Hi girls
sorry I’ve not been in touch with such very long time. it’s got a lot
harder to know what to say after all this time I honestly do not know
where to start.
I got a card from Lilly this morning and really had to rack my brain
I didn’t recognise your handwriting.
Thank you for taking the time to write, and sorry it’s going to take
such a long time, to catch up with you all.
I am now using dictation software, so it anything you read, seems
like complete gibber rich, such as that. Hopefully that explains
My health has been up and down like a yo-yo and I am entering my fourth week on steroids. I have not had more than four hours sleep per night until a couple of days ago. things between Tommy and I quite afraid, alike have reached a point where I’m not caring that much.
I decided to stay away from this forum, for a while, found some of the influences here less than constructive. No one in this group, but I just didn’t want the influence when I’m trying to get some control back over my life.
sometimes you just need to protect yourself from other people’s attitudes. So I decided to take a sabbatical. but I have come to the conclusion that I just don’t need to read the points of view of those people. They have their own point of view I have mine, the two do not need to cross paths.
this software that I’m using can read to me too. to stay in touch with you all a lot more in the future.
and I need to tell you all about how we have closed down the business, as it’s decided to collapse on our wedding day. And then a week later one of our servers collapsed to. And then Tjitze, my healer, pointed out that life was trying to tell me something. The amount of bad luck at me and I have had to resolve in the last month, has left is feeling a little shaken. But I think things are starting to normalise now. All release they will be when I’m off these steroids.
I Apologise now for not having taken the time to read what you’ve all been up to and I hope to to catch up with you all over the next month or so.
I am feeling extremely beaten right now. But never defeated you know me.
Lots and lots of love to you all. And I hope to speak to you again soon.
please don’t shoot me, but Tommy may very well be doing some wedding photography. As he’s been talked into it, but he will be specialising in Lake District base landscape photography not yet average wedding photography. And to be honest, the money wouldn’t go amiss.
I shall try and put up a picture from our wedding in a second.
I hope I have not depressed you all, I’m sure once I am no longer suffering quite so much sleep deprivation I will be a more like my old cheery self. just hoping Tommy and I make it through this week, it would be chronically sad, if our marriage failed and after 14 years of being together. bus I really do not like being dependent upon other people and I’m finding that very hard to adjust to.
I cannot wait, to be off of these steroids. Hopefully, I will not collapse this time. I am currently on a reducing reducing dose, and anything could happen in the next few days. do not worry if I become quiet again. Hopefully I’m just sleeping, Lord knows I could do with some.
I think I have bent your ears enough for one of message, I hope to speak to you all again soon.
one thing Tommy and I are doing, is ever read time we have a depressing oncology appointment we make a point, with doing something fun afterwards I highly highly recommend that.