Darling buddies from May - moving on

Hi everyone
Sorry if I’ve been off her for a few days but, having got her results, I’m now preoccupied with the next big step which is sorting out uni accommodation. And, as if my life isn’t complicated enough, this means going to Paris! All sounds very nice to everyone I mention it to but believe me we are not looking forwards to it. Traipsing round a capital city in August looking at studio flats - not my idea of a break but we do need to feel happy about where YD will live for the next 12 months - after that she can sort herself! Sorry to moan, especially if you’ve not been able to get away, but it seems like a hunt for a needle in a haystack, all done in French of course. We are off early Sat morning so I won’t be on here much this week - too many websearches for properties, or after as we’ll be ahunting. Other than this stress I’m fine! Have my mammo appt for this Thurs - which I’m hoping is OK but also I’ve been sorting long delayed dentist appts with the added complication of bisphosphonates to deal with.
Hope everyone else is keeping OK, away from colds and not too many aches etc.Lily - the toilet story sounds awful! When my girls were little and they’d call for me where ever I was I always used to shout ‘No’ back if I was in the loo - nothing needs discussing then unless it’s an emergency. Glad the V festival went well - I bet he doesn’t go next year if showering has now become an issue - that’s the reason YD wouldn’t go again - very high maintenance! Also I’ll have to hold back for now about an October meet. Until YD knows her timetable it could be they will have what’s known as a ‘reading week’ then (as ED has) and if so I’m sure she’d want to come home. I’ll have to wait until she’s started (end Sept) before I commit to anything - couldn’t miss her if she came back. Hope little chap enjoys school - what a big boy! But a bit different to nursery!
I’m trying to remember all the posts I’ve read so, sorry if I miss out anything that was mentioned or asked.
Lorraine - I’ve not had a bone scan since dx last April (08) although I have had CT and breast ultrasound. I’m getting one now because I mentioned it but they don’t like to do them too often due to the radioactive dye - how they will inject that I do not know! If everything is stable this time round (fingers crossed) I hope to not get any for 12 months.
Lisa - good luck with your love life, hope you can get on a date and it all works out well but know how nervous you must be.
To carrianne, soulgirl, peacock and anyone else I’ve missed I hope you are all OK and enjoying life wherever you are!
Will be on here again but I think it will be brief (er) for a while.
Nicky x

well best of luck Nicky with the flat search. I am just wondering whether some are advertised in shops/windows/uni website as over here? There must be somewhere that current students advertise empty rooms? I quite understand about October, if that is her first time back especially. Good luck with your mammoth appointments for mammo, dentist, ultra-sound and Ct scan! i will see you glowing in the dark from here :)Fingers crossed for you as always.
Lisa I saw my Mum today and she delighted me with a re-run of the events last night :frowning:
Took my little dog to the vet to book his op to have a large lump cut off his back leg/groin today. They took blood and rang back shortly after to say he was outside the parameter for 2 liver enzymes and needs more checks to see if liver good enough to support him in an operation :frowning: He goes tomorrow for timed blood tests with food and I have to leave him there :frowning:
Lily x

Nicky, good luck with the search and mamo.
Lily, hope the dogs op goes okay.
just done a stupid quiz on f.book which said i was gonna die this year - totally freaked me out - not doing anymore - stupid things!!!

L:ove from a wet cumbria!!! :frowning:

Hi all, well Saturday was a big success we raised nearly £1200 and everyone commented that they had a fab time, I think the £1 a pint helped though.I danced loads and went out on the Sunday and danced some more ha ha.

My heart is still weak so will now have to go on Ramipril? The lymphodema is settling down cant believe how quickly its worked! And some more good news I got my mammo results today and they are ‘satisfactory’ so may have to go out and celebrate.

Lisa dating is a scary thing a friend of mine tried to set me up on a blind date I said no way, if we didnt get on what would I do! I think you should just go for it he sounds like a catch :slight_smile:

Lily I live in York so would be great if some of you came here and we met up let me know what you decide to do.Hope your dog is ok x

Take care

Hello to all
Nicky, congratulations on your daughter heading off to Paris, is she studying French? If I can offer any help or support , like finding out phone numbers etc. please ask. Have a great weekend in the wonderful city. I love Paris.
Lily, the story of your Mum on the loo really made me laugh, I could commiserate with her after all my toilet problems of late, but even so, no need to get it in repeat mode! Hope the dog’s op is ok.
Angie,glad the results were good and congrats for raising the money – hope you celebrated in style?
Lisa, good luck with the love life it sounds like an exciting time ahead for you. Don’t go worrying about quizzes on FB, what do they know? Facebook is good for chatting but all these quiz things annoy me and I don’t do them.
Bev hope you’ve been sleeping a bit better – me, not a chance.
Well only a short post tonight, not much going on here, same old same old – good wishes to everyone and those I haven’t mentioned
P x

same old here - no crack, been to rugby match with my dad.

