chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Hi Ladies

Thinking of you Lisa - I thought you were due for another dose but I’ve lost track as my dates have moved around so much. Hope all goes well with new chemo but I guess it’s stepping into the unknown again isn’t it? Take care though and we’ll see you the other side :slight_smile:

Lily - hope after effects of Epi 4 aren’t too bad but you’ll know what to expect. Once you (and I) are climbing out of the black hole you’ll have to tell us when CMF starts - hope you get some break in between and they don’t start the 2 weekly in 2 weeks times. I’ll also be still on here whilst you’re still going so they’ll be plenty of support from Angie, me and I’m sure some of the other ladies on here. We’re not going to let you down! How have you coaxed your neuts up? Must be the meringues - they’re the things missing in my diet! Halfway is good but I felt I’d still got a long way to go so, as you say, half hearted cheer. When I,eventually, get FEC No4 I’ll be happier as I’ll have less to go through than I already have whereas at the moment I know I’ve got to go through it all over again if you get what I mean.

Angie - hope birthday trip went ahead and didn’t need to worry about any leaks. It’s been nice ‘down south’ (country -wise not body wise ha ha!) the last couple of days but I’m hoping for rain tomorrow when I next go in for treatment. I get a similar dose to you for all drugs except I must be a bit fatter as my E is 180g! still can’t believe how little you suffer! But glad you don’t. I can’t imagine going out to the cinema or anywhere come to that for the 1st 4 days or so and even then it’s a struggle - although I think that’s a mental attitude as last time I had to go to Boots to get something and actually felt better than sitting at home all the time, may force myself this time as well, but we’ll see.

Off to get bloods done this morning - can’t wait! On the upside though yesterday I was nominated at work for employee of the quarter and bagged myself a bottle of champagne for this! Will be saving that up for when I really feel like it, will leave it chilling in the fridge to remind me!

Take care all

Nicky xx

well woke up feeling ok but had breakfast quick and realised it was quite difficult to eat it, anyway tablets in now and working. I hope this means I am back to my normal okish until Friday, when it all goes into a drunken bubble round my head. Mouth dry already so might have to try the lard dip again!!! Licking the dog seems a tasty alternative these days!!
Lisa lots of love,I think you will have your dose today unless they have changed your timings. Be brave and go out and get it done. The tax is a really good drug to smash the c so the payback on the best drugs is always high in side effects, but so worth it if it is the one to do the trick. Keep believing. I go on to CMF next and go 2 Tuesdays in a rowbecause the volume of drugs is too much for one dose, so I know how wobbly you will be feeling, I am too. Better the devil you know, hey. I want to do genetic tests but have to wait till much later.
Nicky my first CMF starts 21 days on, so 12 August and then back on 19 August and blood tests before each one too. Will have to start looking at my toes and not too far ahead again.It will be tricky to have my hubby there each time too and not sure if brave enough to go alone. Hope your neuts are up. I put mine down to not working, the meringues and scrambled egg non stop. My friend’s neuts have crashed and she has to be very careful as all other counts barely registering and she has benn told to imcrease her protein count dramatically, so that is the medical view. Good luck for the next one and that is so nice to know you will hang around too. Well done for your award, you deserve it, enjoy the champers , better than the dom periwhatsit we get!!!

Well my hubby has taken the opportunity to steal my car for the week as I don’t drive in the first week after hiting the flyover and the house once beforewhen under the chemo influence!! I have warned him that I am not taking any points for him if he decides to put his foot down, which is very easy on a ice stretch of road when you hear the roar of the turbo kick in. Do you get really mean when you come off the chemo? I am terrible and drive up people’s bumpers and terrorise the neighbourhood. I have no idea why I am not usually that bad. Hubby’s birthday on Friday so need to wrap his pressies up. We are giving him a surprisetrip to Brands Hatch to a racing day to also see Lewis Hamilton race and meet him and get autograph as he is a big fan. Sure you will just to stand in a big group of hundreds but should be fun and actually in my good week so I can go too.
Hugs to you all, NIc and Lisa see you down the dark hloe. Angie have fun until the next. Hi to everyone else
Lily x (sorry spell and type skills down the pan for a week)

