December 2018 Radiotherapy

I’m on Day 10/15 today. But have developed a raised red area which is tender just where I had a previous infected haematoma following my WLE.
Saw a Dr yesterday and I’ve been started on antibiotics??
Fingers crossed this is not yet another abscess

I go for my dry run this afternoon and then start properly tomorow. 


I’m stacked up with Simple soap, Aveeno and E45, gallons of bottled water and stacks of brand new but well washed towels (not bought for the purpose). My tops and bras are sorted into cotton and non cotton but I’m sure I’ll find something I’ve forgotten.


Let the zapping commence!

Good luck Kathyx
I bought a couple of sumpstiously soft cotton bras from M+S with a slighty bigger cup size to stop them being straight onto my nipple.
10/15 to be done today…

Bah! That’s all you need! Our machine broke last week too but it was fixed by the afternoon, apparently it’s not that uncommon!

Well, they phoned yesterday to confirm today’s appointment so off I go!

I started 20 sessions on Monday. I still find it a strange experience. It has been fine so far. I just need to allow lots of time and cooler water than normal if possible but am cold first thing so finding that hard. I have been moisturizing 3 times a day first thing after dads and last thing. How is everyone getting on? How are you finding it Jane? I am working full time and just going home after my afternoon appointments. x

I’ve now had my first three so a fifth of the way through!


What I’m looking forward to tomorrow (and I say this at the risk of scandalising younger members who tend to think a minimum of a shower a day is compulsory) is just getting up and getting dressed without having a shower. Getting wet on cold winter mornings really isn’t my thing!

Anyone experienced back pain lying on the hard rad bed? I took paracetamol 25 mins before my appointment which was a few mins late so came out 20 mins after time it was booked so they should have worked. My back was pink where it hurt. Thanks.

I finished my 15 rads yesterday. Got a bit emotional I have to say.
Thankfully all my appointments were on time, so no hanging around…
The fatigue started to hit me this week early evening, with a strange feeling of tightness in my throat, chest and then a “ i need to sit down” feeling.
Went back to work last Tuesday on a phased return. (I’m a nurse)
I’m actually scared of checking my other boob,if that makes sense?

I don’t think I nearly dropped off due to fatigue hitting, I was just comfortable and having a pleasant day dream!


It’s nice to have the weekend off and then just one day back before another day off. Because of the holidays and my planning day I’ve ended up have 4 x 4 day weeks rather than 3 x 5 days, which seems to me like an improvement.

Worried about checking other breast makes absolute sense, but you found the first lump and dealt with it. You just have to do the same again. Keep checking and have a good Christmas. I am having therapy until 9th Jan.

I never actually found a lump. I had routine screening… so hence my worry?

Has anyone felt nauseated post rads?
I think it might be associated with the tiredness, but I’m feeling really nauseated…

I’ve kept my fluid intake up. I was on antibiotics last week so thought it was those causing nausea. It feels like hearburn/reflux, so I’ve found some meds at home for that and will try.
I’m seeing oncologist on 28th so will mention it.

Yes I’ve had back pain - those ‘beds’ are rock hard! I was also told to put cream on my back because sometimes the radiotherapy comes through, especially if you’re having your collarbone treated.



Sending you all wishes for a Happy Christmas and all the very best for 2019.


Helena xxx

Hi Katiepoo
I’ve not commented for a while I finished Rads end of October. Everything has settled down nicely no lingering skin problems just occasional bout of tiredness.

I was also diagnosed through routine screening, so lump to feel. I’m trying not to think about other breast and possibility of anything wrong there. I do check but if It can’t be felt then its early screening that will find anything so I’ll cross that bridge next November when I get first screen.

As for nausea I was the same but it was the meds. I take carbimazole for overactive thyroid, letrozole, vitamin D, Calcium and Naproxen pain relief. All these were upsetting my stomach so docs have me omezaporole (spelling??) This settled everything down.
I’m enjoying my Christmas present a puppy Cocker Spaniel called Jet he’s gorgeous. Getting cuddles and keeping busy with our new family member.

Hope you and everyone have a Happy Christmas and Happy healthy new year.

Susan xxx

Has anyone got any suggestions for an alternative to Aloe Vera gel? Long story short, there’s a small area of probable cellulitis on a scarred area and I’ve had antibiotics. I used aloe vera gel and it stung like ****.
Finished rads 6 days ago and now i’m getting the warm boob.

Hi Katiepoo

I used and still use Diprobase cream keep in fridge.
Hope you had a nice Xmas and all the best for the New Year.
Susan x

Helena, Susie,
I put my Aveeno in the fridge last night. Unfortunately after seeing oncologist this morning, I’m on yet more antibiotics for the raised red area on my naughty boob as it’s now looking quite “boggy” around it with another lumpy bit ?

It was my last treatment yesterday, 15/15 so I rang the bell at our local treatment centre :slight_smile:


I was far more emotional than I thought I’d be - I thought I’d be laughing and smiing, I was so looking forward to it, but I cried, instead. I just wasn’t prepared for that emotion.


The last few days has been harder than previous days, even though I had a lovely Christmas, but travelling by car for long periods meant the seat belt has affected the very top edge of my treatment area, so it is very itchy - I am using Epaderm ointment on that area now.


Good luck to everyone, andI’m  wishing for you to have a smooth end to their treatment with few problems,and a smooth transition to the “Moving Forward” courses. x Velindre bell.jpg