Soulgirl, sounds like a fab weekend, love dancing but feel achy day after. Celebrate re the mamo fab news and great you live in York!!

Thanks for support peacock.

Well all tired again, fuzzy head and been shattered for days and sleeping loads which is unusual for me. Bum into gear tomorrow though and getting close to parties and trips, so excited next week me and my mates sister arranging her 40th hollywood themed party if all goes to plan with lots of time spent to make it lovely - so heres praying for sun.

Nite all, off to watch come dine with me and then bed!!!

Love from a very very wet windy cumbria:-(

Well yesterday the headlines were raving about a great break through, which they hope will make a big impact on hormone sensitive BC and today its doom and gloom in the news for anyone like me on Tamoxifen :frowning:
I have to say the coverage was varied. The Metro scared my husband, the radio scared my son and both came in flapping about it. I was blissfully ignorant having failed to see the news today. I read the full version on the internet and I am quite happy with it. The media have a lot to answer for, when they build up hype to sensationalise and sell papers. Shame they don’t think of the panic and worry they cause the people involved. The full article says it is about people on Tam for more than 5 years and says this is about 1000 women in this country! A bit different to saying we are all 440% more likely to get a nastier, untreatable tumour.Wasn’t very nice for the HER+++ ladies either. I don’t actually take any notice of these claims normally but it is difficult when everyone keeps talking about it and expecting a response.Oh and why should I worry when I live with ‘lethally dangerous scented candles’! Unbelievable!
Lisa I can’t believe some pea head writes things that tell people such nasty things and gets paid for it. Don’t do them again, that’s an order!! How about some more decorating? I am on to the lounge. Sofas on order and had plasterers and decorators giving quotes as Victor says it is too much for him. I don’t mind as he would take forever to get round to it. Just surprised he agreed so easily :slight_smile: i think it was the promise that he could have any telly he wants, and he loves gadgets and tech things. Will probably take me a week to work out how to turn the rotten thing on lol. Well done soulgirl, how are your feet? Sorry to hear you have to go on to drugs for side effects. Is that forever or will it improve on this drug? I hope so x.Fab on the good mammo. I always think something more celebratory than satisfactory should be used. Makes me think that I am only just ok. Re: the meet up, not sure whether to proceed or delay so Nicky, you are with us. I would really like to catch up with you again if we can manage it.Do you reckon Lisa and soulgirl would get a word in? Ha ha!Lets wait and see how it pans out as she gets more details of her uni course. Peacock might give my Mum your number to ring next time lol!Are you feeling better because you sound more cheery but I can’t tell in cyberland? Bev I was wondering how you were feeling as well as you were having a lot of aches, hope that is improving a little. Julia how are you getting on with the tablets? Are you on tamoxifen or something else? Nicky hope you manage to get everything sorted out for Yd.Hope the mammo was not too ouch today and fingers crossed it shows the thing has shrunk :slight_smile:
Big hugs everyone
Lily x x

Sorry Lis,
posts crossed. No sign of rain here, I even had the fan on most of the day. It was windy though and blew my skirt almost over my head, made little chap chuckle his head off and ask me to do it again. Poor doggy failed the routine blood tests and they are concerned about his liver now. So more tests today or he won’t make the op they say. He was shaking like a jelly, thought he would pass out and die infront of me he was so scared going in for the 3rd lot of vein digging. Know how he feels.
Sleeping happy at home tonight
Lily x

Hi All,

lily so sorry to hear about your little dog it is horrible when things go wrong for them as they really are part of the family. I am in total agreement with you regarding the news relating to tamoxifen it really freaked me out when I read it and then as you I looked at it a bit further and realised it was referring to long term use. Still it unfortunately had the effect of making me feel wobbly again (so now I am not only physically wobbly due to the increase in size I am back to being emotionally wobbly which I hate more than anything) I know it will pass and it catches me out as I going along perfectly o.k. and then you read something or hear about someone as I did this week relating to a girl I worked with who had BC 8 years ago and is in trouble again. Sorry girls for blurting all this out but I know this is one place I can do this with total understanding and I don’t feel I can do that anywhere else. The meeting up in York sounds a great idea so keep me posted as it may be possible to get there.

