chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Hi Bevy

The following links will take you to a few more publications which you may find helpful to read, the first is an exercise regime to follow after breast surgery and the second is a factsheet containing information about lymphoedema prevention, the exercise dvd order form is also included here, the dvd is a general guide to health and wellbeing:

If you wish to talk to someone about any other queries you may have, please call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 or you can also email our specialist nurse team via the ‘Ask the Nurse’ service which you will find on the front page of the website.

Best wishes

thanks Lucy!

Bevy x

bevy: Happy Birthday. and may you have many many more.

Nicky, happy Fec4, as Gordon Ramsey would say… Done. Hope you’re hanging in there counting down until the good days.

Lisa. Done the genetics thing now. Good chance I’m brca too, they’ve got the bloods so we shall see, some months later that is. Were you seen at cockermouth? first time I’ve been there, nice little town.

Lily: You are such a lovely person arranging all that stuff while you go through all this, not just lovely, amazingly together, chemo brain is getting the better of me with arranging things now, or is that just the exhaustion.

Kirsty: Welcome back

Hope you’re all hanging in there this weekend. I’m catching up on rest, really pushed myself this week, in the kind of way that would get me hated on this forum in some places. You know how comments about people managing to run 5k a day while on chemo winds people up… well then I didn’t walk the better part of 10k around borrowdale on Wednesday then :wink:

Seriously, that part of the country is so lovely and I’m such a sucker for rivers that I can just amble along them for hours, so I did. Camped in a field in the campervan, had a barbie and a glass of fizzy wine. Had to be really careful as it was day 10 as in low neuts point but every precaution and a kit of anti bac etc was taken along just in case. But oh it was lovely.

I know we can’t share ilnks but if you google for:

tommymartin photostream

youll see where this is, and if you want to know where this idylic spot is message me and I’ll tell you. It’s one of those campsites you don’t name on the net as not that many are at the bottom of a beautiful waterfall and allow barbies. It’s a simple site where you have to walk 50 meters to the toilets and showers though.

hi everyone

where you all gone? having some fun i hope.

nicky 08
i hope you are well on the road to recovery from fec no 4. i have been feeling great since break but have had neuralgia in face since last thursday, i could scream with the pain. i will ask nurses what to do tommorow, because they dont really like dentists and such like messing with your teeth. not sure if its coming from there but need to do something. cause im in painnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

lily 2000
hope everything ok with you, and you havnt had any emergency situations with mother in law. it must be really hard for your hubby, having the two women he really cares about with cancer. im sure you do everything you can to make the situation bareable, but it must be a strain on you both.

anyway peace and comfort to all.

Heya lorraine

I think screaming with pain warrants giving the 24 hour no a quick call, you should be able to take some paracetemol at least surely. I had a bit of a headache when I went for my last fec and the nurse said “Don’t be a marter, take a paracetemol”. Don’t know if they’d work on that kind of pain though. Hope you sleep OK.

Lots of love


Lorraine poor you with the pain, you must take something for it. When I had a temperature I was told to take paracetamol every 4 hours and that was in my low immunity spell. Hope it improves, I hate tooth trouble. Thanks,MIL holding on but getting very confused as calcium level shifts higher. She is now asking everyone as they walk in to end it all for her. In a way it will help when she gets her wish as we can think of her at peace, but so sad this way.
I have not been in today as feeling very weary and struggling with the end of this epi cycle and the heat. It was hard work to breathe so been under a big electric fan and drinking cold water. My throat is really restrictive, feels like it is sagging and going to close up, which is horrible. Keeping it at bay with Difflam and iced water, etc. Overall this dose has been much better if I can get the throat under control anyway. Hope you all enjoyed the sun, well apart from Lisa, Nicky and I who probably wished it was cold and raining. How are you both this time?
Thanks Angie, I always think you get back more than you give. The camping sounds so lovely and I think you need to do what is right for you and what makes you feel good. The age ranges vary so much with BC that there are bound to be huge differences in what people can or even want to do. Personally I feel good just hearing about you running and feel no need to join you!!!
Well hope you are all ok, it is a hot night to try to sleep. My hopes are pinned on feeling a lot brighter tomorrow. Hi to anyone I did not mention, still bit fuzzy round the edges tonight
Lily x

Hi ladies

Nice to hear from everyone, sorry not been very active here for the last day or so but I’m so glad this is FEC No4 not No1, it seems to have hit me harder this time. More nausea on 1st day and, as always, very tired and totally bored! Glad everyone at home here has gone to work today so I can wallow in my own self pity! Just need to drag myself upstairs in a moment to get ready to go to the Drs so the nurse can show me how to inject myself with the WBC booster - hooray, what a fun way to start the day.

