Darling buddies from May - moving on

Hi all
Wow, it’s great to have the old gang back together isn’t it. Thanks for the extra posting Angie, back to looking after us all - how we’ve missed you. With regard to the bone met (think this is what you’ve said) they may give you bisphos or may not as it’s such a small area. If it starts to hurt or ache they may give you a few rads shots that should help otherwise I’m sure they will keep you checked. Sorry to hear that Tam disagrees with you so much, are you taking the type that Lily is? Some different manufacturers seem to give totally different SE’s than others, as I’ve read on these forums - however I’m sure this is teaching grandma to suck eggs :slight_smile: Also you are very wise to keep away from the draining posts that appear on here from time to time, stick with the ones you know and love! By the way did you see the ‘Where’s Angie’ one? If not I’ll find it and let you know where it is - you have many friends on here as I’m sure you know already.
Lovely to hear all it OK with you Bev the soon to be star of medical research - let us know if you are appearing on a big screen near us soon!
Lisa - love the new photo, I must change mine, fed up with the cows from Madrid
Soulgirl - glad you had a good break, it makes a difference doesn’t it?
Lily - glad you’re on the mend but don’t go back too soon, these things can flare up again if not rested enough. We (YD, OH and I) we also watching DB last night, who were the other men on the pitch getting in his way? In fact I think us girls annoyed OH with our enthusiastic response to all DB’s passes etc
Well, I got caught in some rain yesterday morning when I went for my walk and had to run, yes, run! I’ve not done that since my dx so at least things have improved! I must have done about half a mile at least so everything does still work and the palpitations didn’t kick in after thank goodness. Just had to quickly dry my hair and then get off to work, mascara hadn’t run too much LOL. A day off for me today, hooray. Off to the hairdressers this afternoon and maybe a bit of retail therapy before then in Guildford as it’s near there. Have a great day whatever you’re up to, at least we have some sun here at the moment in Ampshire, unlike the complete downpour yesterday afternoon - at least the garden is being watered - oh how like my mum I sound.
Nicky xx

WOW – the ever lovely Angie is back – Hoooooray!

Sorry things are difficult for you, Angie, let’s hope the reduction in the steroids and future treatment will make you feel much better and things with Tommy settle down. You have only been back on here two minutes and you are already giving us good advice. Boy, we have missed you!

I find it really hard to understand why people have to so nasty on here when the whole object is to support each other – I have always found you all so kind and helpful and funny. If we can’t help each other then there really is no hope, is there?

Have read thru all the posts since last week – can’t possibly comment on them all but mostly we seem to be doing OK – Lily hope your hip is better and Nicky’s palpitations are not too troublesome. Good news on the mammo – had the results yesterday – all clear. One more box ticked (God how I hate that expression!). Next hurdle – see the surgeon at the end of the month.

Have spent last few non-rainy days gardening. Think I have dislocated my third finger on right hand. At first thought pain was due to Arimidex but now not sure. Just can’t face 3-4 hours in A&E to get it sorted but guess I will have to.

Talking of diets, my job share buddy has lost 9lbs in 5 weeks – I hate her! Just got to find out what she is doing – not eating from the sound of things.

Hey – actually had proper haircut yesterday – only problem, now have to pay, but that is first time for a year so can’t really complain. My hairdresser says new hair is still coming thru so should continue to thicken up.

Better look like I am working I ‘spose. Let’s hope the weather is better this weekend.

