chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Hi everyone,
this is going to be such a sad posting because I ate a takeaway and now have a temperature, shivers and the trots so have ben forced to abandon all food till it settles. Just water for me! I had no idea that takeaways were banned and learnt the hard way. I have to report to the BCn tomorrow and they will decide whether I need to go in. Yuk. Temp is sitting at 37.6 but has slid down with lots of paracetamol and have to set the alarm to take more on the dot of 12.30. I am not even going in the kitchen to look at the food but wish you happy munchings, you deserve it. Hope I am better for my next dose on 10 June. Stockpile of meringues now put out of temptation and sight.
Lyn that was the encouragement I needed to give the cold cap another try, if my hair is still hanging on. I think it does depend on your drugs and I am just having a massive dose of epi at present. I am also trying not to wash it or even touch it.I just pat it when I do wash it. Good luck everyone else with their personal decision about their hair. If I had drawn an accelerated regime on the trial, I would not have been allowed to even try the cold cap. Lisa I think I am still waiting for the big hit because not a leaf has fallen off this tree at all, so it must be all to come. I like the idea of smooth legs very much.
Lolly that would be really nice but will get rid of this bug before I chance coming near anyone, back in next week if better so how about when we get over the next one? Glad to hear you sounding so well. Did you manage to get anything changed for your next dose, as you mentioned before? Did you know that you can go to a makeover at colchester and you get £300 worth of cosmetics and they teach you to do eyebrows (at last). It is a charity for ladies with BC to do something nice for them, a friend went and is raving about it. If yes we could all go?
Lily x

Hi Lily, poor you, I hope your temperature settles down and you’re better in the morning.

Do you get a higher concentration of Epi on the trial? I was told the measured dose was calculated based on my size (height and weight and some means of working out body skin area) and I get two full syringes of Epi, plus the saline drip.

The cold cap did get to me last time, the first time it barely felt cold at all, second was chilly around the forehead, last time it made my eyes water and nose run, but I felt had felt a bit queasy for a day or so before going in. Temp ok, bloods taken the day before were lower on neutrophils but high enough to go ahead. I had a few drinks of hot chocolate during the previous sessions but only sipped water this time, also I’d only worn a t-shirt and by the time I thought a blanket would be nice I was already shivery and feeling even more wobbly. Next time I’ll dress for the cold, have hot drinks and cross fingers that after the 4th Epi that will be it, and I won’t need it through CMF. The chemo nurses said it works for about half the people that try it, but the oncologist tells everyone it probably won’t so a lot of ladies don’t bother at all.

My onc said to avoid curry but I’ve been ok with pasanda and mild Indian food, though the one Chinese I’'ve had caused about 15 bowel movements over the next day and night… also pub lunches which have raw onion in the salads do that.

I hit the fridge when everyone had gone to bed to find the cream had started to turn BUT the strawberries and blueberries went very nicely with a bowl of raspberry pavlova ice cream - now cant do my jeans up. Youngest has maths GCSE tomorrow and said toffee fudge ice cream helps her revise!

Lyn xxx

Hi Lily
Posted to you elsewhere - if your temp comes down hopefully you wont need to go in - fingers crossed. Think youve made me think twice about what Im eating!! Good luck for tomorrow x
p.s. the cosmetic things is called “Look Good, Feel Good” - well least it is here - theyve got them all over country apparently and help you do skin care (eyebrows) and goodies such as clinique, lancome, oil of olay etc. etc
Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow

I want a makeover!!! Yes, yes, yes…x…

Hi Lolly

This link will take you to more info on the very popular ‘look good feel better’ courses which are available around the country in various cancer centres:

Hope this helps.

Best wishes

hi everyone
glad you all doing so well, just getting over second chemo (so glad it wasnt any worse than the first, because a lot had said 2nd and3rd are worse.) gave me some different anti nausea tabs seemed to do trick.didnt actually vomit this time… the nurse said shed have earache for giving it out, because i was the second one shed given it to that day. but said what the hell. they are really helpful angels in disguise. off out now, hope to manage a little time by the lake at our local nature reserve.

nicky i hope all is going well with you, to and that you will soon be up and about. take care girls. chat later many blessings for your day,.x

Lily Hope you’re feeling better today.

I’m going in for 1st fec in about 20 mins and going via mcD’s for a egg muffin. Really really craving one.