Hi everyone, feeling a better thankfully. Had my hair cut really (and I mean really) short last night takes a bit of getting use to but the O/H said it looks cool. Goodness only knows what my son will think of it still we thought it may be easier if it does go to get use to it in stages. Lily I guess we have to think ourselves lucky (although it may not feel it at present) to be given the chemo as it least it will zap the little buggers and if we hadn’t been given it maybe we would be more worried in the future.

Hope you had a good birthday Angie! it is mine on thursday and hopefully we will be going out for meal (first evening out!!)

Good luck Lisa! Hope your bloods are good Nicky! and well done on the nomination.

We are all in this together and will all come out of it and have good lives again and truly value ourselves and our family and friends.

love to you all Bevy x

Hi everyone,
very pleased to have a goodish day but it can’t last for long, going on previous experience! Will hit on his birthday on Friday no doubt! Lorraine hope you are on the mend again. Lisa how did the first Tax go, keep us posted. Nicky hope you get your dose tomorrow. Angie keep having fun!
Bevy it was brave but a good idea to have your hair cut, not so much of a shock when it goes.You are right about the zapping and I will get zapped myself very soon!!! There have been some very sad stories lately so it does make me glad that I am having everything first go to try hopefully to get rid of it. I tend to be positive but it does not take a lot to give me a wobble. You are sounding really positive, just what we need. You will have to be cheerleader as a lot of us are going down the dark hole at the same time!!!
Hugs everyone
Lily x

hiya all - number 4 done! Trust me, I was told to start my steroids the day before but didnt realise dose was doubled!! so, after getting vien first time and taking bloods (neuts higher than when first started and white bloods up higher than last time too), they stopped my saline to give me steriods iv as hadnt had enough, then started chemo and then had phone call to give me more steriods, so halt chemo, add saline, steriods and then back too it - soooooo as you can imagine its now 1.20am and still wide awake, been doing housework, walked the dog, ate and ate and watched lots of tv - off to bed now to watch more, what ever did I do without sky plus!!! still bit apprehensive as to what tomorrow brings but would love to still feel like this, havent been sick!

Lily you will have toi keep me updated when you start next batch as my head is defo a shed as to people’s dates! I just really hope all these drugs work and not going through it all to be told spread afterwards but gotta keep positive, I just know Im always going to fear the next hurdle, radium, then nuther op probably then got to consider recon etc. Hope you have a few good days - need to get strawberries in but have morrisons very chewy meringues and my local ice cream at ready.

Bevy - hope you are okay and l look forward to hearing what you nosh on your first night out - the talking of food on certain days keeps us mad munchers going. somethings the thought of food isnt nice but always manage to eat.

Nicky - thanks, number 4 and first tax done - will see what tomorrow brings. Hope your bloods go well

Love to everyone else

Hi girls.

well woke up today to my 53rd birthday with a chronic migraine! just dandy so I will be having restful day so I am o.k. to go out tonight will report back with what food I had! At least the sun is shining and everything feels better when there is a blue sky. My daughter told me to think like a child as a child does not think back on yesterday and does not think of tomorrow but is totally absorbed in the here and now I took that on board but when I have a paddy (well kids do don’t they!) she doesn’t seem to like it can’t understand why. Still it’s my birthday and I will behave however I like. That is how we should all be treating this shit it is our time to be who we like, to do what we like, and when we like!! hope that kinda makes sense and good thoughts to you all.

love Bevy x

hi everyone

what busy bees youve all been. just got back from glorious break down portsmouth, and its taken me ages to read all your postings.

