Darling buddies from May - moving on

CONGRATULATIONS ANGIE & TOMMY. What wonderful news and I hope you had the best day ever.
Make sure you tell us all about it, every single detail. No doubt there were a few tears as well as lots of laughter and smiles.
Anyway I am sure you have other more pressing matters so pop back online when you can
Big wedding day hugs
Lily x (ps can I take this bee costume off now please, it is rather tight?)

CONGRATULATIONS. Angie and Tommy, a day to remember i hope.x
lily 2000
ahhhhhhhh, whos is the doggy? he is so sweet. i bet you looking forward to easter hols, lets hope for lots of sun.

hope all is well.
i too cried at secret millionare, me and hubby think that people must realise now show as been on several times, what do you think?

went to see sis, today the one who had op, shes looking ok, bit sore where stitches had been removed. she was saying that your liver can grow back in three months. cant be bad.
brought some pots for garden so hoping weather picks up, so i can fill them up. cant stand being out there and rushing cos its so cold.

everyone take carex

found pic of the water balls i was talking aboutx

Lorraine it is a random picture that caught my eye when I was looking for a new picture. The water balls look great fun but would scare me I have to say.I went round the garden centre on Sunday and bought some of the little tete a tete miniature daffs in a cute enamelled metal container and some alpines. While I was there a really old guy got caught shoplifting which was horrible. I thought initially that the shop assistant was picking on him until all became clear. I was really shocked. Very impressive about the liver’s capability to recover and glad to hear your sis is sounding much stronger.
Glad I missed secret millionaire and a big cry then. You old softies! Lisa I noticed that you and Niccky had posted, well done. I was too upset to trust myself to say anything. I think of you all as my cyber Bc family and would not have made it this far without you all. No-one else can quite understand, no matter how hard they do or don’t try. Nicky can you email your tel number, etc so we cancontact eacjh other next week? I won’t be bringing the sky box with me so you are safe this time!!!
Happy honeymoon Angie and the little dog is my cyber wedding present to you
Lily x x

Congrats Angie, way to go, hope you had a beautful day and the sun was shining!!! When you have recovered let us know details and we want a photo when you are up to it.

Well, hummm what to change my picture to?!?!? Will be glad to get rid of my Angel wings. Boy was dreading logging on as I never ever reply to posts keep outa trouble but it did wind me up and after I few wines, truth will out! I do know what they meant but hey, look at what you want, we were decent enought to move our posts to a more relevant bit and within them we have probably covered lots of queries.

Well, back to work today, trying to keep calm but back home and headache hit in and arm ache so its obvioulsy work doing it so going to be more sensible and if it doesnt get done it doesnt.

Think people must know about secret millionaire but then again they are maybe all filmed at a similar time then relayed latter - it was a very emotional one. Glad your sister doing okay, hope the liver regrowth goes well, that’s amazing, mind I think my takes a bit too much hammering so off the booze week nights - well trying again anyhow.

Off to look for a photo now as I think Ive lost my angel status.

Hi Ladies

A quick catch up with things in the N08 household.
We (my 2 bros and I) gave our parents a really lovely weekend for their 50th. We went to the church where they were married along with a lot of other familiar places. We all (16 of us, kids included) had a lovely meal on the Sat eve and then set off on Sunday for another meaningful day. The weather was fairly kind to us except for a few showers on Saturday. They loved the idea of the 50 presents and soon got into the swing of things guessing the significance. A lot of laughter along the way. A full on, busy weekend which is why I was fit to drop on Sunday evening. I had a day at home yesterday playing catch up on my (still) long list but was glad to tick alot off it. I had my last massage at the hospice yesterday afternoon - boo hoo, but it does now free up my Monday afternoons now. I can get in touch with any of the therapists if I want to but would now need to pay. Today was spent on my 4 hour starvation bit before the CT scan. I don’t enjoy them one bit but I enjoy results day even less! That’s next Thursday, so not looking forward to that at all. I’ve also got my next pamidronate on Monday afternoon so I don’t get away from the hospital for long. I may go onto the tablets but will start/check any threads about them. I know Lorraine is on them and it does cause problems not being able to eat or drink anything (other than water) for an hour or so 1st thing.
Hope everyone is doing OK. Sorry to hear of little 'uns finger - makes me cringe just thinking about it. Lorraine, hope your sister gets her strength back soon and her liver recovers well. Lisa - hope work hasn’t been too bad going back to and I’m glad you have thought about how much you give. You do need to look after yourself still and I’m glad you had a good break and got the decorating done. Bev - hope you are OK as well.
And last but not least, Angie. I hope you are way too busy and happy to log on but please let us know how it all went. I’m so pleased for you and Tommy and I hope all your family and friends gave you a great send off into the land of the marrieds :wink:
Take care all
Nicky x

