Who wouldn’t feel angry and wretched going through what you’ve already gone through, lets face it some people go through life seemlessly, for all of us here now that can only be a fantasy. No you don’t deserve this Debs, of course you don’t, I just hope that can give you something to make this more tolerable.
My appointment has been put back one of the machines is broken could that have been me?
Just had a small portion of crambled eggs maybe 2 spoonfuls and 4 steroids. Next big step for me is attempting the shower!!
Love Debsxxx
You know - I bring up the “comment” window, then, don’t really know what to say -
Other than, thinking about you, - you don’t deserve the c**p you’ve coped with.
I hope you managed to enjoy the scambled eggs - strange how that is one of those “comfort foods” that we have, when we don’t know what else to go for…my mum used to always make it if i was sick - that, and Heinz tomato soup!!
just want to send best wishes. Always been struck by your strong and positive postings Debs, you are inspirational, I think, for a lot of us - that definitely includes me!
think of you often
Monica xxx
Hi Debs, Thinking of you a lot and looking forward to reading your posts when things begin to improve for you. You keep thinking of your ‘little bean’. Love Lesley xx
Well Sister B mew me yesterday with Nurse Sue they have been with me since the start so it was nice to be able to be me. R.T. are all new even though I have seen them before it is not like chemo week in week out. My onc 'Brian’as you know is away so it is back to Toby who first diagnosed me with secs 5 1/2 years ago and we never thought we wouls still be here. Well he left for 5 years traaining in bowela nd brain weird how it has gone to my brain. Lets hope he can help.
St B thinks I may need fluids so has him on stand by. Wasnt as sick yesterday but they are worried liver could be giving up chemo has done nothing to help me so fingers crossed. I dont want to pu any of you off and scare you too much but I am really having it tough. So when you can do the odd thing please do it.Time for eberyone is very special with this disease you just can never predict.
Love Debsxxx
Debs - don’t you dare worrying about ‘puttin us off or scaring us’ - we are all here to help you in any way we can. Heavens you’ve supported enough people on here, in more ways than one, it’s time to receive.
It can be of no surprise to you, how highly regarded you are and cared for on here - look back at your posts if you have to. People have posted to you, some of whic have never posted before. You have touched and affected many people.
We are all with you as much as we can be Debs, and you too Ian. You are a terrific woman, and this bloody disease is certainly demanding a lot of you at the moment, and frankly you would be one wierd woman if you wern’t terrified - who wouldn’t be? But fear itself is exhausting. ~I hope and pray that tomorrow or the next day will be better.
I too am hoping and hoping that tomorrow will be a better day for you, that the liver does not fail just yet and that this treatment will indeed buy you some more time, Debs. As you say, time is indeed very special - and unfortunately so often we don’t value it enough until we suddenly realise we may not have that much left.
Like so many other people I read all of your comments Debs and have done ever since I first came on here in June of last year. You are an amazing woman and in your darkest moments don’t ever forget that, because we all know it to be true. My thoughts and wishes are with you - I only wish we could all do more.
Oh Debs,just back from London and so sorry to hear that you’re having such a rubbish time. Please don’t worry about putting anyone off. Your frankness and openness has helped me such a lot. Am just so sorry that things are so awful for you and just hope that things wil improve. I really am taking your advice to making the most of every moment and feel so grateful to be well at the moment. I really hope tomorrow brings a better day for you Debs. Am “praying” for you in my own way. You are a wonderful and strong lady with such a wonderful sense of humour. I just hope you get something to smile about soon. Lots of love, Anne xxx
Hi debs I dont come on here often I was a regular over a yr ago when my sister had secondary cancer with brain mets, she had WBR we then asked for her to be referred to a neuro oncologist. Tracy had gamma knife treatment and capcetabine and lived for over 4 yrs with this. we were disappointed she was not eligible for lapatanib, works the same as herceptin but crosses blood brain barrier. I remember the day we were told about the brain mets it was a nightmare as her 2 children were only babies but she continued to work and had a good quality of life until 3 months before she died. It is now nearly 2 yrs and hopefully things have improved around treatments, but please ask for a neuro onc referral as they are the experts in brains good luck.
hannah x
Debs, I am so sorry to hear you’re having such a hard time and hope that things improve tomorrow. Don’t worry about scaring any of us - you’ve done so much on this site to support and encourage others, as Celeste says, now is your time to receive. Just know that you have so many of us right behind you, wishing and praying for you and Ian and the rest of your family. I so wish there was more I could do or say - just keep thinking of that little bean.
So sorry to read that you are feeling no better. Your posts always remind me that I need to make most of every day. Hoping you receive some positive news very soon. Victoria xxxx
Hi Debs and Ian, just wanted to echo what others have said and send you my very best wishes and love, hope tomorrow is a better day for you, love junieliz