chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Pretty sleepless night for me but no nausea.

I’ve taken steroid one with rich tea but tempted to take steroid 2 eralier so I can sleep tonight. What are you ladies doing steroid wise.

All in all not as bad as I thought so far. pretty uneventful. Even had a sip of wine last night (it was a gesture, about the amount you would get in a shot glass). Going for a walk with the dog(s) now (we have another to look after today)

Turns out I’m on FEC 100 (the highest dose) which they think I can take.

ets just say my bum bag of remedies is going everywhere with me. The bruising on my hand has gone this AM so the arnica did it’s trick. Thanks for the reminder on that one Nicky.

Enjoy those meringues Lily and everyone else (I think its time to give up on everyones names, but I am following all your saga’s you brave lot) enjoy your day as much as you can.



hi everyone
having a lazy day today, had chemo last thurs, as i said sickness not so bad this time, and after a lovely day out yesterday found im really fatigued today, so not done much at all. in fact on and off bed all day. but hopefully better day tommorow, or even later (maybe i will even prepare tea)
.i was pretty lucky with steriods, didnt seem to keep me awake, as you can see. but i used to take last dose about 5 oclock.
anyone else had vivid dreams though, last night i was blessed with one, and could not escape its clutches.(perhaps explains tiredness today.,)
like you all im eating like a horse. sweet things are not doing it for me though,it seems to be salty and savoury. (which is unusual for me) im a chocolate addict any time. everyone keep smiling thinking of you all. one day at a time

Hey everydaymatters

I nearly fell asleep just walking back up the hill this morning. Those steroids are being cruel and making me sleepy in the day and a little wired at night. Well I assume it’s the steroids, who knows. I lost track of the number of syringes yesterday.

Hope you have more energy tomorrow. Me too in fact but day 3 for me so I’ll just wait and see and be thankful for what I get (assuming it’s not to horrible).

You’ve got me thinking about savory now, although I was in a fruit place so I’m seeing cheese and pineapple now.


Aaaaarrgghhh - the day has come, the hair has started to come out!!! Was just speaking to my nurse yesterday and she said if hadnt already started might not till after my 2nd FEC, well I jinxed myself - woke up this morning to run my hands through and nothing, I have short hair, slightly longer at one side, it was looking lifeless, touched it and came out in my hand. Havent cried yet, as its my good week and dont wanna spoil it. Went straight to hairdresses and got a very very shortback and sides - had it short before so dont mind but each little tug it comes out - hope it holds out to the weekend!

Im also lost to our chemo dates my next one is on 12th, week tomorrow!

Hope everyone has a restful week, im gonna try a few hours in work tomorrow

Hiya everyone

Lily - enjoy your merrangs tonight:-) :wink:

Everydaymatters and Angie - Hope your energy levels get back to normal soon… your right it is cruel!!!

Lisa - Sorry to hear about your hair fallen out, but think positive. Mine started a week ago and have shaved the whole lot also. I just keep telling myself that it will grow back:-)

My 2nd FEC is Thursday, starting to feel anxious and don’t want to go. I have had a good couple of days and don’t want to spoil it. Im off out to lunch tomorrow with the girls from work. Looking forward to going as i have not seen them for a while.

Hugs to everyone

Kirsty xx

Well just eat my meringue with strawberries and honeycomb crunch ice crea - yum!
Gutted about the hair but knew it was coming
Kirsty good luck for thursday, mine is next wed and trying not to think about it and enjoy this week - enjoy you lunch tomorrow, getting out and about and seeing friends works wonders


Thanks for the boost, it’s what i need at the moment :slight_smile: Goodluck to you next Wednesday i will be thinking of you.

Kirsty xx

So Kirsty…

Thursday is the day after tomorrow, let it wait :wink:

Have fun tomorrow and may the day after be uneventful and easy going.


Thanks Angie

Like you said, thinking about tomorrow and have a good chat and laugh with the girls!!!