Love to all.


hi there everyone

just got in from check up at hospital, was down to see surgeon who operated on me, but got a male doc instead. i felt a little put out, cos i had some questions to ask, but couldnt be bothered to go through them with this new doc. it comes to something when you dont get to see your surgeon for a once a year check. he had a prod and a poke, and made some comment about me being lobsided, as if i didnt know when my other one is 38h, he said i can have the option of tidying my op site up, and reducing other, i said i will consider but for the moment im going to wait, cos nothing is giving me any pain and i like it that way, but may consider in future. x speak again later hubby hungry! x

well things are so much better I plan to go back to work earlier than planned. I will go back when I have very quiet days and can sit around a bit. Decided not to volunteer for sports day, what a tricky decision that was. Still hope to be fully fir for the race for life but have 2 volunteer runners if not, to run for me. YD is 21 on Sunday so lots to do. We hope to all go out together if it is nice and also expecting visitors from the US that day. I am just wondering whether they will be staying here!Yd took her animal practice exam today and thinks it went ok. My son is gearing up for his driving test!!! At £40 a week for lessons I am keen for him to pass asap.
Lisa well I was umming and ahhing whether to go in minis and look more trendy but that lets more hang out, or biggers and hold it in! You take it easy as you can get lymphodema all over the place. If you are not careful they will be checking you for carpal tunnel syndrome if you have tingling. Be nice to yourself!!Love the photo x.
Nicky too right, the old gang are reassembling. Isn’t it about now some meany moans about chatty posts lol. If they don’t want to join us either in person or just enjoy the spirit of our post they should head South and stay in archives!! Thought DB was starting to look a little older. They ahve a very sexy shot of him modelling pants in our local debenhams and i often feel like taking the cardboard cutout home under my arm!!Well a girl can dream!Get you RUNNING no less, are you free next week for sports day? You are such a girly girl - hair and worrying about mascara running, very glam puss!!I loved the shops in Guildford, did you buy anything nice? Cheerio Mum lol. Julia, welcome back how are you? Fab news that your mammo was ok. Hope the surgeon is pleased too, no reason why not. Did you have blood tests too? Time to get that finger sorted. I always ring up first and say are you busy, if they say yes I go later on. Very few people get there at picking up from school time, in the afternoon. Tell us all how she lost the weight!! Take care. Lorraine what a pdisappointment to see another doc. I have not seen my consultant on the surgical side since the pre op check before my op. No-one even came to see me after it either. Then I found out another surgeon did my op and I see him each time. I think I would find it hard to put myself back on the table too. Still I don’t see why you have to make that decision now. You can do it if and when you feel you want to. They would have to offer me a tummy tuck or liposuction to get me back in there voluntarily lol. If you are happy how you are, then that is all that matters . Angie thanks for the link. I am really surprised that the tablets have worked so quickly and wonder if the Doctor released a nerve or something when he examined me? Seems too good to be true. i still have to be very careful when I first move from sitting though.
Enjoy tomorrow and the weekend everyone
lily x

Well Lily, been worrying about carpetl tunel syndrone or whatever you call it, but hey ho. Been on our annual staff day today, and although bit tense due to redundancies enjoyed seeing all 240 people. we have afternoon activities and for first time opted for pamper, sooooo had reflexolgy, and found me to be chiled and no problems, was shitting them when got to liver etc. amazing. then went to take that tribute band - class - ohhhh and booked tickets tongith for real thing next week, how excited am i xxxx

love you all loads, better go to bed before work tomorrow xx

Hi everyone

just to let you know that I think your posts are all brill, positive and realistic. You have a great team spirit going, sometimes the best medicine. go girls, and fantastic to see Angie back. Keep up the good work ladies…

best wishes to you all
love Chris x

Thanks Chris
Anyone is welcome to join in or add a comment - as long as it’s positive :slight_smile: We have all supported each other since going through chemo last year and I think it has really helped us all. As I’m sure you’ve read (if you’ve had time!) we still have our ups and downs but, from my point of view at least, we all know each other so well we can help pick each other up when we’re down. Hope we continue to provide the entertainment :wink:
Nicky x

Hello all

I just wanted to repeat what Chris said, I always read your posts without posting, because I feel it would be wrong to post on your “thread”, but, I enjoy reading what you all write about, you are such a cheerful bunch and I really miss being part of a thread now.

Chris, haven’t seen many postings from you but it was good to see your post here and another thread - hope all is well with you.

Lily sorry to hear about your pain, how awful for you, do they call you “hop along Lily now”?

