im er+ and my bc nurse said it was ok to use
i wonder has there been enough reserch into the long term use,.like 3 yrs down the line?
how long has the magnet been about?
i am a little worried about it
but im still using it 24/7 as im sure its helped a lot
either that or everything is settling down on tamox?
who kinows
if i stopped wearing it for a few days would i be able to tell if it had been working,or would it then just take me mths to get it to work again
sorry, mulling things over as i type
I’ve finally had an answer from my Onc on this. He says…
" I am not really finding much solid scientific data on this and as such, it is very difficult to comment on the safety of this in combination with Tamoxifen. It is difficult to see that there is going to be any real interaction, but really there is no evidence either way."
This basically sums up what I’ve discovered myself from researching online, that there’s not enough evidence as there haven’t been any scientific trials.
I’m sticking with mine until told to stop.
HTH, Bella xx
I don´t blame you bella . Until they can come up with something that actually works to releive the hot flushes and night sweats we have to do whatever we can to make things bearable .
Unfortunately my onc does´nt seem to see it as a problem , but then again , he´s not getting them ! If he was I´m sure he would´nt be so complacent ! Men !!
Bella - What a nice honest answer from you Onc, good for him! So really it’s up to us with no evidence to back anything up. I’m tempted to try it after chemo as one of the effects can be weight loss and I’m packing it on with having to keep eating to alleviate slightly queasy side effects.
Hi Girls,
Have been following this thread and having a good laugh. I looked up the ladycare magnet and realised it was not for me, only thing wrong was it would definitely end up in a 60 degree wash and a tumble dry! Instead I bought a Trionz bracelet, trendy silicone band in fashionable colours, same price, from Wiggle. I’ve been having much better nights sleep and much reduced hot flushes/night sweats from about the 3rd day. Figured it didn’t much matter where the magnet was placed. Anyway I’m suitably impressed and wont be taking it off!
I know Nicky , it does make you laugh cos it´s unbelievable what you end up stuck too !!
I never realised that the counter in our bank was´nt made of wood !
Would´nt be so bad if I had a concave stomach , but unfortunately it is exactly the opposite , it sticks out . Now it sticks out with this little button on it pulling everything towards me .
The old saying of "the little woman tied to the kitchen sink " yep , and the cooker , and the knobs of my kitchen cupboard .
However , it´s really made me laugh out loud so many times as I attatch myself to things .
Ps still waiting for the "weight loss " to kick in , oh well cannot expect everything !
Im getting one day, my hubby has gone into town to get it for me. Cant wait to see if it works
do you ladies wear your magnet 24/7?
sometimes id like to wear smaller pants but some of my bikini ones would make the magnet too low
just curious
on the info pack it does says to wear magnet 24/7. I wear bikini type knickers, and still manage to wear it.
Been wearing it since Thurs,
i can still wear it with smaller knickers but i just thought it was a bit low
thanks for the reply
Yes I wear it 24/7, but then I wear "big knickers " anyway , far too much of me for bikini ones , they would roll down below the overhang and then as you say , it would´nt be in the right place .