chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Joanne you just volunteered yourself to go and have our doses too, while we bask in your shadow and munch meringues trying to get better!! Well done you. I can beat you on most of your first figures but sank way below you on2 mustbe because I hate fungus!! I did get a bug and temperature last time, so would that make much difference?
By the way are any of you much more thirsty than usual on epi? My tongue always feels like it wants to jump in a bucket of water! Any news about you??
Nicky how lovely to have so much planned, I am so envious. My half pay from October will mean losing quite a lot of money each month. I’m sure your dates will only change by a week, read the thread on neuts if you have not already, people are back up very quickly
Good luck anyway for Thursday. Lisa are you ok, not working too hard I hope, having a good time is fine
Lily x

hya everyone please forgive me for being THICK but ive seen a lot of people saying they suck ice lollies when having their chemo where do you get them from now i can see you all having a smile but im intrigued does the hospital provide them coz if you took them with you it would melt wouldn’t it now i can still see you all amused by this and nothing against blondes but im not one of them lol xx

I have not sucked any because the cold cap at -3 is bad enough trying to stay warm. But our chemo unit has a fridge, freezer and kitchen to put things in and make drinks, picnics, lunch, whatever you want really.
Lily x

hi nicky
so sorry your chemo didnt go ahead,maybe it was for the best you need to be on top form, and at least having the blood checks make sure of that., my bloods were evidently fine, i was a little anxious this time, didnt feel upto it at all i had just finished my period and felt really weird not sure if hormones are being affected but up to now i have been having periods all the way through. came home still felt a little off it, the nausea still not too bad on these new tabs but certainly dont feel great, like weve said, it about a week before we are on top form. i dont think im drinking as much as i should. but really trying,
anyone else please keep taking care of yourself and lets hope this time passes quickly. all the best girls take it easy x

Hi everyone
It was a bit disappointing weather today wasn’t it. I went to a local fund raising bazaar for breast cancer and had a big strawberry fresh cream scone tea, so it was worth going just for that. I really just went to support all the volunteers so had a go on a few stalls and won an enormous yellow cuddly chicken. Had to lug that around until I got home. Two ladies stopped me to tell me how beautiful it was and my Grandson immediately announced he was taking it home, so that was a nice thing to happen today. Just one of those normal sorts of days you never fully appreciated before BC.
everydaymatters - you should be on your way back up very soon. Try to keep drinking or you will get the horrible mouth symptoms. I always say I feel like I have been licking a labrador all night and my tongue goes white, yuk.
I have eaten too much cale, also brought home from the bazaar and if I keep this up I am going to be getting a bigger dose next time! Anyone else getting bigger?
Hope you are all ok
Lily x

Hi everyday - glad you got your dose but feel sorry for you feeling rotten - at least you know you’ll be on the up when I (hopefully) will be on the way down. Never thought I’d say that I hope to feel ill - guess that’s the joy of chemo for you! Definitely keep drinking however difficult it can be. I hate the taste of tea for the 1st week so only drink water with cordial in it but that it too sweet at times. I found lime cordial was good last time as it’s a bit sharp - just like me LOL. I normally can’t wait to enjoy a nice cuppa after the horrible taste and smell bit has gone. I’m still waiting to see what’s going on in the period department. I keep getting some mild hot flushes so not sure if the 1st 2 chemos have done their job, I should find out later this month depending if I get my next period or not.

Lily - well done you for helping out, I’m crying off any activities like that as I really can’t be bothered at the moment. I do hope to do something once I’m out the other side of chemo though and will hopefully tap my good friends for some fundraising - playing the guilt card! As you say it is good to appreciate the small things - which I think we all do when this rotten thing gets us. My hubby and I took advantage of my lack of chemo to go out on Friday afternoon and find a small village stores that we knew sold an English wine we had tried earlier in the year, we got lucky with the weather and had a pub lunch on the way and a nice walk round a beautiful village when we got there. The big plus was buying 6 bottles of wine (shame to waste the journey) and can now look forward to enjoying them throughout the summer!

Hope the cake has subsided! And aren’t you a clever girl winning a big yellow chicken! Bet your grandson loves you even more now.

Take care to all of you on this thread.

Nicky x

hi nicky and lily

am really really trying to drink, i know what you mean. and lily i know what you mean by the weight gain, its quiet difficult to control it at present i think we deserve a few treats like fresh cream scones and strawberries mmmmmmmmm!
i hope you manage to get treatment this time nicky, i will pray for to go my son wants to get online, speak soon take care x

Heya Ladies just got back from the camping trip from hell, well most people would have called it that in force god knows what gales that we had last night. I kid you not I have never seen rain like it so we drove all the way to southern scotland to sit in a van watching rain most of the time.