hi everyone

lily where is this posting that is grumbling about us, must have missed that one?
take care at work, remember its always going to be there, so take your time.
hope you and hubby having a great few days, relaxing in each others company.

best wishes to everyone else.x

hi, comment was under latest posts, wasnt specific to us just saying that posts that chit chat and are a small group of friends talking about things like food etc. should be moved to another area! Hey food is and was at the forefront of my mind since chemo days, mind I still cant do meringues at the mo!!!

Headache again today and mega busy and pist off, I got a letter from HR saying that as I didnt meet the required miles last year they are taking my car allowance off me, how the 
 do they expect me to meet the required miles in a year when I was off sick for 6 months, well in whe I could but not doing travelling!!! Oh picked the wrong day especially when looking into it I met the amount in first 6 months and the year before
 and chill!!!

Off to get new picture!!!

well it was rather a funny (odd) day really. Starting off by checking on my Mother, who rang the night before to say 'would you please ring me to make sure I am still alive in the morning. I don’t mind about myself but what about the dogs!!'She has a water infection that seems to have boiled her brain too! So I was awake for hours wondering whether to drive over there and sit up all night, then fell asleep before I made my final decision. By the way she is fine and my brother took her to the doc this morning. Hubby went in late and cadged a lift in with me, which always disrupts my routine. I am used to just me and the vegetative teenager still in bed each morning. Just before I leave I put my very loud, persistent alarm just out of reach of his hand.
I was in the right mood to sort out a few students who have been thinking I am a walk over, so had a big growl and sent a few out to other classes until they can behave as expected. Just high spirits but really winding me up.Not sure why I care more about their futures than they do, but I do. Had a good chuckle watching a colleague try to eat her lunch which had been selotaped up by someone playing a trick on her (not a student). There were layers and layers of the stuff! The whole family came in for tea so had to cook lots of food and we all watched a very exciting episode of Holby City. Also went to buy tiles for the shower room as realised the man is coming to do it next week and they have to be ordered. Yikes. Can’t wait for it to look better as we had a temporary mend and then I got this and everything ground to a halt.
Lisa yes food featured very heavily in my chemo days and nothing much has changed! I overdid the meringues too but I am sure they will come back on the menu some time. Poo about the car allowance, you go get them! You need to have a think about what is different about work days. It might be the stress but could be not eating or drinking enough, etc! or drinking too much ha ha! Hope the headaches go off as I know they worry you.
Lorraine how are you spending your days now? Nicky thanks for the email and I have replied to the one on here. Will speak again nearer the time but that looks a good time to meet. The family weekend sounds really lovely and there will be a lot of lasting memories. How did the scan go? i hope the veins were obese and helpful!MOre stabs on Monday too poor you. I get the big squeeze, mammos on Monday and rather jumpy abput it. Then genetics clinic on Thursday for a first chat to find out more. Angie hope you had a fab second day of married life. Just wondering how things are going as the big day must have taken it out of you and you were hinting that you might need dex so bit worried about you.
Lily x x

Hiya Lily, maybe Ive overdone the food as eat lots more at work as collegue eats lots and leave me tit bits. Its stress I think as the car thing wound me up big style, how care they tell me I didnt make the miles since FEb 08 whilst im down on their records as being on long term sick, would like to know what long term sick means, apart from ops was never off more than 5 days in a row!! Ohhhh and I am always helping the directors by reminding them of what they should be doing and havent, and im just a minion.

