Cinderlla Tea at The Ritz - May 6th?

Hello everyone,

I have spoken to The Ritz this morning and they are unable to accommodate such a large group in April but have offered us 1.30pm on Tuesday May 6th.

They do not need a deposit but need a credit card number to confirm the booking and I am happy to give mine. I have provisionally booked for 40 people. They will sit us on a number of individual tables beside one another but cannot place us on one large table.

Their cancellation policy is no charge if cancelled up to 48 hours in advance and £20 per person if cancelled within 48 hours. So if you want to join the tea but are worried that you may not be up to it nearer the time I would suggest that you put your name down and assess how you are a week before the tea.

If this date suits you please let me know via the forum and we will take it from there. If perhaps there are a large number of people unable to make this day then we can rearrange.

If you can put your name forward as soon as possible then that would be great. I should just mention that this is the Tuesday after the mayday bank holiday in case anyone has any plans that spill over into the week.

Look forward to hearing from all you Cinderellas out there!

Take care,

Angee x

PS. Let me know if you are bringing a friend/sister/mother and I will add them to the numbers x

Hello Angee

that sounds fine to me

thanks very much for organising it
love Caroline

Hi Angee

Well done you for organising it!

All being well I hope to be there. I’ve emailed my other ‘met’ friends and one of them has emailed me back already to say to count her in (her name is Pam).


Have pencilled May 6th in my diary, this will take precedence over all other commitments that day :slight_smile: I don’t plan to bring anyone with me - I’m sure we’ll soon get to know each other, great to put names to faces.

count me in too , yipee thanks angee .

Hi angee,
Count me in and thank you for organising it:)

I’m at the hospital that day. :frowning: Normally it would have been an appointment for Monday, 5th.
I’m sure after this meet there will be others.?.picnic on the beach in the summer? still hope to get to the East Anglian meet.
Thank you for all the organising Angee…Belinda…xx

Should be OK for me, and thanks for your email, Angee, will reply when time allows…


Hi Angee,

Should be o.k., I’ve put it down on the calendar.

I’ve got bishbosh as you put it next week and will ask if any of the girls know of it and see if anyone else is interested.

Denio x

Yes I can be there, looking forward to it

please can you add me to the list . gotta go - just had rads to my back and im agony!!

Hi Angee

Sorry, but I cannot do that date, as I have Herceptin which is every third Tuesday and so have one immediately after my hols on 15th April and then next one falls on 6 May. Am devastated have to say.


Hi Angee,
Haven’t had a moment to post to you but my friend Pinkdove keeps me up to date on your plans.
(I love them all, especially this one)!!!
I would love to join you all…
Of to get my train ticket…

Cant believe it!! :frowning: :frowning: it’s my bishbosh day!!! :frowning: :frowning:

Was just about to check out the trains! Then looked in my diary!!!

Ah well, next time!!! Thanks Angee for doing the organising though


Hi Angee

You can add me!


Hi Angee

Yes please! And many thanks for organizing it.

Love Kay x

Like Dawn and Belinda, this Cinderella can’t go to the ball - it is Herceptin day and my 12 weekly appointment with the Oncologist. I am gutted that I can’t meet up with you all but the idea of an impromptu picnic sounds a great idea and has great possibilities for later in the year - but Dawn, Belinda and I get to pick the date!


Hi Angee,

I would love to go but I still don’t know what days my chemo and bloods are going to be on. Should know any day and I can’t say for definite as I don’t know how I’ll be yet but can I say a definite maybe! I will be due a PET scan in London around then so it may be possible to combine both. I’ll have to see how it goes and decide for sure the week before if that’s ok with you.
Thanks so much for organising it.

AnneS x

Hello everyone

I am feeling awful that some of our ladies cannot do this date and do not know what to do for the best. Would anyone mind if we changed for another date in May or is this overcomplicating things? HELP…?!

Angee xxxxx

a change is fine with me ! x