Lisa go for it girl and hope it all works well for you as you deserve some good times and happiness

Nicky good luck in Paris sounds hard work but try to enjoy being there too. Good luck with the mammo today.

Soulgirl certainly sounds as if you are having fun well done!

Peacock yes sleep pattern is much the same and most of the time I just accept it but everynow and again it becomes a very tiresome.

I have just had a vaccine against pneumonia have any of you had that I was a bit surprised as I thought it was only given to the over 65’s and I still a way to go to be there. Anyway my arm is now all red and blotchy and quite sore so obviously my body wasn’t too happy about it. It has also been suggested by my surgery that I have the swine flue vaccine (not sure about that) have any of you been offered this and what are your thoughts?

Thanks girlies for letting me offload my anxieties I will be back on track next time I report in!

love to all Bev xx

Hi: bit of a catch up.

Lily: I’ve been on Arimidex since end of Jan and am getting some side effects now – Bugger! Achy finger joints – I posted about the problem with right hand ring finger, am getting similar pains in left hand now. Also the night sweats – yuk! My sister recommends sage tea – utterly vile but it does work – I did that during the menopause and seem to remember it working – will try again.

Didn’t see the article about Tamoxifen but generally believe most of these reporters should be taken out and shot. My Prof reckons the Daily Mail ‘medical’ reporters are the pits and cause so much trouble and worry as they blow up things out of all proportion. Have now read the c**p on Metro – how dare they just report two lines from a report that probably went on for pages. Shooting is too good for these b*****ds.

Hope the doggy is OK – they are always a worry aren’t they as you can’t explain and they give you the big sad eyes and you feel so horrible leaving them.

The toilet story – that is about the only place to go to get any peace – your poor mum!

Peacock: I always do it in word first, that way you can spell-check and edit too. I start the message and then flip backwards and forwards to pick up the messages so I can throw in my bit and follow it thru.

Nicky: I do envy your daughter. My husband used to work for Chrysler (used to be Rootes) and we were scheduled to move to Paris with the company, had been flat hunting – money fell out of the sky on this deal – and it was glam flats in the centre of the city, the works – he was within ten days of moving. And then Peugeot took over and we were given 24 hours to decide whether to go or not – Dick decided not as his French was not good. There were loads of people going – a lot of Americans – but the only two that survived with Peugeot were linguists so it was the right decision, but ooooh I was unhappy!

I’ve not been offered the pig flu vaccine but won’t be having it – since the message now seems to be that most people cope with it like ordinary flu so don’t see the point of having any more poison. I think if you are still on chemo with reduced immunity then it might be worth it, but I will take my chances.

Also interested with your bone scan – I had a Dexa scan in April and there was no dye – mine must have been a different type. I shall certainly want one next year when I have been on the Arimidex for twelve months

Lisa: Love life – Yesssss! Remind what that was???

I still find it interesting that I have not had any scans – apart from the bone – at all. I had the ultrasound thing for my heart but so many of you have had MRI thingys so I will run that past my Prof when I see him in Oct.

Trust you are all doing OK and looking forward to the usual grotty weather for the bank hol weekend. Never mind, summer (what was that?) is nearly over and we can head for autumn – that is a nice season.

