Darling buddies from May - moving on

wow i had 5 minutess spare and thought id see if anyone had been on, since my last post, and couldnt believe it!

soulgirl, lovely to hear from you and glad your enjoying the new job, sounds like you work in a department store?

yes get victor on the tree, not literally. ha ha. like i said mine still in the spare room from last year. we always disagree(whats new?) on the theme of the tree, hubby likes to throw everything on im more orderly. i think we could turn everything into an argument at the moment. cant do much more wrapping need more paper, so a good clean up today i think, so cold and wet outside dont think im going far. your daily food consumption sounds ok, and i know what you mean about not being able to step up the excercise, but is your weight still increasing?

have enjoyable day off, youll probably be a busy little bee knowing you.

no wonder you want the op, soreness must be a real pain. i have a flap under my arm too, but it doesnt get sore, so i can live with it.
it will be well worth you having it done. glad your sister found a way to help her deal with everything thats gone on in her life. but like you say each person is different and i respect that.

so envious no swollen tummy, you must be doing something right, weekends coming up, hope you have some plans, knowing you, you probably have

bye for now girlies x

Well sounds like its xmas tree time for us all!!!

Been a bit paranoid tonight, overweight, horrid gap in teeth and missing boob, and Im wondering why Im single lol!!! Think im just missing texts and the fact that John did still want to meet me and that maybe i pushed it too far, but in all honestly ive been soooo busy its been nice not having to rush around getting ready for someone landing every couple of nights - dont think he was ready for dating either, just came to my house all the time!

Well least I dont have to argue with anyone about my xmas tree and decs, bought a black tree last year and white and silver baubles with a dot of red to match my living room, can hardly remember it but excited about getting it put up again.

Whatā€™s everyone up to this weekend?? Im out for my friends birthday on Saturday, we are going for meal and drinks but its my friend who set up the date so topic of conversation will be, huuuum I wonder.

Well all, jungle final tomorrow, Gino to win!!! Gonna miss X Factor on Saturday but Olly better hadnt go.

Nite all xxxxx

p.s. Lily, jeleous of your daily eating habits, mine awful

snap we have a birthday before Christmas too, in fact tomorrow although she was due on 19 December so could have been a Christmas baby if left to her own devices.She will be 26 and thinks this is rather old, wrong side of 25 I think she said. I have hers all wrapped up and they are all coming in for a giant take away and then all off out together with their partners on Saturday. Ha ha very funny about my ā€˜dietā€™ well I canā€™t be too serious or I will have to face failure! I had lost 2lbs but have not checked so have probably put it on again. Too pathetic for me to be encouraged by it. My GP said you could starve yourself! I canā€™t believe he would suggest such a thing. Hmm I think Gino will win and what ever tv programme he goes on next I will be watching it. Might have to marry an Italian in my next life so I can just listen to the accent :slight_smile:
Hi Lorraine, yes I like it if I have lots to read when I get on here. Just like getting letters. Now I have a picture in my head of Victor riding the tree like a horse, or did you have sitting on the top in mind :)I think I am just stable weight at the moment but I do worry that I could put on another stash if I change to an AI in Jan. I hear one has a side effect of making you annorexic possibly!! Hey ho lead the way! Hope it is dry so you can wizz out for some more wrapping paper in the morning. Tonight I wrote my overseas Christmas cards and Victor says he will post them all. Well he has never ever done it before so I know he has noidea what he is in for. A mountain of stamps and air mail stickers for cards to 6 different countries and all the cards are different sizes. Oh and I left him to pay :slight_smile:
Lisa no way are you jealous of my eating habits! You know how often I break it and go out to eat. Ok now I did say you couldnā€™t put yourself down and you did say I could do it so ā€¦ wack, did you feel the slap? Now if I can remove my foot from your backside you can go back out and enjoy yourself on Saturday x.
Hooray its Friday tomorrow, the natives were decidely unfriendly today and all soaking wet again. Every lesson I have piles of shoes and blazers on my radiators drying because no-one will wear a coat! I amf reezing again, how are all of you? Got my blanket on the sofa again and woof thinks this is marvellous. Well better go and get to bed. Tesco shopping is ordered so no queuing up for me
Lily x

hi buddies


dont worry about the body parts, at least your a cheerful soul, looking at the pics you put on here anyway. i think a bloke would rather have that than the perfect body with a miserable attitude.


