Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Shonaugh

Sorry for not getting in touch, hope you have a fabulous holiday and will get in touch when you get back

From a Muskateer LOL!!!

Hi Ladies, I hope you are all getting on ok. On the final leg now- rads start This Thursday then end ! I hope anyway.

Have a nice holiday Shonaugh


Hi Girls

How are you all? Hope you had fab hols Shonagh and Dilys. Just 3 weeks to go till mine WHOOPEE. Like you, Shonagh, it has been my beacon shining at the end of treatment. I have got a nice little crop of hair now and just started back at Uni one day a week as well as work.

Take care all

Louise x

Hi there all,

I havent been on much these days and have popped in today to check out what a bone scan involves!!! In I skipped to a check up with the consultant and mentioned some tendernes and pain I am getting on my lowest rib and another area on my breast bone, said I presumed it was to do with rads? in a hopeful tone of voice. The consultant (lovely man and always looks so sorry to be giving bad news) went out had a word with the oncologist (oh yes I had a double appointment today!!!) came back in and said they want me to go for a bone scan!!! I’m sure it will be fine but I am now officially playing the waiting game again. Boo Hiss!%£"%. Feel quite calm. Must be the lack of oestrogen LOL!!!

Well enough of that, I had a great time in Italy, fab weather, food, wine, people, apartment etc etc…

Louise: Great to hear you are back at uni, I remeber how upset you were when you had to stop so you go girl and congrats too on the hair. Hope you have a great holiday you deserve it.

Well ladies I hope all the rest of you are doing well, Everything is going well here, I have finally got something from the docs that seems to work with the hot flushes from the zoladex so at long last I am sleeping. I cant believe how a simple thing like a good nights sleep makes the day a whole lot better.

For all those who I have your e mail addresses I must apologise for not writing personally and I promise I will get my backside into gear and get in touch (you muskateers know who you are) I think about you all every day and wonder how people are getting on. Its quite scarey how quickly a thread can go to the bottom of the pile but great to see girls(and boys) who need support getting it in such droves.

As ever you are all an inspiration to me when I need it most. Love to all and be kind to yourselves. Shonagh xx

Hi Shonagh

Glad you had such a good hol. I am glad they are sending you for a scan just to be on the safe side but when I went to see my onc last week, I was lying on the table (as you do) and he said there are two places where you are likely to feel pain for perhaps a few years on and off from the rads, and he pointed to my breast bone, at the inside of my affected breast and my lower ribs on that affected side. So hopefully that is what it is.

Louise x

Hi Louise,

Now why cant you be my Consultant, thats exactly what I wanted him to say to me…I dont know…Men they just dont get the way our minds work. I am ok (honestly!!) not even lost any sleep over it. I cant believe how quickly I have been booked in. I had my appointment on Monday at 3.30pm and got the phone call for the scan the next day at 11.30am and they said I could have had it today…have opted for Friday…needed to get up the courage for the dirty big needle full of nuclear waste!!! LOL. Wouldnt you love a job that lets you answer the phone “Nuclear Medicine” in an incredibly chirpy voice all day. It made me laugh out loud when the lady said it. Dont know why, it just appealed to the warped sense of humour that I seem to have these days.
It is exactly in those two places but also have a totally random pain in my left arm elbow(lump on the right) so am convinced its the rads and old age.
Thanks for replying its so nice to hear from one of the gang when I needed it most, sometimes I feel like my cyber pals know more about my state of mind than my oldest friends these days. In fact I havent even bothered mentioning it to them.
Well must dash, got to go and turn over the wormery and put some recycling into the super shed!!
Shonagh x

Hi there ladies

It’s been a while since I posted on this thread.
Shonagh just wanted to say really sorry to hear you’re playing the waiting game again. Actually I have a similar complaint - discomfort around lower rib area - feeling a little bit like a pulling feeling - maybe I’ve pulled a muscle at least that’s what I’m hoping! a bone scan is easy though - basically you are injected with some radioactive stuff and then go back 3 hours later to lie on a table and an scanner starts at your feet and works it’s way up your body until it reaches your head and then it stops. Not sure if you are having a full body scan or just part though in which case it’ll be quicker. Thinking of you. I’ve got my appoint with oncologist next week and my penultimate Herceptin on Friday!

Hope every body else is ok.

