Hello Lily200
We haven’t communicated in this thread, I wasn’t one of the May ladies so felt I shouldn’t impose. However, I just wanted to say my thoughts are with you for finding it tough, have you seen my post about being depressed? I am lucky though because I don’t have to go out to work, so its not surprising you are finding some days hard if you feel anything like me.
Anyway, hope you have a great weekend, try to put your feet up.
Love P x
you can’t keep an old dog down and thank you for all your kind thoughts. I really don’t deserve you all. Anyway the cup is half full again, must have knocked my head when I fell over lol. The dark mood descended briefly!
Hi Peacock lovely to hear from you, especially to send good wishes. We chat to everyone on here, so say hi anytime. I have not spotted your post yet so sorry to hear that and hoping you can continue with the new house soon, which will give you something lovely to focus on. Thanks again. Speak soon x.
Lorraine thank you too for your words of wisdom and i have taken that on board. You don’t have to worry too much about me because I always have CAKE to fall back on!! I will be sensiblt though, thanks x. Have I put you off looking for another job? Lovely that you met another Bc pal too, do you live close by? Hi Lisa, thanks to you too. You always come up strong when someone else takes a nose dive. Thanks x. That weight loss is amazing, well done. Wish I could do that. Pocket in my bra, oh well mine would absolutely have to be to keep chocolate in, in case I run out. Hope your visit with the nurse tomorrow goes well. I am back for mammo results and a check up with the onc next week. Probably what set my wobble off! Hi Nick my first chemo was 22 May and Julia’s too I believe. Easy to remember as it was the header on our post for so long. Hope work was better for you!! I do love teaching but it can be mega stressful at times, especially if you are feeling a little vulnerable. BTW my son passed his theory and hazard tests this time, so won’t have to pay for a third.
I went in to work and they all seemed convinced that I might not turn up at all today. They all got the same treatment today (extra lessons) and were moaning like heck about it. Shame! Anyway I spoke to my new line manager who was very kind and understanding and we are meeting for a chat this week. I hope she will say I am not to be given extra work just yet.I decided to go for the ’ I can’t do this route’ rather than be a hero on my knees.
Anyway thank you so much for your supportive comments. I finished the coursework at 12.30 last night and slept like a log.
Take care
Lily x x x
Glad you got a good night sleep Lily!!!
Well worked late again, worn out but had to be done, so Ive worked out ive done my hours this week so took tomorrow off in lieu to catch up as this week by the time ive finished work and popped to shopr or visited people its beeen 9-11pm before I even get home so lie in tomorrow.
Oh my chemo date was 21st May I think, wow glad im not where I was this time last year. I cant believe I havent been having so many wobbles recently but I think its cos Ive had a break from appointments, but got a few coming up and parents are off on their hols soon and family waiting for genetic results so hoping to keep postive head on.
Well better go, Angie if you are out there hope you are doing as well as can be.
Happy Friday tomorrow girls xxx
Sorry to hear the knock in confidence Lily - it gets us every time doesn’t it? Hopefully the talk you have with your line manager will help - definitely let them know that you’re still recovering, even if you feel you can take on the world Hope you have a restful weekend and get your spirits and strength back up. Congrats to your son - only problem now is that he can take his practical test anytime!
Lisa - make sure you get that lie in - you deserve it, can’t believe you are doing such long days. I hope this is only temporary (but knowing you I’m not sure it is!) and you can finish at a more reasonable time in future. As with Lily - remember we are all still recovering from chemo at the moment let alone any pschycological (sp?) effects. Again, enjoy today and the weekend - hope it’s sunny where you (both) are.
OH and I are up to London tomorrow for an overnight stay before watching the Marathon on Sunday. Not sure what the weather is doing but think we’ll be standing in the rain which is great for the runners but not the spectators! We will be cheering my brother on and a really good friend of ours as well, both running for Breast Cancer Charities. Also I’ve ended up getting bitten on my arm again by some miggie - same thing as last year when I was on chemo. Hopefully not needing massive doses of anti biotics this time round but it has swollen up quite a bit - just keeping an eye on it atm.
