Chemo JAN 2017

Hello Blue. Just wanted to say I’ve been thinking of you over the weekend. Sending you love and hoping you have an appointment soon to discuss the details of your path report.  Take care, we’re here thinking of you. X

Hi slowski, I think you go on ‘my profile’ and tick the private messages box?
I’ve sent a private message to many of you. Let me know if I’ve missed you out and you want one!!!

Egg,I still have numbness in my fingertips and in my feet. Luckily I’ve only got one black toenail but interestingly my fingernails have horizontal ridges on them and funnily there are 6 ridges! I’m guessing this is the 6 chemo cycles. Anyone else got anything similar?

Does the numbness go?

Wtp, I’ll help with the fb page if you want to pm me.

I still have numbness and tingling in feet and toes. Also my fingernails feel very precarious, like they might slide off at any moment! I had my port out on Friday and it was fine. It was done under local and didn’t take long so hope this is reassuring for anyone else who needs to have this done.

Morning all, sorry not to have posted - I have been reading and keeping up to date but busy preparing for return to work next week. So weird to be heading back after nearly 8 months off.

Blue - I am sorry to hear your news, rant/rage/cry to talk to us … I hope that you are getting support from your team too and they have a plan you feel good about. Sorry I can’t remember if you were hormone postive, if so there are other weapons in the wings to throw at it all too. Big hugs

slowski/esther/beedot - my fingers and toes are the same - all feel like they will fall off at any min, finger nails the worst. What was weird tho, is this didn’t happen until many weeks after chemo and no ridges just the whole nail turning milky white and decesending down the nail, not from nail bed up which is what i expected. The numbness is driving me crackers but can’t work out if delayed se from chemo or new from the hormone treatment.  I also have developed pins and needles in both arms, some mornings I can’t even hold a cup, not sure how getting back to  work is going to be!

Scotty - still okay post herceptin? fingers xxxxx

wtp - hows your recovery going? I would be interested in the fb pg.

ebim - how was your holiday, hope you had some down time xx

Beedot - have you finished your rads yet?

Nicky - did you get on the trial you were talking about, I would be interested to know x


Much love to all, looking forward to meeting you all a bit more in the virtual person if we can organise Fb group!



i have just sent a couple of test pm to some of you as would be interested in the fb pg - most of the time i access the forum on my phone and it seems some of the functions of the forum can only be accessed when on the full site, i have found all sorts of new things this morning! xx

Hi all. Sorry not to have posted but I’ve been whacked by my radiotherapy journey.

Blue I was so sorry to hear your news. I saw it when you posted, and I’ve been thinking of you ever since. I don’t know what to say except please pm me if you feel like it, but know that we are all here if you want to rant/cry/scream.

Slowski/Esther/Beedot/Lighthouse, I thought all my nails were ok, but my big toe nails have gone very thick, and white. I can’t decide if it’s nail fungus caused by low neutrophils, or they are going to fall off. My fingernails have 6 white lines, not exactly ridges, but I’m guessing it’s the 6 chemo sessions.

Chemo - the gift that keeps giving!

 I am really wanting to be part of the Facebook group. If anyone wants to send me a friend request this is me:- edtited to preserve privacy But please put your BCC name in the message.

If all goes to plan, Ebim and I are hoping to meet up whilst she’s on holiday - she’s only 1 hour away from me, so if she agrees, I will take some pics of the 2017 Teddies on Tour.

My active treatment has now finished, but I would feel bad about shouting it out as so many of you have more trials to come.

I’ll just give myself the last badge.


Lots of love to you all.

Well done Jackie on finishing. You must be relieved that long journey is over.
On the subject of nails. All of my fingernails eventually fell off. When I say fell off I mean they just became weak and soft and tore off about half way down. But not painful. Then stayed liked that for ages! Now I think they are very slowly growing again. White wavy ridgey lines on them. It has amazed me how many things you need fingernails to do! I never realised before.
Last night my left big toe nail just fell off! Don’t know where - haven’t found it in the house and didn’t feel it go. My left big toe is the only bit which has experienced significant numbness. Still is.
Hair on head quite thick but very short still. Full on baby hedgehog look now.
Still experiencing anxiety. Made more so last night by finding a little lump in the breast which has been treated. Will get the radiotherapy nurse to take a look today when I go for burn check up. It feels movable like a little cyst. But this is my reconstructed breast so I don’t know what’s going on there. So tired of all this anxiety.
Looking forward to our fb group. R x

Robin, I was just using my hair dryer for the first time in 8 months and thought of you and was going to ask how your hair was growing now! And then I saw your post. I’m sorry about your current anxiety - this really is a horrific experience. I hope you are able to be reassured by the nurse later and your burns are improving?
Well done on the rad grad Jackie! Wish I was there with you and Ebim. Would love to see some teddies on tour photos.
Hope everyone else is ok. How are you post op wtp?

Hi everyone!

We have a FB group up and running now - pm me, Scotty, Fen Hen or Jackie for details - we need to add you as friends on FB and then can add to the group and make us all admins…

Blue and others not on FB, we will continue to support on here too, of course :slight_smile:

I’m doing ok post-op thank you! in fact, recovery has been much better than I had anticipated! Just got that dreaded report to come on the 24th… xxx

Wtp glad your recovery is going well.
Blue I am impressed that you are using a hairdryer!
The only place I need a hairdryer for is my bedroom ceiling - our roof started leaking today in the sudden downpour! That’s all I need to be dealing with now!!
Am hoping to get away for a weekend this weekend before seeing surgeon on Tuesday to get results of biopsy. I have a very bruised boob and a gigantic lump which I am guessing is where I have bled inside. Not pleasant!
Robin - I know what you mean about the anxiety. I find I am anxious about all sorts of things now which I wouldn’t have gotten worried about before.
I’m not on FB so please do all keep posting and looking in on here!
Egg x

Good luck for your biopsy results Egg - let us know how it goes! Are they just being cautious as you’re hoping for a lumpectomy? Leaking roof!! Nooo!!! Just what you need ? Enjoy your wknd away xxx

Hi Wtp - I also thought the biopsy before op was weird but apparently my surgeon likes to do it so she can decide how much tissue to take? I think she is very careful from what I’ve heard so it doesn’t seem to be normal procedure. I still can’t get my head around it as surely surgeon tries to takes wide margins anyway if they can? And I’ve already told her I’m not at all worried about cosmetic appearance (it was close to cleavage so she was worrried initially about how it would look) - I’m well past the days of low cut tops!!! Anyway. Just want op to be over and done with now!

First day back at work today after 8 months - am so shattered!

Hope everyone’s doing ok. Jackie well done on completing rads and all that travelling.

Scotty hope Herceptin was ok for you ?

Well done Slowski!
Herceptin was fine thankfully ?

Well done slowski. Not surprised you are tired! Does it feel good though to be back at work?

Wow slowski, well done on your return to work! I bet it’s hard going back after so long? I’ve only been off since April but I still feel quite nervous about going back!

OK…I have joined Facebook under a slightly fake name (so nobody else can find me!!), but haven’t the foggiest what to do. How do I send a friend request to Jackie (as she’s put some details in her msg) so I can join the Facebook warrior group!!!

I just accessed your Facebook page via your link and clicked add friend…?!! Argh! Was that right? I’m a technophobe!!