Started a new monthly thread for those ladies who are continuing into December with your rads and also for the ladies who will be starting this month, you will get lots of help and support from the other ladies.
helena xx
Started a new monthly thread for those ladies who are continuing into December with your rads and also for the ladies who will be starting this month, you will get lots of help and support from the other ladies.
helena xx
I had my tatts done today ready for the first treatment on December 13th. All being well and all the calculations have been made. I have just 3 weeks of treatment I think but will be given a time table/callender after my first one. I have bin given a sexy blue gown to take with me for all the treatments, I love the velco opening sides! This is stage three of my treatments, so if this goes as easily as the others, I will start the new year with a bang not with a worrysquib.
Sallyann XX
Hi x I started yeserday s will be going into December. I am two down and thirteen to go. I have been lucky in that my GP prescribed R1 and R2 cream so I am hoping that they do their magic x
Hi Ladies,
I started radiotherapy on the 27th Nov - 15 session (thankfully) with 4 already down. I finish on the 17th Dec.
I got cream from the hospital - Aquamax. I’ve been applying 2/3 times a day. My left breast (my cancer side) has been a bit painful like electric shocks going through along with being a little bit swollen. I did ask the team at the hospital and they said that was normal after reconstruction but I’m seeing a doctor on Monday. I’ve also taken the advice of 2 litres of water - I’ve bought this huge 2.2 litre water bottle to keep me in track. Not feeling too bad at present.
I also started taking Tamoxifen on Wednesday- just waiting for the dreaded side effects to kick in. 1 thing I have noticed is my wee is foamy (never had this before) - no sure if that’s normal. I think I will meantion it to the oncologist.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Hi there,
My radiotherapy starts tomorrow, and I have been told the 15th (last) session will be on 27th December. I have been using E45 for the last couple of weeks in preparation, but at the lymphoedema clinic today I was given Epaderm cream as a light starter, and also Epaderm ointment, which is heavier and oiler in case the burns get too bad. The information I was given today suggested you shouldn’t use an aqueous cream, but it was the first time I had heard that - has anyone else been told that? I also hadn’t heard that the cream should be applied more than 2 hours before treatment, which could be a problem for me as I have early appointments! Thanks for the tip abut applying when you are getting dressed.
Finished today! 20/20 and I am delighted! All my weekends are now mine! Didn’t think I’d be so pleased, but the last week dragged. I’m a bit sore, a bit itchy and I’ll just pace myself over the next couple of weeks. Got a lovely hug from one of the nurses which was nice. There IS light at the end of the tunnel so good luck to everyone going through December and beyond, you can do it!! Xx
I’m having my 3rd session today. I wasn’t advised on a particular cream, just not to use a Parafin based one. I’m using Aveeno which as my appointments are at 3pm I use in the morning and rub in well, whilst I’m getting dressed after the rads and before i go to bed.
I am 7 days post radiotherapy today, thought I was doing great no real issues with burns etc, then today incredibly itchy very sore under my boob, my skin hasn’t broken so my GP prescribed barrier cream and antihistamines for the itching and told me to carry on with the Aveeno cream, thought it was too good to be true that I would get off without any probs. think it must have been the 5 boosts that tipped me over the edge. best wishes to all, Fezzy x
Awww shame Fezzy, hope the stuff works for you. I’ve been using antihistamines for the last two weeks, seem to work, but I can’t wear any of my lovely winter jumpers though as it prickles too much even through shirts and vests!
Im so glad people share their reactions during and post rads so I’m well prepared for the next couple weeks good or bad. But… I do know it’s not forever. I’m going out to London on Saturday to celebrate the end of my active treatment with my husband, I felt like everything has been on hold for the last 5 months. No idea what to wear… two scars, bright red spotty skin and can’t wear a bra… but… don’t care… while I feel relief at the moment I’ll take that, as I don’t know how I’ll feel a few months down the line, so for now I’m feeling positive and that’s great.
Thank you for the bells Helena xxx hope you’re doing well too.
Hi everyone
I had a WLE and sentinel node biopsy in October and started 15 sessions of radiotherapy last Thursday, so I’m one week down, two to go.