Love to all


Hi ladies
A quick moment of calm for me, with no work today - hooray. Mammo was ouch, as usual, and we’ll see what’s said. I’m hoping nothing dramatic other than some shrinkage if possible. I’ve then got a telephone appt with my GP in a few hours to discuss my latest blood test! It needed checking as my cholesterol has risen since being on Arimidex - another lovely Side Effect! Plus to check other levels since stopping going to the hospital for my bisphos. which meant my blood was checked every 4 weeks. Then work tomorrow am, dentist tomorrow pm and packing for an early start on Saturday - now you can see why I haven’t been on here much! Plus checking for accommodation online each evening for Paris for YD! Peacock - I may well need some help! And if you know of anyone in Paris who would like a lovely girl to stay in their apartment please let me know! She is studying French at ULIP which is the University of London Institute in Paris. She’s just learnt that she’s got the French and German prizes for A levels at her school so very chuffed for her.
Now onto all of you lovelies.
Lily - poor pooch. I bet he was trembling at the vets - they hate it don’t they? Hope that tests come back OK and treatment can take place - wow doesn’t that sound like us lot last year? Also hope it’s nothing too bad that he’s going to be treated for and the lump gets removed asap. I also agree about the recent headlines. It’s worrying enough as it is without some half baked story being written that doesn’t give all the facts.
Soulgirl - well done with the fund raising and glad you enjoyed yourself as well. If you and Lisa get together goodness knows when you’d stop to sit down - far to lively :slight_smile: I was on Ramipiril before I had chemo and didn’t suffer any noticeable SE’s It was for my BP which was very high although this came down to normal levels once I stopped taking Tamoxifen after my secondary dx last year. I’ve not gone back on it yet but who knows - depends on what my bloods show today and general BP readings. If I take many more tablets I’ll rattle!
Lisa - hope you are resting in between living it up? Been on a date yet? No secrets on here so don’t hold back any details. Second thoughts - PM us! Also forget all those silly quizzes however tempting they must be, they can’t predict anything good or bad so don’t believe what they come up with.
Bev - I know what you mean about wobbles. I had some awful news this week that my ex sister in law (who I;m still in touch with and is godmother to YD) has just been dx with ovarian cancer. A dreadful shock and I know in the coming months I will want to support her as best I can. It all brings things back doesn’t it?
Hope I’ve not missed anyone out and you are all OK. The weather here was very wet yesterday but much nicer today, few clouds but plenty of sun. Just as well I needed to get some washing dried. I’ll have to see about York and a meetup - I hear we’ll all be staying with soulgirl LOL! I will have to wait and see what YD does so for now I’ll have to be counted out but could always make my own way there etc when I know nearer the time. Other than that we’re pretty busy on and off until October what with uni’s, delivering YD to uni at the end of Sept with all her wordly possessions, catching up with local friends we’ve not seen all summer and trying to have a weekend or 2 for ourselves at home! Phew! I think I go to work to have a break!
Take care all, will hope to catch up before we leave, if not have a great weekend - bank holiday as well! And will catch up when we’re back.
Nicky xx
ps - Hi Julia - we must of been typing at the same time! This is my edited/added on bit. Hope you are well and I don’t think the Paris deal will drop out now! We’ve just got to pay for the next 3 years! However, we’re taking every student loan available and hope to help pay back later.

Phew worn out reading all that stuff - yawn yawn and only lunch time.

Having a wobbler again, Bev totally normal I think Im mid one, headaches, fuzzy dizzy head that cant explain, tired eyes, aches round bra area - list goes on - hopefully just worn out but every now and again totally freaked out that my lifem might not continue as is having fun and enjoying self - so scary sometimes, spesh when people think back to normal!!

Twine over honest, Lily hope dog okay. Nickey, your schedule wears me out!!!

Enjoy rest of day all.

p.s. Bathroom next on the agenda for my decorating!!

well latest news on Max (woofy)came from a late evening call from the vet to say that the more detailed liver profiles had come back with serious abnormalities. I had to ask of course and yes she said liver cancer is what they are checking for:( I ridiculously told Hubby that I must have given it to him!! So he goes in tomorrow very early and will have a pre-med so that he will hopefully lie still while they take a chest x-ray and do a liver ultra-sound. They have to do this first as he will not survive the anaesthetic if his liver is dodgy, they say. If liver and lungs ok or just scarred he will then go under and have the op. If not she will ring me and we will be talking another story, she said. I am so sorry to anyone reading who has bigger worries with a person but I do love my little dog so rather anxious for him.
Lisa what are the bathroom plans - decorate or the whole suite? I am going mad in the lounge and changing everything. Nicky fingers crossed for the mammo results and everything else you have crammed into this week.How was your cholesterol? Fab about YD’s prizes, obviously takes after her Mother :)I can’t imagine you will be able to settle until you have accommodation sorted and can picture her somewhere nice and safe.Don’t the uni help? Most first years can go in halls of residence.I was very sorry to hear about the lady you mentioned and hope they have caught it early to be able to do a lot for her. We have had quite a bit of bad news here too with ladies I know and always gives me a wobble. Then it makes me cross with myself for wasting the time they would have given anything for - and then I do something like booking a holiday or buying things for the house or the kids. I have been talking about cancer alot lately Victor tells me, I have no idea why if it is true. Julia sorry to hear the SE are kicking in, must be very uncomfortable and hard to ignore. You seem to all be on Arimidex but my onc apparently favours Femara so guess that will be the next change for me. I think that might be next year but you never know with him. Sage tea oh dear that does sound bad. I can’t even stomach fruit teas lol. Has hurricane Bill been battering against your door? My ED just came back from 4 days in Brighton and said she was being blown down the street at times. Mind you she is a little stick. I have never had a dexa scan or an MRI. I had routine bone scans and a CT scan after dx to check if any spread. MRI sound scarey as I am a bit chlostrauphobic (cant spell that!). My GP said my immune system was back up and high so I was not a worry for swoine flu, just to make contact if it happened and they would decide according to how bad and symptoms. I had the ordinary flu jab though as he said it was too dodgy going back into school in Feb. Bev I think we all have wobbles so no need to apologise, just shout out your fears, it often helps to vocalise them. I sail along as I said and then something trips me up again. I sometimes wonder if it will always be like that now. I always say I have lost my peace of mind forever now but do hope I haven’t really. Refuse to let this cr@p disease have such a hold on me and how I think too. Right rant over
Lily x