Will I regret it we shall see. Gotta line stomach with something and eggs are good protein right?


Lily, My thoughts are with you and hope you feel better soon. Fingers crossed that don’t have to go in.

Lucy, Thanks for posting the link. I will definaltely be taken a look, all helps to make us feel better in ourselves.

Angie, Thinking of you when you go through your first fec.

Im off to hospital this afternoon for a Chemo review, before my 2nd cycle on Thursday.

Hope everyone else is havong a good day:-)

Kirsty x

Hope you are feeling better and will be losing that temp fast.
Don’t you hate the roller coaster we are in…good one day, and wham in the gutter the next
I guess we have to fasten our seatbelts and go for the ride

OK now i don’t want the Freschuit anymore (Wendy’s maple biscuit with egg and ham) Not sure if Wendy’s is international…but you get the picture…a souped up egg mcmuffin! take care honey

Angie - best of luck to you on your first FEC…Just take it easy for the day.
Lisa - we have Look Good Feel Better in USA too and is nice. Great lil bag of treats and it give you hope that you can look semi-decent!

Hugs to all


I’ve finally got my chemo dates.Start on Thursday and have decided to use cold cap.I’m on the accelerated trial and have been told the cold cap’s fine with it.Got the wig organised just in case though!.Had my hair chopped to shoulder length bob and hate it. The thought of not being able to use straighteners,dryer and so on fills me with dread as I’ve got really thick wavy hair and expect to look a bit crazy during chemo if I keep the hair.


First FEC over and feel fine. A bit tired but that actually feels more like the come down you get after waiting for something to happen. ie relief.

Absolutely nothing to report at all, not even any odd tastes in the mouth. superb.

will have a nap now body obviously needs it.

Tricia hope yours is as good as mine went, dare I say we actually had a laugh and there was no pain.

Hope you’re all enjoying the day and hope Lily’s back soon.


Glad everyone okay and fingers crossed Lilly’s okay.
Angie - glad it went well, take it easy for a few days. Only went off milk and wine (boo hoo) - all back now. No metal taste just slimy!!

Tricia - good luck for Thursday! I didnt do the cold cap as my hair without hairdryer, spray and my straigntners would be worse than the stupid wig!
Kirsty - good luck too
Everyone else - hope okay. We dont have wendy’s in Uk but yum, visited them in the states!! Must go and have food!,…

Hi everyone
Thank you so much for all the lovely messages to read. It was a funny sort of day because I took paracetamol all through the night as told and woke up feeling great. Then had the trots 3 times really bad but by the time I phoned my research nurse at 9 I felt fine again. She seems to disagree with the other one and said if you are improving thats fine but made me cross my heart and promise to ring if anything happened at all. She thinks takeaways should be fine too?? I restricted what I ate today, drank lots of water and gave myself a bad headache from it but fingers crossed ok tonight.
It brought me down to earth with a bump because I had just taken it for granted that this was my good week and I had earned it! Palomino - yes the dose is based as usual on height and weight, but it is a higher dose for the trial. I get 3 tubes of epi which my chemo diary says is 178m, I assume it is mls. I think dressing in layers for the cold cap helps, although I have to have a very low top for them to be able to try to access the port, which does not help. I keep my feet very warm and then have to apologise when the reflexology lady does my hot feet while I sit for the final 2 hours with the cap. it is brilliant for passing the time. Just found the chin strap really annoying and kept trying to loosen it to eat and drink. I will try it again unless my situation changes before then. It was chinese I had!! How was the Maths, my son thought it was quite hard but ok, whatever that might mean! Lolly my friend and I are booked on the June one at Colchester, can you get on it yourself or I will look out the telephone number for you? Every and Nicky - thinking of you and hoping this one soon passes. Pleased to hear it did not get worse as I was worried about that after reading a lot of people who said it did. Kirsty how did your review go, well I hope? Angie hope you keep staying well, just take it easy as it creeps about your body for a few days and do the mouthwash, don’t make my mistake of waiting for the symptom. Weetricia you must be half glad to get on with it and half like running for the hills. Hope it goes really smoothly for you and keep us posted. Thanks Emily Jane, keep well. Lisa thanks will now go and have a look at the other postings, I am not going to lose all my good week, getting back out there!!
Take care everyone and thanks you really cheered me up, as always
Lily x

Hi all

Good to see you back Lily and glad you are feeling a bit better. just take it easy for the next couple of days.

