chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Hair in a part of the body that doesn’t usually see daylight is falling… yikes. H on head is still there though.

Did anyone else loose body hair before head, that’s OK at the moment.

Lily hope the steroid are leaving you alone now. Kirsty enjoy fridge. I’ve now gone of food because my mouth hates me (2 ulcers and a generally feeling of sandpaper :wink:

Hey Angie - I lost body hair before my head!!! I now have a brazilian with no razor involved:-)

Yes I think you are right that it is the steroids and the epi too, the emotional hit was much worse than the physical one so far this time. That always catches me out but not moody at all feeble, totally feeble. Re the hair, yes down south was hit first but just thinning then came head, no sign anywhere else. Weird arrangement. If I pull some hairs on my leg they just fall out and other really hurt. Do you get a fine peeling of your skin each time? I am just looking dry and scaly on day 6.
Lisa how are you old buddy, I know you are on your own at present and will be going through the ringer too. I am a little messed up this time but climbing out as we speak. Hugs to you
Lily x

Hiya All

Im here - god its a rollercoaster this time - havent been as sick but think Ive cried and slept buckets!! The mouth slime is causing me to nibble to try and get rid of it and then that makes my stomach and back ache, really hoping its down to eating and lack of going to loo as much as normal! hating the bald head thing but I think my stubble is growing already!?!? bit wierd and going to ask about it as thankfully touch wood the eyebrows and lashes are still in tact, down below moved first then stopped and no other movement, under arms gone but hair leg aint moving - and refusing to shave owta principle. Think its just hard as all keep saying once all your treatment is over we will do something nice - but I dont feel its ever going to be over and treatment might end but then Ive still to decide on recon and still have no hair! Think Im just twining girls, sorry!!!

Lilly - hope the hair holds out - I couldnt stand the pain so had to come off - its nice at night but hate the whole having to get up and cover up etc.
Kirsty - Im on facebook but not on breast buddies but might join in.
Vertangie - glad you are doing quite well - hope it keeps up.

Well off for something else to nibble to get rid of the slime - its awful when wake up first thing - yuk!! Has anyone bloated out - either my tummy is bloated as jeans tight or its all the M&S goodies!

Afternoon ladies, Hope you all made it through the weekend and have big smiles on your faces (even if there’s nowt to smile about)

I’ve just started a discussion on Neutrophil levels as my bloods on Friday have scared me, a little too much. Guess I’m doubling the manuka intake now. I really hope they pick up, great way to distract me from the sensitive scalp.

Lisa know what you mean about deciding about recon. I decided to see it like this. Try the prosthetics for a year and if I don’t like them and haven’t got used to new body shape then I can have the recon. I’m pretty sure I won’t have recon for a few years at least as I really can not see my choosing to have another op and going through all the healing again. I think I’d rather go see a shrink and get my mind to adapt to new shape actually, after all if I’m not happy with my new body shape then it’s the happiness that needs fixing not the boobs. It’s just how I see it.

The shrink could also help me come to terms with the new bulbous belly while I’m at it :wink:

But perhaps we should all be chatting about the things we will do after this too, life after BC. I will do a lot more travelling, starting with Scotland, then Ireland. then Europe (I love french food, I mean love it)

What can you see yourselves doing this time next year, and you can pretend that Britain has predictable warm weather if you like.