Good to see Angie back as Chris said

I am very interested in the Magnesium oil she mentions, don’t like to ask for the link as Angie has enough going on but would prefer to order from a recommended site, maybe Lily you could PM me with it?

Have a good weekend ladies,

Love P xx

hi everyone

peacock and dipstick, how nice to hear from you. hope your both doing ok, and feel free to join us anytime, as the heading says its for anyone who is moving on, so it covers most people after treatment.
my youngest as gone to see britians got talent on tour, and hubby at gym so its peaceful here.
had another prothesis cos last one was too heavy, but even the lightweight ones way a ton in my size!
still planning my big celebration, been cutting all the jokes out of the sun, to spread around the tables, might get people talking if nothing else. ,
hope you improving, good job its not your hands, cos your posts keep us all going. hope you can do the race for life, we all know how much youve been looking forward to it.
i shant die from chocolate withdrawel now, i have found curlie wirleys in the shops, and theyre about 115 calories, so that was my treat today.
well girls hope you all have a fun weekend, and the sun shines on you all.
take care x

oh no Lorraine I just discovered galaxy cookie crumble chocolate and now you have reminded me about curly wurlys, would I do that to you??? The galaxy is so yummy, one of the few things I have no control over!Some of my local pals like to use the softie they were first given for comfort. The jokes on the tables is a great idea, how ,ong until the party? Thanks I am on the mend and going back to work on Monday as the gremlins are visiting my school and I don’t want to put any extra pressure on anyone else.
Hi de hi Chris and Peacock, great to hear from both of you. Just post here whenever you want, you can be part of this post if you want:) Ha ha Peacock I was def hop along but back on track now but have to be careful to keep my leg straight and not curl up on the sofa as I prefer or things start clicking and going into cramps. How are you feeling now, you sound much brighter. Is it hot over there yet and how are your veg getting on? Will try to get the link to you for the oil. Chris great to hear from you, I miss Lottie’s exploits. How are you getting on now, when you have surgery last it takes longer. Have you both had your big check ups yet?
Nicky it is ages since i saw you in your yellow beanie, might put your starring role on again! The tablets the doc has me on have completely cleared up what i thought was stiffness from the tamoxifen! So looks like I have arthritis, dooh. Need to walk in my new trainers before the race or I will be limping again from blisters this time. My run(walk!) is on the same day as the British grand prix so hubby is half threatening to stay home. The girls have ordered him to be there.He is now making jokes about being able to watch the Gp race and still be back before I finish.Good job he sponsored me for a good sum.Lisa who was the tribute band copying? Sounds like a good day out. I love live music oh the real thing. Was that ‘you to me are everything, the sweetest thing …’. Liked that one.
Little chap is staying and he has been so excited and loud. The he got manic rushing about and as usual ended up nearly knocking himself out on a chair and had a little cry. Guess who had a brainwave to clean out a hand soap dispenser for him to do squirting in the bath? Wrong he did squirting all over my kitchen floor and we are under water!!All his clothes are in the tumble as he got himself quite a few times too. He starts school in September part time and his new teacher goes to all the childrens’ houses to meet them at home and read a story with them before they start. What a lovely idea. Little chap told MD he was going to hide and not come out but when she got there he decided she should go in his room and play for the day! She declared him to be very bright as he counted up to 20 for her. Gosh the maths had to come out in someone! Angie hope we have a nice warm weekend for you to enjoy. What can I eat that will fill me up, is not fattening and will be kind to my still a bit sensitive stomach?
Lily x

hi all and welcome newbies, keep posting!! sometimes I totally forget that others can see our posts, boy remember the chemo days people must have thought we were bonkers talking about Dennis’s and meringues when we were throwing up with chemo and stuff - hee hee.

Well I forgot the posts already, think Im getting dippy, made a boob at work and just grovelled to boss to apologise by email!!! wont bore you with the details.

