Debsincornwall, my darling wife

What a beautiful and moving account of Debs’ funeral, Ian. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I am sure that Debs is very happy with all that took place, she lived for her loving family and would have been so happy that you all managed to organise things amicably for her.

You take care

hi ian

that is so kind of you to spare some time to write and let us know how things went at debs funeral. i understand as well what you are saying about lettin family members know what you would like at your funeral, even though im sure debs didnt worry because she felt confident you would handle this in the way she wanted. you seemed to share a lot of the same thoughts of mind, so im sure she would have been looking down smiling at you.,
i am at present about to start another dose of chemo because my cancer as spread, but i hope i can deal with it in the couragous way debs and yourself did.
i hope this year is a peaceful one for you and your family, cos more than anything that is what i feel debs would have wanted=

take care x

Thank you Ian. The service sounds a beautiful tribute to Debs.

Good Luck to you and to all of Deb’s family, facing life without her.

Take Care,

Jenny x

Ian - thank you so much for letting us know about the funeral - Debs has been on my mind so much and she is really mourned and missed on this site - i know i feel very bereft so it was so kind of you to include us with this - You have also made me think I have not been able to put things down / make decisions about my funeral but hearing things from your point of view has made me think about how that will be for my friends and family - i hope i can now do it- i wish you well - Debs love for you ( and you for her) shone through all her posts - take care , and thank you …jayne x

Thanks Ian - great post. I’m sorry that this will be your last post, because there is support on this forum for husband/relatives too. Nevertheless you will have many decisions to make in the long and short term, and I am sure the wealth of experience you have accrued with Debs going through the whole bc thing, will nevertheless prepare you for anymore crap that life will throw at you. Say yes to any genuine offers of help and bugger off to the gawpers of misery.

You take care x

Thank you Ian
As always
M x

Thank you Ian, You have given me something to think about…regarding funeral arrangements…I know what I do NOT want but am not sure what I do want…so to make it easier for my husband and daughters I will do as you have suggested and make some serious decisions soon. I have bone mets and have been living with this dreaded disease for over twenty years now…but there comes a time when “we need to get out house in order”…so that is at the top of my to do list for 2010. Wishing you the strength to get through the next few months. Much love Val XX

Thank you, Ian. You are the girls are in my thoughts and prayers.

Eliza xx


Thankyou for sharing that with us, it all sounded perfect and Im sure Debs would be so very proud of you all and happy with what you chose.

I feel quite sad that that was the last posting you are going to make…I surpose its because I looked forward to coming on here everyday to read what Debs had written and the last couple of weeks Ive been coming on to read all the love and surport messages to you and the messages from you…I will miss both Debs and your postings.

I really wish you Ian and all your Family very much love and luck in the future. Please know that Debs will never be forgotten by many of us on this site, and her postings still being read everyday.

I hope that you know if ever you need to, please come back to the site and we will all be here for you.

Much love to you Ian :slight_smile: x

Debs, will never forget you xx

Dear Ian

I have not been on the site for a while, but am so saddened to hear the news about debs, she truly was an inspiration, my thoughts are with you and your family xxx

Hi Ian

Debs is still with us. She was here when I was first diagnosed, and was still here when I was going thro’ chemo, was trying to recover from chemo etc and had my scares.

She was such a powerful force, I can’t imagine life after her on the boards. I really mourn her loss. I will miss her.

She was a lovely lady (that’s a term not given lightly when you’re my age).

RIP Debs

Mal xx