Chemo JAN 2017

Well…not good news.
My tumour on pathology was actually double the size they thought it was on MRI at the start of all this and my response to chemo has been poor.
The 5cm tumour found and several lymph nodes were still live, even after all of that chemotherapy! I am absolutely gutted, not only as I feel I went through 5 months of chemo hell and suffered the short term, long term and permanent side effects of chemo for nothing, I am so worried now for my future. I feel like I did at diagnosis all over again. I just want to run away from it all. Can’t stop crying. X


Sorry to hear your news. What have the team proposed in terms of next steps? I have alwayy found it takes 2-3 days to absorb and process the b****cks that this journey throws at us before coming up for air so to speak and starting to focus on the next stage.

Big hugs and love.

Slowski X

So sorry to hear your news. I don’t have any answers just hugs xx

Blue I’m so sorry to hear this. Did your team tell you what next steps are? I am thinking of you and sending you hugs xx

Scotty - how did herceptin go? I’m still waiting to have mine! Was meant to be 45mins ago!!

Wtp I am impressed with you posting the day after surgery. You are hard core!! Hope you get some rest over the weekend.

Jackie - I think you have finished rads today? Is that right?

Whisper it. So far so good. Still got time for it to happen so trying not to get ahead of myself. Top tip is to lie down if you can. Helps the muscle. Jab should take 5 minutes. Don’t let them do it too quick! Keep the good vibes coming ?

Blue, so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you. Xx

Blue I’m so sorry to hear your news. We are all thinking of you and sending love. Post more updates if and when you feel able. Sending virtual hugs. R x

Oh Blue, that really sucks (for want of a stronger word). I’m so sorry. did they suggest a plan from here? I’m here any time if you want to chat/rant/cry. This is the worst rollercoaster and absolutely none of us deserve to be on it. Sending you hugs and lots of love xxx

What a lot to catch up with - Blue I’m so sorry to hear your news ? I do hope you were told that they got clear margins and there’s no more surgery. Hopefully your wounds are healing without all that fluid, thinking of you xxx

It sounds like you’re doing really well Wtp, especially wearing your softie, I didn’t manage that for ages! And you got surgery knickers - I didn’t get those, very jealous, they sound lovely!!

Scotty I hope you’re still feeling well …

Blue I am so sorry to hear your bad news. Not much more I can add to what has already been said. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and hugs xzx

Thanks everyone for your messages, and to Becca too!
The pathology report on Friday contained so many nasty surprises - nothing is clear now. I still can’t get my head around it. I don’t really want to post the details on a public forum, so will PM you all when I get chance and when I know more.

Massive hugs Blue. How about setting up the Facebook group? Anyone know how?

Dear Blue, have been thinking of you all weekend. I’m hoping that you have an appointment soon for follow up to discuss next steps - I find it’s very hard to take in news and results at the time. Need to process it and then go back and see specialists. Anyway I hope they have a plan in place for you.
Big hugs
Egg x

Scotty - how did you go over weekend - no reaction to herceptin I hope! I found I had a really sore leg for the whole weekend on the side of the injection - like I had been doing lots of one legged squats! It’s easing off now so it’s just my numb fingers and feet I have to continue dealing with. Anyone else had that post chemo? I am like an 80 year old in the morning shuffling down the stairs?

Oh Blue, it sounds like you’ve had a really awful time. I understand that you don’t want to post all the details on here. Let’s get that group up and running! From what I can see, if I want to start a group I need to get at least one friend to join so will need to befriend at least one of you on FB to get it started - then we can all become admins and add others - I think! So shall I pm someone who is on FB at the mo and we can swap “real” details so we can find one another on FB? Any volunteers? Xxx


Just wrote a private message to you and when I pressed send I got an errtor message and it all disappeared!

Anyone got any idea about settings or anything?