I’m hoping that Lorraine has lead the way with her recovery after No4, as I sure need something to aim for at the moment. I know I should be OK by Tues/Weds but it always seems so far off when you’re feeling rotten.

At the beginning of the weekend I was also down as this was the one we were meant to go away for but I’m glad we hadn’t in the end as it’s the start of the school holidays and the 1st hot weekend we’ve had so it would have been so crowded, just would have been nice to have been able to enjoy a glass of wine in the sun - hopefully next weekend! I could have done with a nice wet weekend to suit my mood, Lily! Have had the fan going overnight to keep me cooled and curtains drawn to keep the sun out, thank goodness it’s not like 2 years ago that would have been unbearable.
So sorry to hear MIL is going downhill in this way, as you say once she is at peace she will be at a better place than she is in now, unfortunately though not easy for you all to cope with after and during her suffering. Please know we are thinking of you and the family.

Angie - glad you had a great break - thanks for doing all the energy things for us slugs :wink: I’m very happy to let you get on with things, just report back as you have been and we can all imagine how nice it will be when we’ve all got our energy back - don’t think mine will be up to yours though, I’ve always been quite happy to watch everyone else do the more energetic things in life!

Lorraine - hope the toothache gets sorted. I had antibiotics during 1 course of FEC as I was worried some toothache would turn nasty - definitely don’t want to risk the dentist right now. Also had one day of pain last cycle (No3) but this was a 24hr thing and paracetamol coped with it. Worth getting yours checked out if it still continues.

Bevy - hope cording is sorted out with exercises. My arm is definitely tighter as veins are not happy with the FEC. I try to keep them stretched out as much as poss which seems to help but I’m not sure if this is what cording is. Again, worth asking the experts, they’ve seen it all before.

To all, and anyone I’ve not mentioned, hope all is going well and you feel brighter than you did yesterday.

Take care

Nicky xx

Hi Everyone

Nicky - thanks for the advise on turning 40. Going through the trials and tribulations of BC it does make you look at life differently. I know i will be more of a positive person, take each day as a gift and live them to the full. Hope you feel better soon :slight_smile: xx

Lily - How are you doing, my thought and preys are with you at this moment in time. I start on the Xeloda tablets on the 7th August. xx

Lorraine - Hope you have got the pain under control and feeling better xx

My thoughts and (((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to everyone else xx

Kirsty :slight_smile:

Nicky… secret energy tip… lucozade and glucose. I’m an addict and have been for years :slight_smile:

Kirsty… maybe life really does begin at 40?

Hope everyones enjoying the weather a bit even if you are in the pits of despair that is the first few days following chemo. That’s its worst effect on me makes me feel like just giving up but so far I’ve always sprung back looking for a fight around day 6/7 and by day 14 start feeling normal again, it’s day 14 so back to work for me, oh the joys of self employment. I wanna play in the garden :frowning:

Lily, hope everything’s going OK and MIL situation isn’t eating at you. Hopefully she will pass on peacefully when the time is right.

thanks for all your lovely posts. I have been a miserable wotsit all day and just kept booing. Mainly because people kept asking how I was and that set me off again. I do cry even outside BC to let off stress so I shouldn’t be surprised that I get a bit blue at times like this. I felt totally wretched from last evening on with the heat and my throat felt like it was closing up. Tried everything I could think of, numerous tooth brushing, Difflam rinsing and gargling, tepid drinks, cool drinks, freezing drinks, lollies and then let it get the better of me!! Some vile stuff gluing my tubes together. I don’t think I would have got so distressed if I had not been at such a low point in the treatment. I had a shower and just walking upstairs made my heart really thunder and had to lie down for ages. Spooked me a bit. Phoned my Mum who told me one of her mad stories about herself which was not the way to go. Phoned OH who said oh dear, sorry, busy, hope better soon. So phoned research nurse who ordered me to the GP immediately as no hospital clinic today. She said could I walk there - 45 degree hill in boiling sun! Got a crappy Gp receptionist and had to shout I had cancer to get an appointment which set me off again. Phoned daughter for a lift as still unable to drive from chemo, who said I should be able to manage it, and booood again. How do I get in such a chemo state? No rational thinking at all and made myself worse.

The finale was daughter said on my way, I sat in the docs for an hour in the heat and as that didn’t kill me I started to improve a little. I have a fungus infection and the treatment they gave me last cycle would have made it grow!!! apparently. Came home and managed to eat something which helped and the symptoms have gradually improved over the day. Decided to do something nice for someone worse off and bought a teddy bear and a nice soft bedcover for my MIL and went to visit her. Put it all into perspective and she was thrilled with them. Feeling chirpy tonight and throat a lot better. Treatment is horrible of course. Son woke up at 14.40 and said so how have you been today MUm?
Things can only get better. Signing off on my bad day after my last epi and I hope I don’t get the same with the next drug or I will be the only one left on this thread!!!
Love to you all and sorry for being such a miserable beast today!!!
Lily x

Aww Lily, you grumble as much as you need to, and put cr@p day in the diary and note not to repeat tat one. But why would you, you’ve done the last epi, you may not suffer as much on the next lot. Look at me, I’m on fec which I think the f and c is the same as the cmf except the M so maybe you’ll get lucky there.

