Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Girls,

What a busy week we’ve all had. I came back from wales, tired yet happy.Saw family and friends and went to a ‘civil ceremony’.I love an opportunity for a glass of champagne!
Similarly post SNB Ive needed a seroma drained on monday , it was painless, and need to have it done again on thursday, too much excersize- oh well its all good practice for the big op.
I had some good news, all clear in the nodes so no further surgery needed there. Someone somewhere is giving me a small break. I saw a lady who i met on SNB day, she lives very near to me so we swopped phone numbers, I met her OH , and hers and mine both work in the same health field! small world.
I had a massive wail today, it was after the admissions chap rang to book me in , it made it all so real - and terrifying. Mast and recon on the 30th. Counting down the days now. Im working still, work very supportive and have reduced my work load and said leave any time you like after 2pm, which is kind. Im worried about sick leave, im entitled to 13 weeks full pay, then what? I ll be off for all December then will have a treatment plan , im not having rads as i cant have any more.
It was discussed at my result meeting the risk of developing bc in my healthy boob, ive got a 40% risk of getting it in the next 10 yrs which is a bit high for my liking, bilateral mast was discussed, but eventually decided to go for the ‘sit and wait’ policy i can delay my op and have a rethink and councelling if i want, this probably also triggered my huge wail, OH home tonight hes been in alicante since last thurs-hooray x

Dyzee- you are being incredibly brave and courageous, and planning christmas at home, get lots of help if you do, and enjoy every minute. .
,If youve got any free time i could do with a hand! only jesting…hope your healing is a trouble free time, and the ooze stops soon, it will, have lots of vit c for healthy skin.
Dilys- apologies for spelling your name wrongly all this time, it ll be good to get back on ‘expansion’ again, hope you dont wait too long,I ve just read ‘brick lane’ how was the movie? im reading bill bryson now- the thunderbolt kid, very funny, chuckling is very much on my daily menu when possible.
Maddy-sorry to hear about your ‘pop’, is everything ok? what recon did you have? has it settled down now, all things internal moving around must be weird, i ve never even been pregnant so cant compare to anything.
I wish you all lots and lots of encouraging loving thoughts, and congratulate you all for being so brave and caring to everyone that you talk to here, i for one dont know what i would do with out the forum and most of all you girls. Have to go and stir the dhal, night night. speak later, j xxxxxx

Hi Everyone,

Dylis - Where are you? Are you OK my love, I have not seen any posts from you today and I’m getting concerned!!! I’ll send out a search party…

Julie - Sounds like you had a ball in Wales - well done you. I hope your seroma wasn’t a consequence of lifting to many champagne flutes!
God on you having a wail and getting it out of your system, it’s rotten at the time but does make you feel better afterwards. Not to long to wait now my lovely,
it’s the waiting and uncertainty that grinds you down. We will all be with you on the day, right there beside you. You can count on it!!!

Julie one of my team at work (who is also my friend) has BC. She had a similar situation to you re her sick pay. I asked the director that I report to if the company would be prepared to give her extra under the circimstances. After a while, they came back with another 30 days. Try asking, nothing to lose.

The ooze has stopped and all is well (Wahay). I’ve been drinking lost of fresh Berry juice, I’m thinking it would probs taste better with some alcohol! I must admit I’m lusting over the Champagne with fresh pommegranite juice advertised on telly at the mo! Might treat myself at the weekend - come to think of it I only need the pommy juice, I have some champers.

I wish we all lived closer and could have a Christmas night together! How good would that be?

Maddy - How are you feeling? What you up to?

Jilly - Where are you? We are missing you!!!

I’ve had loads of visitors today. Mostly friends and colleagues from work. We have had a good chin wag and a laugh. Going to the supermarket now and intend to buy loads of goodies.

Take care,
Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee and everyone

Am ok. Just had hours at the hospital today waiting for the oncologist! All ok but very tired, so more tomorrow. Don’t worry about the spelling Julie - loads of peoplke do that. I don’t mind!

I will be back tomorrow!

Much love


Hi Dilys,

Phew -Welcome back.
Hope you are ok hon, put your feet up and rest. Look forward to speaking to you tomorrow.

Take care and much love,

Morning ladies,
I had my planning appointment for radiotherapy two days ago and now have a right breast covered with pale smudged black felt tip pen and three virtually invisible tattoos - hope they can find them on the 29th when I go for my first session!

The oncologist still doesn’t have any info on my hormone status (!?*! Why???) and says I may not really need the Tamoxifen, even though my surgeon recommended it! - he feels the side effects may outweigh the benefits - my feeling is " If there are benefits, I want them!" but I did read that radiotherapy prevents Tamoxifen from working so I’m not sure what to do - think I will continue until I get back to see my surgeon in January.

Two weeks until our first grandchild is due - my other half has been sanding and varnishing my old cot for when they come to visit - my parents would have been so proud (it was my cot and we used it for both our daughters) - doctor says 2/5ths engaged so things seem to be progressing well - now just have to hope that their financial details haven’t been leaked by the government!!!

Best wishes
Maddy xxxx

Hi Dyzee and Maddy and Julie

I am fine! Maddy - (And if my typing goes weird it is because Trevor the cat insists on helping!) we are just about at the same stage aren’t we? I am just waiting to hear next week when my radiotherapy starts. I think I have three weeks of it. How many sessions do you have? The oncologist yesterday said I am strongly oestrogen positive and prescribed Arimidex. I am going to have to do some research! Good luck with the first grand child. My youngest granddauughter is two on 7 December so we might even share a family birthday if yours comes late.