Lily your poor dog, you must be worried stiff, it made me cry, as I know my dog is my company and he has lots of lumps and bumpsand like you say you had a little worry about what it would be, everything crossed its all okay and op goes ahead!!

Decoarting, planning whole new bathroom, its tiny. bath with over shower, sink and toilet and all hit each other - gonna get rid of bath and get corner shower, never had a bath for two years (and no I dont stink) and had one last night and will not regret getting rid!!! baths give me far too much thinking time, made me cry listening to sad songs so, showers back on from now on!!

Yippee itsfriday tomorrow and bank holiday weekend which means an extra day of work. determined to enjoy. My cousin has been hoem from Oz and made me think I would really enjoy a holiday over there but dont think brave enough to go on own, ah can dream.

Night all, from a wet and much wetter to be cumbria.

Lily everything crossed for pooch even robbie bobbie got his paws crossed xx

Hi Lily - fingers and everything crossed for Max. Know exactly how you feel, they are our unquestioning friends and give us comfort without anything back - other than food and in Max’s case a walk! Hope all goes well but I may not be on here to find out. However OH has procured a laptop from work so we may be online, mainly for his ‘work’ next week but more likely for trawling the web for apartments. The uni doesn’t have halls of residence, some in London don’t either. And the uni don’t ‘recommend’ places as they’d have to get into vetting them 1st and any legal things would get them involved. We did understand the position, it’s just very daunting but, as you say, once I know where she will be I can relax. Until then I’m not very chilled! Hopefully find one on day 1 and then can have a nice break in Paris! My cholesterol was high, as expected, but lower than a previous reading. Will try benecol etc for a while rather than drugs. Everything else was OK so that’s a relief as they checked all sorts of areas.
Will sign off now, probably for a while, have a great bank holiday everyone - hope Cumbria dries out Lisa :slight_smile:
Nicky x

Just a quick one for now, as I have only just got up (11 am - yes I know, I am a lazy moo moo, but when you’re awake half the night and finally get to sleep early hours, well that is my excuse) and am about to start work.

Lily, I will be thinking about you and Max today and really, really hope they will be able to operate and as always, its something else and NOT C!

Nicky, unfortunately I don’t know anyone in Paris, she could commute from us in 2 hours by TGV if that is any help?? Good luck and have a good weekend in the wonderful city.

To everyone else, I will catch up later, have a nice day xxxx

SO sorry Lily to hear about your little dog fingers crossed he will be o.k.

I haven’t had any scans at all apart from my mammogram (should I be worried?) I am due to see the onc in Nov and then I will have blood tests to see what the hormone level is but realistically I wont be post meno until next summer as you have to be two clear years without periods to be given that cateogory so tamoxifen it is for now not sure what I will go on to afterwards but I think armidex was mentioned.

Nicky hoping the paris trip is successful and that you feel comfortable with her accommodation what a wonderful opportunity for her and well done to her for her great results. Hope the mammo results are all good.

Lisa I know what you mean about the bath thing I am exactly the same play some music and want to ball my eyes out ( I did a lot of that last year in the bath as no one else needed to be involved and I just added to the water level!) funny that so many of us are feeling a bit sad at this time and feeling a bit uncertain about things but I agree with Lily we really must try not to waste our time too much feeling like that although I guess it is a passage we need to go through. I am finding it hard that everyone else around me seems to have forgotten all about it now I know that sounds very childish but I certainly haven’t got over it yet and feel a bit put out everyone assumes normal life has resumed and then moan about the silliest of things that I have difficulty have patience with. Is this normal? or am I expecting too much.