nicky 08
didnt mean to put you off 4th cycle, im back to normal now.(if i ever was normal). so dont worry too much. i think i probably wasnt much differnent from other doses. but the pressure was on because i wanted to go away so badly, i just felt so vacant my mind was numb (must be chemo brain they talk about) but on the morning, we were going away i woke up feeling ok and never looked back from there.
i did lots of walking , too much eating and a small amount of alcoholic drinking.,didnt have an ice cream though(maybe i will have to go back for that)
i cant believe how much weight ive put on, getting really concerned, but no willpower at moment.

lily 2000

hope you are coping with seeing mother in law suffering, must be really difficult. and families around cope with it so differently. but i do find men cope with it more by burying there head in the sands.(dont suppose they can help it, just the way theyre made.)
but at least she can be honest with you, because you partly understand where shes coming from.(hard for you though)

glad to hear the rest of you are trying to stay positive, and making the most of things when you can.

hope you enjoy some moments of today, if you are not up to enjoying it all
take care everyone. lorraine.x

Lorraine you should have taken us all with you , you sound fab. The break has really done you the world of good, bad luck back to the washing!!! Thank you for your thoughts, MIL about the same but struggling after the pile of visitors have worn her out. She will try to put a big front on and the suffers. My hubby cannot understand a word she says which is tough, I am obviously tuned into cancer talk without realising it. I have secretly bought a birthday present from het for him to keep, which I know he will treasure and doing the same for his brother whose bday is in 2 weeks so she knows it is done. Nurses have now brought in final medicines ready, not sure what that means. Of all the bad timing, her Macmillan nurse goes on hols this Friday and will be replaced by a man, not so good for a lady at her age but what can you do. He may be great.
Bevt Happy Birthday and hoping your bad head goes so you can really enjoy the rest of the day.
Lisa, only you could do that.!!! Still hope you enjoyed being high as a kite and that today goes well for you on the new stuff. I will move to my new one CMf in 3 weeks as usual, but then the timing goes funny, will let you know. Think about a spell with your parents if you get the aches, maybe? I love skyplus too, record loads for boring days
Hugs everyone, Nicky hope it went ahead
Lily x

Hooray, FEC No 4 done and dusted by 11.30, can’t believe it went to plan and that’s including 90mins IV biphosphonates as well. Home now and waiting for the slug stage to kick (crawl?) in.

Glad to see everyone is doing OK - Lily I’m assuming this is pre-slug for you? as you’re posting so well :wink: Sad to hear about your MIL and that maybe the end is not too far away, it will be a very sad time for your all and I hope you and hubby can support each other through the bad times that are bound to follow. I hope that she is very peaceful and that it is not too soon. let’s hope her new nurse is the bees knees. On another note my hubby would be sooo jealous of the treat you’ve organised for yours, really loves any motorsport but esp F1 and also motogp. Say hi to Lewis from us!

Bevy - very big Happy Birthday to you. Hope you can celebrate in style and get over the migraine. A nurse friend of mine used to have them really bad and knew chocolate was one of the main culprits so generally avoided it. When she had a migraine she used to eat it though as it was the only time she could without causing one, if this makes sense? Maybe time for a drink in that case, blame the migraine - hic!

Lorraine - definitely sounds like the break did you the power of good. I always think the last chemo was the worst whilst I’m recovering and then think back and know it wasn’t - how strange. You didn’t put me off No 4 - I couldn’t refuse even if it did :wink: But I like to know what to expect so I now won’t have you to follow as you move on to other treatments - I’ll just have to let you know what you’re missing LOL Hope all goes well with onc appt (think this is next ‘hurdle’) and you know whats happening next - please keep us posted.

Lisa - hope you are still doing well, is this your 1st Tax or is that your next treatment? I know you’ve just had FEC No4 so don’t know if Tax was at the same time? Seems a bit harsh if it was! Stay off the steroids from now on if you can! Or maybe join in our Olympic team?