So, forget who said what but…

Glad mamo results fine
taling about heavy prothesis, boy, mineis doing my head in, so to speak! I just seem to be lopsided again, got a new american prothesis which is much lighter but doesnt feel the same shape, and I know what you mean about size, they gave me mine and said use carry case, didnt when went to florida, would have taken half my case up its that big!!!

Well here’s another tip, I dont usually have any, arnica - I know it can be used to reduce brusing and swelling after surgery but was told by reflexologist that you can put in bath to deep relax your body or take it and should ease some of the pain with medication - might try it!

Well off to lush after Take That on J Ross - this time next week I will be bopping away and the day after struggling to walk!! Got lots of good things planned coming up, my diary full, yippeee but weight is gonna go up tooo

Love to all and happy weekend!!! xx

Hi all and thank you for such a lovely welcome, I am happy to join in with your postings - I don’t know how I missed it last year really because I was dx in early June. Still, that was then and this is now.

Chocolate - well as a diabetic its not very good for me but my daughter allows me 1 square usually of hers, tonight the treat was white chocolate with coconut in it, lovely. Strange, but I never used to like coconut yet since chemo I can’t get enough of it, and even enjoy malibu.

You all sound very active now, I try to do some exercise every day but the time just runs away with me. I go down to my veg patch and lose about 2 hours pulling up weeds and tidying up. So far we have got growing : cabbages, brocoli, cauliflower, romanesc cauli (the green ones), sprouts, kale, runner beans, sugar snap peas, sweetcorn, tomatoes, melons, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, parsnips, celery and swede. It takes a lot of looking after as gardeners will know, the weeds seem to grow quicker than the plants. So far we’ve eaten some of the kale and radishes which was delicious. Does anyone else like gardening, am happy to get some tips.

Weather has turned hot again, we had 3 weeks of 33 degrees (a bit too hot really) but I made the most of going in the pool every day and found the swimming was good for my bad shoulders, and arms. Then it went cold and rainy, so today as its been hot again I went in the pool but ended up spending 2 hours cleaning it. It’s only a blow up pool, but you can manage a small length as its 24 feet long.

I don’t know what to do about a prothesis, I’m wondering if I can get by until recon without. I’m using spongey stuff when I wear a bra, but most of the time when I’m at home I don’t bother with anything. I think the neighbours are used to seeing me lopsided now.

Still struggling to lose weight like most of you, but its not the most important thing at the moment is it?

Thanks for the tip about arnica, I’m always looking for remedies for pain.

Anyway, as my first proper posting I’ve probably sent you all to sleep so better say cheerio

P x

Hi, (gorey detail warning)
took my Mum out to Morrisons as usual on a Saturday and came back to what looked like a massacre. My brother had decided to mow the lawn for her and stood up under a tree. His Thai wife was in a big panic and had tried to ring us but mobiles don’t work in the store. There really was a lot of blood and it was still dripping an hour later when we got back. He is phobic about anything medical and has to be put into a coma almost to go into a dentist, so he wanted me to use cotton buds in the hole to get the bits of tree out the hole. Lovely:). As soon as I touched it, it started dripping again so rang NHS direct and they ordered us into A & E. There was not a seat to be had it was so full and we were there for 2 hours before anyone looked at it so it had set by then. I am pleased to say i did not go in with him as it was apparently rather grim and his wife went faint and was tring to get smelling salts in Thai from the Indian doctor who was trying to tell her no-one in England uses smelling salts and to lie on the bed my brother was supposed to be on.He had injections into the head and then they washed it out and then according to my SIL ‘it was like garden hosepipe’. Apparently it was really close to an artery so it had to be stitched and he was really struggling, poor old thing. So that was my quiet evening in - NOT!
Lisa Dennis and Ratty became old friends last year, I feel they are part of the family lol. Peacock, the veg sound very impressive and very good for you too. How is the house going? I am jealous of the pool but what a monster to blow up!! I sent you the link for the oil.
Must go, Victor’s back has gone again and he is really being impatient about his coffee!!YD is 21 tomorrow.
Lily x

call 1571 for messages

Good afternoon ladies,

It was my Nano’s birthday yesterday so we all went down to the help celebrate in Ilkley.

the steroids are still exhausting me, but your Nan is only 80 once.

the whole family was there, and it was the first time we have all been together for a long time.

