I have been diagnosed with Grade 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, tubular type, I have Critical Illness cover but not sure if this is covered, has anyone else claimed for this type of BC and was their claim successful.
Hi, I have CIC but i think my small print says no DCIS or LCIS is covered. It may be worth looking in your policy booklet that came when you took out the policy. I’m not covered as DCIS. hope this helps a bit.
Mine required it to be invasive but I have a different diagnosis. Give them a ring - mine was with Norwich Union and they were very helpful. They paid me with no hassle.
Thanks for your comments, my policy document says it doens’t cover Cancer in Situ, but as mine is invasive I wasn’t sure if this was the same. My insurance company has sent me the forms to complete so think I will speak with my BCN first and the company before I send them back. It’s abit unfair, at the end of the day cancer is cancer and they should pay out anyway especially if there is no family history, with the operations and treatment we have to go through, it just adds more stress which is something we could all do without at this time
Hi Ive had a successful claim with bright grey! Mine was invasive ductal carcinoma , grade 3 , stage 3! Pursue it im sure you will be covered.
Good Luck
Clarebare xxxx
With my insurance, it needed to be invasive (mine was), bus I suspect different policies or different ages of policies have different rules. Give them a ring/e-mail and ask them.
i work for a critical illness provider.
all critical illness policies will cover invasive cancer, Including invasive ductal carcinoma. A few also cover DCIS. Usually if they do cover DCIS it is for a smaller amount.
The diagnosis will need to be confirmed by your consultant and most likely by your gp.
if you ring your providers claims number they will be able to issue a claim form to you, and talk you through the claims process.
I’m with friends life & rang the claims line they were helpful , think they said it had to be invasive , most insurers of this type try to pay out than not although I don’t expect the process to be quick ! Defo worth ringing them & putting forward a claim , fingers crossed your covered x
Clarebane, my policy is with Bright Grey, so I will definitely persue a claim now knowing that they have paid out for you, although yours is a higher grade, it is definitely worth trying.
Lakeslover, thanks for your comment, you hear soo many stories where the insurance companies try to get out of paying you have given me faith to persue. Will let you all know the outcome. I have completed the forms already!!
Thanks again for all your comments xxx
If it is invasive you should be covered.Fingers crossed. It really does make a difference to peace of mind.
Hi Clare I have a claim in with Bright Grey for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2 so hoping this is covered how long did Bright Greys claim take?
Bright grey is a fairly new company and uses the latest wordings. So invasive cancer should be covered.
the biggest thing which determines how long a claim will take is how quickly your doctors respond to the insurance company request for info. This can be several weeks. if you are seeing the consultant it is worth politely asking them, or their secretary if they have returned the report. I did for my claim, and they then did it that day.
Hi I spoke to insce co re my cover and if it is invasive you are covered if it is in situ you are not.Dont know if that is rule for all CI cover,would think it is the guideline.
Hi,I spoke to scottish Widows and you will have a valid claim with them if the cancer is invasive,not if it is In Situ.
Most will cover invasive not in situ. My consultant completed my forms for me they know exactly how to phrase stuff. Meet with your bcn and fill the initial bits out with her & she will then liase with the consultant. I found the insurance company (Axa) very sensitive & helpful.
Good luck.
S x
Thanks everybody really appreciated you speaking with your insurance companies, I have checked my policy it says invasive cancer is covered but not if it is in Situ, which it isn’t. My only concern is that it had not spread to my lymph nodes, so do you think it would still bel covered. I am assuming if you are grade 2 or 3 it would had spread to nodes but not 100% sure about that, or does that fact that it was an invasive cancer it is still covered. xxxx
I had a policy with Barclays specifically for breast cancer.
I had some great advice before I filled out the form, be very careful on what you ‘admit’ to. A friend had her claim refused because she had been to the GP and had a hospital admission in the 12 months prior to her being diagnosed for something totally unrelated to her BC but the insurance company were adament that this was enough to void her claim.
even if you’ve been to hospital as an outpatient be sparing with the details.
My BCN ensured my forms were signed by Consultant as has been said before, they’re not the best at returning paperwork.
Good luck with your claim.
Thanks for the advice Scone, I sent my forms back yesterday, luckily they just wanted details of my consultant and GP and when it was diagnosed, so I assume they will write to them for the full details. Keeping my fingers crossed. x
Debibay, to pick up your point about grade 2 or 3, the grade isn’t about spread, that is staging. When I was dx my cover was with Friends Provident. I was covered for any invasive cancer. I didn’t have spread to nodes but they paid out because my tumour was invasive so if your policy covers that it should pay out. I gave Friends Provident all the details, they wrote to my oncologist, she filled in the forms and returned them and they paid. My GP was never involved as my treatment was private.
The grade is the aggressiveness of the cancer. Grade 1 the least aggressive, grade 3 the most aggressive. The stage is associated with the size AND/OR whether lymph nodes are involved. for example stage 1 means a tumour less than 2 cms diameter and no nodes. If the tumour is greater than 2 cms OR has lymph nodes involved it is stage 2 etc. pamx