Critical Illness Cover

Tanlou just re-read my post and realise I didn’t clarify Duffer’s point about IBC v DCIS. I think that as you have an IBC diagnosis your insurance company will support your claim. I don’t think the grade is the deciding factor, just invasive as opposed to in situ. Really hope you get good news as it makes a difference to peace of mind. X

Glad my info was useful. X

Hi, my invasive cancer was so small it was only 2mm and only picked up on the pathology following the mastectomy. It was a straight yes or no with the Pru - invasive (no matter what size or grade) yes, in situ no!
I know I gave been through a lot but having the mortgage paid off has bade such a tremendous difference it has allowed me to get my priorities straight and concentrate on getting better.
Good luck to all of you who are in the same position.

I am so pleased for you. It makes such a difference as it means you don’t have to worry about anything other than getting through the treatment and getting better!

Paid of my mortgage today - thank you guys and what a relief not to hav a mortgage.


Best wishes for all your help and support


I am new here I had a mastectomy in January 2013 but my critical illness claim was refused when the pathology report confirmed the tumour was DCIS.

I had a DIEP reconstruction 3 weeks ago and have just learned that a lymph node removed during that surgery has cancer cells in it.

I have seen my original consultant who said the node been missed during the mastectomy last year.

I have contacted the insurance company and have to complete a new claim form but they have not indicated if they will treat this as a new claim or backdate it to Jan 2013. The policy value decreases annually so it will affect the amount I am paid if this is now deemed to be a qualifying cancer.

I worry they will say the tumour removed was DCIS so cant be what has now been found in the lymph node. I cant find any reference to a situation where a DCIS has progressed to an invasive cancer so am not even sure how it spread to the lymph node.

I am having to deal with so much at the moment recovering from the reconstruction and now facing prospect of treatment for an invasive cancef which could have spread anywhere in the last 13 months. But at least if my mortgage is paid off I can relax a bit re the finances.

Hi Lakeslover, thanks for taking the time to reply.

I still dont know whats going to happen with the insurance company as my consultant hasnt sent them his report yet. I had ANC surgery on Tuesday and he is waiting for the histology from that so he can give them the full picture.

He has told me the lymph node was missed last year as apparently the procedure for identifying the SLN is only 95% accurate and he believes the channel to the affected node had become blocked so the radioactive dye  couldnt drain into it. 

If I had had lumpectomy/ WLE I think I would struggle to get the claim backdated as an invasive cancer could have developed post surgery but as it is breast cancer in the node and I had a mastectomy in Feb 2013 I have not had any breast tissue there for a new breast cancer to develop. Then again what do i know about how this disease works !

Anyway I will just have to wait and see, its not  my main priority just now as I am feeling so sore and exhausted from this last surgery I just want to start feeling better. Ive found this worse than the mastectomy and the reconstruction.

Be aware that there may be a limited time for you to register your claim

Yes. It’s only after surgery that final diagnoses is possible. You should have no problem mine was only confirmed as idc after surgery. I was paid out just 3 weeks from original phone call

My claim wAs settled within 4 weeks of first phone call. I sent a copy of my diagnosis letter with the form which clearly stated invasive Cancer. Hope you get paid out soon. Keep us posted

Hello well I got a phone call to say that I have been awarded and my claim was successful thank you glad I found this site to compare just need to get nx week over me now for all my pathology results hopefully they removed it all during mastectomy and it hasn’t spread will know what treatment I will need then on road to recovery thank you everyone x

So glad to hear you were successful. Takes the pressure of and you can concentrate on your recovery

Hi my cic cover is still in my maiden name. We have tried to change it three times over the years but nothing happened. Do you think they might use this to stop any claim? We are with Zurich.

I just thought I would give some information about my experiences on behalf of my Missus.


She was diagnosed in August 2014 with breast cancer  and it had spread to the nodes. She has now made a full recovery. (Treatment finished May 2015; Chemo and radiotherapy after a one side masectomy). 


She had Critical illness cover (over 10 years) initially Colonial (I think) and they were taken over my Old Mutual who were the present company.  We had no idea that this cover would be relevant until we started to move house and were told she couldn’t get critical illness cover due to her illness. It was only then (11 months after diagnosis) that we checked the cover as initially we thought it was an income protection scheme. Anyhow the illness was listed but we were concerned now about claiming in a relevant period from diagnosis.


The original policy didn’t mention anything about time to claim. Just this week the policy paid out. It actually went back to the date that the diagnosis was made , and the company even gave interest on that balance. It also repaid all the monthly premiums from diagnosis.


The whole process from claim to payout took 5 weeks (but only because our oncologist was on holiday for at least 2 of them and he needed to sign off the paperwork).








Take it up with the ombudsman. I was a broker for 46 years yes I am an oldie but you have to fight them to the end. Good luck

Elaine as I understand it invasive ductal carcinoma has spread outside the milk ducts, but dcis is contained within. As you have had both I would think you can claim as you have IDC which is coveted on your policy. Good luck x

My policy said Breast cancer was covered unless it was ‘in situ’. I had what they thought was DCIS but the pathology showed 2mm of invasive cancer. Policy paid out!
Didn’t matter how big or how long it had been there - some was no longer in situ so it qualified for payout.
I hope you have the same success!

You need to provide your company with the exact histology report, and they will look at your exact policy details. DCIS is covered by some companies and not others, just as some
companies will cover some illnesses but not
others. My biopsy that set me off on this path did not reflect the full picture revealed
once the surgery was completed.
Good luck,
LL xx

Thanks for your advice guys. I am waiting on the forms and my bcn was kind enough to offer to help me fill them in so I’m going to go see her. I noticed on another forum about ci on this site that some poor girl didn’t get paid out because although she had Idc she worked between chemo cycles. Can you remember if your forms had any questions about that? I made myself work between the op and the radiotherapy to try and get my mind of it. But took time off during rads. Then had to take a few month break after going back to work full time. Think the whole situation caught up with me and I realised what I went through… my psychotherapist said it’s a common thing for us lassies to go into survival mode but then reality bites us on the ass. But after hearing what that poor girl said about not getting her insurances I think I’ve shot myself in the foot too. Xx

I think it is all in the wording of the policy, my company (Liverpool Victoria) was great, even when inirially a No, the spokesperson was gentle, when everything changed their support in dealing with the claim was amazing. Plss dont beat youeself up for choices made that you cant change now. If once all the details are known you feel you have been treated unfairly approach something like the Money Advice Service or financial ombudsman.
Best wishes x x