I wasn’t sure if I would be strong enough to make it, so I’m very glad that I did.

poor Tommy was driving all day. It was about eight hours round trip. It was worth it though.

the Steroid reduction is going well , but I think it will be another week before I feel much better.

Tomme is looking after me and making me food while I am weak. But I am really looking forward to making something simple like toad in the hole.

the steroids have been giving me chemo mouth so everything tastes odd.

I had forgotten just how bitter steroids can make your mouth feel. Yukk.

but so far everything is going well. I think this steroid reduction is working this time. , which is good, because Tommy and I could do without sums scares for a while.

Tommy is a bit scared to leave me, in case I have an episode or something. But you cannot live in fear as that is not living.

We’re both looking forward to my energy returning.

and every day is slightly easier than yesterday.

You have all had a wonderful weekend. Be back in touch soon. Lots and lots of love Angie.

Arnica really is good stuff. But I can’t even read, About the accident I’m just too much of a wuss.

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

hi there everyone

angie,its so good to have you back, glad tommy is looking after you well.
lily 2000
the accident sounds horrid, so much for doing someone a good turn? i hate blood, im a wos if my son or anyone gets hurt, before i rush to see to them i always ask if theres any blood, if there is i usually get someone else to rush to the rescue. hope work goes ok, take it easy when you can.
nicky 08
hope you doing ok, im in some pain at moment, i generally ache all over but hands and back are worse than anywhere else. do you have any pain lately?

had a lovely time at sisters party last night, and when we came home i was sitting on sons bed answering emails and a mouse ran across the landing, i have never been so scared in my life! and then when i came downstairs i saw one run behind fridge. i had had two glasses of wine, so hubby thinks i was hallucinating. then i had a wash and a big spider came out of the towel, thought it was the mouse, nearly died. told hubby he had to come bed cos i was so scared on my own, and of course he had other things on his mind, i would have been better of with the mouse!

take care everyonex

Angie your Nan must have been thrilled that you were there to celebrate with her. Did she tell you off for making the long journey? Mine would have, still miss her. We are missing the middle bit of your story but I am guessing that the first dose of steroids were not enough to stabilise you. I also remember how angry you used to say steroids made you feel so it is good to hear you sounding calm and collected this time. It is hard to feel you have lost some independence and need to rely on someone. While on chemo I felt people treated me like a child sometimes. If you put yourself in their shoes the only thing they want to do is to love and help you as much as they can. It took me a while to get there myself but I know that letting people do things for you, actually helps them because they feel like they are doing something. Bite your lip and let him be a hero every now and again if you can. As for the rotten mouth didn’t we find lollies and sweets like lemon sherberts helped? By the way I saw my brother today and he was fine and over his ordeal. We went to an event called boys toys in a big park near us. You could pay to go up in a helicopter, on a monster truck or drive hovercrafts. There were also lots of temptations like hot doughnuts, big ice creams, burgers, spit roasted pork, etc. Mmmmmm. It was YD 21st birthday so we all had a fab day together and then all came back here for dinner, all 13 of us. It is going to take me 3 loads of the dishwasher to clear the kitchen and we don’t have a single knife or glass left to use tonight. But it was a great day and worth it.
Keep smiling everyone
Lily x

sorry Lorraine our posts crossed but I had to tell you I am having a good chuckle about your antics! Not sure which bit made me laugh most, probably the bit about Victor lol. Poor you though, I would have screamed the place down too. You need to get a trap and hopefully it was the same mouse each time as 2 mice can really start to multiply if you don’t act fast. I would be really jumpy all the time, horrible
Good luck getting rid of the rodents
Lily x

hee hee, lorraine good luck with the rodents and hubby!!!