Have a good weekend everyone, hope you are all OK and doing well, good luck with any appts due. Bloods for me on Tues then Pamidronate on Friday as it’s a Bank Holiday on Monday when I should have it. Unfortunately I’m never more than 4 weeks away from a hospital visit
Nicky xx
hi girlies
you all make me feel so guilty, cos your all so busy at work (only joking) i want to address my weight and fitness levels before i decide if i will return. its difficult because i realise i cant do much without getting tired or back problems, so for now im enjoying the good life.
nicky 08
enjoy your weekend in london, must be very inspiring watching people give there all for worthy causes. and you will be so proud of family members. somehow i guess there will be some retail therapy going on though!
lily 2000
glad you having a chat with management, youve done so well, dont want to let others selfishness knock you back. im off out with a friend for coffee later, and hope i can resist the cake. but somehow i really want to lose weight, but have my head in the sand (or cake) so to speak.
everyone have a brill weekend, lets hope the weather stays good.
take care x
hi everyone
my sister went for her results today and they said she is clear, they had removed 60% of her liver., what suprised me is that she doesnt think theyre giving her any chemo or medication, how will it be prevented from coming back?
hope you all had a good day, ive been a walk on the canals with a friend,.lovely came home nicely tired and had a little kip. now got a pile of ironing to do, so i dont feel guilty when i go out tommorow.,
take care x
Fab news about your sister but like you say its wierd isnt it whey they dont give any treatment? mind I know someone who had bowel cancer they took a part of that away and needed no treatment but 60% is a lot and I cant remember her history.
WEll weather okay here and boy could I get used to 4 day week its fab, I had a little lie in (post man knocked me up) I done 30 lengths and 45 mins walk and then made my mam and dad tea so a good day I say and I was walking dog and thinking this is nice, how lucky am I to be able to just do that - havent felt like that for a while so maybe Im getting better head on me!
Have a lovely weekend all and Nicky keep an eye on that arm!!
Oh forgot to say guess what I had after my tea, oh yes, strawberries and meringues but with a low fat yoghurt on top!!! xxxx
oh my you said the meringue word Lisa!!! That is going to follow me around until I give in now and then I will keep buying them. Gosh you are working long hours but as you say it does make it easier to have a good nights sleep. Drives me bonkers when i wake up in the night as takes me ages to go off again. Enjoy the time off. I could just picture you and Robson trotting along.
Lorraine fab news about your sister. I guess the other types of cancer raect differently. I know BC is one of the sneaky ones as others you get much more reassurance after certain time periods. Good for her anyway. Does she have any side effects of losing that much liver? It does sound a lot. Must be the day for walking, you too. My head in a cake too, a great description lol. Nicky hope the marathon is not too emotional for you. It makes me boo when I see the names on their backs. Hope you can find a seat somewhere as a long stand. I expect you will see quite a few famous people go by. A guy I work with is running for a little girl with brain tumours.I am fine, just a wiggle rather than a wobble! Hate those itchy bites. I had forgotten about that last year. Glad you reminded me about the bank holiday, totally forgot and planned to go for my blood that day too. Need to rethink my plan now. Have a great time in town.
Brought a mountain of work home with me so I need to be very efficient and not get stuck into movies on telly all weekend. Just realised I have parents evening next week after the hospital visit. So I will either be deliriously happy and extra nice or at home moping. Why can’t I remember dates any more?
Have a good weekend everyone
Lily x
Fab news about your sister Lorraine. I think the liver is a very clever organ,if we can call a liver clever As Lily says different cancers are treated in different ways so I assume hers doesn’t need followup treatment - good for her and a massive relief all round I should think.
Lisa - Glad you had a nice day off - sounds like you were able to relax and enjoy the time, and it makes the weekend longer which is always a good thing. Same again next weekend with the Bank Holiday.
Lily - hope you don’t get too tied up with marking - you need some time out as well. I’m sure everything will be OK after your hospital appt next week so think of being deliriously happy! However we all know how worrying it can be so sound off on here if you need to before the day. BTW how did the bridesmaid dress shopping/looking go last weekend? Any colour and style schemes decided on yet? I’ve got to look at dresses for YD’s leavers Ball, at least she knows what colour she’d like so that will hopefully cut down on the shopping times. However it will of course be the only colour I can’t find on the day won’t it?
Have a good weekend everyone on here, bit wet in the south this morning. Ideal for the runners tomorrow but what about us poor spectators? Only joking! Let’s hope there are some places to rest my weary legs but somehow I doubt it.
Nicky x
thanks for all the well wishes for my sister, as you can imagine she is over the moon,
i am having a lot of achey bones at the moment, and im unsure of what to do half the time, incase i make it worse the pain is quite bad at night in the back. i try to carry on as normal as much as possible, and end up regretting it later.
hope everyone as lots planned for weekend, weather is certainly brill.
take care x
Well all, weather was lovely here this morning, so went to rugby match with mam and dad in trackie top, boybad idea, it all of a sudden went torrential, by the time I got home I couldnt walk my jeans were so stuck to my legs lol!!!
