Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Everyone,
I went ahead with no 2 yesterday, still got bit of a chest, though feeling better in that department, Im just going to lie low for a few days, so if you dont hear from me dont worry.

Dyzee love take care, I know how rotten you feel, its miserable but you know it will pass.keep warm and cosy.

Every one else, Dilys, shonagh, Louise, much love,

  • Maddy how infuriating re your tamoxifen/result saga…

Julie xxxxx

Julie xx

Hi All

Oh Maddy how disappointing for you after all that. Grr indeed! Saturday jobs - oh indeed. I used to work in Boots and was often asked for extra large condoms by silly men, and it wasn’t until the pharmacist overheard one day that he took pity on me and explained the whle thing in great detail! He was the wonderfully named Donald Duckfield. Nice man.

Shonagh - not everyone ets side effects so just don’t think about it and see what happens. I was terrifed about Arimidex but nothing seems to have happend two months later. Mind you I am already post menopausal (sailed through it naturally). Good luck!

Dyzee - how are you today? Stay in bed in all this wind and rain!

Julie - glad you managed to go ahead yesterday. Take care.

I was meant to be at herceptin this morning but they wanted to change the time to 1300, thus messing up my planned lunch! Bless them they have let me change to tomorrow, so I am off shortly. Exciting!

Much love to all


Hi just a quick one to say Hi to Julie and keep well hun. Thinking of you.

S x

Hi girls

How is everyone today? I am a bit fed up, had my wound dressed again and have to go back Monday, am off to hosp for chemo information session soon. Had a couple of good nights out, at Magic Flute and then out for a meal with friends last night. Dyzee, I had Cajun chicken!

I was at the hospital yesterday as well, test-drove a turban even though not bald yet. I loved it!!

Laughing at everyone’s Saturday job experiences. I used to work in a small chemist shop from 14-16 years old and used to hide under the counter if anyone came in for condoms. I earned 24p an hour. Ah, those were the days, lol.

Dilys How was your lunch? Was it exciting putting names to faces? So it is herceptin for you today then, hope it goes Ok.

Maddy Sorry that I got hold of the wrong end of the stick about your test, that sounds so weird that no-one had thought to tell you the truth. Also, if the reason they operate on DCIS is that it can develop into invasive cancer then you would still need to know how hormone-related your particular cancer is!
By the way, I shall never look at Oxo packets the same again, lol.

Dyzee Hope your cold is better today honey, snow forecast for you and me later…

Shonagh Maybe I have made a mistake but I thought that chemo chicks have to use condoms? I will find out this aft. My OH has had the snip as well. My boss has offered for me to have some non-urgent work to do at home when I feel like it over the next few months (case studies etc), so I don’t have to pog into work on the train and pick up infections. Sounds good to me.

Julie Glad you managed number two, take it steady and come and say hello when you’re feeling bit better

Love to all


Dear Louise and All

Hi! Back from herceptin number 8 - yippee. I always feel a bit guilty watching others getting FEC or the dreaded tax, but suppose that it silly as I have been through it all myself. Lovely sunny day here but very cold - bet some of you have the snow by now? Good luck with the chemo nfo session Louise - I didn’t have one of those. And glad to know a fellow turban fan. They are great, especially in this weather.

Dyzee - hope you are feeling a bit better? I am getting worried.

Hope everyone else is ok?

Lunch yesterday was just great. We got on so well, and had a good laugh as well. I so enjoyed meeting those ladies and hope we may be able to do it again sometime. We even had a comparing hair session hiding in the loos.

Starvation setting in nw at the thought of that lovely food so off to make some lunch.

Loads of love


Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing well, we have just got back from buying a new car for the OH, well strictly speaking its mine as it works out cheaper for insurance to have me on the bigger cars but it will be mainly Phil driving it. Its got 10 cupholders so he is happy…doesnt take much.
Got my appointment for radiotherapy planning today. Its the 19th Feb so hopefully I should be starting by start of March.

Louise: I think you are right on the condon conundrum I read that somewhere too but Its one of the questions that I forgot to ask when chemo was still being talked about. How did the delivery man go…bet he didnt even raise an eyebrow.
Cant believe you are still working though I cant believe how quick my brain has turned to mush after only 4 weeks off. I got a lovely e mail from my Human resources manager yesterday and as I am expecting to be back by mid April they are going to pay me full wages until then so its been a huge relief and completely unexpected. I suppose all that dragging my ass into work with a cold has finally been appreciated and I have worked there 10 years. In fact I think I’ve only had about 15 days sick or less in that 10 years.
Are you ok still for Tuesday. It sounds like you are running around quite a bit with appointments. Hope you have a restful weekend and just in case I dont post again before you go in good luck with it and hope you dont feel too low afterwards.

Dilys: Well done and conrats on Herceptin No. 8 and glad to hear you are feeling well. We have had howling gales and snow here but its too wet to stick. I went for a walk yesterday because it was sunny and by the time I got to the post box it was a horizontal blizzard. I felt like scott of the antarctic by the time I got home but also felt better for the fresh air and exercise.
Your lunch sounds like it was great, how lovely to put faces to names. were you winning on the hair comparing?

Dyzee: Hope you are doing ok and your cold isnt keeping you too low hope you are better for Tuesday birthday girl.

Julie: Hope you are Ok and your chest has sorted itself out. I know you are off line for a bit but just to let you know I am thinking about you.

Hi to everyone else too. Hope you all have a great weekend and if you’re feeling a bit low hope you feel better soon.

Love and luck as always. Shonagh xx

Hello ladies

Just a quickie:

They think they might delay chemo a week cos of the wound. BLAH!

BUT what I have really logged on to say, was that I wanted some dangly silver earrings to balance out my new headgear, found a nice shop and was choosing, Lovely lady owned the shop, turns out she had BC 5 years ago and now fit as a fiddle, looks wonderful. Not only did she insist I only paid for one of the two pairs I chose but also she asked me to pop in when I was passing and let her know how I was and said that if I felt low and needed some support then please come in and we can have a chat.

There are indeed some lovely people out there!!!

love to all


Hi I managed no 2, feel rubbish , nauseous and low, I know it will pass, being horrible to OH,
Louise lovely story,
Dyzee big hugs hope youre feeling better,
Other lovely BC babes take care,

Julie xxx

Hi All

Julie - hang in there. It is vile but it will pass. And gives you a great excuse to be grumpy if you want to be.

Louise - lovely story indeed. People are endlessly wonderful given half a chance I find. Sorry about the chemo delay.

Dyzee - how is the cold? Hope those antibiotics are working? Are you snow bound? It is still beautiful here - clear blue skies and bright sun.

Shonagh - new car - lovely! And great that work are still paying you. Apart from anything else it makes you feel appreciated doesn’t it? Yes it was great to meet those ladies. I came third in the hair stakes. One has well enough hair to go uncovered, one is more like Sinead than me, and one is slightly shorter than me. It was a relief to see others in the same boat though. And laugh! It was lovely. Hope we can do it again.

Everyone else - how are you? Hope you manage to have a good weekend

Much love


Hi Ladies

Big hugs (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))to all who are not feeling at their best - hope you haven’t been too affected by the snow - we had half an inch this morning but it’s disappeared now the sun’s out.Very disappointing.

I have an appointment for physiotherapy on my wrist on Tuesday (tendonitis) - think I’ll need it because I’m working a Dinosaur session at the museum on Monday and the fossils are really heavy - hope I don’t drop one on a child! I’ve also had a letter from the hospital with an appointment for April 5th to discuss having my left breast reduced ! Now that’s what I call service! I’m shallow enough not to look forward to not being a lopsided lady!

Louise - Isn’t it amazing how something so kind and unexpected can bring you out in a warm glow - I wish I lived nearby to visit your lovely lady’s shop - not quite the same thing I know but, I was once shopping in Market Bosworth and there’s a super little shop which sells things made from gem stones - unfortunately I didn’t have my reading glasses with me and couldn’t a) appreciate the beauty of everything on display, or b) read the price tickets. When the owner saw me struggling he popped into the back and brought out a basket of assorted reading glasses which he keeps for his customers just in case - how brilliant is that? I go back on a regular basis because it’s service at its best. Highly recommended.

Love to you all
Maddy xxxx



A friend gives hope
When life is low
A friend’s a place
Where you can go
A friend is honest
A friend is true
A friend is precious
My friend is You

Happy Birthday to YOU

Happy Birthday my dear, dear Dilys. I hope you have a wonderful day filled with Love, Sunshine and Smiles.

Lots and Lots of Love and Kisses,


Hello all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DILYS I didnt know it was your birthday this week too.

Hope you have a lovely day. The sun is shining here so hoping it is for you too. Thinking of you and wishing you all the good things you deserve.
Lots of Love to a truely lovely lady. Shonagh xx

Dear Shonagh

Thank you so much! And just to embarrass Dyzee I think I should tell you it is her birthday tomorrow!

Yes the sun is shining here and we are off for a posh lunch with my sister in law, and then going to see the Kite Runner. Should be good! I am hoping smeone will buy me a hair dryer as a present! Ho ho! Don’t really need it yet though.

Love to all you dear women!


Hello to all BC babes

First things first:


Lots of love to both of you special ladies xxxxx

Plenty of news from sunny Harrogate. Firstly I have finally been to see Evie Rose and she is perfect, that’s the only word I can use. As I went into the house, my stepdaughter held her out for me and said “There you are, Grandma Louise” Awwww! I was out for a walk this morning and saw all the snowdrops and crocuses coming out and I thought that’s just like Evie Rose, a new life coming into bud (bit of a gnarled old bulb myself lol).

My chemo has been put back two weeks, this is very frustrating and annoying but they are quite right to let all the fluid come out and for it to heal over, this means that I have to go back to work, eeek, but can work from home for some of it. I had my head shaved on Saturday (prematurely as it turns out!) and I was surprised how Ok I felt about it. I love my turbans and buffs and if people give me strange looks, that’s their problem not mine!

Shonagh: that’s good news about your pay, I know it was a worry for you. Also you will be going to your radio planning sesh on the same day as my new date for chemo, so cyber hand-holding in order on 19th eh? Have you driven the new car yet? The Asda delivery man looked a bit sheepish on Saturday but that could be a coincidence. My chemo nurse said condoms for the first 72 hours after each treatment. I cannot imagine anyone having need of one in that 72 hours somehow!!!

Julie: How are you feeling? With you in spirit ((HUG))

Dyzee I am a bit lost with your chemo dates, how is your cold? Are you due to go in again this week? At least all the snow has gone. I am out to lunch today (again!) and will report back with the menu in due course.

Dilys Glad you enjoyed the BC lunch. And well done, you are past the halfway mark with your Herceptin. I can’t get over how kind people are, on Saturday my hairdresser did a special home visit to shave my head. OH had his done too and he will carry on shaving it until my hair starts growing back after chemo. The hairdresser refused any payment and asked me to donate it to a BC charity, which I have done.

Maddy How are you? Hope your wrist isn’t giving you too much trouble in your Dinosaur event, hopefully you will get something sorted at tomorrow’s appointment. I sent a thank you card to the earring lady as I did appreciate her kindness. Hope Benjamin is well, Evie is 4 weeks old now and such a little darling.

Love to all


Hello Everyone,

I’m feeling much better now after that rotten cold decked me (Grrr). Been on antibiotics and they seem to be doing the trick so I will be having number 3 on Wednesday. A great big “Thank You” for all of your kind wishes, it makes me feel all Awwwwwww!

Dilys - Hope your birthday meal was fabulous, looking forward to hearing about it.

Maddy - Looks like things are on the move for you - or should I say on the up!!!

Shonagh - Glad to hear that the flushes are keeping away my love. It’s a flamin nuisance once they start!

Louise - Better that darned leak is fixed before you start your chemo. Don’t be working to hard in the meantime.

Julie - How are you hon? Just keep snuggled up until the black bubble bursts!

Lots of love and hugs to all.
Dyzee. X

Hi All

More tomorrow but just to say that my birthday has been just great. Made more so by all your greetings. Dyzee - will go into detail about our lovely lunch tomorrow.

Am trekking off to bed shortly! feel so blessed to have this birthday.

Love to all



“Happy Birthday to you” Hope you have a wonderful day you wonderful lady. You will be so glad you cant hear me singing I am tone deaf!!!LOL
Lots of birthday love luck and wishes.
Shonagh xxx

Happy Birthday to Dilys and Dyzee this week,

Hope you had heaps of fun, and ate scrummy food and a had a wee tipple of your favourite grape juice!

Lots and lots of love to you both,
Julie xxxxxx

Dear All

Hope everyone is ok? And thanks for the greetings! Had a great day yesterday and today. Had a lovely lunch with one of my best friends, and then got some more £12 jeans from Marks. They are great value. And so nice to have something that fits again!

How is everyone?

Much love


Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for the lovely birthday greetings.
I have had a lovely day spent with family and friends. Got loads of lovely pressies. Dad isn’t too good so we didn’t go out to eat, we all gathered at their house
and had a lovely Indian and indeed some grape juice Julie.

Shonagh - I would soooo love to hear you singing my love!!!

Hope all is well with you lovely ladies.

Much love to all,