I find the green tea also helps with the tropical moments! far more palatable if you add a slice of lemon.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Bev x

hi everyone

sorry about poor doggy, i understand what you ment when you apologised for worrying over your dog, when others might have people close to them suffering, but i think dogs are very close to humans, and give us such comfort, and we can feel as much love towards them. i really hope they can do something for him.

hope your daughter finds suitable accomadation very soon, and so glad everything was ok with your check up, shame about colestrol but thats something that can be sorted.

bevvy 52

i know just what you mean. part of me is finding it harder than last year. and my family are all treating me as though im over it.
even using me as middle man to sort out all family arguments, told them i dont want the stress, but they are oblivious. so i guess we need to focus on staying well ourselves and let them sort their own battles out.


wished you lived closer, i have lots of decorating i want done. not enough energy to do it, by the time ive done housework. i guess one day i will have to leave housework and get some painting done

take care all x

Hello again all
I’m busy watching The Tudors at the moment, I really love it as Henry VIII was one of my projects in the old CSE days for history. I got a grade 2 so not bad I suppose.

Lily, I hope woofy is ok, our pets mean the world to us, they are part of the family so we are sure to love them.

Bev and Everyday you are so right, what we went through last year was life changing, we are bound to view life a little different now and have weak moments, and above all we must allow our minds and bodies to heal. I feel a bit the same, everyone expects us to be back to normal and I get treated from friends and family as if nothing ever happened. Also for me, as it seems I have a thyroid problem I am seeing the Endocrinologist about next week it just adds to the healing process. I’m also disappointed with follow ups from my medical team, it seems my next appt is in January, which I find a bit too long - I think most of you are on some type of hormonal tablet, whereas I’ve just finished Herceptin and it seems that is it here, forgotten about, abandoned - now I really am whining so I’ll stop.

Yesterday I found out one of my friends has been diagnosed with cervical cancer and is waiting to find out if she will need a hysterectomy. I don’t know much about this sort of cancer, other than what Jade went through.

Well it’s taken me an hour to write this short bit as I’ve been busying watching King Henry order hangings, Queen Jane give birth to a baby boy and then die. C’est la vie.

Have a good weekend all, hope you get some sunshine

Love P xx

not looking good for my 4 legged friend sadly. He was apparently a star and lay on the table completely still for almost an hour while they took x-rays and did an ultra-sound of his liver. They found a large mass which has distorted the shape of the liver and is pushing his spleen backwards. Two of the vets think the shape of its growth indicates a malignancy, although no-one is going to stick their neck out without definite cancer cells on a slide. He was unable to have the large routine lump removed as it is too dangerous to have an anaesthetic and also could bleed to death without his clotting factors being sorted beforehand. Apparently the vets do not treat dogs with liver cancer although they will try to maintain his blood balances and treat symptoms as they appear. I have a sachet to tip on his food which will assist the liver so that it does not have to work so hard. So we were given the choice to let them give him that type of care or we could be referred to a consultant in animal oncology.Well lucky old Max (unlike me!!) has private health cover and can run up a bill of £2500 of bills in 12 months so we thought we should at least go and see what they say or have to offer. It is just over £250 to see the consultant plus whatever they do from there on. The vets phoned up and we have a top clinic and doc in our area so they will see us tomorrow morning. While I am thankful to have someone to talk to about him and maybe help him to suffer less, I was shocked to see the website and the dogs having rads and mri scans. (will pm their website if anyone wants to see it.)They pin spines, do heart surgery the lot. Doggies have a chemo clinic. The doc (vet) did a phd at the Marsden!! The nurse think they will do a liver biopsy tomorrow if we agree. I find this very disturbing that they would put dogs through this and offer this level of service and I am a real dog lover. I think some people would be upset and angry. He is certainly getting faster treatment than me on the NHS. What has the world come to?
Thanks everyone for your lovely thoughts. I am a bit tearful at times. Max however is unaware that he is supposed to be so ill and has been stealing food, snoring his head off and generally enjoying himself as usual.Sorry about your friend Peacock and hope my post does not upset you. Good luck with your thyroid too. Nicky I really hope you find a fab place quickly for her and then you can go shopping :slight_smile: Fab fab that tests were all good so far and sure you can work on the cholesterol with benecol and there is some cereal too with oats, from memory.
Sorry everyone who is not a dog fan. Those who are will understand.
Lily x