no wonder your cold with all that washing hanging about. i can just picture the steam coming off it all. do you get lots of pressies of your pupils, i can imagine a mountain of chocolate. mmmmmmmmm


hope you ok

peacock and bevvy hope lifes treating you good!

i actually got an appointment sorted with oncologist today, i was feeling so uncomfortable with tummy this morning, i couldnt even hoover stairs, without sitting down every step, and i just sat and cried. was still upset when i spoke to her, must have worked appointment next wednesday. at last some answers x

Hello ladies

Well, Iā€™m feeling pretty down after seeing the Onc today. He thinks it is better to postpone recon for another 3 months (planned date approx Mar/Apr) because of this cough Iā€™ve had and wants me to have another CT scan done before I see him again in March, just to be sure it is nothing sinister! Well, a shock to say the least as Iā€™ve just got my head around that it is only reflux. Now it seems he is not so sure. I canā€™t bear to think of it being anything serious so I wonā€™t. The cough is actually better since Iā€™ve been taking all the reflux meds so that is a good sign isnā€™t it?? So I asked if they will remove the portacath as I donā€™t want this fashion accessory until next summer. Needed to get that off my chest ladies, sorry for the rant.

Lorraine glad that you are feeling more comforted now you have your Onc appointment and hope that your discomfort eases soon. It doesnā€™t sound nice.

Lisa, Lily, Nicky, Soulgirl and everyone I have forgotten bet you are all looking forward to the Celeb final, Gino is sure to win isnā€™t he, what a great final.

Take care all

P xx

well Lorraine big hugs matey, I hate to think of you in such discomfort and upset too. Well done for getting through to the onc at last and I hope the answers will help you to feel much more comfortable. I donā€™t really know what to think as I donā€™t want you to go on feeling like this but I donā€™t want you to need something else done either. So I will just keep everything crossed for you and will be with you in spirit. Know we are all beside you. You need to talk to the bigger men and tell them how you feel and maybe ask them for help with housework, cooking or whatever is giving you most trouble. Donā€™t feel you have to do it all. Thinking of you x.
Peacock, thinking of you too. I think it would probably be very uncomfortable to have a persistent cough when recovering from big surgery like that. I know it is a long anaesthetic and they donā€™t like coughs either while you are under. So the delaying bit would I think be better for you. The only reason they ever do scans is to check you donā€™t have something nasty going on, so I think you are right to not overthink this statement. If you had something going on, then it would already be there but the scan was clear. Def a good sign that the reflux medicine works and I tend to think that he just didnā€™t choose his words very carefully, or it was maybe affected by either his or your translation. I know how worrying every comment can be so try to put it aside if you can. Rant all you like, so would I if they said that to me. Is the port coming out? I had to be awake for mine.
Well I was glad that Gino won and hope to see lots more programmes with him on. It was EDā€™s birthday today and we had a big chinese take-away and then dairy free birthday cake. It tastes a bit odd but she was thrilled to have a cake at all and we put relighting candles on. She was blowing them out for 5 minutes and we were all coughing from the smoke. She had lots of pressies and quite a lot of money towards wedding things too. She is off to Primark tomorrow so will probably blow the lot there. Well 2 weeks until we break up for Christmas and it canā€™t come too soon. I want to wake up and just go back to sleep instead of forcing myself out of my lovely warm bed to go to work. I have to go on a course on Tuesday so have to catch an early train in to London and Victor will probably meet me afterwards so might do more shopping :slight_smile: Depends if my feet can stand it really.
Hope something nice happens this weekend for all of you
Lily x

Lorraine, nothign worse than feeling crap and worrying, know its not easy but probably good getting an appointment next week. If you are on arimidex it could be making you bloated as although Im not bloated, my middle has definately increased in a wierd place that I never noticed before - fingers crossed its the bloody pills.