Sky+ is fab except hubby is recording all the Tour de France’s so clogging up the box, what with absent daughter recording BB and Hollyoaks they’ll be no room left by the end of the week! I’m looking forward to my time out in August when the Olympics are on - guilt free viewing in the middle of the afternoon - result! Thank goodness they are that side of the globe and not USA!

Take care all you lovely ladies and all I haven’t mentioned, may be quiet for a few days now but will keep reading, and hopefully posting.

Nicky xx

Hi Everyone

Sorry for not being around for a while. Had a few cr@p days but now starting to feel better :slight_smile: Hubby and myself have just celebrated our 1st Anniversary on Tuesday, The year as just flown by. We are going to really celebrate in about a week, when my taste buds will able to appreciate the meal we are going to book.

Hope you are all okay and on the up. Big (((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))) for those who need one. I think you are all brilliant and a good support group. xxxxx

Lily - My thoughts and preys are with you and your family. xx

Happy Birthday Bevy xxxx :slight_smile: Hope your migraine clears up so you have a good night out.

Nicky - take it easy and hope the slug stage is not to harsh for you xx

Take care ladies xxXxx

Kirsty :slight_smile:

Just a thought before chemo brain kicks in:

Bevy - are you now going to be Bevy53? In which case I’m am not 8yrs old neither was I born in 1908 LOL Presume Lily isn’t 200 either? Kirsty - good to have you back and congrats on your Anniversary, well worth waiting a few more days to enjoy a nice meal - by the way, 1940 or 40? (ha ha - taking in the 1st anniversary comment above)

Nicky xx

oh yes I feel 200 today, no doubt about that one!! How about you Lisa are you twinning on 200 yet?? Hope you are fighting your way through it and put a hot water bottle if you can stand it, on any achey bits. Hope you get none of course. Zoe nice to hear from you and hope you have a lovely anniversary too, what a thing to have to put up with on your 1st anniversary!! Not fair at all.Where are you up to in your treatment now, brain is fuddled as had a dose on Tuesday, expecting to be cr@p tomorrow but in good company!! Bevy hope you got your night out and Angie hope you are out havbing a good time in the camper. Nicky you are sounding chirpy for a poisoned woman, how long can you keep it up? Really glad you got another one ticked off. I think we can say you are on the home straight now can’t we?I am looking forward to watching the Olmpics too. My daughter’s friend is a diver called Rebecca Gallantree and she is out there competing which will make it even more exciting to watch.
Hugs to everyone
Lily x


Well the chirpy bit could be over for a while as I had the worst night’s ‘sleep’ so far :frowning: Will be spending today trying to doze or maybe repeat my 1st FEC achievement of a solid 17 hours during the day! Only got up to have something to eat today so I can have the next lot of steroids. Felt very nauseous last night so may ask for something slightly stronger for next time.

I think chemo brain had started to kick in from my last comment to Kirsty - the joke was on the 1940’s bit not the 40’s bit as I don’t somehow picture you as a newly wed 68 yr old :wink: However, if you are - well done :wink:

Hi to everyone on here, quick posts from me for a few days, as the brain will be rather sloooooow.

Take care

Nicky xxx


Nicky - Im afraid to say i wasn’t born in 1940 even though at the moment my body is telling me differently. The reason i put 40 on the end of my name is, i turn 40 in October! Found it hard when i turned 30, so thought i would be ahead of myself and except that 40 is just around the corner. Any advise and did anyone else find it hard???

