DCIS - Further surgery required

Hi Tracy1,

I only had to wait until my two week check up last time for my results. . You seem to have to wait a lot longer. Is your treatment carried out in a dedicated breast unit? Which part of the country do you live? It seems to make such a difference. I consider myself very lucky as our unit is very accessible Monday to Friday 9-6. Just don’t get poorly over a weekend!:joy: Every time I have left a message it has been picked up and I have been contacted. I do hope you are getting the same care.

Is your date in April a definite?
Take care L xx

Hi @lynnie1

Yes, it is a dedicated Breast Care Unit that comes under the Coventry and Warwickshire area. The Breast Care Team are amazing and are available all day Monday to Friday, but the results do take 4-6 weeks :disappointed:

I know, I’m so worried about catching something :weary: I’m working from home and have no plans for the Easter weekend. I am trying to get out for a little walk 2 or 3 times a day… when it’s not raining!

Yes, my op is booked for 3rd April and I am first on the list, so need to get 100% well :pray:

How are you feeling today? xx

Hi Tracy,
So pleased that your breast team are really looking after you. Did they mention radiotherapy to you, if they get the margins next time?
I am feeling quite down today, and the weather is not helping!
I was hoping the surgeon would call today with my results before he goes on holiday, but no such luck.
I have depressed myself with looking into the radiotherapy side effects for left breast cancer. They do not make good reading! I think you said yours was right side?
Do you live alone? I do but my partner lives 25 mins away. I went to his for a few days after the ops.
If you do I hope you are not feeling too lonely, working from home and having to avoid :microbe:!
I have also been reading about the dreaded consequences about alcohol and breast cancer. Very depressing since I do like wine! Enjoy the weekend if you can, April will soon be here xx

Hi @lynnie1

Yes, my consultant has said that I will need radiotherapy, but I’ve stopped myself from looking into it until they get clear margins. Yes, mine is my right side.

I live with my husband and two grown up children, but I am finding BC to be a lonely journey. All the people that say you’ll be okay, stay positive! It’s soooo hard! Night time is the worst time for me. My mind runs riot.

I had an appointment letter for my results today for 26th April, my op is the 3rd, so that’s quicker than my last results. But I still worry as I was diagnosed on 22nd December.

I woke up today with an awful sore throat, so now im stressing they might not do the op, but I keep telling myself I have 5 days to get well again.

You definitely did the right going to your partners after your op.

I haven’t read about alcohol and breast cancer. My friend had breast cancer at 36 and again at 41… she doesnt smoke or drink, she eats really healthily, stays fit. She is 56 now and amazing!!

I do hope you feel a little better now. I think we all get days like that, it’s hard to stay upbeat all the time and the waiting for results is just awful.

Sending hugs to you xx

Hi all

Had my second WLE yesterday. I went down first as promised and was home by 2pm :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Felt very sick yesterday, but feeling better today. I am in more discomfort than my first operation, but came home armed with a bag of painkillers, thankfully.

Get my results on 26th April :pray:

Sending love to everyone on here :heartpulse: xx


Hi Tracy,

Pleased to hear you are safely home but sorry to hear you are in more discomfort than the first time.

I had my results after the second op today. They did not get a clear margin at the superior (top end) of my breast, but there is no more breast tissue to take apparently.
I was told that it would have been the same if they had done a mastectomy. There will be a meeting to include the oncologist next week and they will call me with the outcome.
Not sure how I feel to be honest, there is still uncertainty. I still have quite a large swelling and bruising in the breast at the moment. I was also given to understand from leaflets that radiotherapy should be given between 4-6 weeks after surgery, but they say it will be longer than that. It all drags on for so long doesn’t it. Not sure if this delay is due to delays for everything in the NHS.

I will keep my fingers crossed for your results, and hope that they are more clear cut. Rest and take care. Lynnie x


Hi @lynnie1

Thank you for your message. I’m so, so sorry to hear you didn’t get clear margins. My second WLE was also in the superior margin, I think that’s why it is quite painful. When they say radiotherapy should be started within 4-6 weeks, do they mean from the operation that resulted in clear margins? My first op was 12th January.

I agree, it all takes so long. I was diagnosed on 22nd December and still feel in limbo.

Look after yourself and I wish you all the very best for the meeting next week.

Sending love and hugs to you xx

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Hi Tracy,

The DCIS was 54mm after the second op compared to the original mammogram which indicated 10mm!

I had originally after seeing the surgeon last week decided on radiotherapy, but after speaking to the oncologist this morning, I have decided on a mastectomy.
The good news is that they now do radiotherapy over 5 days compared to my 15 last time, and no anastrazole . Which is far better.
After chatting to him for a long time and discussing it with my family, I realise that for my peace of mind I want the mastectomy. The DCIS was large and high grade, and as I have small breasts I don’t think after radio I would have much left😊
The surgeon said if he had known the size initially he would have recommended a mastectomy. So much for mammograms!
They seem to find DCIS difficult to detect, so many ladies end up with larger areas than originally thought.
I do hope your recovery has gone well and that you get the clear margins. Lynne x


Hi Lynnie

I am glad you have made your decision. I think you have made the right one which will give you the peace of mind you need. It’s a shame you had to go through the surgeries, only to have more surgery, but, hopefully, it will all be over soon and you can have your 5 days of radiotherapy and start moving forward with your life again :sparkling_heart:

Have they said when your op will take place?