Housework done (lots more to do), making some bridal tiara’s for someone and watching tv with a large lower alcohol wine. if I can lose 3lb this week that’s 1.5 stone, only about another 4 to go, whoooho!!!
Enjoy the weather those who have nice sun xx
well done Lisa, perhaps you can lose some for me too. It would be so much easier. You have done really well though. Did you enjoy Britains got talent tonight? Loved the street dancers and the little girl. Not a speck of rain here today, I was hot! Temperature of course lol. Lorraine sorry to hear about your back pain, gets you down I know.Why don’t you try the GP for some pain killers or physio or whatever else he/she might be able to suggest. Worth a try. Nicky yes I hate results, will try not to think about them by doing my marking. It is really hard as it is something new and going off to an exam board to be checked. I just need it taken off me so I can forget it now as keep going over and over it. The bridesmaids tried about 6 dresses each and loved 2 of them. The one that looked amazing on all of them was a slate blue/purple muted shade, a bit hard to describe really. It had twinkles scattered over it and a draped front. They all looked like models but my YD was not happy as she never wears dresses and it was boned and laced up the back. Also a blue one, a bit more Grecian in style that she preferred as comfy! The other 2 want the one that makes them look like models. They were all rather expensive so hubby has offered to pay but ED still not sure yet. She will want to try every shop first if I know her, never decides quickly. Most of the brides shops now sell prom dress ranges btw. Let us know about the marathon.
Lily x
hi everyone
youve done amazing. well done!im so envious. i feel such a fat frump at the moment, and my hair is also getting me down,(fancy me moaning after having none last year)some people are hard to please. i liked it when it first grow back, it was curly when it was short and looked quite nice, but as it grew it got too bushy, and i made the mistake of letting hairdresser thin it out with razor, and now its all corse. another trip to hairdressers i think.
lily 2000
the bridesmaid dresses sound lovely, when is the wedding? are you having a fancy hat. did you see denise vanoff or whatever her name is
and joseph, she looked beautiful, and i love the way people are wearing the beads across the forhead, very sixties but lovely.
wish i was a teenager again!
nicky 08
hope you had a good day in London.
done quiet a bit of walking this week, lets hope it keeps the extra weight away. my back and neck area is still painful and feeling sickly today. i have resorted to painkillers but hopefully it will disapear again.
i wish we could hear from angie, its been a while now. lets hope its just she cant get online.
take care x
Hi All
Lorraine, hope the back ache stops mine comes and goes but at moment my neck and sholder hurts too. Denise van outen looked lovely, like the beads too but then I am a beaded jewellery maker freak!!! Know what you mean re the hair, loved mine short and its growing but actually looks a bit worse than whe shorter as I have a bit of thinning at side but hey ho its hair!!!
Nicky - hope things went well.
Lily - bridesmaid dresses sound lovely. Snap re the likes on Britains got talent. just watched Secret Millionaire and about to watch hells kitchen but found out dont find out winner until tomorrow.
Well diet hasnt gone well today, need to be good until wednesday and see if I can make up for it - next weekend a bank hols and actually getting some nights out so will be totally out of the window. My parents go on holiday on Saturday and sadly I cant get time off work at same time to go, bo hoo, they are off to Florida
Here’s to a short week all.
Angie if you are reading, thoughts with you and hope you are bearing up and just enjoying being a wife!! x
just dropped in to say hi just finished marking coursework and nodding off as I type. The joys of being a teacher at this time of year. Hope to be less busy tomorrow but still thinking of you all.
Lily x x
Ooo Lily, way too late to be working on a Sunday going on the time of your posting) but I suppose someone has to do it? Hope there’s not too many more sessions like that. I suppose it stops to some extent after the exams?
Dresses sound lovely but I suppose they all have to have a style they are all happy with? A bit of a headache I should think! Lets hope you don’t have to trawl around too many shops to get that perfect dress/style for them all, and that it comes in your budget! A very expensive business the wedding malarkey.
