Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Dyzee

Hoped you were nearer. I am in London. Bet your Lizzie is great and just what you need. Yes we are very very lucky with family, and indeed friends. Where I worked was very international and just in the last two days I have been telephoned from Bahrain and Abu Dhabi, and e-mailed from Mexico, and god knows where else.

I want my nearly two year old granddaughter’s hair! Curly and blonde! Am going to scalp her next time I see her!

Much love


hi Dyzee,
I was diagnosed 10 days ago so im right with you, the support here is amazing, we are so lucky to have each other for advise and and a ‘‘knowing’’ ear.
im also having my sentinel node biopsy this week on the 7th, so here we go , good luck with yours,
fingers crossed, and take care,

Julie x

Hi Dyzee, it sounds like you are having exactly what i had done, i am going to see the Onocologist Doctor in the early part of this week to discuss my next stage which is Chemo, will have to wait and see what is suggested. Take care, all of our thoughts are with you and know you are not alone. Its never easy when you find out, it feels like you are in a bubble waiting for results and the next stage of the saga, it helps knowing you have support and comfort from people who are going through the same thing.
Take Care, keep smiling (like i am trying too)
Mara xx

Hi Dilys,

Isn’t it fantastic, that your friends, wherever they are in the world, stay in touch with you. I think that is brilliant and must be a real tonic for you.

Your grandaughter sounds absolutely beautiful. I bet she twists you around her little finger!

What about you Dilys - any sign of a whisp yet?

While I remember, what day is your hospital appointment - I think you said it was next week.

It is such a pity we don’t live closer!

Lots of love and hugs.
Dyzee. X

Hi Julie and Mara,

Nice to meet you both.

We all seem to be starting out within a few weeks of each other.
I honestly don’t know what I would have done without people like Dilys and the other fabulous ladies on this site.
Julie, good luck on the 7th and Mara, good luck to you, you will know what is happening once you see your Onc.
Please let me know how you both get on. Next week is a pretty big week for all of us.

Take Care,

Hallo Dyzee (and Julie and Mara)

Both grand daughters can more or less control me remotely! They are so lovely, as is my step daughter. And yup, next appoinment is for the inflation next Wednesday, if my blood test is ok on Tuesday. Then herceptin on Thursday. But for me the hardest bit is over I hope. Good luck to all three of you next week my loves and let us know how you get on. I’ll be here for you.

Go back to bed Dyzee! Neither of us should be up right now! And no, no new hair yet. My hisband keeps telling me to be patient. Suppose he is right!

Much love


Hi Dilys,

We are a pair of night owls!
I go to bed and click - it’s like a switch flicks and I am wide awake. I think I will be more settled after we have been to Mam and Dad’s today.
What’s your excuse?

I am going to shopping and treat myself to new PJ’s, slippers etc for my stay in Hospital. They said it would be 2-5 days. What’s the norm Dilys?

Love & hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee,

Can I join in?! Sounds as if you’re coping really well with all this and have a good support network. I was in hospital for 4 nights (was only supposed to be 2 , but problems with drains - on my wounds, not the hospital plumbing!!) The best advice is just to take everything one step at a time and not worry about things too far in the distance… deal with each phase of the treatment as it comes along. I “only” had a lumpectomy and removal of 18 lymph nodes, back in May and am coming to the end of chemo… yahoo!! And only then will I consider the radiotherapy which starts mid-December. Role on 23rd January… the planned date for the last session of zapping!

All the best with your bc journey! It’s very scary, but now with the benefit of hindsight, quite do-able… everyone reacts differently to the various chemo regimes, so don’t think you’ll get all the side effects you read about… it may never happen! :slight_smile:

Take care,


hi everyone im completely new to this but reading your comments to each other it sounds like you ladies could be just what i need!! I was diagnosed with IDC on 5th oct 2007, in hosp havin a WLE and total lymph node clearance on the 16th oct 2007 and attended Christies on Friday to find out about chemo etc etc…I have been asked to take part in the TACT2 trials,been completely terrified by the breast care nurse with regards to side effects of chemo,was told my cells are HER2+++,which i believe is good and bad ie: Herceptin and the cancer is hormone driven ie:tamoxifen required. I just generally cant believe how much my life has changed in the last six weeks!!! Friends and family have been wonderful but feel like no one can really comprehend what im going through, HELP!!!

Hi Dyzee

Hope it goes well with your mum and dad today. I really hated telling people to start with, as it is a bit of a conversation stopper to say the least! You do at leasst have some sunshine to help you along (or I hope so - it is beautiful here). I went in to hospital on a Tuesday, had the op that afternoon and was out again the following Tuesday. I didn’t want to go until the drains were out, though some people go with them still in. Actually I got so comfortable I cold have stayed a few more days! Lazy beast that I can be.

Hallo Julie and Mara and welcome to JillyB and AliS. Christie’s has a really good reputation on this site, JillyB, and if you look at past threads there are some on the TACT2 trials. Or start your own - people will rush to tell you about it. And AliS - sounds as if we are running about in parallel Finishing chemo is a brilliant feeling I tell you. Let’s have a race to see who gets hair first. Beards don’t count!

