Lorraine realy glad that you are gaining strength day by day :), how is it on the ward not too noisy for you I hope?
You ladies have been busy took ages to read through all the posts my eyes have gone square!
I have made a very late New Years resolution I am going to come on here and post a message at least twice a week to keep up with all your news
Lily hope the chalky stuff isnt too bad
Lisa is the decorating nearly finished?
Nicky,Peacock and everyone else hope you are ok.
My romance is still going strong cant get used to having someone around all the time tho, been on my own too long but im sure I will get used to it :). My niece is getting married in September so need a nice posh frock any tips lily? Work has been realy busy going back on to nights for a month on Sunday to do some training with the night staff, it will be good experience for me,just wish i could split myself in 3 cos im being head hunted so to speak got offers from 2 departments to go up the employment ladder not sure if im up to it, sometimes i just want to do my work and come home do i need the extra responsibility and stress? I will have a think about.
Take care and will post again soon i promise
Angie xx