Hi all
second chemo today so half way with the epi,if all goes well. Had some friends down last night and I was bragging at the fact the hair is intact and secretly thinking that baybe because it quite long and thick it wont do the dreaded and fall out. Washed it this morning and noticed more than usual heading for the drain, this carried on through the day, not masses amounts but enough for people to say ‘you’ve got a hair on the back of your jacket’. My poor Dad said this and went to brush it off and came away with a thick strand of my highlights, he was mortified. My lovely partner bought me 2 BeauBeau scarves in readiness, they are not cheap but we felt they would be worth it, but the whole business has been slightly tainted by the fact that British Customs and the Post Office have charged us an extra £20.00 in duty. We couldnt collect unless we paid up! As if life isnt hard enough sometimes. Side effects have been minimal so far, hope they will remain minimal. Had chat with trials Nurse today about the dreaded constipation and headache that lasted 4 days, so going to take senna and pain killers as a precaution. Lily hope your doing ok, do keep in touch. Cant name everyone, sorry, but I am thinking of you all. Memory doesnt allow remembering anymore! As for appetite, they will be hoisting me to appointments if this goes on, if it isnt moving i will eat it. Tastes have changed, I am addicted to beef hula hoops and pickled eggs,and yes at the same time! Last time with an ice cream cornet.
Well hope you are all as well an as positive as can be expected, keep well
Love Lynn xx

ate the meringues and 3 cherries, woops, trots again, so back to the boiled rice. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Lisa, next Wednesday is the 11th, better check which you have wrong, the day or the date. I am sure you are the day after Lolly and I, Wed 11th? Sorry about the hair, great plan to go straight out and get it done though. I am really worried about having a massive loss in one go! Mine is going to go through worry about it going! How silly is that?
I was told to take the steroids with meals so went with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Always made sure my last one was in before 7 but they send me off to sleep and did not keep me awake like they said at all. A;though it could have been the massive dose of epi. I was stuck on savoury for almost 2 weeks before the sweet part came in. It will be strange to see if I follow the same pattern next time as I kept a diary of my symptoms from dose 1. Kirsty we are all thinking of you on Thursday and hope it goes well. Lynn sorry about your hair too. It feels like Autumn with all the leaves falling from the trees. Hope the next epi goes well and keep me posted. Did you use a cold cap?
Hugs to everyone fighting their way back to normality.
Lily x

Hi everyone
Kirsty, hope you had a great lunch and ate enough to keep you going for a while. Good luck with number 2 on Thursday, I am back in on Tuesday. I am fascinated to find out how my blood counts are. Do they give you details of all your results too?
Lisa, did you get to work? If so how did it go, Did it made you really tired. What do you do? I am not going back at all until after the chemo and the radio. Teaching secondary kids is just not something you can take easy, I have some tough classes that take so much energy to keep them interested and working. Not sure I would even make it to breaktime, or be able to cope with the million questions about where I have been. They are keen for me to disappear totally and come back better - well wouldn’t we all like that to happen.
Hope you are all ok
Lily x

Kirsty hope you had a lovely lunch!
Lily you are right,m Im in next wednesday - god knows how I managed at work but I did - worked half day. I work for a Housing Association and Im the Chief Exec assistant which isnt anything like admin which it started off as. However, my job has been spread amongst him and a few other people so when i went in it was just sorting out things with them, helping out with queries and chit chat, although something came up and ended up being still in at 5.30pm!! Was nice to feel back to me though and been on a hyper. Even the hair isnt depressing me too much, as long as it stays to my night out on Saturday, touch wood. Dont blame you for not going back in, sounds like it would be too much hard work, least I can dabble, as I was scared they wouldnt miss me. doing class room work would be too heavy going.

Im going to post about my reiki experience (if Ive splet it right). Hope you still doing okay.
going to watch a bit of tv and chill now. No work tomorrow, hospital to see BCN at 9.30 (no idea how to get up that early), then the poor Queen has the delight of coming to our town so Im gonna take my nice down for a wander!

Enjoy the rest of your week

Hi All

Went to lunch today and had a good chin-wag with everyone from work. I think they were a bit surprised when i walked in with my head shaved. Last time they saw me it was shoulder length. Felt trendy though wearing a 60’s style hat!!! It did feel wierd going in the office, but good to see everyone. I would love to go back, but the office is a quite large and there are always bugs and viruses going round, so i can’t take the risk.

Had my blood count done today also, but won’t find out until tomorrow when i go for my 2nd FEC.

