chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Hi ladies

Just thought i would write a quick note and send a big hug to all thoughs who need one. xx

My mouth at the moment feel like i have gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson. It feels all swollen even though it’s not… does that make sense???

Bye for now

Kirsty xx

Hi everyone

Thanks for the message Angie. I know exactly what you mean about it now seeming real. Everything else up to the start of chemo seems OK. It’s all being dealt with and everyone is looking after you then suddenly, wham, you’ve got to face the nasty stuff. I have been up and down since my 1st treatment so it really is a rollercoaster. Really stupid things annoyed me and were more of a problem to me than all the side effects you know might happen. But I’ve ticked one off and hope to be 1/3 through this by the end of the week, fingers crossed. I can’t remember from your earlier posts if you know what chemo you’re on? I daren’t scroll back as I’ll lose what I’ve just typed. Make sure you enjoy the rest of this week and especially the weekend as you probably won’t be up to much next week. Eat and drink what you fancy because strange things happen after chemo :slight_smile: Take care and keep posting!

Kirsty - haven’t had the mouth problem but I bet someone has!

Take care everyone and enjoy things if you can.

Nicky x

Heya Nicky

I’m on FEC (girls, drink… sorry about that couldn’t help it)

Been to asda today to fill the freezer. I’ve decided that my normal “I don’t eat ready meals” principal is out the window. So have filled freezer with pizzas for OH so I don’t feel guilty not cooking (he does the washing up, I do the cooking, he does the clothes washing, I don the accounts, it’s a fair deal).

Kirsty: I do have some suggestions for sore mouth but having not started yet I can’t imagine what kind of sore mouth it is. But have you tried ice lollies, you could even freeze your own. I bought some ginger and lemongrass cordial that’s lovely (I normally hate ginger BTW) so I’m going to make my own little ice lollies if that still appeals to me after being dosed.

I’ve read here that manuka and prineapple both help with sore mouth, which means papaya will too I expect. Papaya and Pineapple both have enzymes that clean the mouth. And manuka will help heal too.

Little known fact… did you know honey doesn’t go off. It can crystallize but not go off. Pointless tidbit for you there.

Anyway going to get a bit more work done now.

Lots of love


hi there everyone
good to know that some of you have reached your good days. and everyone else has them to look forward to. has everyone been keeping up with drinking water, i was very good after chemo, now i just have occasional glass imbetween other drinks. hubby shaved hair off today, was trying to hang on but it was making such a mess. so i am now a redhead instead of brunette. saw lots of people in town today and they asked if id had hair cut and coloured not sure if they were just being kind (but they said they really couldnt tell) i was frightened of high winds but it stayed in place,.

nicki, i will think of you on thurs, my chemo is 12.00 ( what time is yours if it goes ahead)
really not looking forward to nausea but just have to go with it for a few days,.

sorry to hear your widowed (heres me feeling sorry for myself when hubby wont give me a hug) at least i still have some occasionally from him.
i bet its really difficult being alone, do you have good family support? at least i do, and friends are great too, we just have to componsate in other ways, and find positive/understanding people to help us through.

everyone else take care, and its great to have each other for support, big huggggggggggggg

Good evening everyone :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip on ice lollies, great minds think a like!! I went out and brought some Calypso mini’s yesterday and they have helped numb the pain and cool the mouth for a little while. So a good tip to those who need to ease sore mouths:-)

I am a week away from starting my 2nd cycle of chemo and not really looking forward to going, who is!! :frowning: I just can’t get it out of my head that they are putting a drug into me that makes me ill, to make me better…sorry for going on!

My hair as now started to fall out and malting like a dog. Does anyone else get an itchy scalp and any suggestions to ease the itch? Honest there are no nits!

My thoughts are with thoughs who are having chemo this week… stay strong and big hugs xxxx

Kirsty xx


Well done on letting the hair go. It’ll be back one day, although what will it be like. I’m hoping mine comes back thick and wavy, I think (straight and refuses to take any styling as it is and next week I’m going grade 2).

So hopefully you’ve seen the worst of it now. My breast care nurse warned me today that the effects of chemo are accumulative and I will get more and more tired, way to encourage a girl eh :wink:

On the plus side I happened to see my surgeon, he said he spotted me “bounding” down the corridoor and assumed I was healing from my double mastectomy well. I guess I must be, I can finally do all the things I used to, just not for as long and a lot more carefully but I can and that’s what counts.

Seeing him reminded me why I agreed to the chemo. Because you do get past these things.