Sending love and hugs to you :two_hearts::two_hearts: xx

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Hi @holly.52

I believe today was the date you was given for surgery.

Just wanted to let you know I’ve been thinking of you.

Sending you love and hugs :sparkling_heart: xx

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Hi Tracy,
Good luck for your results I think it is tomorrow?
I am having my mastectomy on the 22nd May because my partner is away until the 13th.
I confused you, I will not need radiotherapy after the op, thank goodness. That is one of the reasons I chose the mastectomy. After having radiotherapy last time on the right breast.
I think I will have to have drains, which is a pain, as I have had haematomas after both ops.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow xx

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Hi @lynnie1

Thank you so much for your message.

I had a call about 4pm today to say my results arent back. I am gutted… I had mentally prepared myself for tomorrow. Hopefully, they will be back next week. I really struggle with all this waiting, I was diagnosed on 22nd December.

That is good news that you won’t require radiotherapy. I definitely think you have made the right decision. Hopefully, the wait won’t seem too long for you.

Sending love to you xx

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Hi Lynnie1

I was recalled in Feb for extra imaging after a routine mammogram identified changes, I had biopsies taken at the time and the results were 26mm high grade dcis. I was then sent for an MRI which upgraded it to 50mm. Before surgery I had markers & a magseed put in place but unfortunately 2 of my margins were missed and 1 was <1mm, as it turned out to be over 60mm+. I’m now due to have a mastectomy and Dflap reconstruction on 23/5 which will be 12 weeks from my original diagnosis! I’m in Chester and was automatically given the MRI.

Take care xx

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Hello, Lynne, Holly, Tracy and sunshine, sorry if i left anyone out, hello all. I was called back after a routine mammogram in february, and had biopsies. Diagnosed DCIS low grade. I had WLE on april 9th. The excision is approx 3 inches, does that sound the same as everyone else, as I was told my DCIS was 1.4 cm diameter, and they were going to take 2cm so I was surprised tge excision was so large. I have a results appointment on may 3rd. Im so so sorry that you have all had several surgeries to contend with. Im fearful that will also happen to me, not that tge surgery scares me, its being told theyve found something unexpected, grade 3 DCIS or invasive form. I hope all your future surgeries go well and you are able to move on with your lives. I too am a warfarin patient as i had a very large clot 8 years ago and was found to have a protein S deficiency, so warfarin for life for me. The surgery was manageable, and had mild pain afterwards. The worst symptom is the aching numbness and nipple oversensetivity which I have been assured is perfectly normal, which makes sense, the brain is trying to find what the breast has lost. Oh i forgot to mention its my right breast at approx 7 oclock position. Prayers, healing and love to all xxxx


Hi @jaynie1, my thoughts are with you as the waiting is the worst bit in many ways. My first treatment for a larger area of DCIS being over 5cm in 2020 was a complete success, so it does happen a lot of the time.

The % chances of the surgery working are pretty good but if not then as we all do, we go through a stage of shock and then get back on the horse and let the experts make us better.

On the scars, my surgies have been through the nipple so the scars were still large but hidden by the areola skin, i think it depends on where the cancer is and the surgeon. Also, the scars fade back after about 18 months.

You’ve got this stay positive and let us know how the results go.


Hi @jaynie1

Sorry to hear you are going through this. I definitely find the waiting the hardest part. My scar is around my nipple, so probably around the same size as yours.

Mine is high grade and was 30mm plus 2 x 10mm cavity shaves without clear margins so I had to have a second operation. Im hoping to get my results on the 3rd too.

I was told 90% of Wide Local Excisions are successful first time so try to be positive.

Good luck for Friday Jaynie.

Sending love xx


Dear Tracy and Summer-sunshine, wow , thank you so much for your speedy replys.I very much apprieciate you both. Just fyi, my nipple wasnt excised, the scar is in a position where, when breast in sitting on abdomen,( 4 pregnancies! Byebye babys lol) it is in position within the last inch or so of the breast before it becomes abdominal skin. Not sure if that made sense or not. I too am a good researcher, hubby calls me the fbi, as I have a degree in genetics, so I understand the whole cancer develooment thing as it was part of my course. I think this knowledge has helped me remain the calmest I have ever been, regarding health problems as I suffer with health anxiety since the clot diagnosis ( it took up 2/3rds of my upper right leg and up into my abdomen) anyway, I digress. Im the type of person to research all options and allow myself to come to terms with each option in readiness. I had already decided on a full mastectomy with reconstruction, but my surgeon says its not a viable option. I realise now this is because of my type 2 diabetes. Have any of you recieved information on your cancers genetic status? I dont know if that test is performed by the nhs with DCIS lesions. Xxx take care all, and good luck moving forward

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Hi @jaynie1

So good to hear you are remaining calm, like you said your degree is probably helping you too.

I asked my surgeon the question, but he told me our trust doesnt check DCIS for genetics or whether the cancer is hormone fed etc unless I wasnt suitable for radiotherapy. I should only be offered radiotherapy, not Tamoxifen or any other long term medication xx

I was told I may need radiation but would be dependant upon results. I think they only do Er,Pr,Her2 and genetic testing on IDC xx

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Hi @jaynie1

Yes, I believe that to be the case too xx