I hope so, you deserve a break hun.

Lots and lots of love.


Oh Lily

I’m so sorry you’ve got all this on your plate at once. I know how cr@p you must be feeling, I certainly seem worse this time, but you’ve got all the other worries as well. Post chemo days I always feel very down so I can imagine why you’re booing you’re eyes out. A good thing overall as I expect it relieves some pressure, otherwise, who knows what will blow :wink: You really are a lovely DIL (ever been called that before?) and that was soooo thoughtful of you to get your mother in law a present after such a horrible day. I hope you continue to pick up over the next day or so and at least think the Epi is over and hopefully CMF ain’t so bad.

Take care hon, we’re thinking of you - and moan all you goddam like!

Nicky xx

thanks guys and glad to report I am feeling more like a normal rational person today. You know I might print out my manic moments when I post to laugh at in years to come!!! My throat is now just annoying and bad rather than overwhelming and as my vision has come back and stomach settled too it makes it easier to ignore one main symptom. Angie I am counting on FC not being a short version of something else for the next few months! Am chuckling at what the M might be infront of the FC, how rude!! LOL.
Nicky hope you are improving too as I know we are comrades in arms at present. Thanks for calling me a DIL, a very good description!!! I think I will stop there as this conversation could deteriorate badly!! Are you struggling with the heat? I woke up and was desolate that I had missed the downpour in the night and now back to cooking hot again. I bet it rains as soon as I am rushing around again! Sorry to those of you that don’t have 26 C hanging over their weather map but you know how hot you get on chemo anyway. Lisa I am wondering how you got on too and anxious in case you got the horrible tax pains.
Any way I am going to drag myself out and go for a drive to celebrate being able to see other motorists again and have a cake and cup of tea with my Mum. She gets these really nice freshly baked pecan and maple danish that I like and then lie on the sofa to recover and be a fat whale.
Thanks again and hope you have a nice day anyone reading or on this thread that tomorrow will be a bit brighter.
LOve Lily X (still fungus kiss take care)

Hi Girls,

Lily you certainly sound as if you have had a bad time and have a lot to contend with but still there is a hint of giggle in your postings how do you do it? and can I have some of it.

Nicky thanks but the bloody cording is still driving me nuts and to make matters worse my lumpectomy scar started to look angry and red and has now started weeping (so not only am I weeping my body is too!) I go to the hospital today to get it looked at. I just want to get it sorted out before next wednesday as that is my 2nd FEC day (can’t wait) ugh

Lorraine hope the neuralgia has cleared up.

Angie I am on FEC too and also had headaches but I wasn’t sure whether it was due to wearing the cold cap I was too scared to take and medication for it but obviously it is o.k. to rather than suffer.

I had an evening out with few friends on Sat and really found it hard (hope they didn’t notice) but I feel so stupidly fragile all the time and only feel safe indoors (which is not like me at I am always out and about) are these feelings you have all come across and do they go or fluctuate? I guess I just feel as if I am treading water and every now and again the water is up to my nose and then I bob up again. Am I losing it girlies?

love and thinking of you all

Bevy x

hi everyone

my pain as settled a little, after lots of paracetomal, going to see doc today, ask if i can see dentist at hospital, because have had nerve pain for years on and off and its never settled seeing normal dentist, and need to be careful while on chemo anyway.

Lily 2000

i think you need to give your self a pat on the back. youre doing wonderful under the circumstances, and i bet MIL loved the gifts, it feels good doesnt it, (making someone elses day) hope you have some good friends to do them things for you (you deserve it!)
it sounds really frightning the throat thing, i would have been panicking.and so annoyed at everyones thoughtfulness (but they probably love you to bits, they just dont know how bad we can feel going through this) good job we have each other to grumble to. we must remember we cant be positive all the time, as long as we keep bouncing back eventually. great to see youve bounced back again. hope you enjoy some good days now. i will be thinking of you. take care x

Nicky 08

poor you, No 4 is a hard one. aint it!
but saying that im ok now. but oh no! ive remembered only 2 days till next one. (sick at the thought of it) but it gets us nearer to the end.
so bring it on, as they say. did you feel more fatigued? that was my main problem, and i felt brain dead. (more than usual should i say) the nurses did say you sometimes do feel more fatigued near the end of treatment.
but yesterday i had a lovely day by the lakes, and even walked 2 miles so there is hope. and with the sickness im taking emend now which makes it managable, along with ondasteron.but ive blown up around tummy area, dont know about you?

everyone else thanks for the messages all have a good day, and for those who cant keep looking forward to tommorow it may be brighter ( who knows)
love and best wishes lorraine x

Morning Girls,

Lily you go get that danish and enjoy it with gusto, glad today’s looking better for you.

