chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Hi Everyone

I had something really strange happen today and was wondering if it has happened to anyone else?
My left arm went completly dead and i couldn’t move it for about 10 minutes. It was really wierd because i tried lifting the arm but nothing, it was as though the arm wasn’t part of my body. I have had a complete clearance of lymphnodes in my right arm, but not my left arm!!! Should i be worried??


Hi Kirsty,
this is not something I am familiar with. Had you been leaning on it or anything that could have cut off the blood supply? This is also the reaction I get to the ibuprofen drugs and am now banned from having diclofenac or any of the ibuprofens. I would just speak to the BCN tomorrow to reassure myself if I was you, they do say call about anything. If you don’t want to do that, you could see if it happens again. Good luck and try not to worry
Lily x

Hi Lily

That’s the concern i know i wasn’t leaning on it. I will keep an eye on things and if it does happen again i will speak to the BCN.

Thanks Lily

Hi again Kirsty,
If you had it on the clearance side my head would have said lymphodeama check needed asap but it is the other side so that cannot be a concern. I am assuming you have had nothing at all on the left side? It could just be a nerve trapped and then freed itself. You just don’t need anything else to think about though do you?
One other option is to call up the number on this line to chat to someone from home initially. Every time I have called my BCN or research nurse I have got called in and then told it was fine, the main thing was I ended up going home reassured and being able to just forget it. So it was worth doing something about it,
Be brave
Lily x


Sorry I can’t help with your question Kirsty, as Lily has said ask your BCN, I’m sure they will be able to help.

To Lily and Lisa - I hope you are recovering well from your last dose. Lily, you seem very with it so sounds like all is going well at them moment although I know you said last time things hit you a few days after. Having got over one dose you will know what to expect this time which, for me, was really helpful to know when I’d feel better, have more energy etc. Take it easy and listen to what your body is telling you, I’m sure you both know that anyway and if it involves meringues - go for it!

Angie - hope you’re feeling more ‘up’ now. I know what you mean about the posts on here from Sue and Stuart, they do bring you down and I’m sure that all of that plus what we’re all going through at the moment is bound to affect us. I think that’s why wine was invented though!

Anyone else having treatment or recovering this week I hope it goes well.

Nicky x

Morning Ladies.

I’m back with the land of the living, or at least those with a sense of humour :wink: In retrospect I’m thinking that my ready to be at war with everything for the last few days was actually the fight or flight response. I literally felt like running away yesterday morning. I know what the drugs are doing but feeling it’s something else isn’t it.

Kirsty, do call the BC nurse. It sounds like just a trapped nerve to me too, was there any pins and needles when sensation came back. I’d says something just in case though.


thanks Nicky, you’re right I am on borrowed time till the symptoms start. I have been very surprised that I am not sleepy, well cannot sleep at all this time. I took a headache tablet last night that always knocks me out and had a complete night’s sleep and feel better for it. Slightly fragile so eating very carefully and small amounts often. Glad you sound well now go and enjoy this bit.
Angie, the epi gets in my head too and I was surprised how argumentative I got, just coming up to that bit and really hoping that I will deal with it better as I am expecting it. Probably not! Enjoy being yourself again until the next time
Lisa, poor old thing, how is it going with you? No doubt reliving the glorious moments again, but hang on because those great meringue days get nearer all the time.
Hugs to all of you
Lily x

hi everyone

hope youve all had a reasonably pleasant day,
hope lifes been kind to you all and not too much nausea, pain, fatigue or any of the horrible things we get with this complaint,
but were strong girls, we can do it, ( Just B + Q it) only joking not feeling like doing any diy myself. too busy enjoying the sun,
reading and doing anything else i want which is relaxing. thats one thing, i dont know about you, but i dont feel guilty at all, taking it easy.
so thats got to be one good thing thats come out of this. Putting ourselves first for a change


everyday matters
Thanks for that, excatly how I am feeling too. Just entering my totally selfish faze as I dip into my dark sleep as I like to call it. Just started to get really foggy and eyesight starting to go out of focus a lot
Girl power to you too.
Hope everyone else is ok. Lisa did you get dose 2 done.
Lily x

Hiya All
Im back - tangoes again though Lily - my face is burning off and bright red!!!
2nd does done and went okay but after being nervous didnt eat for a while beforehand so afterwards done something bad, had a Macdonalds - checked with nurses and said fine so I got my dad (bless him) to go in and ask them for it freshly cooked, it was yum but had munchies all night, bad back and stomach again which they will monitor, midnight came and felt really ill and I was sick for about 10minutes but felt a bit bettr afterwards. Not to bad today jst niggly back and stomach but a bit worried as Ive looked at my tablets and was only given steriods to take in the morning so worried Im gonna suffer more as last time I had two in morning and two in afternoon!!!?!?

