Firstly, I have just found out that I need to have further vertebroplasty on my back which will be done when I get back from my holiday so it looks like this Cinderella may not be able to go to the ball
Secondly, The Ritz are pressurising me to give firm numbers and to take my credit card details. I have given the matter a lot of thought and I do not think I will be able to give them my credit card details in case they end of charging me for cancellations. Since I said I would be happy to take deposits, Breast Cancer Care have informed me that I will be unable to solicit deposits via this website so it is all getting far too complicated.
I think it would be a good idea to find somewhere else to go to, as Dawnhc suggested, that do not require a deposit and do not charge for people unable to make it on the day. I have tried to stress that we all have secondary cancer and some of us would not be able to make it but think the Ritz obviously have a cancellation policy that cannot be flexible enough for us.
Thirdly, in the light of the fact that I am to undergo further vertebroplasty would anyone like to step in and continue with the organisation of the Cinderella Day in my place so that the meet can take place, hopefully with me but I would not like to disappoint everyone by being a bit too poorly to continue with it.
Hi Angee – please don’t beat yourself up about the huge financial challenges set by the Ritz – it’s obviously a very pricey place, and only for people who can plan their lives well in advance, i.e. not us! I’m sure that some of us will be able to come up with a good alternative in London, somewhere that won’t require a deposit or advance notice of numbers attending. And remember that Jennywren is organising an East Anglia get-together that some of our “southern sisters” will be able to get to, and I’m sure those of us “up north” will be meeting in Manchester soon. And of course, you’ll be touring with your camera very soon as well!
Sending you strength and good wishes for your next vertebroplasty -
I have been doing some looking on the internet for alternatives to the Ritz and have emailed a couple of possiblities.
They are the American Bar at the Savoy and The Orangery at Kensington Palace.
Both do fairly resonable high teas but I will wait to hear back from them to see if they can accommodate us and let everyone know. If these are not suitable then can you let me know how to get to the place in CAmbridge.
Hi all,
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve got further problems with your back Angee. Please don’t worry about all this Cinders Tea. It was so good of you to take it on in the first place.
I used to live in London and played piano for a few years for Afternoon Tea at the gorgeous Landmark Hotel on Marylebone Road just next door to Marylebone station and a few hundred yards from Madame Tussauds. Just checked on their website and it’s £30 for Afternoon tea there or £35 with champagne but it’s a beautiful venue and the food always looked fantastic and was always very good in the staff canteen which was the closest I got to the real food there!! I have just emailed them to ask if they might be able to accommodate us and explained our dilemma so I will let you know. Also Fortnum and Mason’s is very nice for Afternoon tea.My husband and I went there last June to celebrate 10 years together!
So sorry to hear you need more work on your back - and really don’t worry about having to hand this on to someone else. It was such a good initiative and just the idea has sparked us all up. Look after yourself and hope the procedure goes well.
Many thanks for all the hard work you have put into the Cinderella Day. I’m sorry you have to have further surgery and I hope it all goes well for you. I think the attitude of the Ritz stinks!
One thought that has occurred to me (don’t know if it’s a goer), as there is an East Anglian meet being organised and one in Manchester, I wondered whether anybody here in Wales would be interested in having a regional afternoon tea or lunch? Maybe we could all see how our smaller events go and then all put our thinking and organising caps on to arrange a Cinderella Day later in the year?
Hi Angee…like everyone else I’m sorry you have to have more surgery.
Agree the Cinderella day has fired us up for some small meets. I’ve been to quite a few meets now with some of the ladies on this thread. We’ve been to some nice places but I’ve always been so busy talking…and eating and drinking… I’ve never really taken in the surroundings.
There are all the London parks for free…although sunshine isn’t guaranteed but it might be an option…? and no commitments needed on numbers…picnic at a later date maybe?
Love Belinda…xx
Hi all,
A great idea Denio about regional meets and maybe one in Wales. I’m just about to start weekly chemo and bi-weekly Avastin so I don’t feel up to organising but would gladly be interested as I was worried I might not feel up to going to London there and back in one day with treatment and work in the same week! I’m pretty close to Newport or Cardiff or Monmouthshire. Haven’t lived here too long to think of good places but will rack my brains and see also what others in Wales may think.
