Thanks Samlee, my policy says invasive as well, so hopefully they will pay out. Will keep you all updated. It’s great to be able to talk about this with people who have been through the same thing, I know it doesn’t mean I will get a payout but it is looking promising from everyones comments, but trying not to get my hopes up just in case.
Debbie x
Hi, i was diagnosed with an invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3, stage 1 in November 2011. I phoned my insurance company, norwich union now aviva, as I had taken out a critical illness policy in 2001. They sent me a form which I filed in and sent to my surgeon who filled in the sections regarding my diagnosis. Two weeks later aviva phoned me to ask if I had had any other breast problems and if so when. I told them about two previous benign fibroidenomas, the first in 2005 and the other in 2009. They thanked me for the information and two weeks after that I received my cheque. I don’t know why they phoned me as the surgeon must have informed them about my previous problems, whether they were checking the dates perhaps? Anyway, having had the policy since 2001 there really was no problem. I had a phone call from Aviva telling me that my claim had been successful, and I cried when I got that phone call not because I was so relieved to be receiving a payout (although the money has been useful), but because I knew that my claim would not have been successful if my diagnosis wasn’t bad.
Debibay, I had almost exactly the same diagnosis as you( tubular is rare but very good type to have) in 2008 and my CI provider paid out really quickly. My prognosis is very very good but its the “invasive” bit that counts not whether it has spread or not. Good luck x
Debibay, i really hope your claim is successful. Like any insurance, you pay your money in the hope that you never have to claim but it’s improtant when you do that they deal with your claim sensitively and speedily without putting up barriers. As others have said it at least will give you peace of mind at a very challenging and difficult time.Fingers crossed. I was diagnosed 10th January 2013 and am recovering from my WLE, mammoplasty and axiallary clearnace last friday 18th Jan. Sore but not suffering! I thought I had critical illness protection as hubby has been paying the policy via his employer since 2006. We work for the same company and they are trying to say that I should have taken the cover out for myself rather than him doing it. On asking, they have said it is in the T’s&C’s which looking back retrospectively it is but it was never on any of the application forms and they have happily taken the premiums for over 6 years. We feel completely stupid and cheated and feel that we shouldn’t have to have this battle to fight as well as the main one which is to get through the rest of treatment when full details are confirmed from the lab results in a few weeks time. They know its invasive but not the grade,stage etc. I’m scared, stressed and doing what I can to stay positive. Please do keep us posted as to how your claim goes I’m sure from what others have said you will be fine. Good luck xx
Hello Lynda,
I’m sorry to bother you but wondered if you could help me please based on yout experience?? I too have critical illness cover. I’ve posted on Debibays thread to wish her well and was interested to see the thread about CI cover.
I’ve got a policy via my husbands employer (also my employer) but on ringing they have told him that I should have taken the cover out myself and not via his benefit package. The cost to him that he’s been paying for over 6 years is exactly what it would have cost me and the benefit level is also the same. We did it through his pay as he earns more than me and no one has ever asked if we both work for the same company. So far they’ve said it is in the T’s & C’s that we should have done the policies from our own pay/benefit package but no one has ever asked if we both work for the same company and it was not on the key information pages. It was hidden in the T’s and C’s which we have only just discovered when we really need it!
We are waiting to hear from them but I wondered if from your experience there was anything you could reccomend that would help us to ensure that they honor the policy we believed we have got?
Thank you for your help and all the very best in your journey.
Kerry x
Hi Kerry, I am sorry that you are having a fight for your CI claim, it is so annoying that you are already going through enough with your diagnosis and your treatment without having to worry if you will have a successful claim. I hope that you get it sorted as you could do without this extra stress.
I will let you all know if mine is successful, in the meantime keep positive and take care
Debbie xxx
Hi Kerry,
i have sent you a PM
Hi Lynda
I wonder if you could help me, I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and have started the process of making a claim on my critical illness cover. The problem that I have is that since telling members of my family about my diagnosis it has come to light that my sister who is 12 years older than I am and who I have very little contact with has disclosed that she had breast cancer about 10 years ago which was successfully treated. As I was unaware of this until now I did not disclose this when applying for my cover, but will obviously have to tell them now that I know. Will this affect my claim?
Many thanks
I had a critical illness policy with Abbey Life and my IDC Stage 4 was covered, my GP and consultant completed forms and the claim was settled within a few weeks. It was all so much simpler than I expected.