Lily - I am half way though the treatment now on the TACT2 arm 3. Will be going on to the tablets Xeloda next. Will be looking out for Rebecca Gallentree and cheer her on with the diving. Hope you feel better soon xx

(((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) to all

Kirsty xx

Hi Kirsty

I turned 40 a few years back but have yet to reach the big 50. To be honest neither bothers me. In my current stage of having 2ndary BC I’m looking forward to being 50! After original dx when I was 41 I tend to celebrate most things now - any excuse for a glass of vino or fizz and enjoy the smaller things in life. My motto for a long time has been Carpe Diem which is roughly Latin for Seize the Day (my youngest disputes the exact translation but she is doing A level latin!) In fact both daughters have had it tatto’d on them discreetly my 2ndary dx as they know it’s my approach to life. They tried to get me to but I’ve had enough of needles atm, but I did get a pink ribbon one done when I had finished my 1st lot of treatment :wink: I’d say make the most of being 40 and celebrate in style especially as I should think you’ll be over chemo by then? A double celebration. Let us know when so we can have a glass with you!

Nicky xx

hi everyone

nicky 08

hooray, youve caught up, hope you dont suffer too much, but your doing well, leaving some postings, i couldnt face computer for a few days.,dont suffer the nausea, the emend i have is brilliant. but only trouble is i can eat all the way through now, so i cant do my trousers up. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

lily 2000

well done, for shopping for your mlaw. that is something ive been thinking of lately. (not in a morbid sense) but finding an appropriate keepsake for our relatives. that will give her great satisfaction. and she must feel so blessed having a daughter in law like you. saying that you must be so scared at times, wondering what you are going to see.( and how you will handle it) but i will be thinking and praying for you.

everyone else, take care,look after yourselves.
lorraine x

Hi everyone,

nicky I would like to be Bevy87! hopefully one day I will be, Thank you girls I did have a nice evening out for my birthday went out for a pizza with the family and had my first glass of wine! such a dare devil. I am feeling much better in myself apart from my arm still really giving my gip with cording has anyone any ideas how long that goes on for my surgery was 4 weeks ago?

Hope you all have a feeling good weekend!

love Bevy

Hi lovely ladies,
I must be on borrowed time because I am still able to wander about, albeit slowly and very reduced energy. Took the last tablet today, always have a little cheer because that is when I class that dose as done, and then crash down as steriods wear of!! Hubby enjoyed his birthday, very pleased with secret present to see Lewis Hamilton next month and especially pleased with some rather fine cuff links to keep from his Mum. Makes me feel more useful doing something positive as everyone seems to be worrying about me these days. Lorraine, unlike some friends, I was blessed to have a MIL who had always wanted a daughter and knew me when I was little so fell on my feet so to speak. I think I get back more than I give. I have pondered over the keepsakes too and think I might do this after my treatment, to take away the morbid aspect. I love your attitude and the tatoos Nicky, what a lovely thing for them to do.
I have been giggling about the numbers and ages, mine was just by chance as everything I put in was refused and had to have something easy to remember. You know the odds are so high these days, we should be more cheerful but there is such sadness around us at times. Nicky had great news just recently so I am trying to stay bouncy, hope you are feeling reasonable, not going to jinx myself but ok so far. Kirsty when do you start the xeloda tablets, I am on TACT2 arm one and start CFM next, but have only just had epi 4. how have you got on with the epi? Bevy I know cording can be treated with exercises so if you have not already got this, I think you should ask to see a physiotherapist as there is often a waiting list and I don’t think it goes on its own. You could start a new thread on here for advice.
Anyway will finish here. Hope you are ok Lisa, keep us posted after your first Tax.
Enjoy the weekend everyone if you can and if not save it all for the next one, coming soon
Lily x x

Hi Bevy

Breast Cancer Care have written a booklet called ‘Your operation and recovery’ which you may find helpful to read as it contains information about some of the symptoms you may be experiencing following surgery, you can read it via the following link:

Please feel free to call our helpline for further information and advice on 0808 800 6000, we are open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Thanks Lucy I will look at that link. Also I have been looking on this site regarding cording and it was mentioned there is a DVD of exercises. Would you have any idea where I can obtain that from as that may be a more disciplined way of doing the exercises. Presumably the problem of cording is not an indication that lympodema is more likely is it? or does it mean I need to be a little more careful with my arm in the future? It seems swimming is the answer which I will get back to eventually.

all the best Bevy