Peacock, fingers crossed for you too, ive had a cough for ages too, maybe 8 weeks but easing off now but it does freak you out, it seems as if if the stuff you are taking for reflux is helping so hopefully that is all it is. My recon probably even later than yours which is worrying me, wanted it soon as (wow cant believe saying that) as after talking to the nurse she said he would probably want to ut an expander in on my masectomy side first which would be pumped up which would stretch my skin, waiting list 16wk for this, then need to recover and another 16 wk then 2nd masectomy and the big recon - terrifies me senseless but think i want to go ahead with it, just scared i might waste a good year of my life - see we dont get scans here at all.

Anyhow, still think its wierd that i have only ever seen onc once, seen deputy when doing chemo but never since, we just see BC Nurse which has move to 6 monthly.

Well wnet to see my friend tonight who is totally baffled about the John crack, heā€™s workign with his mate a few doors away from her so she went to see his mate who is a really good friend on herā€™s its Johns best mate and John hasnt told him we aint dating any more - nothing as fickle as men!

Well Lily boot is out of but and ready for my weekend, managed to fall asleep during jungle but woke up too see the lovely Gino being crowned!!

Have a lovely weekend all xxxx

sorry missed your post Lily, glad your daughter had a fab birthday. Cant wait to break up on 18th too, 2 full weeks off, going to enjoy and chillax, cant believe sometimes how much pushed myself to work throughout treatment, suppose it was some sense of normality, soon comes back doesnt it!

Enjoy x

Hi Lisa,
its usually me the last one on here. Little chap is here so I am hoping he will be fast asleep when I look back in on him. This John thing is puzzling but could be rather annoying if this is his normal self. You would never know where you were! Have fun and thank you for giving me my foot back :slight_smile:
Lily x x

Hi girlies
Sorry to hear the delay for you Peacock, these oncologists/surgeons always know how to say something you can worry about donā€™t they? Hopefully nothing will show up and they (and you) can get on with things. Try not to let your mind run away with you - easier said than done - look forward to all the Christmas glitz and your decorations this year.
Lorraine - Iā€™m so sorry you are feeling in such pain, it must be awful. I hope you can take some painkillers until your appointment next week to make you a bit more comfortable at least. Good luck for then and hope they can sort it out pronto (as Gino would say LOL)
Lisa - what are men like eh? However as wise Lily says - maybe itā€™s for the good if thatā€™s how things would have been if you were still seeing each other! Also, if you do go out again with him give him a good talking to :slight_smile: As Lorraine sais as well - itā€™s what counts inside not the packaging and who can resist you for long? Have a great weekend and look forward to that time off - fab.
Lily - belated HB to ED, sounds like you had a lovely evening. I know those candles - they smoke like crazy, but fun with it. Weā€™ve added to our EDā€™s pesent by getting a Primark voucher she can buy a whole new ā€˜wardrobeā€™ with it and itā€™s only Ā£20!
To everyone else either popping or witing I hope you have a good weekend - Bev are you managing to order everyone around from your seat?
A quiet-ish weekend for us, out for a drink at a friends house whose daughter was 21 this week and great friends with my ED - should be fun as we all get on really well and we only have to walk down the road. Then meet up with some other good friends at the pub on Sunday afternoon, only thing is they are just back from 2 weeks in Jamaica so donā€™t want to sit next to them looking so tanned! Then a thrilling finale watching some ebay selling weā€™ve been doing, hopefully ending up with a bit of cash from it.
Take care, look after yourselves, especially if suffering in any way.
Nicky xx
ps - had to edit this as I forgot to add that of course the best man is now King of the Jungle - Iā€™ve now got to face the disappointment of not seeing or hearing him every night! Lucky Mrs Dā€™Campo :wink:

hi buddies

thanks for all your kind words. cant wait till wed to sort something out,

how can gino be fancied by so many women, hes certainly got something special. loved his tattoo, too.

