Hi everyone
I did a really long post last night and lost it AGAIN! Aaarrrrgghhh.So, here goes with the second version today.
My news, well my thyroid T4 test was a bit low so it looks like I have an underactive thyroid (I think, but its so confusing) my GP isn’t too worried about it and just said to mention it when I next visit the diabetic consultant. I always knew there must be a reason for being tired all the time LOL. YD and myself were gagging for our Fray Bentos Pie tonight, believe it or not, they are around 5 euros plus here for one, but our visitors brought us a couple over that only cost £2.50 for 2 at Asda (oh I do miss Asda). Anyway, our tin opener wasn’t designed for Fray Bentos tins and unfortunately, we were starving and it took us half an hour to get the top off the tin. It was delicious though, and worth the wait – aren’t I a saddo and so easily pleased with a FB pie.
We are on a hosepipe ban now, although still allowed to water veggies, but not flowers so have to be conservative with the washing up water etc. so I’m saving every drop possible for the pots & baskets. We ate some homegrown sweetcorn this week which were delicious, so sweet and fresh. The weeds are still taking over unfortunately, and the 2 chickens aren’t tackling them quick enough. Why do they eat my lovely growing veg and not the weeds???
Lily - Isn’t it a delight (and a bit embarrassing to take young ones to the pictures), I haven’t seen Ice Age 3 yet, but our daughter has been to see it (in French) and she said it was funny. Sorry to upset you on the bunny story, I was upset too. Hope that you manage to escape the weekend ok without rescuing your son. I had a laugh at your story re Victor snoring, Mr P is just the same. I remember how we both suffered from the cold last year and wrapped ourselves up in quilts. This year I am struggling with the heat, most days are around 35 degrees (plus sometimes).
Nicky, your holiday sounds wonderful, I remember Florida well but things have probably changed enormously since we were there back in 1992 – oh those were the days!
Bev I do sympathise with the shoulder pain & problems, I ended up having a steroid injection in mine and it seems to have helped. I still have a great deal of trouble with my BC shoulder though, and still having physio. It is difficult to sleep comfortably, whichever way I try the arm is still painful. I can’t move my arm normally despite all the exercises. I have a sleep problem, it’s a nightmare (pardon the pun) when you want to sleep but can’t. I have taken sleeping tablets (Zopiclone) which do work reasonably well and I don’t feel bad the next day. I try to only take them occasionally. Other than that, a couple of glasses of wine???
Sorry to hear Soulgirl that you have had problems with Herceptin, I am glad I’ve now finished the course. I hope that you don’t have to wait too long for the results of your mammo, make sure you rub plenty of moisturiser into your feet in preparation of all the dancing.
CarrieAnn, I agree with you, I want to tell the world about having had BC but most people aren’t interested. I just get told by acquaintances that I look so well so I’ve given up. I think the idea of volunteering will help you, as well as others, so good on you.
Everyday, I try to swim as often as poss and my physio now entails some arm exercises in the pool, so keep it going I’m sure it will help. Facebook, well I’m still trying to get my head around that one-LOL. I keep posting on other people’s walls.
Lisa, keep us up to date with your progress re recon please, I am waiting for an appt with a plastic surgeon. I would like the tummy tuck one if possible, but I think as I am a diabetic it might not be an option (because of bad healing). It would be lovely to have nice, pert, and smallish boobs and a flat tummy – you never know, you might see me modelling M & S clothes in 2 years time LOL.
Well, as I’ve typed this in word to cut and paste I hope it makes it to the BCC forum. Sorry for a long post, hope you’ve all managed to stay awake.
Finally, congratulations to all the sons and daughters for the results and hope they got what they expected.
Good weekend to you all
Love P xx