Lisa - well done for the weight loss last week and don’t beat yourself up about not being ‘good’. The best diets for long term loss are the 80:20 ones where you are ‘good’ for 80% of the time and not so ‘good’ for the 20% eg like weekends etc as you don’t crave things you can’t have and end up bingeing on them! Anyway keep up the good work - you’ve made a brilliant start
Lorraine - aches and pains - tell me about it/them! I’m also worse at night and achey across my shoulders and neck. I’m hoping/assuming it’s nothing worse that the hormone treatment as my scans were OK but it always gets you worrying doesn’t it? Maybe do as Lily says with some painkillers and then see your GP if it gets worse. Another thought tho is that it can be tension, I definitely had/have that and my recent massages showed it up as well. I was shown some muscle stretching excercises to do which I’m demonstrating to you now LOL However, as you’re not watching properly how about searching the net to see what you can do. They involve tilting the head slowly from side to side and things like that - very easy.
We had a fab if tiring weekend in London. Went up Sat lunchtime and walked around as didn’t have any main thing to do. We joked that we’d done half the marathon by the end of the day. Had a pasta meal with our friends as the hubby was running the next day and then an early night. Lovely hotel that I’d got for a bargain - thank goodness for the web! And they gave us a room upgrade for nothing - can’t be bad! Weather was great - sunny, warm but a bit cloudy. We walked along the Embankment in the morning to meet up with our friend and saw the wheelchair athletes and also the mini marathon runners. All very quiet and peaceful at that time! We got on a packed tube train to 1st viewing point but managed to miss both my brother and our friend despite looking very hard for them! Saw them at the next point which was about 2 miles from the finish and cheered like mad. A fantastic experience to go and watch especially when you know someone in it. Back home late afternoon and very tired with all the walking and carrying stuff around all day but really worth doing. A much quieter weekend next week thank goodness!
Hope you all had a good weekend and the weather was good for you. Rain here this morning, as predicted, but at least that means my new shrubs get to have a good drink!
Take care all Buddies on here.
Nicky x
hi everyone
nicky 08
i too have put some new plants in, trying to get it nice this year after a bare garden last year. saying that though, last year i was so glad of just lying in the fresh air, on a sunbed after chemo, whatever the weather, i even used to put a blanket on and go out when it was cold. i loved hearing the birds, and i couldnt give a dam about the garden then. im glad you enjoyed the marathon, i think id have been in tears.
lily 2000
that must be the shortest post for you! you must be busy, (joking, hurry up and get work done, so we can know what youve been up to. )
dont worry about slipping on the diet, im sure youve got the willpower to get back to it, your doing brill!
everyone have good evening, i may pop on later see whos about.
take care x
Hi all,
sorry I haven’t been on here for a while but I have been working overtime as I know very soon my hours will be cut I am just taking all that is offered. The only problem to that is I come in starving and start picking at everything in sight I have just polished of the remains of an easter egg aghhhhh! I will never lose weight at this rate I just can’t find the discipline not to eat. I am o.k. at exercising and am now back at pilates, swim and did a load of gardening at the weekend which was great after not doing any at all last year but then I feel justified stuffing my face.
Lorraine glad to hear your sister is baring up and that does seem like a huge amount of her liver but that is the only organ in our body that can regenerate itself so hopefully that will happen fairly quickly wishing her a speedy recovery.
Lily have you had the results of your mammo? sorry it may well be on here I had a look through but couldn’t see it anywhere. I understand what you mean about suddenly feeling as if you could burst into tears I have days like that too and it catches me out but mostly as I am feeling better pyhsically I feel better mentally too. Keep your pecker up!! (that is not meant to sound as rude as it does)
After watching some of the marathon I am jolly glad I am only doing 5km in the race for life!
Have a good week everyone.
love Bev x
Hi everyone, just lost a long post when broadband dropped, doh, forgot to copy too!!! Will redo tomorrow to tired to type right now. No gossip but hope all well and will pop back on tomorrow.
Lily, hope the results went okay xx
well certainly earning my 13 weeks paid holiday at present!! Just finished again but the end is in sight, I hope. My hospital appointment is Thursday and hope to get mammo results then. Then parents evening on the same day. Not thinking about it until I drive there on the day, no reason to be in a panic, well thats what I keep telling myself and being mega busy helps even more. Bloods tomorrow yuk but I always feel fortunate as i did not suffer the vein damage most of you had to put up with, so mine still co-operate. The downside is 2 extra scars! I will be steering clear of anyone looking ill incase they are going down with the horrible pig flu.
Ha ha Lorraine glad someone reads my posts!LOL. Hmmm that was mw with the fresh air too on our deck. Nicky glad you had a good if tiring time and hope they raised lots of cash from their troubles.
Gotta go, yawning again
Lily x