Chemo JAN 2017

Congratulations and well done Ebim!!! I hope you have a lovely time in Spain! We went away for a few days after I finished and it was so very nice to get away from it all. X

Well done Ebim! Hope you have a lovely time away I’m jealous of Spain! Dreaming of foreign travel - maybe in oct!

Scotty and Esther - how are the subcut herceptins going? Any side effects? Am having my first one this week.
Slowski - I think you may also be on herceptin but sorry if I have got this wrong - can’t remember now who else is Her2+
Egg x

Scotty I remember you said you had had an allergic reaction to the first one, but weren’t they then going to give you IV from now on? Surely they can still do that via a cannula if you could tolerate it IV before?

I’m having mine Friday too so will be your buddy!

You should demand that you get it IV rather than stop - it only takes half an hour IV if I remember correctly from my infusions so far

Ebim, well done and here’s to a fab hols!


Egg, yes am on the Herceptin road, done 6/18, all subcut, even the 3 done with chemo as my trust (of which more later) said they didn’t have funding to deliver them IV! However, I’ve found it all pretty ok and fairly painless so far. I did have a largeish lump at the site after 1st or 2nd but it soon went down and didn’t really trouble me.


My main problem has been the interminable wait for a 5 minute injection - the last twice it was 2-2 1/2 hours. I have put in a complaint, encouraged by the staff in fact who are clearly overstretched to a ridiculous extent. Not expecting too much to change though, but have managed to get 8.30 am for next one. In terms of SEs its really the drippy nose; I wonder if there’ll be any improvement as nose hairs grow back?


Scotty, hope you get sorted too. There are quite a few of us going through this together.


Slowski X

Ebim - I’m so jealous!! Well done for finishing, you deserve an amazing holiday ?
Thanks everyone for your support - feeling a bit better today, just have to ride out those low days, ay.
Egg - my biopsies weren’t standard so hopefully you won’t need them. It was because my MRI showed a suspicious shadow across the breast (not part of the actual tumour). I guess it’s because my original tumour was so big that instead of shrinking down to one smaller one which is what we’d thought, it sort of melted away but leaving disease behind spread over a wide area. That’s what I’m hoping - rather than recurrence already! They won’t tell me until after surgery histology report is in.
Hope you’ve all enjoyed today’s sunshine :sunny:
Lots of love xxx

Hi lighthouse, thanks for asking after me!
I’m pretty low at the moment tbh! As you know, I have been so anxious about my post surgery pathology results for weeks and even drank my first wine in 6 months on Thursday night to distract me and try to help me sleep! And then it turned out that the results weren’t even available on Friday after all, even though they should have been! I can’t believe that some hospitals/teams can get the results together in a few days or a week, and mine can’t get them back to me in 2 weeks! And it’s worse than that, I have to wait a whole other week for them, so 3 weeks in total. I am beside myself with anxiety. I can’t eat, sleep. Am thinking the worst and am crying again.
Added to that, surgery has been much tougher than I envisaged. I am still taking painkillers after 2 weeks and have developed a large seroma under my arm which is hugely uncomfortable and affecting my movement. I can’t even rest my arm down by my body - I am walking like a beefcake bodybuilder…on one side anyway! And my team just say it will settle in time…keep taking the painkillers and do the exercises…

Congratulations Ebim on getting through! I bet you can’t believe you’re finally done?/ x


What a bo**ox that they didn’t have your results on the day. Waiting for results truly sucks. I hope the next few days pass quicker than you think and its a good outcome on Friday.

Slowski X

Blue, I think waiting for results is one of the worst things about this whole experience. Nobody else gets that except for us. Come on here as often as you like and have a good rant.
Ebim, fantastic that you’re finished. Have a wonderful holday.
R x

Oh Blue, I feel for you, waiting for results is really c**p. Is your drain out now? Could your team not drain the seroma? I’ve seen on other threads that some people seem to have them drained? It might make things more comfortable?
Egg x

Ah blue that’s really poor having to wait another week! I had a large seroma after my surgery that sloshed around for quite a while after, my surgeon preferred to let it disperse on its i.e. which it did. Will be thinking of you on Friday. X

Egg. My herceptin injections are going ok. I don’t seem to have any side effects. I did have a runny nose at the beginning but this has stopped. I’m just plagued by aching joints - ankles feet and knees mainly which I’m hoping won’t get worse now I’ve started the tamoxifen. Not sure if it might actually be connected with herceptin thinking about it, will check if this is a side effect.

Hi all,

Congratulations on finishing Ebim and enjoy your holiday. 

Wtp, good luck with your surgery which I think is later this week.

Blue, sorry to hear about your seroma and the wait for results, I know how crushed you feel when you have prepared yourself and then they are not back, it’s agonising to be in that limbo period.


Egg, I felt really washed out after the final chemo, heavy limbed and achy, swollen ankles etc. fatigued for the first time. I put it down to getting increasingly aneamic. It took me a good 4 weeks to recover. Last week was 5 weeks after chemo and I felt my normal energy coming back, I started spring cleaning (I have a great urge to get my life and surroundings back under control) and OH asked if I’d started on steroids again.

Plodding on with rads here, another 9 to go and finding it much preferable to chemo so far.

hugs to everyone, Beedot x

Evening ladies, I’ve picked myself back up again, not quite back to “normal” but better than last Friday!
Blue - that sucks, I think they forget how awful it is for us waiting on these results. Good luck for when you get the report ?
Just confirm I’ll have my mastectomy on Thursday. Had a good chat with the surgeon on Monday night. I won’t be able to have recon so trying to gear myself up for adapting. The surgeon told me that a lot of docs will not do recon if the patient has inflammatory breast cancer (as I think the recurrence rate is high). He says he is more open minded but it would be better to deal with the cancer now and maybe look at recon in a year. They also want to do the op ASAP and the plastic surgeon wouldn’t be available until August… ?
Anyway, a good look at my daughter and a reminder why I need to put life before aesthetics etc but it still sucks…
Dreading the moment before they put me under!
Did anyone else have any sort of goodbye ritual for their boob or just pleased to see the back of the cancer? I’m feeling really sentimental about it…
Lots of love to you all xxx

Hiya ladies

Ebim - have a lovely time in Spain. Enjoy the sunshine and the sangria!

Blue - following my mx back in November I developed a huge swelling under my arm. My surgeon said to just leave it but after a week or so it was really getting me down so I spoke to my Bcn and she said to come in and she drained it for me. It was such a relief to be able to have my arm by my side again and the although some fluid came back it was a tiny amount and that then disappeared on its own accord. So maybe talk to your Bcn and see what she says and over emphasis how uncomfortable it is.
Having your results delayed really sucks…but will have everything crossed for you on Friday.

Wtp - good luck for tomorrow. I remember standing in front of the mirror the morning of my operation and saying goodbye to my boob…sounds crazy I know. I also cried as I said goodbye to my husband and was taken through to have my anesthetic… So what you are feeling is completely normal. Like getting results the worst thing is the waiting part…just remember it is part of the cure.

I hope everyone manages to enjoy a bit of sunshine… Have school sports day tomorrow but not sure I have the energy for the parents race and do I trust my wig to stay on whilst running?!!

Nicky x

Dear Wtp - best of luck for tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and hoping it all goes to plan. You will be one step closer to “cure” as the oncologists like to say!
Big hugs,
Egg x

Beedot - like you I have been cleaning! I use it as my gauge for getting better - measure my breathlessness by how many rooms I can hoover before I get out of puff! ?