chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Well I’ve just been to Morrisons to buy the last few bits. Nothing quite makes you look forward to whats coming than a shopping basket containing…

Farleys rusks, Lucozade, Diarolyte, Immodium, anti bacterial handwash, anti bacterial wipes, mini calipo pops and tissues.

But then I found myself in the tubs of pineapple area and what should be next to them but mini meringues. Should we be adding that to the chemo shopping list. Judging by recent threads I think so.

We also have a dog called Toby. If you google the following the no 1 match is him (it’s on Flickr)

Toby Handsome Beast

That’s how smug a border collie is when in his natural habitat :slight_smile:

Oh Foodie idea. A slight adjustment to one of my hiking foods.

Banana and manuka honey sandwiches. Loaded with energy and a good way to get that manuka in you (although I understand a teaspoon on an empty stomach is supposed to be a good way to start the day, prebiotics or something).

Hija All

I have just been reading the threads on all the foods and my stomach is doing somersaults! :slight_smile:

Sounds like the mini meringues are going on my next shopping list. Any other suggestions on what would be good with them??? It’s a pain, but im allergic to strawberries… i love the taste of them… but my body says no!!!

Could i suggest trying innocent smoothies, they are well nice and really refreshing.

Kirsty xx

how about nice crunchy Kiwi fruit on a chewy meringue or nectarines or blueberries? The bright fruits are supposed to be power foods aren’t they? I now have to go out and buy another meringue for tomorrow, must be one of the M & S ones so it is chewy rather than explosive! Someone, I think on this site advised me not to eat probiotic foods like live bacteria yoghurt, is the honey different? But banana sandwiches, yes, yes, yes.
Lisa hope tomorrow’s appointment goes well, let us know how you are and hope everyone got their dose today so that at least they can say one more down. How are you guys??.
Any new food ideas welcome
Lily x

bright fruits are supposed to be power foods…

Yes. I read that we should eat a rainbow rather than just 5 a day. The red fruits are generally loaded with anti-oxidants.

But yes Honey is different to probiotics. I understand it as honey helps to kill bacteria (a strange property).

Here’s a line from wikipedia on the subject:

“Antibacterial properties of honey are the result of the low water activity causing osmosis, hydrogen peroxide effect,[40] and high acidity.[41] Honey may also be used to alleviate the effects of a sore throat, by mixing with lemon juice and consumed. The mixture coats the throat alleviating discomfort, and the antibacterial, antiseptic properties are good for the throat as well.”

Hence the whole honey and lemon for colds. Old wives, they knew some stuff :wink:

Ive got the manuka honey from new zealand and been trying it on an empty stomach but the after taste is awful - its the only food that’s now making me gag! Gonna try it in my lemon and ginger tea (do have something healthy in my diet! Vertangie - gonna have a look at your pooch now, even though I should go to bed as an appointment at 10am and Im terrible at getting out of bed at the moment.

On the food front - yet again, I made a nice tea for my parents which was healthy, then they left and I ate 2 raspberry (fruit in there somewhere) filled donuts, followed by some Terrys Chocolate orange - think I must move onto proper fruit.

P.S. Lily - me heads defo off - its day 10 for me tomorrow - aaarrrggghhh!!! Hope the H is hanging in! I still have 4 meringues next.

Kirsty - thanks for that, will try those smoothies or even venture to making one myself!!! M&S meringues are the best - they are chewy which makes them last longer!

Here’s to some more good days girls, I feel good today and if the appointment goes okay tomorrow Im going to be a happy girl and even venture to work next week (might stop me eating).

p.s. toby looks adorable!!!

before I forget vertangie lots of love to you on Monday as I know it will be on your mind all weekend. The great thing is thinking one of them is over and knowing how this is going to affect you personall yover the doses. Hoping for smooth sailing followed quickly by lovely meringue days. You have prepared well for this. It will be fine.Keep us posted and moan like hell, we all do and you had to listen! Not sure how to see Toby will try another time.

Lisa it didn’t go on day 10 so feel on borrowed time, I thought 14 was the crunch day or should I say slide. Hubby made the mistake of telling me there is a little M & S next to the railway station, ooh joy, he has been sent to check out the meringue supply there when he gets off the train tonight. Kirsty have you got any yet? I am now thinking of cream teas with hot scones, butter, strawberry jam and clotted cream on top? I also got a worryingly healthy thought about big chunks of white fish baked in butter, cheese, few herbs and cherry tomatoes off the vine sliding round the dish
Lily x

Hiya all

No hair loss on day 10 - next week gonna make it real! Cream tea sounds delicious, make sweet chilli chicken and lots of roasted rosemary veg and pots last night so can so semi healthy! Gonna try and eat and drink lots of healthy stuff now as scared Im making me worse but will have my meringues at lunch with strawberries and dolop of cream! Had a jummy scone yesterday but prefer with fresh butter - ohh!!!

Better go its lunch time

I don’t think I will be thinking about chemo all weekend. All I can imagine right now is cream tea and a very fat me :wink:

Hope you’re all having a good day today, or if not a restful one that passes quickly.