What makes it worse is the place was beautiful and would have been a superb break at any other weekend of the they year so far. Still managed to laugh about it and we have found the last of the leaks to fix :wink:

In for FEC 2 tomorrow assuming bloods OK. Hope you get yours Nicky and hope everyone else had a good weekend or is at least holding up.

Lots of love


hi vertangie

so sorry u had a disapointing trip. the weather was a bit dismal this weekend. such a shame when we have only a few weekends to look forward to. but never mind thats in the past, and we will have lots to look towards. hope you get 2nd fec tommorow. i have just had 3rd last thursday, so hopefully well on the mend now, planning my fun days.
just had a big mac and fries, gotta stop doing this, but no self control at the moment, put all my weight back on i lost prior to chemo. but it is my sons 13th birthday, and ive decided we deserve to celebrate as well, seeing has we brought the little darlings into this world.

maybe next time you could camp in the garden? not so far to a warm comfy bed, (saying that ibve never been to scotland and would love to.
many blessings on a quick recovery from chemo on monday.
lorraine x

what a beast about the weather on your trip Angie. It has been ok with us down South in fact I don’t mean to rub it in but we all caught the sun today. It was the race for life and 2 of my daughters ran in it with ‘Mum’ written on their back. If that wasn’t hard enough to blub over then 3 other friends ran up and said we are doing this for you. Finally 2 girls out of my tutor group were there and said we’ve guessed Miss and they ran too with their Mum who is just clear of BC. Have you been to one of these events? It was a very emotional place and I had to stop reading the signs on people’s backs in the end. It felt like the whole world had lost someone! Came home and had a sleep, after not running one step! Anyway I cooked a big roast dinner for 7 tonight and made a big strawberry flan to thank them for their efforts. Nicky I hope you get your next dose in, is it Thursday? I am sure you will because lots of people post that they have to lose a week and when they go back they are really good neuts again. My friend’s have been on one for the last 2 and they have said that a rest in the course can be a really good idea sometimes or they just keep dropping. Try not to polish off all the wine before then!
I don’t know how you are supposed to eat healthy things if you have to eat cooked food every time you go out. It automatically puts you in the big dinner dishes. I cannot chance having a salad out again. I suppose the diet will follow surgery, chemo and rads and probably the hardest one to keep to!
Have a lovely week or get much better soon
Lily x

Hiya all

Soz for my absence, left my lap top at work then been hectic at weekend - thank god! Hope you are all well. Nicky soz bowt your missing your chemo, dont worry about the low bits though I was paranoid and felt lower this time and they were higher!! Lily you seem like you are back on the meringues - having withdrawels so compensating with wine instead and feeling really good at mo - brows still hanging on thank god and waiting for friends hubby who is painter to decorate my bedroom and im so impatient. Mam and dad are having a lovely hols and costing us both a fortune to keep in touch with florida on a daily basis!!! brother been round helping with some jobs bless him so Ive ended up deciding to decorate my living room too!! had a wobbly where I thought maybe I shouldnt bother incase im not around to much longer but then got on with it and dead excited, giving me something to look forward and concentrate on - so off to web hunt for a red chandalier!!!

Vertangie - bet you nearly got swept away this weekend - weather awful.

Hope you are all doing okay - Lily heres to making best of our last week and bit - I feel quite cheery and the old me apart from dodgy energy levels

Hi Lisa
wondered where you had been, glad to hear you are well and yes we have a good week and a bit ahead before we go down the dark hole again. I am a bit worried because I have read a number of people saying number 3 is tough on epi and you feel much more tired. Still no time to think about that now, we have no choice really so will have to put up with it! I bet your MUm brings you loads of nice pressies as she has been worrying about you all her trip. I like the decorating idea, very good idea to cheer yourself up. What colour schem is it. Red chandalier, very changing rooms, what are you going to get up to in there? I have actually (doung our twin bit again) booked someone to do our hall, landing and stairs but they can’t start until July, so will have to be patient. It looks terrible as we took all the wallpaper off about 2 months ago. I eventually told my hubby he was sacked and booked someone to do it. We have a big garden and it takes him over 3 hours just to mow it so if he decorates too I will never go out the door at the weekend.
Well just thought I would say hi as you were on line. Have a good week but what with energy levels? Take it easy as neuts can be low on this one
Lily x

Had my neuts checked and 1.5 which was much better than the 0.4 last time. I think each one differently, dont like to count my chickens but 2nd was much easier than first and nurse told me 2nd would be worse! defo doing the twin thing again eh - sure you dont want no spots - starting to ease off a bit so hopefully by weekend I can have a night out - yippeee!!!

I can never do simple colours, always like to go simple then have to add a splash of colour, living room is black and white with purple bottom (not mine) and accessories so baby bro has made a nice unit for me today as I make handmade jewellery so I can stash it all away (comes in so handy just pick a top and off, unfortuantely everyone else drops their tops off to - in fact my dad bless him took a few bits into hospital as works their and have had lots of orders, nurses all knew me as bead girl when went in!!), so all purple packed away, sticking to black and white and gonna have a go at painting tomorrow with sis in law after work and go big black and white flowers on fire place and white elsewhere, my furn black and red accessories - god help the C Card.