Lots of love
Ruby xxx

Hi Ruby,

Lovely to hear from you and glad to hear you are nearing the end of the herceptin and thanks for the good wishes. Its always nice to hear from you. I think I am having the full scan from what the “Nuclear Medicine” Lady said. I cant believe how calm I am so am taking it as a good sign that my body knows its nothing to worry about, Its a very definate tender spot on the bottom rib where the cartilage meets the bone and one on my sternum where one of my rads tatoos is. My consultant thinks its probably rads damage but just because of the elbow pain and to be on the safe side and as I havent had any scans in the past thought it would be a good idea so I thought “well I’ve nothing planned for Friday after work so what the hey!!!”
I’m not complaining especially when I hear of other people fighting for tests etc. Once again the team I see have come up trumps and the only waiting will be the results about 2 weeks. Hoping to make an appointment for 10th November so it doesnt impact on my shifts, trying to keep a minimum of time off work and the scan is the first time since April when I have had to take time off.
Ruby Hope your onc appointment goes well I will be thinking of you on Friday, hope I dont fall asleep on the scan bed, I’m bound to snore lying on my back. Thanks again for the words of encouragement it means so much.
Be kind to yourself. Love Shonagh x

Hi Shonagh how did you get on? Hope all well. I have had a fab holiday in Malta, 24 degrees, bit of a shock to arrive at Manchester airport and it was 4 degrees!

Ruby wow nearly at the end of Herceptin, that’s fantastic. Hope you got on Ok at onc.

Love to all

Louise x

Dear Shonagh, Louise and all

I must have missed your last post Shonagh - really sorry about that but hope all ok with you and hope scan was ok. I know that I’ve had loads of little niggles and sore spots/areas and each one is a worry in fact a huge worry.

Louise - lovely to hear about your holiday - I haven’t been allowed to go abroad due to my low white blood count but hey let’s hope that after Herceptin finishes I’ll be off and away. In fact, I am going skiing in March.

Hope everybody is ok


Ruby xxxx


Hi all,

I’ve not been on for a while but just wanted to wish everyone well for Christmas and the coming New Year. Its the anniversary of my FNA and mammogram tomorrow so you are all on my mind.
Hope you are all well and getting on with things. The bone scan was fine so thats another thing I can tick off. Got my one year mammogram 2nd Feb. YIKES!!!
Louise …hope the hols were great
Ruby…wishing you a lovely christmas and hope the herceptin is still going well.
Dylis…hows the job hunting going or have you now rejoined the 9 to 5vers?
To all you other ladies who helped me make it through the last year a huge big THANKYOU, I couldnt have done it without you.
No news really just jugging along, I was a lot more organised this year with Christmas cards and stuff after last years disaster, if this has taught me one thing its not to put things off. Finally finished decorating our bedroom and had the carpet fitted today so what was my sick room is now all gone, very boutique chic!!!
Love and luck to you all as always. S x

Hello, I don’t really know where to start, I was diagnosed yesterday and am terrified. Reading through these pages I want to know how you ladies get through this?
I have been awake since 0200, it is now 0630 and I don’t know where to start, where to focus. I am so scared. I had a lump which was biopsied and they have found cells that indicate breast cancer. I have had a mammogram and ultrasound that is clear, then yesterday a CT scan to check liver and lungs. They want to do an MRI of the breasts too. See if that shows something that the mammogram and ultrasound missed. The doctor said that because I am still breast feeding it may be harder to do a thorough exam, so I will now stop breast feeding. We are terrified, my poor old husband and I. I have been told that early in the new year I will have a mastectomy and chemo and radiation treatment, but first they need to check if everything else is clear.
I will have a bone scan. Is this round of tests normal? does everyone get the complete work through or is it just because they didn’t find anything in my breast? Is it normal to have a lump in the armpit but not in the breast?
I am terrified. I am now hoping it “is only breast cancer”. How do you ladies get through the day? do you learn to cope? do you ever stop being scared?

Hi heidib

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care forums. I am sure you will get lots of help and advice from the many informed users of this site.