I have a friend in the village I live in who’s in her 70s and had BC 8 years ago. She’s still NED and living life to the full. She may be 40 years older than me but we’re both star trek fans and have similar dark sense of humour. She’s a real inspiration to me. Not just because she’s survived BC but because she’s chosen how to live here life. Hope we all end up being able to do the same.

Lots of love.


sorry I am back to eating again, feeling back to normal, today it was a giant pavlova with cream, blueberries and strawberries and as a result I have now had to look out the reflux tablets I was given from overdoing it. The bad bit of the chemo just sort of wizzed away over night. I would have been much more cheerful if I knew it was going so soon but better keep my fingers crossed just in case, as about to hit my low immune bit. Does that make you feel ill or is it just a time to take extra care not to go near colds? My research nurse was on the phone first thing checking on me this morning, it must be worth going on a trial just for the extra attention. She has all the notes, results, everything on line to answer anything or if not finds out and comes straight back to me.
vertangie - oooh s…, I am feeling for you. You want to start and get on with it but its the scare factor too about going into new territory. We will all be thinking of you on Monday. I was absolutely fine straight after, just took all the tablets as instructed and then faded a bit when the tablets stopped. It is strange that steroids make some people unable to sleep but I could not keep my eyes open until I stopped them. I ate tons of eggs before the chemo as I had another operation a week before and my blood counts were really good so I am back on eggs now to build myself back up.
Nicky - how is the bite? Have you finished the tablets yet, that really wasn’t fair just before you go back too. How are you getting on with the wig too? When I look at my unwashed manky hair I do wonder why I am worried about trying to save it some days! I bet you look lovely in yours.
Kirsty - i had my first epi a week ago and it hit my mouth and gums on day 5 or 6 and is still going into week 2, I was sure my front teeth would fall out if I bit something hard. The gum surfaces feel like after you have eaten much too hot pizza, rough and quite pale. Are you using the mouthwash because I hadn’t and it improved things quite quickly when I did. BCN says the drugs are hitting the mucuous layers but no nosebleeds or gums bleeding so far, fingers crossed it is on its way out. Is this how yours is?

Enjoy the rest of the week till you go back in guys and hope this one is as good as it can be for you. Thanks for supporting me through my first, only 7 to go. YAAAAAAhoooooo
Lily x

hiya All

Lily you poor thing re reflux tablets - Id better stop eating so much as Ive eaten everything under sun and just put down my toffee popcorn at this time of night! Food gets rid of the slimy taste. Im about to hit my immune bit on Satruday which is typical when starting to feel much better - Im not sure what to do on those days?

Nicky - hope your insect bit clears up intime for your treatment. Why does strawberries and cream keep whizzing in front of my brain - specially with meringues!!

Everyday matters - thanks for your comments, I am widowed and bit lonely but as only 35 moved back to parents for few days but back home now, think Ive gotton used to own company. I am lucky I have great parents, family and lovely friends - just hope my twining doesnt send them away!!!

Good luck to everyone coming up to chemo time - it comes around doesnt it, im terrified again already and only 7 days in on first FEC.

Hi all you girlies

Thanks for all the messages and I’m really glad we’re all supporting each other. My bite is getting better and I’ll just have to see on Thurs morning what my blood counts are like.

Lily - I meant to have written how your little dog story cheered me up - I can just imagine the sight! Also I’m getting fed up with my hair, it’s started to drop everywhere but not in handfuls yet. And, it was looking good up to Saturday but it’s now looking awful and I’d rather get rid of it and put a perfectly styled wig on each day rather than coax this into some style! I’m giving it today and tomorrow morning to behave and then it’s off! At least I won’t have to bother with the cold cap again and it will give me a few days to get used to it before I have to face my public, ha, ha!

Lisa - you will feel awful about your next chemo at this point as you’re only just getting over the 1st one (I hope). I felt the same but the memory faded enough to know I want to get on with the next one. Don’t think about the last one, enjoy all the days you’re feeling better and then tick off the next one when it comes. Also I didn’t feel any lows when my immune system was at it’s weakest, just careful where I went ie didn’t go to cinema, crowded places but still managed the local :wink: As with the other ladies, I’m sorry to hear about you being widowed, it must be tough especially at a time like this. I guess you know who your true friends are and I bet they, and your family, are supporting and helping you.

