Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

One, two, three … “You’ll Never Walk Alone …”

Happy New Year and thank you for the singalong… it put a smile on my face.
I am off to hospital in the few hours, so I am looking forward to starting the process of getting better. I have tried to stay away from the information websites a little bit, afraid to read any statistics … then there I was, watching mindless TV (West Wing) and out of the blue someone just blurts it out. How many women get it and so on. So as my plan to hide my head in the sand didn’t work, I am back on the computer. My husband and I were watching our usual round of mindless Saturday night TV when he turned round and said “this time next week your recovery will have started” It is a little bit scary. I got all the test results on Dec23rd and the Dr said now they had found the primary tumour (5mm) in the right breast he only wanted to take that, rather than the whole kit and kaboodle, he said that would be better for me “in the long term” which in itself made me feel better as he was talking about long term.
Now my treatment is about to start do I move down the discussion board groups ?..
wish me luck

Heidib, GOOD LUCK!!! and what a lovely hubby…he’s quite right too, this time next week your recovery will have started.Aren’t they lovely when they say things like that??Mine told me to accept that I’m going to have a s***ty year, with all the ops, treatment etc, but that this time next year, I will be well again.he’s right too, so, good luck to both of us Statistics are something I’m trying to stay away from, but it’s hard, when we want all the information there is about this wretched thing, so we know how to face it,and beat the b’stard into submission! All i can say is that for every statistic which looks gloomy, there seems to be another, more hopeful one.So chin up, smile firmly fixed in place and go for it! YAY to long term…my surgeon told me i have a 70/80% chance of still being here in 10 years time, good enough for me today, it gives them a chance to find other things to get this sorted, if necessaryxx

Dear Narnia,
thank you, yes the smile is in place, but that might just be the opiates! I am 1 week after the lumpectomy and lymph node removal (he called it my “fatty pad”) so I am sore, but the drugs are excellent, and so far so good. I have a haemotoma in the breast, so went back in for observation for 48 hours, and my right side looked like an over-inflated football, and the colours are pretty impressive too. They told me this is a surgical complication, does happen but nothing to worry about. My right armpit is also as tight as drum and sore, but again the drugs are great!. So so far so good.

Hi all,

Not sure if this will bump up the thread or not. Just to say hello really and to see if all the old gang are doing ok and all the ladies from late last year too.
I had my bone scan and one year mammo results and all is clear. The cysts seem to be hanging around in the none BC breast but not complaining as it was them that alerted them to the BC.
Love and luck to all and lovely to put faces to names.
Shonagh x