Hi everyone (first half of this is depressing, so ignore it).
Before I move to your lovely mood change Angie, must respond to Lisa’s posts.Lisa you continue to be my twin through this. I am a just bald on the top monk (only seen in my other twin Nicky) , who has cried most of the weekend, with a red face, just finished raspberries and meringue and has been poooooooless for 5 days and thought I had twisted my bowels when it all came to fruition tonight! I think that sums up the rather crappy state I have been in this time. Far far worse oh yes. When I think that on the second half of my treatment I would be going back in tomorrow for a second dose I just don’t think I can face it. Yup Lisa it got me worse too. It was Fathers Day too and I missed my Dad and everything and I’m still not sure the blockage is cleared completely. Ohh and from my mouth I assume I must be licking the dog all night!Yuk
Right now back to Angie’s lovely thought. Yes I do want to travel once I sort my finances out from taking what will be almost a year off work. There is some problem about sunbathing after rads and I just cannot resist a tan if given the sun so thought I might go to America, if that is the case. got the offer of free board and there is so much to see, I think I could avoid sunbathing. Shopping in the big apple or Boston or the Kennedy Space centre or loads of places. Apart from that it will be back to teaching and loving sitting in my desk instead of nauseously watching daytime tv.
Hugs to you all
Lily x

hi nicki

only 2 days of comfort, before are next lot. enjoying the moment. hope you are too. i will be going to stay at sisters plenty of family there, they have more patience than hubby. he tries but he just doesnt know how to comfort me., and i am such a baby if im sick!
i dont think i will be too bad (hopefully) because i will have the same anti nausea tablets as last time and they did the trick.
only trouble is ive put about 1/2 stone on already!
enjoy tommorow, at least we will be ok after about a week again
take care
lorraine x

wishing you a smooth passage with your next dose ladies but until then enjoy the moment
Lily x

Lilly hope you are feeling a bitr brighter!! Think Id prefer to be sitting with my parents in their villa in Florida right now or would put up with a nice bar in Dublin - wishful thinking eh!

Well Im feeling much better apart from the odd wobbler - been back to work already too. My problem today is spots - can you believe the side effects from chemo - had a itch on my cheek, hour later I had broken veins all over cheeks, spots under the skins which I now have about 30 with white heads - apparently could be a reaction to steroids - havent had spots for years. Apparently someone who I was in contact with over the wekend has chickenpox so fingers crossed its not that!

Vertangie - Ill post re low bloods as I had same expereince and all was fine

Hey Lisa
I am sooo not doing a twin on the spots, fingers crossed. I think it is too quick for the chicken pox to incubate but you better check tomorrow just in case. I assume you have had them? My gosh you make me feel like a slug, back at work already!! Hero!! I am actively researching meringues for the welfare of others and trying not to feel guilty about it.I have a 6 month sick note that says I have to go back on 14 December, if I can afford to stay off that long
Please do something to stop the next 2 weeks from going by so fast this time, I am getting grumpy about keep going back.
Lily x

Dont get the twin spots, itch like hell!!! i go to work for my own sanity believe me as I sit on my but and do nothing even though house is a tip. work gives me some normality but like you say it makes the time go by sooo fast as I feel the old me a bit more this time! gonna try and not think about going back until after the last weekend. Had the rat cut again today and had the head shaved again, its stubbly which shows it hasnt all gone, hope this doesnt mean its not working! off to bed now, its throwing it down and windy so might stop in bed for a while tomorrow and work from home


Hi all

It’s all the ‘extra’ side effects that seem to get us down isn’t it? I’m ready to cope with tiredness, nausea, hair loss etc then wham! something else appears. Sorry to hear about the spots Lisa, as Lily says you can twin that on your own, poor thing! My problem seems to be achy and stiff veins in my chemo arm. I’m hoping they don’t get worse each time but I’m not holding my breath and I’ll probably end up with a PICC line which will be a pain as you have to have the dressing re-done every week and as it’s an external line it’s more open to infection. Will keep you updated. Going to the vampire room this morning for my bloods to be taken. I feel OK so hope the counts are good for tomorrow. I’ll get it over and done with early and then have the rest of the day to do all the things I need to do for the next week when I feel rubbish. Should be a busy one!