Everyday - I’m due in at 10am but have to see the onc 1st so delays can happen. I went in at 9 for my 1st one and there weren’t too many delays but due to the cold cap and a bone strengthening IV for 90 mins (my little bu**er has gone to my hip) I was in there for 5 hours! Then again I wasn’t planning to do much else that day. Just did some puzzles and brain training on my Nintendo DS to keep me from getting bored.

Kirsty, Angie and anyone else starting or continuing next week - make sure you enjoy this week, next week won’t be so good but it will get better. Also, Angie, you may not feel as awful as you think. Although I felt nauseous for about 5 days I was able to eat smaller, fairly bland meals first and then ramped up the spices within a few days. Luckily my mouth has been OK and I do love my chillies! I was also not put off cooking or smells from it (as long as there’s no garlic) so your pizzas may be there for a long time! But better to be prepared.

Well, that was a ramble, take care chemo buddies.

Nicky xx

I rather rashly offered free for all Maths lessons for my son’s friends before their next GCSE as I am always a sucker for anyone who wants to try to get on, so an afternoon of wrestling with the gang again through trigonometry. Trouble is I am not actually sure I can rely on my brain at the moment so that should be quite a laugh. I just hope I do not make them worse!! Hope you all have a more peaceful afternoon despite the poo weather. I also have to hire a prom suit for him and it came to me how these lovely moments are so special and that while working I might have just seen it as one more thing to do. I still cannot get over looking at my almost 6 foot 16 year old venturing out with no fears in the world and hopes as high as the sky ( a millionaire by 25 and a Ferrari - don’t forget your Mother on the way up). I love all of them exactly the same but after 3 doted on girls, who have their own homes now, there is something strange about being a 5ft 1in woman and having this great big boy/man. They keep me on track and I am really rethinking my work/home balance.
Nicky, I love to hear others musings and as you can see you set me off all melancholy too. I could do chemo on a day like today. Thinking of you today and tomorrow. Just before I went for my first chemo, I got this buzz to go in there and get another one done and under my belt. I hope it takes you this way too. After things go wrong, like your bite, you tend to go in there thinking I AM going to have chemo today, after wishing it away for the rest of the weeks before. Thinking of you and keep us posted how you feel. Lisa, you hit it spot on again about the slime, I keep talking about that, it is yukk.I keep wanting contrasting textures to fool my mouth. Hence hard crusty toast and scrambled egg and meringue, strawberries and cream, not at the same time!! How are you finding being back at home, I guess it is easier to get back to normal but you lose the food being cooked and company if you want it.I am already having to keep away from family with colds but apart from that plan to act as normal through the low immune bit. Is it even exact when it hits? I think I would go out if asked but not plan to rush into high street crowds. I am having that meringue in 20 mins go get yourself some, blissssss.
Everyday - Hi red!! You must spend quite a while in the chemo suite with your extra treatment, is it from a bone scan? So sorry to hear you have this to add to your luggage.Really hope that Thursday goes ahead smoothly so you can just concentrate on getting back to normal. Keep us posted and thinking of you at 12 onwards on the day, will keep that going until 5 pm to be sure you are out. I can remember thinking’everyone will think it is done and 2 hours later I haven’t even started’. Kirsty, enjoy this week as much as poss, get some good memories for next week. I am going to go look for those lollies now. Re the hair, I think you can put aqueous cream, coconut oil or almond oil on to soothe it or any of the eczema type products. Lots of people get cradle cap like babies and cream their head and leave it on for a bit. Only works on skin or short hair though. Vertangie- I agree with your thoughts. What a wonderful friend to keep you on track. Keep well and hope all goes well this week with you too
Heading for the fridge and new bigger clothes if I keep this up
take care
Lily x

Hi Lily

I probably confused you with my last post by putting everyone’s names in there. I don’t think Everyday has the extra treatment as far as I know, however I do and yes it was from a bone scan. It’s a long story but I had BC 1st in 2003 and had been sailing along quite happily when this hit me. However after all the initial shock (again) we are dealing with it and things are not as bleak as we 1st thought. Didn’t have/need chemo 1st time round so this is why it’s all so new to me.

Nicky x

ps Hope the maths lessons help you son and friends, let’s hope the chemo brain doesn’t get in the way too much.

Heya Everyone.

just thought I’d pop in as I’m this close to ramming some servers down some clients necks. So time for a break (why is it when you really need to get things done all your clients suddenly develop symptoms of stupidity!)

Nicky. Sorry to hear this is second time round for you. Hopefully the chemo will kick it in the teeth this time (but still leave you standing).