Mandy, one of the forms I had to complete was about the medical history of close relatives, I’m not sure how this might affect your claim, my mother had been recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer (genetic tests in progress) but that didn’t make any difference to my claim.
[color=#faa0e0]I currently trying to arrange critical illness cover for my wife (30years old) who has a family history of breast cancer (her mother got it when she was 40 years old). I wanted to ask if anyone could recommend a good insurance company that will cover the variety of severities of breast cancer, rather than just the most severe. However, the policy wording is all very confusing with the different providers.
[color=#faa0e0]If anyone could provide some advice based on your experience that would be great. Rather than change the subject on this thread I have started a new one.
[color=#faa0e0](Sorry I did not want to ‘hijack’ this thread)
[color=#faa0e0]Thank you, [color=#faa0e0]Robert
Hi i took my insurance out over ten years ago it was originally with abbey national but has been transfered over to Royal London …how long should a claim take roughly ? or is that a silly question …put mine in over 12 weeks ago …insurance company have written back to G.P and surgeon for histology reports and additional information? Starting to get worried now as go on to half pay in August .Have been paying £128/month so will be a bit sick if they decide not to pay. I have grade3 invasive cancer …no lymph node involvement …having chemo now …then radiotherapy then tamoxifen and herceptin .
Hi does anybody know roughly how long it takes to get a decision from insurance company re; critical illness? Put my claim in about 12 weeks ago …I have Grade3 invasive diagnosis …no lymph node involvement …undergoing chemo now …then radiotherapy then herceptin and tamoxifen. Our policy was with Abbey National but seems to have been transfered to Royal London …took out about 9 years ago at £128/ month . Go on to half pay in August and getting a bit concerned …keep ringing everyone involved which i could do without …last news was awaiting additional info from G.P and histology report from surgeon.
Morning. My circumstances were slightly different but i can give you something to compare with. I had my oncologists report and path lab reports etc before I put my claim in. Scottish Widows took about 10 days to pay my claim… Sounds like you may need to make an appt to see your GP, and ask what the hold-up is. Push it along yourself, or nothing will ever happen…
Good Luck!
Thanks for reply x 10 days ! i feel like I have continually pushing things along …but will continue to do so thanks very much for reply .
My insurance company sent me some forms and I got the Onc to fill them out in front of me. Sent them off and payment in bank within about 3 weeks at latest.
Push your GP, I think they forget going through this can be financially draining when you lose income.
Hi ladies,
I was diagnosed in Dec and contacted my company AXA the last week of January. They advised me it could take up to six months, but they wrote to my onc straight away and within a month the money was in my bank account and the mortgage was paid off. Keep my fingers crossed it will smooths smoothly.
Thanks for reply …my insurance company requested information from my G.P and surgeon …they haven’t requested any from oncologist …You are right it is another stress I could do without at the moment …I’m going to ring insurance company again mid week to see if they have recieved additional information they have requested …then I don’t know how long after that I will have to wait for a decision… am I right in being hopeful that they will pay out considering my diagnosis did either of you have similar diagnosis with your successful claims if you don’t mind me asking x
I had a MX because of a second bout of DCIS. I had Critical Illness insurance and it said cancer was covered but not if it was in situ.
When I got the results of the pathology on the MX there had been a 2mm area of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.
I phoned Standard Life and they said there shouldn’t be a problem. They sent me two forms - one was to give them premission to contact my oncologist and the other was for my bank details.
Two and a half weeks later they phoned to say that the calim had been processed and they were paying the money into my account!
All in all - three weeks from diagnosis to payment!
from what I gather with my policy if it was ‘in situ’ then no - if it was invasive then yes!
it is such a relief as it means I can pay off my mortgage and return to,work on a part time basis!
I have just been diagnosed with grade 1 invasive breast ductal cancer, I have made a claim through my friends life critical insurance policy, could anyone advise whether their claims have been successful.
Hi everyone, I would agree with all comments so far. It was thanks to reading Duffer’s comments that I looked into the insurance that I had and discovered I could make a claim - huge thanks Duffer
I am insured with Aviva and the whole process so far has been very easy - the two forms were sent back and then I waited for my oncologist to do his bit. Unfortunately, he was on holiday and now on a long term absence so in the end I took some action myself and sent the original oncology letter stating that I had invasive breast cancer etc etc. Aviva phoned last week to say that my claim had been agreed! A huge relief and as others have said, it relieves the pressure about work and gives you time to recover as needed. Good luck x