Lorraine (Everyday…) Yep - here goes another round. I think you’re on the same type and number as me (FEC No3?) so at least we can tick another off and if you are the same we’re halfway at this point - can’t wait to start counting down instead of up! Glad the anti-sickness worked last time. I definitely didn’t feel as bad although I thought it dragged on an extra day but nothing that I couldn’t handle. May ask for some heartburn tablets this time( I forgot, THAT"S another thing I didn’t expect) as it was this that made me feel grot for the extra day or so. At least we know what to expect so I’ve written off this weekend and most of next week. I just get very bored doing nothing and not being interested in doing anything all day. I find I have no energy but if the weather’s good this time around I’ll haul myself out for a walk! My weight goes up and down a bit. I tend to lose some weight straight after chemo as my appetite isn’t so good but go back up by my next one. I haven’t put on any weight overall but am watching it like mad as afterwards I don’t think it will be easy to lose as I will be post menopausal one way or the other (chemo or Zoladex).

Lisa and Lily - keep on the road to recovery, hope you’re much better in a day or so, enough to do a thorough meringue campaign - all in the interests of BC research!

Angie - nuture those neutrophils and talk nicely to them, I’m sure they’re just hiding!

Good luck to everyone this week, whatever stage we’re all at, and to Maria hope chemo went well yesterday and you get over this one OK.

Nicky xx

Hi al
Had no 3 FEC on June 5th so also half way through also feel sicky for week to ten days then ok eat loads but so far no weight gain chemo arm aches feels bruised when touched on knocked can’t wear tight sleeve or braclets on that arm also had bad indegestion and feel tired but have gone back to work as find it’sbetter to kep busy they have been very good if I feel tired I go in hour later also found some llighter jobs for me next chemo june 27th two thirds of the way through them the radio to get through most of my hair has fallen out ow a few fluffy bits round the edge trying to decide weather to shve it all of don’t know if it will grow back better or not

Hi Sally

Well done, half way there and counting I bet! Sounds like you and I have very similar symptoms although I tend to pick up after day 5 or 6 and feel great until a few days before my next chemo when I’ve noticed I feel really tired - could just do with a snooze right now in fact! My hair is on it’s next instalment of dropping out, so find lots of more shorter hairs this time round. Can’t be bothered to shave it but I could change my mind if it gets on my nerves. I’ve accepted the hair loss part as I don’t feel it’s ‘my’ hair anymore and if/when it all falls out I won’t have to keep yanking my wig forward to cover my low hairline. It will just feel very odd and probably very cold if the weather continues like it is. I’m definitely sporting the fluffy look as well, it’s probably not been like this since I was a baby and I guess I looked a lot cuter then!

Hope you cope with rest of chemo and the rads don’t get to you too much. I’ve unfortunately (to say the least!) got mets in my hip and possibly a small area in my spine so my follow on treatment is hormone therapy. I did have rads when I was 1st dx in 2004 having had a lumpectomy and no chemo. They can really get to you by the end of them, how many do you have to have? I had 30 ie 6 weeks and by the end I knew not to overdo it each day, you do get very tired and this may be more noticeable if you’re just getting over chemo.

Enjoy the rest of your ‘good’ week before your next chemo, I’ll be on my cr*p days!

Take care

Nicky x

Hi All

I thought i would share my CHEMO BRAIN moment… now you can laugh or cry!!!

Went to hospital today for my onc review, OH took the afternoon off work and away we went. Arrived at the hospital, left hubby to find a parking space and went in. Got to the reception to book in only to find that i have got the wrong day. Should of been tomorrow…Doh. It was even written on the appoinment card has Thursday!! Luckly the nurses took sympathy and got the specialist nurse to see me today. OMG did i feel like a plonker. I haven’t got a clue even now why i thought it was today. Hubby just looked at me and shook his head, with a snigger under his breath.