cant believe you were posting after 11, and wondering if little one, was asleep yet, mind you saying that my grandsons took ages to drop off last time. good job we only have them occasionally. eldest daughters birthday seemed a memoriable moment, lovely.
you say ask my men to help out, not an option theyd just say leave it, it doesnt matter, so i am leaving some things at moment, just setting myself some goals to do each day, i need to do something if i can, just to have a routine.


do they have primark in france? just wondered. it makes me remember how lucky i am not to be working in some ways, when you all talk about looking forward to holiday time. i just couldnt hold down a job if i wanted to, it would be quite stressful. but i miss the thought of all the christmas work celebrations.


are you on any other meds, which could have cough as side effects. i know my blood pressure tablets can do that.
im sure when the time is right the op will be a success, and youll be able to move forward. good luck

hope your getting more mobile, i was going to say have more movement, but we spoke enough about movements last year. lol

take care all x

Hello buddies

Lily, how sensible you are making me realise that the cough and a big op wouldnā€™t be very nice, I might burst some stitches if nothing else LOL. Thank you for reassurance, I did ask for the port to be removed sooner than later, particularly if the recon is delayed ā€“ normally they seem to take them out at the same time. I was awake when they put it in, would like to be sedated and dreaming a nice dream when it comes out. The Chinese meal sounds delicious, I am jealous! Know exactly what you mean about needing the Christmas break, our YD has to be at school for 8 am, so we live at 7.40 and I hate driving in the dark, roads here are not lit except in the main towns. Weā€™ve yet to get through the bad weather, icy roads and even snow perhaps.

Lisa wonā€™t they be scanning you to check for blood vessels & things before your recon? I thought this was standard procedure so they know which ones to use. Are you having a preventative mastectomy? My other side will be reduced but possibly not at the same time as the recon. I thought I was missing out because I hadnā€™t seen an Onc since February; this appt yesterday was made by my GP as she thought it was disgraceful that I hadnā€™t had a follow up since Herceptin finished in July. How weird John hasnā€™t told his mate, but you know what men are like, they donā€™t do ā€œmenlyā€ talk do they, I mean about relationships.

Lorraine are you feeling any better today, itā€™s not long until Weds but it will seem like forever and I really hope the symptoms ease and it is just one of those funny things that our bodies do more as we get older. I know you directed this question to Nicky but no they donā€™t have Primark in France but how I wish they did, there isnā€™t anything like that really ā€“ like everything here, clothes are pretty expensive and not always very trendy. Iā€™m not on any other meds, I even try to avoid taking painkillers these days unless I really have to. I blamed my cough on Herceptin for months, but that finished in July. I do think it is reflux as I often bend forward and feel the acid start to regurgitate, sorry for unpleasant description. The coughing is definitely better now so fingers crossed.

Bev hope the foot is feeling less painful, how long will you be hobbling about?

Nicky, your daughter will be able to buy loads at Primark wonā€™t she, what a good idea.

Well, Iā€™ve posted my new photo, the bread I made today was ā€œstupendousā€ as Gino would say. Iā€™ve been having a problem with bread lately so thought I would try a new recipe and it worked. We had homemade celery soup with fantastico bread today. Iā€™ll let you know how it toasts, cos that will be the test.

Well off now, have a lovely Sunday all and I hope you wish with me a peaceful and pain free day for some of us on the forum who are not at all well at the moment (particularly Debs).