Good afternoon ladies:-)

This weekend i am taken a special trip to M&S just to get some meringues. Hubby will think i have gone off my rocker when i charge towards the aisle and grab the meringues. Just hope there not the last ones on the shelves and someone else wants them!!!

I now have an addiction to mini calypso ice lollies, can’t get enough of them… great way to cool a sore mouth:-)

Also going to get a wig fitted. Wondering if to go for the same hair style i had, or to go completly wild! Any suggestions on some good looks??

Just like to say to all, thanks for all the great ideas so far and keep them coming. You all have been a great support :slight_smile:

Kirsty xx

I’m going to go for totally new looks and experiment a bit. Hell if people are going to stare at me I’m going to give them a reason to :wink:

Off for a little health food shop now. Loading up on brazil nuts (gotta get my selenium).

Happy M&S visit.


just munching my brazil nuts as we speak before the dreaded manuka honey(eugh)! Kirsty good luck with the wig hunt, unfortunately I didnt enjoy mine, wanted a similar style to my own but unfortunately they dont do short spiky, unruly hair so I feel quite strange in mine and sooooo much hair however most people seem to find one that they really like. Hope the chemo went okay today and wasnt as bad as expected - let us know how you get on and enjoy the meringues - maybe me and Lily shouldnt have started this, there could be a shortage of them happening, then I will be on a downer.

Vertangie - good look with the wig shopping

Hiya all

Chemo brain as definaltely set in!!! Went out today to do some shopping and to specially get some meringues… guess what i forgot to get the meringues:-(

I did manage to get a wig, they were brilliant in the shop and managed to match the same colour hair as mine and similiar length. With my hair falling out now at a fast rate, i don’t know if just to shave the whole lot off!! What as everyone else done who as lost their hair??

Kirsty xx

Hi Kirsty
As soon as my hair was coming out my hubby took out his clippers and it all came off.We both found it very upsetting but knew it had to be done. I had got my wig the week before and people are still very surprised when i tell them.

Take Care


hope all ok today
Kirsty at what point did it start to fall out, I am trying to work out when to get myself braced for it, as it will be a tricky point for me personally, vain! I have had the cold cap but not sure how effective that is. Friend have said that wigs are easier with a little hair underneath, but this isn’t always a choice if the lot goes. I had a great time on my wig hunt too and have a bob with highlights called Audrey, and she likes meringues too.
I have 3 boxes of M & S meringues lined up to ensure that I keep a rolling stock going.Lots of luck to all of you going in this week for the next one
Lily x

Hey Lily
Did i read right that u live in Chelmsford?? If so i’m not far down the road!! Perhaps we could have a meet one day and a moan about everything?? I’ve also been taking to ‘thetrumumshow’ who lives a few minutes from me and i’m sure she’d love to come too!!!
How you feeling?? Any hair loss yet…I’m still blimmin shaving my legs…hmph!!!

Hiya All
Still got hair but bracing for it each day. Have hairy legs as was thinking plus side I wouldnt haveto shave them - where does all the hair go?! Big tidy up me thinks, mind you will be hard to tell difference betwen mind and dogs. Hope everyone had an okay weekend


Hi Lily

My hair started falling out about a week ago, which is my 2nd week after my first chemo. It is now coming out at a fast rate. Just been for a shower and left half of it behind!! I have just spoken to my hubby and have come to a decision that i am going to shave the rest. I choose not to have the cold cap, so it might be different for you. I think it does effects people in different ways.

I am bracing myself for Thursday as it will be my 2nd cycle of chemo.

Hope everyone had a good weekend?

Kirsty xx

I’m a week on from my 3rd Epi, used the neoprene cold caps each time and hair has cetainly thinned but is only noticeable as a slightly wider parting, and it’s flatter on top. It used to be thick, in long layers, and my daughter cut it to collar length before chemo started. It comes out in a comb but nothing falls unless it’s pulled by comb or hand. I’m only washing it every 4-5 days (yuk, but I’m not going anywhere to care what it looks like) and comb it only once a day.

Eyelashes were always short and stubby, ditto eyebrows, they’re unchanged, arm hair still there but I haven’t had any regrowth of underarm hair since shaving in the shower before the first chemo. Also leg hair hasn’t grown back, and the unmentionable’ has almost all fallen out by itself. Odd - it’s disappearing from the ground upwards… My shaggy terrier has black and tan fluff with a few silver bits and could make a pretty good set of eyebrows!

Meringues, oh yes, and cream and strawberries and blueberries, there’s one helping of each and I bet my daughter will have them before she goes to bed… I’m exactly a stone heavier than when weighed two months ago for the first chemo and was already half a stone over my pre-op (1 March) weight. I eat all the right things, bananas, brazil nuts, manuka honey UMF 15 on the wonderful All Bran based ‘Go’ Cake, smoothies, tomatoes, fish… as well as fudge (milk), meringues (eggs), Galaxy (more milk)…

Cocking one ear listening for the fridge door and wonder if I dare help myself while the kids are still up…!

Lyn xxxxx