It was a great idea by Angee and I do so wish you well Angee with the operation and do so hope you can enjoy your holiday before that.
Good luck with your operation Angee, I wish you well. Thank you for trying to organize tea at the Ritz. It was a great idea.
As others have said perhaps we could have a regional meetings as well.
Please count me in for anything in Wales Denio and Anne.
Really sorry to hear that you need further vertebroplasty - you must be really disappointed. Hope you have a really good holiday though before that to give yourself a bit of a boost.
Thank you again though for trying to organize this tea at the RItz. Given their attitude though, I think (as others have said) that we should look elsewhere. I do like your idea, Belinda, of a picnic in a park at a later date - that way we don’t have to worry about deposits and numbers (it was beginning to look as if there were potentially going to be a lot of us at the Ritz). Only problem would be that it is weather dependent. What do others think? Or maybe Kate’s or Anne’s places will come up trumps?
Think the idea of regional meets is great too - so will start a separate thread to see if people want to meet up in the SE area.
I think the idea of regional meets is great. It is a shame it all got so complicated with The Ritz. I have made a few other enquiries but I think with a larger group deposits will always be an issue.
like everyone else i just want to thank you for the hard work you’ve put in, and say i hope you have a fabulous holiday, and your vertebroplasty thingy goes better this time. Don’t feel at all responsible for the meet. The Ritz certainly won’t be getting any of my custom in future and I’ll be telling everyone how mean they are! Maybe local meets are the best way forward for now, as others have said, as they involve less travelling and are easier to drop in or out of.
Big hugs to you, I’m sad you need another op
love Jacquie
Ah, thanks, Jacquie. I feel really rubbish about it all, feeling I’ve let people down. It seems nowhere has a trustful or charitable heart anymore these days. I hope miy vertebroplasty thingy does the job this time round too!
Angee, you haven’t let anyone down at all! Such a good,uplifting idea to inspire us all. Some smaller regional meets are probably more appropriate in the short term and maybe a bigger London meet at some point down the line. I heard back from the Landmark hotel and they said they couldn’t accommodate a large group where they have Afternoon tea but we could book a private room which I’m sure would cost the earth if the Ritz was anything to go by so that’s a no-go as well I’m afraid.
Denio and Alicer, Cardiff sounds a good idea although parking is a bit of an issue there I always find! I don’t go there very often so nothing comes to mind at the mo but I’ll ask around and have a think.
Of course you haven’t let anyone down - you mustn’t feel like that! I think everyone is just grateful that you got the ball rolling and if we can get some smaller regional meets going as a regular thing, that will be great. Been such an eye opener about the Ritz though - clearly feel they don’t need our business which is probably true but it would have been so nice if they had shown a little bit of consideration for our special situation.
Take care - have you got a date for your vertebroplasty?
Ah, thanks, Kay. I think the Ritz are just so business like it perhaps doesn’t allow for any flexibility but I was rather surprised by their insistence of a credit card. I had received a private message saying that the Ritz start clearing up an hour and a half after your sitting time so guess that we would not have the luxury of languishing at leisure chatting away so probably somewhere different is best.
My vertebroplasty was booked for the day of my 40th birthday when I will be celebrating on holiday so will have to wait for another date as I think the consultant is on his holiday then (how dare he…?!) I think I will probably know before I go away.
Thanks for the research Denio. I don’t know if you’ll think this is too far to go depending on where you live but I have been to the Gliffaes Country House Hotel near Crickhowell for afternoon tea a few times and it’s great. They serve it every day from 4.5.30 and I’m pretty sure you don’t have to book but I’d check but it’s only £8.65 per person - they just leave out sandwiches, cakes etc. and serve drinks and you just help yourselves to as much as you want. It’s very pleasant as there are about 2 different rooms ( I think) you can have it and a conservatory which goes outside which is lovely on a good day and the gardens are worth a look and a nice walk if not too full afterwards!! It’s a really nice place and quite informal atmosphere and there’s plenty of space so even if lots of people it doesn’t feel crowded. It may be a bit far out for people location-wise but is certainly very nice and very good value for what you get. It’s on the web if you search on the name so see what you think.