You may find BCC’s resource pack helpful, it has been designed for those newly diagnosed. The pack is free of charge as are all our publications. If you would like a copy just follow the link below:

If you feel you need to talk to someone in confidence then please give the helpline a call, the staff here are all either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast care issues. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 the lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Sam (BCC Facilitator)

I’m really sorry to hear your news but please know there are lots of us here to talk to and ask questions, or just to chat and know someone is here with you. Yes the tests are normal before treatement begins and hopefully will put your mind at rest. Yes you do learn to cope after the initial feelings have subsided and you begin your treatement then you have something to focus on. I have had 7 lots of chemo and now am awaiting op on 2 Jan. It is a very scary time but this site is invaluable. I am sure there will be some ladies who will be on here soon who are/have been in a similar situation to you (re breast feeding) and will be glad to help you. Again, dont hesitate to ring the bcc no. above with any queries/problems whatsoever and am sure they will be very helpful to you, dont sit and worry on your own, you dont have to.

bye for now
Chris x

Hi Heidi, Sorry you had to join us, but the support here is fantastic. Have you had a look at the younger women’s forum? there might be ladies there who have dealt with the breast feeding issue. The worst bit is the first bit; once you get your head round it all then it is more do-able.

Shonagh, Ruby and Dilys and everyone else- Merry Christmas and a healthier 2009. My holiday was fab and I have three weeks off over Christmas, glad your scan was Ok Shonagh, I dont think I will ever stop worrying about it coming back. I have a very high ferritin level and the moment and am awaiting tests for blood disease and liver imflammation (lovely!) so it rumbles on.

Take care all

Love, Louise

Dear everyone
thank you for your words of support. I have had lots of tests this week and I am still in a tiz. I have had a CT scan, a bone scan both of which were clear. I also had a second mammogram & ultra sound. They couldn’t see anything on the mammogram. After much hunting around the doctor found a 5mm something but she said it was really hard to find. She took 4 stabs at getting a biopsi of the breast lump but because it was so small it kept pushing to the side. We got a phone call today and they said the bone scan was clear, the CT of the lungs and liver were clear. There was a thickening of the stomach and “something” on the thyroid. Both of which they don’t think suggests anything sinister but I will have a follow up on both of those.

The biopsi results will be a little longer but I have been told that I will be going in on Jan 1st and having my right breast removed along with the armpit lumps on Jan 2nd.

It’s only been 11 days since I found the lump. At what point do you get your head around this? I guess it is a good sign that things are moving so quickly. I am so scared of dying, my children are nearly 3 and nearly 2. I found a mole today, and I am paranoid, every twinge scares me. It’s like I can’t think about positive things incase I jinx it. Assuming everything will be OK will tempt fate. I wonder what I did wrong and my husband says nothing: it just is and we will deal with it, but I know he is scared too.

I had to stop breast feeding. The doctors said that the MRI would not show anything useful if I was still breast feeding. So it has been 2 days now since I stopped. I was going to feed her until she was 2, and she is 10 weeks away, so I am proud that I got her this far. I know I would have stopped in March anyway, but it is just another thing to deal with. She is screaming for mummy and won’t settle.

Does anyone know whether stress causes cancer? I have heard that it does, and something extremely stressful happened at the beginning of October, could that have been the trigger?

heidi, sometimes, it just IS…i don’t know if stress causes it,possibly it does, i had an extremely stressful 2005 (dad terminally ill and i was a prime carer for him, then became very ill myself and was in hospital for several weeks, and they tell me i have probably had my cancer for several years, so who knows?).but, you will cope with this, because, like the rest of us, you just have to.You WILL get through this time.I was petrified when i was first diagnosed, and they told me i must have a mastectomy, but i then was offered the chance of a WLE instead, which has worked well, though i have lost my nipple and areola.Sadly, i have just been told that the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes, so i must have chemo and radio therapies, plus the rest of my lymph nodes need to go in another operation.I think really the thing is not to beat yourself up over what HAS happened, but to get through each day as it comes.And people on here are superbly knowledgeable, they will all help you through this.So any questions, just ask…someone will be along with an answer very quickly.I wish you well with your treatment.Congratulations on feeding your little one for so long, you’ve given her a wonderful start, but now is the time to concentrate on you.xx

Oh Narnia, you copycat you, you’ve just been given the same new diagnosis as me. I too now have to have chemo, then rest of lymph nodes removed (the 5 they removed during mastectomy were all cancerous), then radiotherapy. Can’t have my moment of glory alone can I?! lol xxx

taa daaaaaaaa!!! we can form a duo then…:slight_smile: