Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Maddy

How did he get on with the colonoscopy? Was it ok? My poor OH isn’t allowed any solid food from breakfast tomorrow until after it has been done Wednesday afternoon. And he hates soup! I’ll be downstairs in the hospital being inflated while he is upstairs being probed! Think I might get a taxi home…

Much love


dylis and dyzee,
hi , hope you are ok, dylis and oh is ok tomorrow, what stage are you with your inflation? what film did you see? i want to see elizabeth soon i love historical dramas,
hello maddy. i had a big wail today , left work early, im a nurse too! went to see bc nurse for a natter, those girls are worth their weight in gold eh, just what i needed, my oh was lovely too, i had a big angry tantrum! feel much better, he said hes been waiting for my bubble to burst for 3 weeks…and it sooooooooo did.

night night
julie xx

Hi Dyzee and Julie

Elizabeth - the Golden Age was great! My husband and best mate were entranced too. Lovely to be able to go to the cheap session on a Monday! I am in love with Walter Raleigh. Go and see it when you can. It is just lovely. Shut eyes during torture scenes but admire Elizabeth’s wigs!

Wish me luck for the blood test tomorrow. Am stupidly scared about inflation on Wednesday. What a wimp after all this!

Much love


Hi Dilys and Julie,

You sound much better today Julie, glad you got it out of your system. I figure you have been holding it all in and have been brave and strong for everyone else - much the same as me! I think when I blow it will be a biggy.

Dilys - Good luck tomorrow with your blood tests, I will be there with you in spirit, tomorrow and Wednesday, holding your hand - I promise. Your poor hubby, I do hope he doen’t have to much of a rough ride, please tell him Good Luck from me.
Sounds like you had a wonderful afternoon at the cinema - It’s great to escape for a few hours.

Well, I’ve had a bad day at work and was full of hell when I came home. My hubby poured me a glass of wine and I blasted off for about half an hour about people moaning about stupid things and not knowing when they are well off !!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I feel better now. I’ve chilled out a bit.
I have my pre-op assessment tomorrow and then I am going to meet my friend who works at the hospital for a cuppa! I don’t think I am going to go back to work afterwards, which is very unusual for me.

Hope it goes well for all tomorrow - keep me posted.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. XXX

Hi Dyzee

You sleep tight my love. Good luck for the preop assessment tomorrow. That is easy-peasy. trust me. So nice to be able to say no, I don’t take illegal drugs! Nor am I mad! Enjoy meeting your friend afterwards. So sorry you had a bad day at work. Time you stopped working! Although it can keep you half way sane. Just don’t let it take over. YOU are what matters now.

Much love and speak tomorrow


Hi Dilys,

My husband also had gastrocopy (though not at the same time, thank goodness) - both times he went to hospital without telling me! I’d had a rough time with my father dying of oesophageal cancer and he didn’t want to make things worse by worrying me as the tests were for the same thing - it was far worse when I later found out as I thought we had no secrets! Thankfully he is able to take tablets to prevent the condition worsening.

Thankfully the colonoscopy didn’t reveal anything too scary except a few polyps which were dispatched straight away but he did say it was rather uncomfortable - the surgeon evidently left the air on a little too long and there was a painful build up of pressure. Perhaps you shouldn’t tell your husband!

Good luck to the two of you
Lots of love
Maddy xxxxx

Hi everyone thanks for your words of comfort/wisdom etc it really is lovely to hear from you. Im so nervous today, i start my first chemo tomorrow and am so anxious about which side effects i will have. I have decided to take part in the TACT2 trials so will keep you all posted on that. I am a nurse too Julie and your right the breast care nurses are so good at what they do and always manage to say and do exactly the right thing!! Ihave done loads of research about breast cancer over the last couple of days and im not sure if its a good thing, i seem to be scaring myself with statistics,what do you think??

Hi Maddy, Dyzee, JillyB, Julie and all

Thanks for that Maddy, and glad your husband is ok. Mine has just had his last meal before tomorrow afternoon! I don’t think I’ll tell him about the air. I think he is expecting uncomfortable, poor man.

Jilly - glad you have decided to go ahead. Being a nurse must be difficult when you are on the receiving end. I always found blind optimism and some ignorance quite useful going through this lot. One step at a time… Good luck for the first chemo tomorrow. Will be thinking of you.

Julie - glad you are feeling better. A good rant can work wonders. You are so right about the breast care nurses. Mine is terrific, and has been from the start.

Dyzee - hope the pre op assessment goes well, and good for you for not going back to work. It can take ages anyway.

Well my bloods were fine this morning (apart from the blood not wanting to come out of my arm) so I am on for tomorrow’s inflation and herceptin on Thursday. While I was talking to the chemo nurse I told her about the inflation and she said people usually say it is very painful! Oh god! We shall see. I am looking forward to getting it over with. And I still prefer it to a colonoscopy!

Much love to all


Hi Dylis, Jilly, Maddy, Julie and all.

Glad to hear your bloods were ok Dylis and it’s all systems go for tomorrow! I do hope it’s not to painful for you sweetheart.
I think you and your huby deserve to treat yourselves to a slap up meal tomorrow night!!!
Please let me know how it goes for both of you.

Good luck with your Chemo tomorrow JillyB. Let us know how you are feeling tomorrow night if you can. We will all be thinking of you and sending you hugs.
Well done to you for taking part in the trial.

How are you doing Maddy?

Julie, I hope you are feeling ok. It was good to see you back, please keep in touch and let us know how you are.

Well, Thursday is drawing closer and I must admit I am starting to get a bit anxious, however, I am looking forward to getting it over and done with.
The pre op assessment was a pain, I was there for 4 hours and it was freezing. Same questions asked three times by three different people.
I really do not like hospitals :frowning: (suppose I better get used to them though)!

Take care everyone.
Love and hugs.
Dyzee. x

Hi Dyzee and all

Dyzee - told you it would take ages! I think they do it to cover themselves against being sued! You will be fine on Thursday.

Poor husband has now drunk the Drano and is glued to the loo. I feel really horrible making him do it, but it has to be done. He keeps moaning in true man style about wanting to eat, when he can’t. Bless him. Neither of us are looking forward to tomorrow’s inflation (in my case) or probing (in his). Never mind, it all passes.

Much love


Hi Dylis,

Oh no! Poor hubby. Has he got a good book to read to while away the time?

I thought about what you said re work and didn’t go back. Me and hubby went out for a walk with the dog (Jessie, she’s an adorable chocolate lab).
I did feel guilty but so goooooooooooood! Anyway it’s my last day tomorrow for a while.

I will be thinking of you Dilys and your hubby, I do hope it’s not to bad for you, it will be over this time tomorrow.

Crikey, I think we all learn exactly what “one day at a time” means.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

hi everyone,
its abig week for us and husbands! ive got my sentinel node biops 2 morrow, and off work until monday now, we are dog sitting joey over the weekend, gets us out to greenwich /blackheath parks which i love, i love autumn too. feeling like i should get those niggly jobs done in the flat pre big op end november, its good to feel sorted before something like this, did anyone struggle with movement for too long in the mast side?, im rubbish at ‘dependance’, ask him in doors…

time for apple pie and lashings of custard! night night god bless, thinking of you all

julie xxx

Hi Julie

I had a masectomy and snb five weeks ago, and have most of my arm movements back now, I to do not like dependance, but was eventually glad to accept any help I could. So I would advise you to da the same. The snb felt like I had a golf ball with needles in it afterwards for about two weeks, movement was hard, but the exercises they give you really do help.

Good luck and will be thinking of you


Dear Dyzee and all

A chocolate lab! My favourite of all time apart from my cats. If I ever think I have really retired that is what I would have. My mum’s name was Jessie too. She hated it as she said it sounded like a sheep dog. I love the name cos it was my mum’s.

Have a great day tomorrow before it all happens. I’ll let you know how we get on.

Julie - we can’t be that far away from each other. I am the other side of the river in Stratford. You are lucky with your parks though, and the weather today. And your movement comes back quickly provided you do the exercises, no worries.

Love to all


Hi Everyone,

Dilys - How are you, been thinking about you today - Hope everything went well with your inflation. Is hubby ok?

Julie - Hope your SNB wasn’t to much of an ordeal for you.

JillyB - How are you feeling after your chemo, not to awful I hope.

Well it’s my op tomorrow. Spoke to BC nurse today so feel a bit better about it. I hate hospitals though.
Speak to you all as soon as I am home.

Take care and love to all.
Dyzee. x

Hi Girls Im hooooooooommeee,
i feel fine , slept like a baby on and off untill today, still feel sluggish, only 2 nodes removed so fingers crossed for result day. Im taking everything on the chin at the moment and 1 day at a time, otherwise i will feel overwhelmed. underarm feels like its been kicked by a small donkey, otherwise not too bad at all. and my bc nurse rang this morning to see how i was, im very impressed with the bc nurse service.

been thinking about dyzee all day, and hoping you all are ok.I met some other ladies face to face on wednesday newly diagnosed, that was a first, everyones story is slightly different, yet we are all for some reason on the same journey, how often do you ask why???

yours questioningly Julie xxx

Hi Julie

Welcome back! Glad you are ok again. Aren’t the bc nurses great? Don’t ask why. That way madness lies. Great to have you back my darling!

I am thinking about Dyzee too. So hope she is ok after the operation, and can’t wait for her to be back.

I am ok. Inflation was fine yesterday as was herceptin today. More inflation on Monday and rads planning on Thursday next week. Blimey we will miss it when it all ends!

Sleep tight and see you tomorrow

Much love


Welcome back Julie

Love Maddy xxx

hi Dylis and Maddy,
Ive been arguing with my other half a lot this week, been a bit niggly with eachother, stressed a bit with whats happenning.its upsetting,im sure it will pass soon,
whats happening with you maddy?and where do you live?

Dylis how does the expansion feel, does it feel tight?have you got a port, does this poke through your skin? radiotherapy is ok i had it 18 yrs ago for hodgkins disease, tiring though, and a pain to have to go every day for so long, its a trek every day, how long do you need to do it for?
if theres a nice gallery on route plan every week to visit one on the way or something like that maybe, of course xmas shopping to start too.
going for a shorter haircut today bye for now,
Its a lovely day outside,

julie xx

just read your other thread, do you feel like an exocet missile!!!

made me laugh,
Julie x