Angie lovely to hear from you, hope steriods reducing is working well and glad you made it to your nan’s. Hope you are enjoying the cumbrian weather. p.s. your wedding shot is fab!!!

Lily, glad your brother over ordeal, yuk sounded awful. hope you managed to clean up the house!!! Love having family together.

Peakcock, your garden sounds fab - Im hopeless but trying.

Well my hand feels swollen so hoping lymphodema aint getting worse. Had a lovely weekend, wen out with brother and wife who is one of my best friends, had a few bottles of wine then my best friend and partner landed at same pub so we allwent for a lovely indial meal and staggered home late on (well actually fell asleep in taxi!!!).

Love to all xxx

Hi ladies
Lorraine - I’m used to the mice as my lovely cat likes to bring me presents. We joke that she wants her own pet as they are often alive and kicking - not dead! The little critters are b*ggers to catch though :slight_smile: I am chief mouse catcher in this house after our moggy. They don’t faze me at all but the eight legged things do - can’t stand them. OH is chief spider catcher! Glad you had a good evening.
Lisa - out on the razz again - lucky you. Having a great time with friends and a good laugh is such a pick u up isn’t it? Hope it helps when you are dealing with all the other stuff like swollen hands - hope this isn’t lymphodema.
Lily - nice trip to A & E then? head wounds always bleed so much but this does sound rather horrible, doesn’t help when everyone else around is fainting as well! A belated HB to your YD! Sounds like you had a great day - hope the weather was good. We;'ve had a couple of nice days over the weekend and made the most of Saturday going on a long walk to a pub and back - but silly me got sunburnt as I didn’t think it would be so warm and hadn’t put suncream on. I’m glad I didn’t have the washing you’ve had though. Our dishwasher is waiting for repair so everything has to be washed up. I’m planning meals from paper plates this week until they come!
Angie - good to hear from you. Hope you weren’t too exhausted after your visit to your Nan’s. I bet everyone really appreciated the effort you and Tommy had made. Hope you’ve been able to recharge your batteries after this trip and everything is getting better as you’ve said. Steroids - yuk - but I guess they are doing the right thing for you. Look after yourselves, you’re going through a lot of pressure and problems at the moment and you need to be kind to both of you.
Love to everyone else not mentioned. Off to work today so a quick catch up before I go whilst I wait for my ‘bone’ tablets to absorb. Can now go off and have my cuppa.
Nicky xx
ps I’ve edited this as I forgot to say to Lisa that it sounds like the Arimidex (I think you’re on this) could well be causing the aches and pains. There’s a thread going about the pro’s and cons of all 3 AI’s and carpal tunnel syndrome is listed for at least one of them, can’t remember which.

Hello ladies

Good to read you had busy weekends, what a brave lady you are Angie for doing such a long journey, myself I don’t like long car rides, but knowing you would be seeing you Nan must have spurred you on.

Lily hope the foot is mending nicely and reading about your weekend and all your guests just made me tired-LOL - how do you do it and work as well?

Lisa reading about your Indian meal made my mouth water, yummy, we can’t do Indian meals really here unless we cook them ourselves. There are Indian restaurants but I think they forget to put the spice in!

Talking of furry creatures and insects, we seem to get all sorts here. Most of the furry ones are brought in by the cats - we have 3 of them - then the puppy usually finds it half eaten and you catch her running around with a tail hanging out of her mouth. Hope you’re not squeamish, sorry.

It’s very wet today, but the ground badly needs the rain, trouble is when it starts it never knows when to stop. At least I won’t need to water all the veggies.

Lily you asked if we were in the house, well not yet, but very soon we hope. We are actually sleeping in one of the rooms for a week because our daughter has a German foreign exchange student staying, so we all had to shuffle around a bit to make space. The sooner we are out of this mobile home, the better - work is slowly happening now as Mr P is back at work. If all goes well, hopefully we will be in the house by Sept. I’ve got to start sealing walls and painting soon, not sure how my “bad” arm will manage as movement is still difficult.

Anyway, take care all and keep away from the creepy crawlies

P xx