P x

well ploughing through a mountain of Maths books this weekend and only half-way through. Stopped to enjoy x factor and listening to Rod Stewart in the background as Victor likes his music. Just a quiet little weekend for me but feel great when I start the week with all my work done so I will be pleased on Monday. Got a few more pressies today including a big box of lots of different varieties of beer for Victor to try. One of our big differences is that he can eat and drink almost anything and I am really fussy. There are about 4 things in the world he wonā€™t eat and they of course are my favourites - honey, cream, bananas and pate. I tell him he has no taste buds as he can drink anything at all whereas I grimace at anything at all dry. He has been very handy over the years to eat up anything I donā€™t like. Like being invited out and someone bringing out fruit cake made especially for us and all 4 kids and me not liking it. He eats enough for all of us :slight_smile: Hmm it shows! He is tall as well so can drink a lot without much effect whereas I am anyones after 2 ha ha! The book is getting interesting by the way.
Peacock well if I helped in any way then I am glad, as I would not wish to think of you anxious. I see someone about lipofil this month but after seeing my boss freak out about her check up following that treatment I am unsure whetehr to proceed. She says she no longer knows what normal feels like and really thought it was going to be bad news. Not sure I want to shatter my current reasonable state of calm.
Lorraine my little fella gets so excited when he is staying and I love having him round so I donā€™t really try. MD puts him to bed at 7 and he nods straight off she says! Yes you have our permission to say sā€¦ the housework and take it easy. Come to think of it I do that too lol. Canā€™t stand wasting time doing boring things. Yes I liked his tatoo, well just about everything ha ha. I hoep you enjoy the weekend tv to divert you a little and that you have an easier time this weekend. Hugs matey x.
Nicky sounds like a lovely weekend, lucky you. Do you still get the palpatations or can you enjoy yourself freely now? I am sad that Gino is off tv but I think he will get a show now donā€™t you?
Lisa did you record x factor. I voted for Joe as usual. Should vote for Olly, our local but I have been a Joe fan right through and think he will win. I have been writing my Christams list after being nagged. Victor always laughs when he reads it as I always ask for a puppy. So does ED. We both want a cute little dog that loves us best and sits on our knee. Max will not sit on laps.
bev hoping you are counting off the days now until you are free from plaster and that it has settled.
Speak soon
Lily x

hi all, oh boy what a lot to read through and so sorry to discover there are still worries for so many of you in different ways. Well the old leg is still giving me probs because although I am much better mentally about having to wear it since it has been split my foot is so sore and I feel so bad tempered being so restricted by life. Also my arm and underarm is playing up which I feel is due to the lack of exercise no swimming which normally really helps it.

Anyway I have now got a link which is pasted below that you can look on to see the trials I took part in and at the bottom on the page there is a snippet of my interiew, really weird to see it but guessed you would be interested to know how the procedure will benefit women (and men) in the future.

Hope you all had a good weekend and tried to put the worries away for a while.


love to all Bev x

Hi Bev, Thanks for puting the link on for us. Although too late for me it is wonderful that such research and trials are going on. It was nice too to see you " in the flesh" as it were. It is better than a tiny photo on the forum. Sorry to hear that you are feeling fed up with you leg. It must be so frustrating. This was what I experienced in my latest chemo because I SO wanted to do things but just couldnā€™t do it all. Wishing you well on a speedy recovery so that you can get back to you swimming. Love Val

Wow Bev, brought a tear to my eye that did. Not only fab to see you in flesh (if you know what I mean) but you looked and sounded great - way to go!!!

Well everyone, did yo hear that Gino and stuart were arrested because they killed that rat - can you believe it!

Olly still in x factor, yes!!!

Had a nice weekend with friends, hope everyone enjoyed, xmas tree tomorrow yippeee!!!

Peacock, my op is a preventative measure cos I have BRCA 1 gene so want rid so to speak. the bread looks and sounds fab, off to raid my fridge now.