Well didnt make work till 10am today and was sooo tired, that was without booze and headache as soon as up nad always have a buzzin in ear which has freaked me out, however, I took my temper out on a metal today with a hammer and chisel!!! determined to get up earlier tomorrow and shower and work lively (need to be), me and work friend have put signs up on the interior staff locked door to say its broken, so they will trapse round the back, come in and find another sign saying the door is jammed and use the staircase, so long way round for them all to get in but hey its April Fools Day!!!

Angie hope you are having a honeymoon or a little break - I think you might already be on the steroids, if so hope you are bearing up. Hope you had a fab time.

p.s. Lily jeleous you are getting your bathroom done. Bedroom finished and mam and dad’s getting their fireplace and boiler tomorrow my treat so soooo excited for them.

Nite all xx

hi everyone

forgot to play april fools on anyone today, it was about 11 before i realised what day it was. what a shame. does anyone read the sun, im trying to see what they put in, do you think it was the bionic frog story? talking about frogs someone i know has a two headed frog in her garden, can you believe it a siamese twin frog, and no id heard it before today so its the truth.
dentist tommorow for two more fillings, and then i think thats them taken care of. he says my gums need a bit of tlc, though. been to watch grandsons easter play today. it was so nice ah.
hope you feeling ok at moment, enjoying time with tommy.

lily 2000
poor mum, hope shes feeling better now, for your sake.

try not to let the car thing get you down, youve coped with cancer remember anything else is a piece of cake. ask yourself “how important is it” usually works for me.

love and best wishes anyone ive missed.x

Very true, just principle of saying im not getting it cos been off sick!!!

Two headed frog eh - that’s a first

caught my husband out with an April Fools this morning. Went downstairs and shouted ohno the dog’s been sick everywhere, he roared downstairs and was trying to sopt dog’s sick in the gloom for some time before he caught sight of me grinning. Ha ha. Also had to register my tutor group and hand out letters to say if they were accepted into the 6th form or not. Told the 2 best behaved, bright girls that their envelopes were much thinner than everyone elses,so they almost tore theirs open and everyone looked shocked. It is a dying art and the kids were not expecting it at all. Never sounds very funny when you retell them. Lisa what did they all say? Lorraine good luck at the dentist and sorry don’t read that paper so cannot help. Thanks, my Mum is a bit brighter today. The tiles are due to arrive friday and the tiler comes Monday so hope it all works out ok. They had soem odd deal on, that if you bought their adhesive and grout, you got the tiles half price. It worked out cheaper to take the sacks of stuff with us than not having them. Donating them to YD’s new house as it needs doing up. Lisa we are having porcelain tiles that can go on the wall and floor. It is a small room so we are having it all that sort of swirly light brown that looks warm, doesn’t show the dirt and is a bit like stone to look at. We need a cold spell for your Mum and Dad to test it all out now.
Anyone watching the apprentice? I love it.
Lily x

Hi All: Sorry I have not been around, was away in Scotland last week and home system is down – again!

Angie: Missed your wedding but your picture looked fabulous – hope you had a great day and are enjoying yourself. Trust life is treating you kindly, have read thru all the posts and you are obviously having some problems, but let’s all hope they come up with some solutions for you.

I have finally sorted the Herceptin thing – saw my Prof on Monday with the results of the heart scans, etc, and as he said “You’re OK, your pump is working!”. We agreed that the benefits of Herceptin – about 4% improvement – were outweighed by the heart risk – about 5% - so, in his words: “We won’t do it!”. He reckoned with what I had already done – chemo and rads – plus the Arimidex, I would be OK – week 10 of Arimidex, 250 to go! The first ten weeks have flown by. I now have six months off with nothing except bone density scan plus maybe another heart scan sometime. I am freeeee! Yipeeeeee!!!

Had my new hair cut yesterday and have decided to give up the wig – today came to office with pixie haircut – still a bit thin, but bulked up with gunk doesn’t look too bad.

It is a bit trite but am now going to put the last twelve months behind me and move on. Will concentrate on the diet and exercise – walking seems to be the best bet plus loads of gardening and see how we go.

You all seem to be getting back to normal with working and holiday plans (and coping with the nasties that crop up) and that’s what we all need to do.

Will keep in touch – am just off lunchtime shopping – nothing like a bit of retail therapy!