Anyhow still munching a little more than last time hopefully not overdoing it tonight and having a little glass of wine - feel better than last time but sure its gonna drop soon - last night I just cried on toilet thinking cant handle it but I should be thankful it aint to bad it just doesnt helo you to be positive when its happening.

Lily glad the hair is staying, im getting used to being bald - although took the dog out with just a bandana out and everyone kept staring - glad the side effects arent too bad - Im off into work for an hour on monday maybe, again just so that I can go for my meringues.

Everyday matters - glad youve got some sun - im busy trying to keep my wig on in the rain.

Vertiangie - fellow cumbrian I love ennerdale and its on my doorstep but havent been for a while as i live on my own and feel a bit wierd going there but has nice memories for me too. I’ll check on the web site.

Heres to a better day tomorrow girls.
off for some more nibbles - hope it doesnt get me in trouble.

Love to everyone

Hi Everyone

Angie, Lily - Phoned about the numbness in the arm, also started happening in my legs, it is normal side effects of Chemo. Just told to keep an eye on things and hopefully won’t get any worse.

Second dose seems to be worse than the first with side effects.

Still staying positive and very very hungry… waken up at 3am wanting FOOD!! I feel like i have gone back 13 years to being pregnant:-)

Love and cyber hugs to all

Kirsty xxx

hope you’re all coping with side affect today.

Glad to hear it’s a normal side effect of the chemo Kirsty. My arms and legs felt heavy like I’d overworked them after my first dose couldn’t sit still.

Had my nadir bloods today, needle scratched me so arm sore now (they’re both affected arms too), arnica to the resue yet again.

Am knackered again today and had to see doc while up there because I’m showing signs of a poorly immune sys, ulcers and cold sores.

I’m eating manuka like no tomorrow, mum told me to dab a little of the honey on the ulcer itself. It’s so soothing. I also read that aloe vera is good for cold sores so my poor plant is minus one leaf now after I smothered it over my lips. Apparently the herpes simplex virus which causes cold sores hates it and shrinks back :slight_smile:

Anyway how you all have a great weekend.

Lots and lots of love


Hi lovies

Sorry to hear that it’s a bit of a downer for you all at the moment, except Everyday who’s a week ahead like me. Guess it’s a case of listening to your body (again!), taking it easy and trying to get past the bad days. I hope they don’t last too long and you’re all able to get out for a bit of fresh air at the weekend.

I’m on a ‘good’ week at the moment and making the most of it. Luckily no insects bites this time (yet!) so not on massive doses of antibiotics which made me nauseous for an extra 5 days on the last cycle. The hair situation hasn’t changed since last chemo which I find strange but I expect it to fall out big time next week. I’ve been wearing my wig to work this week as I’ve been working mornings. Had 2 compliments on my ‘hair’ and it was too complicated to say it was a wig blah, blah, blah so just smiled sweetly and said thanks!

Angie - I’m sure you’re sorting your immune system out but are you taking any echinacea? I dose up on it for the 2 weeks before my next chemo. Have no idea if it’s helping but guess it can’t do any harm. May find out next time my bloods are done.

I agree with Everyday that I don’t feel a bit guilty about doing nothing just after chemo - it’s one of the very few bonusses we get. In fact I quite enjoy that bit, not getting up in the morning, and doing b*gger all all day!

Glad that you checked out the numbness Kirsty - at least it’s less alarming if the nurse say it’s to be expected. My veins are really sore after FEC and I keep straightening my arm to make sure I stretch them out. Just hope there’s enough veins left to complete my treatment, they’re never very prominent at the best of times.