Nite all, catch up tomorrow

wow from me too Bev. It makes you believe they will find a cure one day when you read stories like this. I always wonder how they think of these ideas - in the middle of the night? Apart from the important part, I thought you said just the right things and sounded very eloquent, well done. I love your curls and I guess we have another celebrity on our post :slight_smile: How could you have a broken ankle just as you become famous!!! Hi to scottishlass too.
Lisa no I didnā€™t hear about the rat - crazy Australians! We are excited that Olly is still in as there is usually a televised part from each home town. It is about 15 minutes from me and where Ed works. I voted for Joe as usual and I think he will win.
Well I got all my books marked by lunchtime so managed to watch some tv too. I love the old Columbo films and have watched most of them at least 10 times. On the countdown to breaking up now
Lily x

Thanks for the link Bev - you look great and it must have been so exciting to be part of new research. Have you posted it elsewhere on here in case anyone else wants to know? Sorry about the leg though, very frustrating and I canā€™t imagine having to put up with being in plaster (touchwood, having never broken anything).
To everyone else - hope you all had good weekends - loved the bread Peacock - you should share your success story as well :wink: We had a nice weekend seeing friends and pootling about - a much busier one next weekend with a work event and also EDā€™s 21st for which sheā€™s invited a load of friends round and OH and I have decided to get away for the night. I have to finish getting bits for her birthday like helium balloons etc plus a few more Christmas bits, hopefully tomorrow when Iā€™m not in work. Managed to wrap all the stocking presents yesterday - an achey expereience as I usually sit on the floor with lots of little things and sheets of tissue paper but at least theyā€™re done. YDā€™s 1st term exams start today and thyā€™re all wondering how they will do, at least theyā€™re over with before Christmas.
Take care, hope all the aches, itches, discomfort get sorted this week - Good Luck on Weds Lorraine.
Nicky x

Thanks for your comments girls! my few minutes of fame (everyone is supposed to have one in their lifetime)

Nicky glad to hear you had a good weekend with friends and good luck with the birthday party coming up! When it was my sonā€™s 21st birthday I bought him 21 pressies to unwrap which started off really well but buying that many pressies for a boy was really tricky still it was good fun on the unwrapping. I also made up photo albums of them from birth through to present day with captions I had cut out from mags and newspapers and they still love looking at them now. It was particularly nice when my son went to uni as he took it with him to remind him of home.

Lily yep typical isnā€™t just when I could have been discovered I am not at my best with dodgy leg! Thanks for comments about my presentation my son burst out laughing and said oh mum that really is your telephone posh voice! arenā€™t family wonderful. I agree with you I want Joe to win X factor he has such a lovely voice. Although it is hard as Olly and Stacey are both lovely talented kids too.Letā€™s hope they all achieve their dreams.

Lisa glad to see you are looking forward to the christmas decorations I have asked Hub to get our tree this week so that will be fun trying to decorate it on one leg still at least I have got plenty of time this year.

Val thanks for comments hope you are doing well too.

Have a good day everyone!

love Bev xx

hi everyone

bev you did a wonderful job of putting things over, no nerves either. mind you i think your thoughts are focused when you feel it is of some importance to others whoā€™ve maybe got a chance of catching it earlier. i too was like you, had two ops because they didnt get it all first time, it would have been great to have had it available like you said. well done!

your keeping things well in order as far as school work is concerned just shows we can be organised if we have too. but it can be exhausting too, so take care. you know i mentioned victor wanted the armani bracelet, well its gone out of the shop window, and he is convinced ive brought it, and guess what i havnt, so know i have to trawl the internet, or one dissapointed little man. ha ha

well done on the wrapping, you cant believe that you can ache so much doing such little things, can you? i was really uncomfortable doing mine,
cos baby keeps getting in the way.(thats just my sad humour, i keep telling everyone i am carrying a baby around in my tummy, cos it looks like it) better not be erhhhhhhhhhhhhh

glad you moving on, and putting john to back of your mind, your just to good for him, la la la, keep focusing on your mates and having a good time this christmas. youve had a lot to deal with, men can be hard work at the best of times.

hope things ok your way.

deck the halls with sprigs of holly, la la la x