Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Everyone,

Been posting on the “Have I” section of the forum over the past 10 days.
Thought I better move to the next section and get to know you all.

I was diagnosed on Monday (29th) after 10 very long days and nights!!!
Got through it with love and support from everyone on this site.
I’m scheduled for my surgery on Thursday 8th November and feeling scared but keeping positive.
It really is a big help talking.

Dyzee. x

hi Yzee,
Sorry you have had to move to ‘‘the next section’’…I can well remember those long days and nights waiting for results.

I’m glad you found support from this site, its very helpful and friendly isn’t it.

I hope your surgery goe’s well…which surgery will you be having?
Do keep in touch.

Take care
karen x

Hi Karen,

Thank you for our kind comments.
The site and people like you are absolutely fantastic.

All I know is I’m having the op on the 8th. I can’t remember any of the detail. I know the consultant said something about clearance and putting a dye into the
Lymphnodes, but after that I am blank. I’m going to call my Breast Cancer Nurse tomorrow to discuss everything now that I am thinking straight!!!

Where are you on your “journey”?

Dyzee. x

Hi Karen,

Just had a look at the copy of a form I had to sign for the consultant. As far as I can see (really bad handwriting) it says: Left wide local excision and then Sentinal node biopsy with blue dye.

Still gonna phone BC nurse.

Dyzee. x

Hi Dyzee,

sorry you have had to joined us here, i am sure you will get loads of support here though.

I was diagnosed a month ago with invasive BC, this was my first port of call and these lovely ladies (and guys) have been a godsend.


Hi Val,

The support is brilliant. Thank you.

Have you had your surgery?

Dyzee. x

Hi Dyzee

I was diagnosed in April. Had left mastectomy and lymph nodes removed about what felt like two minutes later in May. I had invasice ductal carcinoma etc etc. The surgery is fine my love. Much better than that horrible wait. Not painful - just uncomfortable. You will be fine. If you need to ask anything we are all here hugging you tight.

Love and strength



Thank you Dilys. Big, big, huge hugs back.
It’s comments like yours that keep me going. I am sure I will have loads of questions before the 6th. My head is a bit scrambled at present but I am staying positive and feel much better today than yesterday.
Where are you now with your treatment Dilys and how are you?

Big hug,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee,

In answer to your question i have not had surgery yet, i am having chemo first to shrink the lumps then the op.
Everyones treatment plan is different but as you can see you will get lots of support here.


Dear Dyzee

Thanks for asking! After the mastectomy I then had 3 cycles of FEC and three of taxotere - last taxotere two weeks ago thank god, so I am finished with the chemotherapy. I had a Becker implant put in at the time of the mastectomy so next comes the inflation of that (next week). Ouch! And I have a radiotherapy planning appointment on 15th November. There will then be three weeks of daily radiotherapy at some point hopefully before Christmas and that will be that. Oh apart from another 15 doses of herceptin every three weeks. They do keep you busy! Think all this is pretty standard stuff. The doctors and nurses along the way have been fantastic

I am just fine, and so will you be my love. All I really want is my hair back but I can start hoping now the chemo is finished!

Ask away if there is anything at all I can help with.

Much love


Hi Dylis,

I am in Awe!
My friend, who I also work with, is a member on this site and currently going through chemo, so I can totally relate to you wanting your hair back.
We sit opposite each other and count down the days to her final session (only 2 left now). We plan what hair style she is going to have and all the nice places
she is going to travel to! We have always said that we do things together, but BC is taking it a bit to far don’t you think? When she was diagnosed, I supported her and now we support each other. I figure she has enough to worry about without me adding to it, but she has been fantastic.

Lots of love and Hugs Dilys.
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee

I had WLE and sentinel node biopsy in March this year, followed by mastectomy and immediate reconstruction in April due to invasive lobular cancer (1.2 cm) and then histology showed LCIS ( lobular carcinoma in situ - basically, unstable precancerous cells - best to get the b*****s out before they misbehave). Sentinel node biopsy showed no lymph spread, so due to mastectomy, no rads, no chemo. Am on tamoxifen for next 5 years - but no side effects so far (8 weeks) - I am a Nolvadex D girl though - less side affects.

Sending you my best wishes and love - you will get through this - and we’re all here for you when it all seems a bit too much.

Lots of love,

Sally xx

Hi Dyzee and hallo Sally

See what I mean Dyzee? We are all here for you my love. And if we can do it, so can you. No need for awe. Ityis just one day at a time. And most days are fine, as you will discover.

You take care now



Thank you Sally and Dilys,

I am getting over the initial shock now, and with your support, I feel very positive about it all.
I can’t begin to tell you how much I value all of the advice and information you share. When I
log on to the site and read your comments - it just makes me smile and it really does feel like someone
is giving you a great big hug!

So here is a great big bear hug back with love and gratitude.

Dyzee. X

Hallo Dyzee

Lovely to hear from you and sounding much more together! No need for gratitude. I have had so much help from people on here (and still do). Not sure what I would have done without it. Did you speak to your breast care nurse yet?

Hope you are having a good weekend

Much love


Hi Dilys,

No- not yet. I wanted to have all of my ducks in a row!
I had a few personal things to sort out as well. My hubby works abroad and was away when I was diagnosed, he came home yesterday, so I feel much better now.
My Mam and Dad are both elderley (Dad was just 80 last week) and both have health problems. With this in mind, I needed to be strong enough to talk to them without getting upset, so I can reassure them. So tomorrow we are going to see them (I am dreading it). However, I will feel better as I have never kept anything from them before and I feel bad doing it, but it is for all the right reasons. They rely on me for lots of things. Lizzie, my daughter has been unbelievable, she has grown up very quickly in the last two weeks! I don’t know what I would do without her.

Anyway, enough about me. How are you Dily’s.


Hi Dyzee

Sounds like you are having a similar op to me, it will be okay, I was absolutely fine. That is the easy bit ! I had mine back in April, finished my chemo in September and now having RADS. I am just starting to feel really good again, and the time has seemed to have gone past really quick, (but of course didn’t feel like it at the time). Good luck with the op, and let us know how you are.

Love Diane x

Hi Diane,

Thank you for your comments.

Its good news to hear that you are starting to feel good again.

Although I am scared at the thought of the surgery, I can’t wait to get in there and get rid of this intruder!!!
Then, once I get the results, I can set my stall in order.

I will let everyone know how it goes and keep in touch.

Dyzee. x

Hallo Dyzee and Diane

Oh dear - telling people is the worst thing isn’t it? I lost my mum nearly four years ago and I am so very glad she never had to know about this. She was 88 and in bad dementia at the end, so I suppose even were she still here she wouldn’t know. Good luck when you see your parents. Your daughter sounds great - how old is she? I have a brilliant step daughter of 39 and two lovely grand daughters (8 and nearly 2). Family have been great, and I am sure yours will be. Where are you by the way?

Diane - hope to follow you soon! Rads still to come and herceptin for what feels like ages. But the time whizzes past.

Much love


Hi Dilys,

Lizzie is 19, just (October 18th), she has a wicked sense of humour, a caring nature but is very resilient, she also has a very mischievous streak. She is the light of my life! We live in Hartlepool in the North East.

Your family sound lovely. We are very lucky - don’t you think? I bet your grand daughters keep you on your toes.

Lots of love and hugs.
Dyzee. X