Hope you are like me and at this mo cant believe Im doing so well, think back to day of 2nd chemo and was so low so have to hold onto the fact that feel better. Had awful back pains today but just discovered my periods set in - so much for this chemo stopping it and I thought I would have at least one bonus!!

I dont do patient, off to paint some wall hangings now - have a lovely week! p.s. spots easing off. Had a lovely night seeing SATC at pics and about 5 girly flicks coming up so looking forward to some girly nights


Quick note to Angie, hope chemo goes ahead today and you recover from it quickly. My 2nd FEC was fine, didn’t feel worse than 1st one, in fact felt less nauseous but did have heartburn for a few days which sort of made me feel nauseous if you know what I mean? Fingers crossed it’s all OK and another one ticked off.


ps off to work this morning so will catch up with other posts later - thanks for everyone’s words about missing my chemo - we have made the most of it this weekend and i=unlike Lisa did have good weather. Just a quick question to Lily - which Race for Life were you at as we had our local one yesterday - was it the same I wonder?

Angie - sorry to hear about your camping trip. It always rains when i go camping so i sympathise with you!!! We are looking to going camping in August and we are going with some friends. They have never been camping before so fingers crossed that the weather stays fine!!!

lily - well done to your daughters for running the race fo life. You must of been so proud of them. I have a tears in my eyes from reading your thread thinking, what a good support we have round us.

Lisa - good luck with the decorating and enjoy your girly movies.

I am having a good couple of days and making the most of it, as my 3rd cycle of chemo is on Thursday (fingers crossed that blood test goes well). Went out saturday with some friends for a meal. I was like a coiled spring… can you guess it has been a while since i have been out!!! :slight_smile:

Hope everyone else is doing well and big hugs to all

Kirsty xxx

Hi everyone

Guess I’ll be teaming up with Kirsty this week as I’m now a week behind - yes that’s a WEEK behind, not a WEAK behind :wink:

I know what lisa means about low energy levels, I thought the 1st time was due to antibiotics but I’ve also had it this time, I guess it’s our bodies replacing all the blood cells that were wiped off the planet with the chemo. Feeling good at the moment, but I was last week as well so that may not mean much to blood counts. The annoying thing about it being cancelled is I had organised the next 4 days ie food, ironing, sorting daughters’ bits out, got my packed lunch ready and stuff to keep me occupied in the ward when boof, sorry not this week. I’ve now got a sense of deja vu and have to do it all over again this week, very weird.

Lily - I have done the race for Life twice, once before the dreaded bc struck and once when I had finished my treatment. It is an incredibly emotional place to be and when my daughter did it in celebration of me I very nearly cried and had to hold it together. I have said I’ll do it next year so fingers crossed but I think I’ll walk it this time not run it - way too much energy!

Lisa - Wow to the decorating! I’m afraid I’m not so bold with colours so when I eventually get round to doing some later this year it will be soothing colours - but we are talking the bedroom here, too bold and I wouldn’t sleep! I usually do all our decorating, hubby has no idea what to do! We moved to a new house 2 and a half years ago and it’s been bliss to do nothing at all. Our last house had to be re decorated throughout and that took ages especially removing the wonderful woodchip paper! Every job took twice as long as you’d expect with the preparation so I’m looking forward to just being able to decorate this time and not prepare everything 1st.

Have a good week everyone, especially ‘everyday’ and angie who are recovering.

Nicky xx

Heya Nicky. Enjoy the sun that’s come back and make the most.

I’m faring fine again. Bloods had fully recovered I put it down to the chicken soup thing and echinacea which I didn’t mention but only took for a few days.

Am now having 1 glass of wine after 3 liters of water (pee’s pink anyway :wink:

Lily your post re race for life made me go aw awww awww sniffle aww. Don’t know how you didn’t blub.

Urgh here comes the arm ache… still no nausea woohoo, just the lead jacket feeling again.

Oh yeah Hair was mostly in the bath last night. Ended up gently rubbing flannel over head to make it leave as it was soo itchy so thought to hell with it. Soaked head in vit E oil instead… AAAAAhhhhhhhhh, the hair that is falling is soft and not spiky now and soreness has gone.

It’s like sunburn isn’t it? Still everyone had a laugh at my hippy cow buff and I showed them how to wear them (I’ve been using them for years hence looking normal to all my mates, a wig would stand out LOL)


Sleep well and enjoy ladies. I must now pick a movie.

hi everyone

still not feeling brill, but can be expected sometimes, i normally allow myself a slow week, which means i have till thurs, but who knows what tommorow brings., i know i havent drank as much water this time, i did try but couldnt manage it somehow.
all this talk about decorating everything is more noticable when you cant do it somehow,.
loads of jobs have needed doing around the place and have just left them all of a sudden i want everything straight. not up to it at present, so for now it will have to stay till one day in the future.
taking care of ourselves has to come first, so for me it was a walk by the lake today.
i hope you all have some peaceful happy moments in your day tommorow, take the time to heal.
love and blessing lorraine

how are you all, we are a mix of great,ok and poooo at the moment from reading above, so biggest hugs to those of you struggling your way back out of it just now (ecerydaymatters get well soon). I always feel like my stomach and my mouth suddenly become much closer and more connected.
I have had a manic day thanks to a memory failure that made me say yes to everybody who asked me to go out or meet up, unfortunately I said yes to Monday every time. To make it worse I didn’t realise until Sunday night when I leapt in the air and said oh s…t I think I have done something silly. Well I agreed to see one friend for the morning, one for the morning and lunch, go out for the whole afternoon with my daughter, booked the mobile hairdresser for my son and hubby at 4pm and it was the day I get my Grandson from nursery and look after him. I did manage to do a version of this but boy do my feet hurt and I ate at every stop to make up for cutting my time short so I am really stuffed tonight. I have now got a piece of paper with each day written on it as I know I am going to just forget something important. And there it was, my daughter said oh I will take you for your blood tests on Monday and I thought I wouldn’t have gone!!! Has anyone had to cancel their chemo through forgetting yet?
Oh and something even funnier, I had my hair cut!!! Can you believe it? I know it was only half a centimetre off my fringe but I picked it up and carried it round the house to show everyone. Shame they weren’t as impressed as me, I think it is hysterical, mind you it took a while to find it on the floor first. I don’t know whether it is from the cold cap but I have not lost any Dennis or eyelashes. How is everyone else? Lisa the colour scheme sounds totally manic so I love it, do you feel the chemo is coming out on the walls too? I wonder if you will look back and say that tells you how I was feeling and preserve this time in your life. I am restricted by my hubby so cannot try to match your flair, probably stone and wood sort of natural nothing I reckon. Neuts were good Lisa, hope mine are when I go back, I have no mid cycle ones. Nicky it was at Hylands House in Chelmsford Essex. I will scream if you live near here so I can see your weak behind!!! I hope Thursday goes ok, I know your counts will be up!! Kirsty good luck to you on Thursday too, Lisa and I are back in the nuclear bunker next week and you should both be on the up by then. Angie remember to massage the veins with arnica or anything else suitable, it is supposed to help.
Going to the look good day tomorrow, will let you know what it is like
Lily x


I had my chemo brain plugged in when I asked you, Lily, about the race for life. I’d know if it was the same town (Blazingstoke) from previous comments duh! Don’t seem to be able to unplug it these days, especially when typing, if I didn’t have a spell checker I reckon everyone would think I was typing in code! Have now finished work and will be doing my usual Weds-before-chemo running around where I try to get 5 days worth of ‘stuff’ done in 1 day. Doesn’t help that I’ve got a load of birthdays to sort out, end of term bits and uni visits. Will just have to make sure they’re not all on the same day like you! Last week was a strange one as I kept thinking I was a day ahead so on Weds, despite going for my blood test that morning, I was sure it was Thurs and I should be having chemo, so altho’ I didn’t forget I thought I had if that makes sense? The only way I cope is lists - the problem is if it isn’t on the list it doesn’t get done! Have you preserved your cut hair - it may be the last bit for a while so you can look at it fondly and remember the olden days when we all used to go to the hairdresser - what are they by the way? Fingers crossed for this Thurs tho’ I’d really like to get this one done.

Angie - what do they give you to make you feel so good after chemo? Whatever it is can I have some please. I always feel like I’ve had all my energy sucked out of me, metal put in my mouth and going through a phantom pregnancy.

Lorraine - I’m still having sympathy symptoms for you as I know I should be feeling like you are right now. I guess you’ll be feeling the same on Thurs for me for the next 6 days :wink: As you say, all this energy used in decorating is way above me at the moment - just taking it as easy as possible for these few months and enjoying the everyday things - guess that’s why you chose your ‘name’ I still manage to do the basics around the house such as washing, cooking etc as much out of boredom relief than anything. After those few rough days I then make sure I have the joy of a quick Tesco visit to get all the things my hubby has forgotten or got wrong - he bought goats milk last time instead of semi skimmed (cows) milk - it’s not as if they’re on the same shelf! He’s so helpful and wants me to get over this bit as easily as possible but I am such a cow when I’m feeling rotten - definitely not a perfect patient.

Hope everyone else, who I’ve forgotten or can’t read in case I lose this post, is doing OK and here’s to high neutrophils for everyone due chemo in the next week or so.

Take care

Nicky xx