Lilly: Trigonometry with chemo… you’re braver than me :wink:

Right have calmed down, back to explaining how the internet works to people who need to know but don’t really want to :frowning:

Lots of love


hi everyone
hope you are all keeping your chins up, my son is nattering for a toastie, so no time to chat. hope everyones chemo goes well tommorow. so take care my prayers are with you all x

well the trig went as well as my sorting out the right person with the right problems! Sorry about that, but also very glad to hear things are getting sorted out for you. Second go, woooo having trouble with this go mostly. I take my hat off to you for getting back on your feet and battling. I hit the house with my car because I forgot there was a number plate below the end of the bonnet, those boys have no chance with the trig at all!!Chemo brain has landed.
Good luck girls for the next one and keep us posted how it goes, thinking of you
Lily x

Hiya All
Chemo brain has landed or maybe its the fact that I cant think of anything apart from what Im gonna eat next! Feeling much better and going to get bloods done and talk about how its went on friday, not sure why its happening now when next chemo isnt until 11th but who am I to argue - least I can talk about my back pain which is easing so thinking it might be to do with chemo effecting my monthlies (i.e. stopping it within hours) - ooops was talking about chemo brain - I tried working for couple hours at work today and my as my co-worker calls it “head was a shed” - the lights made we feel spaced out and couldnt concentrate properly - doh!!

Anhow Lily - i had a merigue, straweberries (least I got a fruit in) and double cream - M&S mrerinuges are soooo chewy - was followed by Mint chop chip ice-cream just to cool my mouth - regretting all those recent purchases as wont be able to fit into them. Had been loosing weight, about 3 stone with the news and previous diet and then put 1/2 on thinking building up for chemo - boy regretting that now!!! Enjoying being back at home, best of both worlds, my parents live 2mins drive away so still getting the home cooked food and when raining dog walked. Real reason I moved back was that my parents are due their annual holiday 4 days after my second FEC and they so deserve a break so if they can see me doing okay i might be able to persuade them to go then I would feel guilty!!

Nicky - thanks for the advice re the immune bit - I might go to the pub for lunch and see if wine apeals anymore, gutted Ive gone off it but maybe a blessing!! Will avoid some places but typical its at its lowest when you feel much better. Good luck for tomorrow

to eveyone else. hope you are doing okay

Hi everyone

Thanks for the support. Hope - if that’s the right word! - to get my next FEC (am I allowed to say that?) today so you may not hear from me for a few days. However if I don’t have it I may go out and get drunk and you still won’t hear from me! Which will it be?

Will keep you posted

Thanks chemo buddies

Nicky x

Hi everyone, how are you today? Anyone got an idea of something nice for Lisa and my next food obsession?
Nicky I have posted elsewhere, but thinking of you and hope you get the next one done today. The thought of another finished is sounding good today. Best of luck and get back when you can so we try to cheer you along either way if we can.Will save Max’s (my little dog) next escapade until your return. See you soon.
Lisa, I feel like a twin, we do mirror our moods and symptoms don’t we? Mine was one of the full size beige chewy M & S style pavlovas, yes with double cream, strawberries and blueberries and there is still some left for today, which is good because I have not quenched the need to eat it yet. I couldn’t even drive to work in the rush hour let alone do anything. Working in a secondary school I am on half term so wouldn’t be in this week anyway. Why am I always ill in the holidays?
Sorry, teachers joke. I think it is great that you are doing that for your parents, and it is such a long process thins have to keep rolling on. What kind of dog do you have?

Good luck Nicky either way with the Chemo or getting drunk (yum!!).
Twins, defo, just posted to you re our dog colourings and hair losss!!! Dogs called Robson and he’s a heinz, people say cross between and lurcher and terrier (how!!!), if you have ever seen the RSPCA advert with the very sad scruffy dog thats wet at the end - spit of mine! What’s yours?
Afternoon tea later - meringues again!! Yum. Just munched a couple of shortbreads from Morrisons (shame they come in a pack of 20). Im even craving a Big Mac but supposed to keep away from takeaways - boo hoo!! Off to friends tomorrow night to see if my taste buds will accept the white wine yet but was more interested in what food she was making!!! Might take the “Rat” my name for wig with me and we can have a giggle.

Well off to Superdrugs now


My chemo nurse mention bigmacs specifically. She said there was one patient who couldn’t walk past a macdonalds without having one and if that’s what you want to just do it.

My fear is the lettuce really as it’ raw but the rest of it should be fine. I may be eating KFC. Nothing can survive being fried at that temp surely.


I can leave the lettuce but now my minds turned to the KFC!!!