Up until today the worst thing for me has been travelling there and back. I am having to use a taxi because I have early appointments, and it was late one day and I got really stressed and upset.
This morning I started to itch and the skin is quite red in a few areas on the breast and under the arm. I mentioned it to the radiographers this morning and they had a look. They are going to keep an eye on it, but think that there is one patch that the nurse may need to put a dressing on.
I’ve been using Aveeno cream but I saw my GP today for a regular appointment and he has given me a prescription for some Centraben cream so I will see how that goes.
Hi everyone,
I thought I would share a random act of kindness that I have received. Someone from my local church, knowing that I was starting radiotherapy on Tuesday, gave me a carrier bag full of 22 wrapped gifts. She explained that they are one for every day of my treatment (including weekends). The gifts, she said, were small and silly, but to me,the sentiment and care taken with wrapping them speaks volumes. So far I have opened a mini stollen, a water bottle, and 2 packs of tissues. I feel so lucky as the gifts give me something to look forward to after each treatment :-).
Has anyone else experienced such kindness, or are there any other tips to lift our spirits as we go through the treatment?
Has anyone got any tips on what to put between my bra and nipple?
I’m on Day 5/15 today of rads. All going ok so far?
I had WLE in September, but developed an infected haematoma 3 weeks later which opened up the scar.
More surgery and three times a week dressing changes for 5 weeks. I’ve removed the dressing this week, but my nipple has been so sensitive since then.
I dont want to go back to dressings as pyscologically i needed to see my wound/scar and get used to it.
I am using Aveeno cream
I will ask them today. I’ve heard of it.
I found out yesterday I start on the 17th. I just need some Aveeno or E45 I think. I have 4 weeks including 5 days which are a boost. I went to an open evening last night so saw behind the scenes. I had a Therepeutic Mammoplasty and had chemo first (7 FEC-T).
Linda x
Hello everybody
I have been posting under November Rads thread updating on treatment. I am pleased to say that yesterday I finished my 4 week course of Rads.
I am so relieved and feel that a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
With regards to treatment , I am suffering from fatigue and enjoyed having a lay in bed and will be spending the run up to Christmas and New Year resting up before going back to work in the NY.
I feel very sore plus my breast is bright red , got sore during the last booster week. Luckily no cracks only dryness …
The radiographers were all nice and very supportive. They gave me hydrogel to apply to the affected area and cool pads to wear under my bra on my breast which helps .
I am so glad I no longer have to make that dreaded commute to hospital daily.
My 6 week follow up appt is scheduled for 28 Jan 2019 plus I have enrolled on the BCC moving forward course which starts mid Jan 2019.
Hopefully in the New Year I will be able to get back to normality and focus on my health and well-being.
I hope those undergoing Rads are doing ok and wish all the best to those scheduled to have treatment.
Best wishes xx ?
Hi ladies,
I am joining this thread as I will start radiotherapy on 18th December. Brief history is that I was diagnosed with a large area of DCIS and a large invasive tumour ( they thought it was 5cm but it was actually 4cm). It was triple positive so I had neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, which resulted in a full pathological response to the invasive tumour ( all the tumour had gone), but due to the size of the DCIS I had to have a mastectomy. It has been a long journey from finding a lump on 1st May. I wish all the December ladies well. We can do this!
Best wishes
Jane xx
After a delay of a few weeks because I chose to change centres, I start radiotherapy on Monday - having had two lots of tattoos done at the different centres. Much happier with where I am now - at least so far.
How soon before the fatigue is likely to kick in, or does it vary?
Good wishes to all.
Helena ( lady bowler)
Thanks . Post Rads day 3. Still feeling sore and very itchy . Finding uncomfortable wearing soft cotton bra having to moisturize few times daily .
Been drinking plenty of fluids however keep running to the Loos lol
Hope you are all doing well xx
Hi Kathyx,
I’m on Day 8 today of 15. I had my first bit of fatigue last night…? which surprised me as being so soon.
I’ve just got one red area on my boob already which is sore and a bit of a lump has formed… I’m using Aloe Vera on this to try and get the redness down…
Hopefully get to see a rads nurse today
I’m glad that it was the evening the first bout of fatigue hit me. I was sat on the sofa which was a fab place for that to happen!?