Lorraine, it’s so much easier to get some exercise when somewhere lovely isn’t it. The steroids give me a lovely bowling ball shaped tummy which takes about 2 weeks to go down, ie only just starting to now and round 4 starts on Monday. Hope you enjoy the next 2 days and don’t spend it dreading the next dose (would understand if you did).

Bevy, yes feel very fragile sometimes, I think that’s really normal actually. And the truth is we are, so it’s perfectly rational really.

Nicky, hope you’re holding out hun. Another dose down at least. I am so NOT looking forward to no4 as I’m feeling like an emotional wreck at the moment. Paulas situation has got to me I think, sometimes I think there is no way I’m going to make it not having had 2 agressive tumours at the same time and being under 35. Mustn’t think like that though.

Hi Everyone

Lily - you deserve a medal. Moan as much as you like it is good to get all your frustrations out. Enjoy your cake, if it was me i would be having two!!

Just like to say thanks to everyone else here. We all have are problems and it is good to come on here to have a moan and to get advise. Especially with you lovely ladies who are going through the same. if i could have a drink i will make a toast to you all… Cheers :slight_smile:

Kirsty xx

Hi all

Thanks for the positive messages. I think we all are very fragile at this stage, and I know what you mean, Angie, when you read Paula’s situation. Chemo certainly seems to get harder which isn’t surprising when it won’t be out of our bodies for a few months after treatment has stopped yet we keep getting dosed up every 3 weeks. Think we all deserve a cake - if only I could fancy one :wink: Hoping that tomorrow or the next day brings back my cup of tea and cake moments as I can’t stand them right now.

Lily - glad you can see straight again and have got out and about. I did a short Tesco trip this morning which amounts to all of my exercise and social life this week - what a thrill. I’m OK during the day with the heat and the big thunder storm and rain we had last night certainly cleared things up a bit - don’t think we’re quite as hot as where you are, and a fan at night is bliss.

Bevy - hope your cording and scar get sorted out, bet that’s the last thing you need right now with FEC No2 looming up. Take it easy this time round and make sure you’re getting everything looked at.

Lorraine - yes, it does get harder and I’m really tired this time, although seemed to have perked up a bit today thank goodness. I’m glad you’ve been able to get out and walk, I’d love to but think I’d fall asleep half way round :wink: I hope I feel better by the weekend as OH and I hope to go away for a day or so, weather doesn’t look so good but it might keep the crowds away from the coast if we go there. Just need a bit of a break from all this for a while and it seems to have done you good so I’ll follow your example!

Kirsty - think we all need a drink right now. I hate not being able to relax at the weekend after chemo but know I couldn’t stand the taste of alcohol even if I had some. Fingers crossed for the coming 2 weekends when I usually force myself to have a glass or 2 of wine!

Take care to all those feeling grot, all those I’ve missed and anyone reading our strange ramblings :wink: Chemo world it is!

Nicky xx

How about we all drink fizzy water from a champagne glass, could even stick a raspberry in the bottom for effect.

No harm in pretending is there :wink:

My mum’s coming to see me this weekend and I’m really looking forward to seeing her but I’m dreading her seeing me. I look so different with my hamster cheeks and bowling ball belly. Tommy reckons that mum’s imagination is probably worse than the reality… I just hope he’s right.

Lots of love to you all.

PS: Morrisons has got some funny movies at great prices BTW. just bought one of the naked gun movies for 2.99 and hot fuzz for a fiver. excellent. And 2 of the bourne movies which I love (I like action and sci fi as well as thought provoking movies like Children of Men, best British movie ever made in my opinion but not one to watch when you’re feeling low as it’s a dark vision of mankinds future)

I am drinking my fizzy water with a strawberry in it for effect! not sure it is working I prefer the real thing still looks pretty

I have been back to the hospital and have an infection of the lumpectomy which is a bugger as I am now on antibiotics in the hope it will all clear up by next Wed ready for my 2nd chemo blast.

I will make you laugh though (or be open mouthed in disbelief!) whilst at hospital hubby asks how many men get BC to be told about 2% he then informs Doc that he had a lump our GP had told him he could n’t locate. With this the Doc asked hubby to take his shirt off and to jump up on to the couch for an examination. Thankfully it was just a fatty deposit probably brought about by the medication he is on for high blood pressure. Unbelievable when I was in labour I was rubbing his back as he had back ache! not sure if I am supposed to find this funny but for some reason did probably due to years of programming!

Anyway love to all