Hi all
Sorry I don’t seem to spend so much time on here but I’ve had a frantic few weeks (months!) and am still sorting out the life/work balance as well as now having to deal with Easter Hols and more (normal) treatment. All of this gives me less time at work to do my job and means I’m not spending so much time at home with my daughters. Have decided to change this for the next bank holiday and the end of May one. I’ve realised that over the last 12 months whenever I had some ‘days off’ I was ill or having treatment and any other days away etc have been the days I don’t work anyway, so hardly counts at all. I would be well peed off if I was being penalised like Lisa for my days ‘off’ last year. As it is I think everyone thinks you’re OK now that chemo has finished as all of that is so visible however for me everything is still there (unfortunately) but I also don’t want everyone to know. Dilemma time! I’m also stressed out (again) as my results are due next week so sorry if I’m not so chatty (esp Lily when we try and sort out our next ‘meet’ - hopefully I’ll be calmer next week)
Hope everyone is OK and Mums and new fittings and work and Drs appts are all good. Think you have a mammo on Mon, Lily? If so, good luck with the squashing - painful or what?
Will be here on and off but blood tests (normal) and treatment due Friday and Monday so all rather hectic still.
Take care all
Nicky x

hi everyone

Been Dentist today, 2 more fillings, 1 each side, so had trouble talking for a while, slobbering and talking jibberish, (dont you dare say whats new).
i am having trouble with my heart racing a lot, ive had it checked once, but think i will have to go back again. anyone else have this problem? i know nicky did, how is it with you now nicky?

just been designing my party invites, im having a celebration in June, a year from surgery. well that is in april cant get venue till june. Looking forward to it.

went to a friends today, lovely house not a thing out of place, how do people manage it?
take care all x

we seem to be all over the place again. Firstly can I say I don’t mind how often or infrequently any of you post, as long as you don’t disappear altogether. Obviously I really enjoy your posts but please don’t stress when other priorities need to go centre stage. Well the kids broke up today so I have just a training day and then 2 weeks off, hooray. We are going away for part of it so I won’t be posting then unless we take a laptop. Lorraine I absolutely hate the dentist and am always scared stiff, so well done for getting that done. Hope the slobbering is subsiding now, lol. The party sounds fab, is it a big do? You must have a cake!! yummy. My house is always chaotic so no idea how people are so tidy, probably get all stressed about it!
Julia lovely to hear from you and I bet you are relieved not to be starting the herceptin visits. My onc sees patients every 12 weeks so still got lots of appointments, I have 3 this month!! Well done for chucking the dead beaver and I bet the new cut looks lovely.
Nicky I have rarely felt such turmoil in your posts, so hoping it all settles a bit and you can enjoy Easter with hubby and the girls.I am not surprised that you are anxious and unsettled waiting for results as I know last year will be playing on your mind. Remember the shrinkage you had last time and that was before chemo finished. I am crossing everything for you. I am empathising so much as the mammos on Monday are spooking me terribly. It is the first real medical test since chemo. I have had blood tests which are an indicator but still feel like they are looking inside me for the first time. Not helped by my blasted scar tissue getting harder, presumably from rads but still THERE and getting to me. So you see paranoia got me too! Nicky I have your numbers so all we have to do is fix a time and place, which we have tons of time to do. Just worry about you and yours just now. Hope the blood test is straightforward tomorrow, but still yuk to have. I have the mammos on Monday, genetics on Thursday and blood tests and the onc at the end of the month. Angie hope married life is bringing a smile to your face and that you are able to be out and about in the new car enjoying the warmer weather. It is about to disappear - I am going on holiday in the UK!!
Big hugs all you worriers.
Lily x x x x x x

hi all, sorry everyone having such a hard time, I think anniversaries and tests are sooo worrying, you can have a short time feeling bit okay and then another appointment comes and wham its all right at front of mind again (not that it goes far anyhow).

Cant remember all posts now as memory like a sieve these days.

Julie - who has a tidy house? Im full of good intentions and then by time I get home from work im exhausted!! Glad no herceptin for you and you have some free time from tests and things.