Kirsty xx

great one Kirsty, you are sending me off with a chuckle tonight. By the way don’t forget to go tomorrow and hope it goes well. Lisa just wondering how the spots are going, did you get them checked out? I am taking ranitidine tablets for my stomach acid, I feel like there is a rotten potato stuck in my stomach, really unpleasant and giving me burps non stop. But I don’t care because dose 2 is out my system and meringues are back on the menu and can go out for a burn up in my car again, I hate it when I cannot drive it after spending all my savings on a mid life crisis car. I get the acid every time but at least the tablets don’t taste, I absolutely retch with those creamy ones for anti sickness in the first few days, this time I had to roll each one in a spoon of jam first. Anyone else have the same ones?
Nicky and every wishing you well on your next trip and a smooth passage. About veins Sal too, I get my drugs through the port now, but had been advised to keep gently massaging the vein after treatment with arnica, I used vitamin E cream which was just handy and seemed to be ok. You have to watch out for phlebitis, sounds like flea bites!! Nicky hope your bloods went ok and that your counts are high enough, it would be a shame to need another procedure this far down the line, but you do get advantages like no cannulas or arm pain. Keep us posted how you go.
Love to everyone on their way up from a dose and biggest hugs for those on their way down the hole for a bit.
Lily x

Well, what do you know, all this talk about low neutrophils has scared mine into hiding so no chemo for me today. Annoyed because I wanted to tick off my half way point but OK about it as I have an extra ‘good’ weekend to enjoy. Guess I’m on same treatment weeks as most of you lovely ladies on here now - so no more perking you all up! That’s a lie as we can all do the perking together!

Kirsty - I know what you mean about chemo brain I kept thinking it was Thursday yesterday and had to keep checking that I hadn’t missed my appointment - wouldn’t have mattered anyway going on the stupid neutrophils, grrrr.

Take care for all of you who didn’t miss your treatment today and hope the recovery is quick.

Nicky (annoyed but at least I can have a glass of wine tonight!) xx

not sure whether to commiserate with you or not. It would have been nice to think half way but your lovely weekend is priceless. If the world blew up on Monday you would have enjoyed so much more!!! You will be just a week ahead if we both go to plan. Who knows what mine will be. The third epi can be tough I heard, hope not, I felt like a paper bag on number 2. Were the neuts much below what they wanted and did they give you anyhting to boost them or is it just time? It does make me think that I should not book a holiday until last minute just in case mine drop. it is annoying though.
Take care, eat loads, lie about and have another couple of glasses.I’ll send my neighbour over!!
Thinking of you
Lily x

Hi Lily

Well there’s a cheery thought about Monday! As you said though, at least I would have had a good weekend! My onc thinks it’s just down to needing a bit more time to get the neuts up to the right count, they weren’t dangerously low but need to get above the right number. Having said that it is a bit disconcerting to know I’ve been wandering around for the last week thinking I’m fine whereas I would have been really susceptible to infection! Wish we had a permanent neut counter attached to us!
I had expected this to happen at some time but as I was feeling fine hadn’t expected it now. Hoping it doesn’t continue and put me back by a few weeks overall as I’d got it in my head I’d be finished by Sept. We’re also wanting to take a holiday after all this bit is over with but will wait to book anything abroad until I’ve finished chemo. Hubby and I are taking a couple of short breaks in the UK though this summer where we can cancel at the last minute if we have to.

I’m due my next FEC on Thursday, so fingers crossed the counts are good but I will be making the most of my extra week off chemo.

Have a good weekend and avoid the neighbours, or one special one at least!

Nicky x

I have eaten normally since I have started my chemo no fancy foods and had take aways where I know them to be safe only thing Ive eaten more is mushroom great for white cell count. My bloods have been as follows Before chemo Hb14 Wcc 8.1 Platelets 301 and neutrophils 5.7 before second chemo they all went up as follows Hb14.2 Wcc10.40 platelets 534 and neutrophils 6.12 so must be doing something right I also sucked on ice lollies during my chemo and have had no problems with my mouth what so ever and if it wasnt for the fact my hair has fallen out I wouldnt know I was having chemo as have no side effects or very mild what so ever havent even needed anti sickness tablets.