Take care everyone and hope the weekend is good to you.


hope everyone has a nice a weekend as possible. Ive driven for a hour today to drop my parents off for their hols - I’ll miss them like crazy but so glad persuaded them to go, theyve had it booked for about a year and it will do them good to have a break - although they didnt seem to think so, bless. Well off to friends tonight and bbq tomorrow - will have to try and pace the booze and nosh as dont want to overdoe it but feeling okay day 2 after chemo, hoping after steroids I’ll still be okay tomorrow

Hi everyone
Hope you are all picking up today. I have been asleep the whole day except for meals and right now. About one fifth of my hair fell out this morning so have been close to tears as I just have a horrible bald bit on top but all the back and sides ok. The hair is just like straw that fell off. I cannot decide whether to keep what I can so that it can stick out of a hat, there is enough to wear with a wide hairband or thin scarf too. Hubby brought me a big bouquet home to cheer me up, so had another cry. Not like me at all just bad timing I think. What a b…er to go so soon after all those hours in the cold cap on Tuesday.
Changing the subject, Lisa you take care now your back up is on hols, I am really starting to get tired but we are on different regimes so you may be better. I am not so red this time but have the mouth already - oh no I hate it so much. Nicky keep using the insect repellent and you definitely deserve a good spell this time. Glad the wig went down so well. Not sure how you all go to work at all. Angie might be time to do the nurturing yourself bit and take it really easy for a few days or more, sometimes you just need to use up no energy doing anything else, so your body can repair itself. Do you check out your complementary medicines, because I have to run absolutely anything through the hospital dispensary first. I am not knowledgeable enough to know which is safe to take and am too scared in case I take the wrong ones, but you seem to be coping really well with yours. Kirsty glad to hear that is normal and I am feeling worse this second time too, take care
Hugs to you all
Lily x

Heya Lily

To be honest I don’t check them with the hospital at all. They made it quite clear that they are of the opinion that it’s better to stay away from things *they* know nothing about. I respect that they must say that.

However I do have the ear of people who know about both chemo and homeopathy and vitamins so I’m taking their advice. I’m not using anything that operates on the body in the same way as drugs do. That’s why I’m not recommending anyone do what I do, but at the same time it’s my body not my onc’s :wink:

I know a lot of people would consider that risky and if I didn’t have complete trust in my homeopath (my Mum remember :wink: I wouldn’t do it but I know almost as much as a year 1 homeopathic student anyway so I have asked a lot of questions too.

Lily I hope you get used to your new hair. Mine is starting to go wavy, it’s never done that before… here we go I reckon. I will take your advice and take it easy this weekend, my appetite is finally slowing down a bit, hurrah.

Have just joined the facebook breast buddies group so may see you there too.

I imagine the freedom to post links there may take me there more often than here actually :wink:

any of you on there?

Hi everyone,
Vertangie, no I am not on there. I think you should write a book about alternatives for BC ladies, there is a lot of interest. Are you starting to pick up a bit now? I am a bit chirpier, but really sleepy still so just lazing about
Have been very emotional today, more tears than any other time, not sure what that is about . Probably my hair is making me face up to my mortality again, I keep trying to dodge the thoughts but they catch me every now and again, when I am least expecting it. Need to get distracted with something cheerful. This epi does play with my head around this time on each dose.
Have a good weekend everyone
Lily x

Heya Lily…

One word… Steroids.

my god the mess with your feelings don’t they. I bet you just finished on them for this cycle didn’t you? From now on every single mood is being blamed on the steroids. Even my OH’s moods are now too as I think he’s in a foul mood when he’s fine… steroids.

I feel wiped today but more stable and less hungry. I think they’ve finally left my system.

Wish there was an antidote for them, well I reckon there is but it’s not legally available :wink:

Hope it passes soon hun. Movies really cheer me up. Actually Top gear made me laugh so very hard, so hard. The sight of Jeremy Clarkson sinking and a VW campervan/narrowboat, please stop me laughing… it hurts :slight_smile:

it’s on the BBC iplayer…

episode 3. Hope it helps.

Hi Everyone

Hope all have had a good weekend and now feeling to bad!!

Angie - i am on facebook and have joined breast buddies! My name is under Kirsty Read so your welcome to have a look.

Lily - Sorry to hear your feeling emotional. The medication does that to me also one minute im smiling the next im crying for no reason. Im sending you a hug for support:-)

I am now off to raid the fridge. One thing i can’t seem to get rid of is hunger pangs!!!

Kirsty xxx