Nicky, got everything crossed for you, must be such a worrying time. Feel so guilty sometimes thinking I twine when you got so much more to deal with than me, hopefully you get some good results and can enjoy yourself and get upt to trouble with Lily.

Lily have a fab time off and dont come on here while you are away have some free time. Good luck with squashing on Monday, I was more worked up about it that the actual event and waiting for results.

Well we have just had announced that we have an 80’s session here, paul young, rick astley, curiosity killed the cat, belinda carlisle and midge ure - just my era and going to be in our town all on one night - might sound small fry but to get something liek that round here is a first!!! So worked out got about 10 things planned this year, fingers crossed nothing bad happens and that when I get my scan I can go on waiting list which will bring me to mid October so hoepfully will do all my nice stuff and then have op and hopefully on mend for Xmas .

Angie hope things going okay and you are off enjoying this fantastic Cumbrian weather - how nice xxx

just you and me today then Lisa. Crikey you were up late posting, have you given up on sleep? Or were you in a swoon about Rick Astley and co. I have to confess I did rather like him at the time!! Make sure you get good tickets near the front so you can scream a lot. V festival is in my town every summer but I still haven’t been myself. Years ago they had a teenage evening too and I used to take my girls and we saw Peter Andre, boyzone and loads of others but brain gone again! Maybe I will go this year, no I won’t you had to buy tickets ages ago. My son has his, it cost £170 I think. A lot of money, especially as I had to pay for it! Sounds like a nice lot of things to look forward to then. Did Mum and Dad get excited about their pressie? Why do you need a scan to go on the waiting list? Not sure when I have to have more scans but seeing onc at the end of the month so will ask then, IF I remember. Just said to hubby I’m a bit worried about the mammos on Monday. He thought I meant having the scan itself and when I said no it will be the first time they have looked at what is going on and you know what happened last time. He got a bit moody and said what was the point of all I had been through in the last year if I was going to think of things like that. Now which one of us has our head in the sand? I swear you are the only people who understand. Still I like his positivity so lets hope it is well placed. I think I’ll go shopping to celebrate.
Have a fab weekend if you can
Lily x x

hiya, sadly Im in night owl mode again then as i would put it “sweating like a fat lass” through night so getting about 4/5 hours sleep - hoping for a line in tomorrow.

Got everything crossed for you on Monday Lily, my parents said same to me, think its there way of cnvincing themeselves that nothing
else can go wrong!!!

Twinning again, I seen boyzone last year, they came here for a show at Carlisle our nearest city with Andrew Johnstone from Britians got talent who lives near us. Im looking forward to some nice things, just you know what its like, dont want to get hopes up incase something bad happens but we have a blues festival here in July that has thousands attend from all over and last year I wasnt really with it so hoping to make up for it this time.

Oh concerts, always wanted to do V festival but couldnt afford it. Me and friend got tickets 2 year a go to Radio One one big weekend which was fab. Im a bit of a wierdo in my music tastes varies majorly, been to see James Blunt 3 times and Meat Loaf about 7!!!

Just listened to Whoopi Gooldberg advertising Sister Act the musical, its nothing like it or she isnt in it but Im a huge fan of hers.

Have a lovely time off work, very jeleous. I want more time off just not going to get much for nextfew months due totimescales of things coming up, although my boss off all next week!!!

Why are call centres soooo infuriating, Im all for equal ops but I couldnt understand her and hate BT with with passion, my broadband drops every night and cos they couldnt do some things with my lap top remotely they said my work lap top wont work at home, eh!! Been using it for 6 months no probs and then this week cuts me off every night!!!

Anyhow, chilling with last glass of wine and planning to get lots of housework sorted and my dublin tripped booked. Mam and Dad’s fireplace will be finished on Monday, cant wait and then doing them some vouchers for dublin and cos you only have small luggage for Dublin Im going to buy them some right sizes trolley cases and do them tags with the hotel and flight details on - get so excited about doing nice things.

Well can talk the hind legs off a donkey tonight so better go! CSI starts at 12 and got back into it again, just have to turn away for the gruesome bits.

p.s had a proper hair cut, dead short but walked into a room today and all 4 people said “love your hair fab, dark and curly” - could give the gurly bit a miss but aint complaining !!
