. I usually sleep on my new boob side, it was terrible sleeping on my back. I can now sleep on that side again.
After a few weeks when my back was a bit better, I lay on my good side and hugged a pillow. It was better than lying on my back.

I am stuck in the house today, my daughter is off school with chicken pox. She had it 2 years ago when she was nearly 3. I was going to go to the gym and do some shopping. I I suppose I should do some housework instead.

Take care


hi mandy I live in fauldhouse I had mastectomy and 8 chemos I am now on 5 years of Arimadex I am now back at work full time ai awork in Livingston I had all my treatment at St Johns I am not having reconstruction as I feel ive been through enough and I also feel the operation is too long I am quite happy with my prostesis. We have been to Falkirk a few times for a meal at the dutch inn thats in Skinflats do you know it. Hope to hear from you soon Love Linda xx

Hi Linda,
How long ago did you have your operation? How far from Livingston are you?
I was there shopping on Monday. I was dissapointed, toysrus did not have what I was looking for, and woolies shelves were almost bare. They must have had a busy weekend.
I decided very quickly that I wanted a reconstruction, I was 41 when I got told. I had children who were 3 and 7 years old.
I take them swimming a lot, I just knew it was right for me.
I have heard of the dutch inn, but I have not been there.
Take care

hi again Mandy I had my operation a year past last January I finished all my chemo last July I do feel quite well now apart from the side effects of Arimadex but I do have to take them for 5 years. Good on you for going through with the recon I would have if I had been younger but I am 49 so I think I can live with the psostesis.we live 7 mile from Livingston I am going there to-day to shop for christmas. I work at Morrisons there I am a supervisor there. Its my day off today. I met a lot of ladies on here from scotland and we have had a few meets in Edinburgh weusually meet on a Saturday and do a bit of shoppping then a meal and a few glasses of wine. Last time I went I feel asleep coming back on the train LOL too much wine. I hope you get a few people to speak to on here and maybe we could have a meet up and talk about all our ailments ha I will keep watching this space Take Care Linda xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Mandy
Im from Grangemouth, would love to meet up
I know the Dutch Inn well
Im 51 was dx 2005 wth breast cancer then this year with kidney cancer
Despite this im doing well and hope to be back at work(staff nurse in FDRI) before xmas
Have two daughters, 31 and 24, and two grandkids.
Take Care
Ann xx

Hi Ann,
I would love to meet up, normally I am not doing much during the day, apart from the gym and christmas shopping.
But as you will have seen from my last message, my daughter is off school with chicken pox.
If you want to meet in Falkirk or Grangemouth for a coffee later on next week that would be great.
We would need to think of where and when.
You are lucky your kids are older, I was a late starter, I did not have my son untill I was neary 34.

Take care
Mandy x

Hi Mandy
Still up for a coffee, just got keys to a new flat so up to my eyes this week!!
Maybe we could make a date for the following week.
Im moving to Falkirk so anywhere there would be good for me, any afternoon as im still out sick from work
Take care
Ann x
Anyone else from around Mandy and I most welcome!!

Hi Ann,

The following week would be great, I will be in touch, And we can work out when and where.

If there is anyone else interested, please let us know.

Take care.

Mandy x

Hi Mandy
Glad you had a nice time
We are going to Dublin Thu 8th so can only be Mon or Tue
If kids go back Tue what about then? Same place good for me
Ann x

hi gals

Iv been off line for a few weeks and just seen your link

There is a wee group of us from around the central area who have started meeting up
Imlauder already mentioned us

Im from Denny and would love to meet up with you guys - there is another link under younger women(dont worry there are some oldies on there too) the link is a Meeting in edinburgh

I was diagnosed July 2007 had left mastectomy 7months chemo and 2 months rads - hopeing for reconstruction this year - im 39 with 2 kids and work full time !!


Hi Ails
Mandy and I are meeting Tue for lunch
Realise that is no good for you as you work full time.
I am off to Dublin next weekend but Mandy and I will be catching up again later in month
Maybe we can arrange a meet to suit all of us then There might be others around who would like to join us?
Ann xxx

Hi Ails,

Ann and I would like to meet up with you, do you work every day during the week? Is the evening better for you?
We would also like to meet up with the other group of ladies you mentioned.
Take care,
Please let me know when suits you.
Mandy x

Hi Mandy and Ann

I work hours to suit myself so I can do almost any time if I havent pre arranged anything

It would be great to meet up later this month and Ill let you know wen the other ladies(if you can call them that lol) are meeting

see ya


Hi ails
We will be meeting later in month probably
Will let you know when as soon as we make a date
Love to meet you
Ann xx