Have a lovely Sunday afternoon.


hi Dyzee

I am from Hartlepool too. I had a wide local excision, lymph sampling and sentinel node biopsy. Then I needed rads and tamoxifen. I had surgery at Hartlepool by Mr Bhasker who is now at North Tees. You will be fine Dyzee but I will be thinking of you. Just a bit of background…I am 45, diagnosed at 44 but found the lump at 43 ( it took me 6 months to pluck up the courage to have it checked ). Mine was grade 2, 2cm invasive ductal but, because no nodes were involved and blood test showed liver etc was clear, I didn’t need chemo. Also am very ER positive 7/8 I think, they thought hormone therapy to be the best route.

Lots of love from sunny Seaton

Wahay, lots of new friends for Dilys and I.

Welcome welcome welcome!

Ali - Nice to meet you! Sounds as if you have a real positive attitude and know just where you are going. Congtrats on getting to the end of your chemo, just like Dilys has. You must join us!!!

Jilly - I am so glad you found our thread and look forward to chatting. I don’t really know much about anything at the moment in terms of medical knowledge, but I do know what you are going through, so you have come to the right place. Rant, rave, make us laugh but whatever you do talk to us and let us know how your feel, we will be here to support you - always.

Debbie - Sunny Seaton eh? I’m soooooooo pleased you didn’t need chemo. Mr Bhaskar operated on me back in March, just a little lumpectomy (nothing nasty) and he removed all of my milk ducts. I hoped that I would be referred to him, but as you say he is at North Tees now. He is a lovely man. My new consultant is Mr Higgs, I have not met him yet as he was on holiday when I was diagnosed. I have heard he is very nice. I’ll tell you after Thursday.

Now we all know each other, I think we may have our own little support group forming!!!

Lots of love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dilys,

Been to Mam & Dad’s. They were both devastated. After a time they got themselves together and I explained that I was lucky that it was grade 1 and we had caught it early. Assured them that the medical team were a crack team and that I had a lot of confidence in them, which helped. I felt so guilty having to tell them but I do feel better in myself. Phew! Another hurdle over. It’s like the bl***y Grand National having BC you can see the course in front of you but you don’t know how the race is won until your reach the finish line. Hey ho - bring on Badgers Brook! and the rest of these flamin hurdles!!!

Thank you for your support Dilys, you knew this was going to be a tough one and really helped me.

On a positive note. We went shopping and I bought some lovely PJ’s, slippers and some new clothes. Retail therapy - you can’t beat it!!!

How’s your day been?

Lots of love and hugs,

Hi Dyzee

Bet you are glad that is over. So glad it went well my love. And glad your medical team are good. Mine have been great. You will make many friends on this journey, some that you did not expect.

Have had a good day, with lovely weather again. I was a real meanie in hospital, having bought the new pj’s and everything. but found it easier to wear the hospital gowns! And the very sexy surgical stockings!

Much love


hi dyzee. dylis and mara, and of course everyone else here,
im feeling nervous, im making decisions about recon, and everything is really starting this week, ive been pretty much in denial up to now, im scared,
im also positive that it can be treated, just could do without it,
good luck everyone,
ive just bought some lovely pj’s too!
im in london is anyone else? being traeated at guys hospital
speak to you all this week, im very tired,
julie xxxx

Hi Julie,

Sorry to hear you are feeling so scared and down. Please remember, we are here for you if you need us.

Much Love,
Dyzee. x

Hi Julie, Dyzee and all new friends

Sleep tight everyone. But Julie I am in London too. Treated at Newham and soon Barts for radiotherapy. The rush at the beginning is so scary. You will find so much help on here. Please look at some of the older threads, or ask your own questions. There is always someone who has been there before you and will help.

Much love to all and well done again Dyzee my love



Hi Dylis,

I slept like a baby last night, first time in weeks! Spoke to my Mam last night and she was still shocked but more positive. Lizzie is going to see them today to take them out for lunch and make sure they are ok whilst I am at work.

You made me laugh with your comments about the gown and white stockings Dilys. I now have a mental picture of you!!!

I hope Julie feels better today, I have been thinking about her. I knew you would have some words of wisdom for her. What would we do without you!!.

How did you sleep last night?

Well, I had better get ready for work. Lots to do before Thursday. You have a busy week with appointments this week too.
Speak later. Have a lovely day.

Lots of love and hugs.

Hi Dyzee and all

Glad you had a good night’s sleep - it does help doesn’t it? May be it is the relief of having told your mum and dad? Lovely of Lizzie to go and see them when you can’t.

Sun has gone in! I miss it after all that lovely weather. So am doing some cooking and bracing myself for this coming week. Bloods tomorrow. Inflation on Wednesday (while husband has his colonoscopy) and herceptin on Thursday. Have to start starving my poor husband soon and giving him that staff that sounds like Drano to empty him out. Good thing I am past the explosive stomach stage or there might have been some fights over the loo!

How is everyone else? Hope you are all well. I am off to the cinema this afternoon to take my mind off it all!

Lots of love


Hi Dilys,

Its quite ‘strange’ that your husband is going for colonoscopy - my husband went through the same thing last year - the ward he visited was the same one I went to for my lumpectomy!

Hope your husband has better luck with the Drano - mine had enemas which he reacted to very badly - yes they did the job but he was a quivering shocked wreck afterwards.

Good Luck to you both
Love Maddy xxxx