Going to bed now for a good night sleep

Hugs to all

Kirsty xx

hi everyone,
my next cycle is 19th june, im more fatigued this time, anyone else? have slept so much, but trying to push myself today, to go into town hubbys birthday tommorow.,
wearing bandanas mostly at moment feel more comfortable when you feel yak.
im like everyone else eating everything in sight. but have been told not too worry about calories at moment, and i always do as im told!
all try and make the most of today, god bless you all

My hair is on it’s way out too!! And now i know it’s coming out, i can’t stop running my hands through it…Psychological i think?? Also have my period come on, but thought chemo was meant to stop them?? Anyone else had theirs too?? Might get the clippers out tonight!!! Eeeekkk…xx

Heya Lolly.

Hope you look good without the hair, at least that stage will be over soon. I’m not even dreading it myself at the moment, so long as it takes the underarm hair with it. being bilateral mastectomy I’m not supposed to shave either of them and it’s hot out there and deodorant has always irritated me so I’m a wash a lot kind of girl instead. Go for the clippers, have a party with it. Everyone loves my grade 4, I will go grade 2 when it starts to go or just right off. It’s all an experience right.

everydaymatters, Are you getting a little air and exercise everyday, really truly does help with sleep and energy levels. even just 5 mins of fresh air counts.

I have no idea how knackered you are, if it’s really bad just sit by an open window and stare at the world for a bit.

Lots of love everyone, off for my excercise now. Last day of steroids today. THey gave me 2 lots of anti sickness, have only used 1 so far and been fine. That one finishes today.

Out of interest do you get sick when you come off them or are they supposed to see you past the days you’re likely to be sick?



Clippers came out!!! I started whopping it off… Then hubby ran next door and grabbed my neighbour (who’s a barber) to finish it off…Think he panicked!!
It looks good, i love it!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi everyone

Everyday - I think we’re on the same dates and although I didn’t feel as bad this time is seemed to drag on a bit longer - the nausea feeling. I wasn’t as tired this time (I slept for 17 hours one day after my 1st one!) but generally I do nothing if I can help it! I really hate the lack of energy but it seems to pick up both times about day 5-6. I also get really bored doing nothing but also don’t want to do anything - if that makes sense? Anyway at least that’s 2 down - yippee.

I used the cold cap for 1st time but hair was coming out in parting area and top a few days before 2nd treatment so knew it would look ropey to say the least! Didn’t bother with cold cap for 2nd one. Got daughter to cut it to No 2 (ish) straight after treatment and although I hate it like this there’s no way I was going to be able to keep it all, so would have to cover up anyway. The top part that thinned 1st is now very wispy and nearly bald. Again, I do hate this, but I had to laugh last night in the mirror my hair really looks like a bad comb over on top - a la Bobby Charlton :slight_smile: The rest so far has stayed in and is even growing quite quickly - weird! But I expect the good ole FEC to get it all in few days. Have been out in my wig a few times this week and am being reassured by my daughters and hubby that it looks fine but, as I’ve still got some of my own hair at the front still I do have to make sure it’s on right. Once that bits gone I expect it to be a bit easier to wear. Also, as I read on here before, as your hair comes out your scalp is very tender, feels like I’ve got bruises on my head where it’s really thinned out.

Anyway energy levels are back up now, thank goodness and went on a 40 min bike ride today which was bliss, with the wind through my hair -oops, forgot, I don’t have much hair!

Hair in other places is also thinning and, whooppee, no underarm hair since last shaved them. Also legs are fairly hair free.

Angie - glad to see you’ve coped so well with this treatment. I think they give you enough anti sickness tabs to see you through the worst days, by the time I’d used my main ones up I was feeling better anyway.

Good luck to everyone on treatment (Kirsty and anyone I’ve missed) and enjoy the rest of the week if you’ve got treatment next week.

Nicky x

Lolly - congrats with the clippers - I havent quite gone that far but might have too in a day or too - holding onto it with gel until after my night out on Saturday, dreading loosing the old eyebrows more! In terms of periods mine started on the same day and stopped within 2 days, hoping this is what gave me back pain so much. She did say it might stop them or might not!!!

Nicky - glad you are feeling a bit better - 40m bike ride eh - go girl!

Angie - glad you are up and about! In terms of anti sickness I found that the 2nd lot lasted me till the sickness finished, felt okay after they had finished. Felt better beforehand but everyone kept telling me that even if felt okay still take them as it works by stopping you being sick, if you wait and take them after being sick they dont work as well.