Angie - Glad that your first fec went well, but take it easy. Keep us informed on how your doing

Chemo review went well!!

The deed is done, or should i say my hubby did the deed. I have shaved my hair off. It is a bit wierd having really short hair, feel a bit like GI Jane. Except that my bits are all going south!!! Also not as pretty:-)

My thoughts and hugs to everyone xxx


11 hours later, first little wave of nausea. interesting. Straight for the next pill and nux vom to keep it down.

Yipee Nux is working for me I’m sure of it.

Actually feeling dozy so hopefully will sleep far not too bad.

Really glad you’re home Lily, don’t forget to drink lots of water if you’ve trots. That’s if you dare ever listen to me again… sorry I will not mention junk food ever again.


Angie,I am fine and drinking water, it was just a coincidence about the food! I actually ate the same the week before now I think about it. Woops. Glad your homeopathic cures are working. Don’t forget the mouthwash,in case you get that side effect, it comes in later. Kirsty well done for the hair and most of all hoooooray for a good review.
take it easy
Lily x

Yeah, glad you are okay, made me watch what I eat, well a little bit anyhow! Its our last week so fingers crossed you are okay tomorrow and its on the up!! Dunno wether it seems a long time since the sickness and last one or wether its coming round sooo fast.

Angie - what is nux vom? Glad its working for you though … have a good sleep.

Kirsty - glad the review went well and all is good - good on you for gettingyour head shaved xxx

Nite all

Lily i’ve looked at it!! What date is the June one? Has ur hair started to come out yet? I’m on 4 x EC at mo, then 4 X Tax after…I have 2 syringe things of the epi and one of the cyclophos stuff!!
Gonna send u a pm with my e-mail addy…Easier to catch up then!xx

Hi Lily, and everyone

Glad you’re feeling better - it’s a real pain to be feeling ill when you’re meant to be having one of your ‘good’ weeks, hope you are back 100% asap. I’m recovering from 2nd FEC and think I haven’t been as bad as the 1st time - it’s so difficult to remember when your brain wants to get rid of all the yukkyness! Anyway hope to be fully out of the nasty bit today as definitely feeling as if I have more energy and also sleeping better now the steroids are finished with. May even give the wig a try out at Tesco today but need to watch the wind and make sure I don’t catch it in my umbrella - lovely June!

You do a great job keeping in touch with us all, I keep losing track as to who’s having what, when. Lisa must have been a bit shocked when I wished her good luck for this Monday when I meant it to be for Angie! I think there should be a chemo diary on the panel at the side so we can all log what we’re on, when and how long so we can keep track. Once we all get started and chemo brain kicks in there’s no hope!

Angie - hope you’re coming through this OK, keep taking the tablets and you’ll keep everything in control, make sure you drink loads to flush it out and sleep it off if you need to.

Everyday - hope you’re doing well, sounds like the extra anti sickness may have helped. The nurses should feel guilty about giving extra - I’d love all the top brass in the NHS to experience all the side effects - then they’d make sure we had all we needed!

To everyone else coming up for treatment or getting over the last, good luck. Can’t say ‘enjoy the weather’ but hope you all have a good week.

Nicky x

bouncing back this morning and if it holds, then it is out with the meringues this evening, nothing too upsetting in them. I know what you mean about the next one Lisa, I think Lolly and I are on the 10th and you the 11th, or have I confused it again? I have 8 doses but the last 4 are doubles ( 2 doses a week apart in each 4 week cycle ), so trying not to think of it as 12!!! Today I could just walk in there and get on with it but by Tuesday AAAAAAAArgh. Really not looking forward to another week of THE MOUTH. What were all of your worse side effects?
Lolly, I need to find the date as it was all done over the phone, but possibly 24th, anyway there is only one per month. Spoke to my friend and we would love to meet up at the make up session. They get tons of cancellations as you would expect so you shouldn’t have a problem. My H (not you too!!!) is still intact, no sign of any loss anywhere and on day 15 so imminent I guess. How about you? Washed it today and none in the drain at all. Hope it is not going to be a dramatic drop!! I am using the cold cap but that would only save my head not the rest.I have just 3 big tubes of pink epi for the first 4 doses. Have not had your pm yet. Nicky, Angie - how are you doing today?
Take care everyone
Lily x