Cinderlla Tea at The Ritz - May 6th?

Hi angee,
No problem with change, but please not school hols if poss busy in the shop!
Cheers Allie

Hi Allie,

When are the school hols? I was thinking later the same week or week after?


Hi Angee…just my thoughts…I’m one of those that can’t make it but know from my experience of arranging days out in the past that hospital appointments, treatments, family commitments and sometimes just how you feel on the day make it pretty impossible to get one day that will suit everyone. Looks like the majority can make the date you posted and I’ll hopefully make the next one! :slight_smile: Belinda…xx

Hi Angee,

I was just thinking the same as Belinda above but I suppose it all depends how many can’t make it. Sorry that really doesn’t help much.

Denio x


I think you’re doing a grand job!!

As an interested observer whose brain is not muddled by chemo etc. etc, can I make a suggestion

  1. Keep with the 6th May - you’ve got a good turnout already

  2. Try to get another date in the diary that currently suits those that would love to attend on 6th May but cannot - presumably in June or July? I would suggest you ask belinda, dm1968, sixpen and blondie to come up with a couple of dates that suit them, see if the Ritz can accomodate and then go with that date.

Hope you don’t mind my input here - I know from experience that these things can take a bit of organising!!

Hope you all have a great day

Take care


Hi angee,

I don’t want to be a killjoy, because i think it is a fab idea to meet up and would like to be part of it. BUT I find the attitude of the Ritz (if I have understood your post) quite outrageous. Do they know it is for a party of ladies with Secondary Breast Cancer who can hardly be expected to say a week beforehand whether they are well enough or not to attend. Once you have given your credit card no. to them they will be charging you for last minute non-attendees. You will then have the responsibility of recovering your losses.

Have you thought of contacting other hotels - say ones near Victoria Station? You may even get a more sympathetic hearing than the Ritz seem to have given you. They might even charge a bit less per head than the Ritz!

Please if any of you think I am totally out of tune here - just shoot me down :slight_smile:


The week at the end of My with the bank holiday, beginning 26 th

My thoughts:

I think, although I am disappointed, that you should stick with 6 May - it is true that we will not be able to find a date suitable for everyone.

If all goes well, then we should provisionally book another date - as Nigel says, but maybe mid-July before the schools break up again.

I too am worried about Angee’s credit card!!! Mine shouts at being overused anyway!!!

Love Anne xx

Hi All,
Please count me in for the 6th. I think Nigel speaks reason about it being impossible to get everyone (sorry Dawn, Sixpen, B & B etc) but to get another date lined up ready, that will suit them.
I’m not sure we should be bringing friends/sisters etc if that will mean anybody else can’t fit in. Will it? What do others think?
I’m also worried about your credit card Angee - should we set up a date on which we all have to email you to confirm, say, 5 days before? Then if we pull out after that we are committed to paying you back?
Thanks so much for organising it

Just a suggestion - Angee, do you have a PayPal account? £20 deposit from everyone by a certain date???


“£20 deposit from everyone by a certain date” definitely, but I am not on Paypal, and I don’t want to sign up for just for that - prefer to pay by other means.

And yes, if the date needs to be changed, that’s OK with me.

Have finally got my weekly chemo day sorted which will be Wednesdays so Tues 6th May should be good for me as I’m sure I should be able to have my bloods done on the Monday instead of the Tuesday.
Don’t mind changing the day but Tuesdays will be the best bet for me and mean I’m well recovered from my previous week’s treatment.

I think you should stick with the 6 May. I am going to see if I can get my treatment changed to the Wednesday (and move the Oncologist too) - he has been telling me lately that I am ‘boringly normal’ and I don’t want to miss out on the Ritz just to be told that, even if it is good news.

Paying sounds as if it is going to be a nightmare - pity we didn’t think about a ‘picnic in the park’ - with champagne and strawberries (bring your own!) instead. Well if the Ritz get awkward it is always a possibility.


Hi Angee and everyone

Will see if I can change mine to Wednesday too and see what they say. Won’t know till my next one on 18 March, but will let you know.

Take care

I would stick to may 6th because whatever date you choose, you will encounter the same problems.
Biphos and hercpetin can be given 4 weekly on occassions so you should all be able to change the dates of your treatment.
looking froward to meeting you all.

Hello Ladies & Nigel,

Thanks to everyone for the straight talking - it has been appreciated. Of course it is impossible to get us all together on one date so I have gone back to The Ritz to confirm our booking and unfortunately they do not have a record of it. I must have spoke to a ghost … I don’t know… Anyway they are calling me back later but I am off to the hospital shortly for my bishbosh etc and just wanted to update you all.

They offered us a private room which I thought, ooh how lovely … for an additional £2000!!! What do you think? Haha… of course I declined. Don’t want to be stuck with THAT on my credit card.

In terms of deposits etc, I have debit/credit card facilities for my photography business so if need be we can use that to gather deposits by a certain date and then I will make a payment from my business on the day.

Anyway, I’ll let you all know what’s going on as soon as I hear but am determined that all us Cinderellas WILL go to the ball!!

Angee xx

Hi Angee

Sounds a great idea…can you count me in please. (you can contact me through Pinkdove as you have her details)

Thanks for taking the time to arrange it

Ok folks I dont mind change of date /venue if needs be but can I know soonish as I’m trying to book train tickets for me and my sis to come down and she needs to book her hols too. Is it possible to stick to 6th May but just confirm venue?

Kate xx

Hi Angee and all

6 May is good for me - just let us know when you want the payment.

many thanks for organisting this. the Ritz is not going to know what has hit them…


Please count me in too, I will get hubby to come home early to look after our little boy. Looking forward to meeting everybody