Dyzee how are you today? We have the sun out here again today, so I may go off to do some light shopping this afternoon. I saw a woman with a great hat the other day which she said she got from our local market for £5, so I want to have a look. I am still no further forward with the Christmas shopping. I think I will oficially panic when we get to December. Or perhaps I will buy some cards to make myself feel better!

Loads of love


Hi Dilys, Julie, Maddy and JillyB

I met a lovely lady named Gill at the clinic today. She is newly diagnosed and as you all know to well, needs a lot of support at the moment.
Her surgery is next week.
Gill has read the threads on the site, but has not posted yet. I am going to call her tonight to see if she would like to join us on this thread.

I know you will all make her welcome. Dilys, she needs some of your wonderful, wise words and a heap of TLC from us.

Glad to hear you are sounding better today. Happy hat hunting!!! Don’t mention Christmas I can feel small rumblings of panic building.
Although I did start buying food goodies that will keep yesterday. Alas I came across a large chocolate fudge cake, that had my name written all over it. I tried to walk past it but the bu***r just pulled me back and jumped in my trolley. So in the words of that other chocolate lover -The Vicar of Dibley - Stand back I’m going in.Mmmm.

By the way it is pouring down here and dull AGAIN!
Talk later.

Love and hugs to you all.

Hi Dyzee and everyone

Gill will be more than welcome if she wants to join in!

Oh that fudge cake sounds good… I might need to go to the bakery. I have just stopped reading scary threads about the side effects of Arimidex. It sounds vile. Suppose I’ll just have to hope I escape the worst of it and go in with the usual blind optimism!

Pouring and dull? You poor thing. It is still lovely here. I had better leave the PC alone and get out while it lasts!

Much love


Hi All,
just a quick one to say yes the more the merrier, its a scary time that first month, and to be introduced to a thread is like being asked to a party! any thing we can do ,we will, being here to listen is half of what we all need, dont you think?
I went to see ‘in the wild’ last night , wonderful film with a strong message, and gorgeous scenery and camera shots. food for the soul.

thanks for the work tip, and news of grandchildren.chocolate, cats oh and of course 'our; stuff.

Julie xx

Hi Dilys and all,

Dilys - How did it go at the hospital yesterday? Is everything ok? Hope you found a fabulous hat hon and a chocolate fudge cake!
I have just found out my appointment with the onc is not until 5th December, when do you suppose my treatment will start? I love it that
your cat is called Trevor, what is the other one called?
I think I have to have Arimidex after everything else. Is it a horror?

Maddy - Your cot sounds so lovely. I bet you can’t wait to have your new baby snuggled up in there. You must be getting very excited,
what a lovely Christmas present - you can’t top that!!! Please let us know, when the baby arrives.

Julie - Keep the news coming. - You just make me smile hon.

JillB - Where are you? We are missing you and want you back!!! BIG HUG

Thank you for thinking about Gill, I hope she joins the thread.

Gill if you are reading this thread - come on girl - join us, we are all waiting to support you.

Lots of love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Dear Dyzee and all

Oh blow. Just wrote a long post and lost it! What a nuisance. Trevor the cat used to live next door ages ago and was always a good friend to mine. But when his owners moved they just left him! He was called Mistercat at that point but his then owner was called Trevor. So it stuck. My girl cat is Sophie after Sophie’s Choice as she was so determined to move in and then had five lovely kittens. They are both much loved ex-strays. Trevor is nearly 18 now and Sophie 13.

Dyzee - don’t read anything about Arimidex! I really spooked myself today looking at threads on here. Will summon up the courage to to take it soon and will let you know.

No hat for me today. They didn’t have the one I had seen. Always the way isn’t it?

Much love and sleep tight everyone


Hi Everyone, thanks so much to Dyzee for introducing me, I cannot begin to thank you for the support you have given me Dyzee you are a diamond. I am still in shock, the last 2 weeks have been the longest of my life. From first finding the lump to diagnosis was just a fortnight. Can’t knock the NHS for that, but this happens to other people not me (sorry if that sounds bitter). I tick all the boxes for breast cancer prevention, I breast feed 3 babies, do not smoke, do not drink (very much), no family history.

I just need to get over surgery next week and then what ever treatment they need to throw at me. I just want to live…

At the moment I feel so scared.


Hi Dilys,

Your cats sound like they are real characters - I think they must take after you! Sorry you didn’t get your hat yesterday, it’s always the case when you set your heart on something.

I have heard bad, bad things about Aramidex, I know you hear bad things about everything, but this sounds fairly consistent. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. You are spot on as usual - it does scare you.

I have been to see my GP today. She gave me a sick note for another 2 weeks. The wound under my arm is a bit painful at present, red and hot. she reckons I may need antibiotics - so why didn’t she just give me them today? I haven’t been sleeping to well lately either.
Went to see Mam and Dad they had made us a big steak, leek and potato pie, and an apple, sultana and cinnamon pie (LUSH)!

My hubby is due home anytime now! I can’t wait to see him. Lizzie has gone out with her friends, so she will be hungover tomorrow, no vacuming in the morning!!!
Bless her, she has been my rock and deserves to get out and enjoy herself. All of her friends are lovely, I enjoy it when they all come to our house, which they do quite a lot.

How’s you today my lovely? Hope you are feeling good. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Have you noticed how many Christmas ad’s have suddenly appeared on TV - OMG! It’s getting closer!!!

Hi Maddy, Hope the cot refurb is going well.

Julie, Hope all is well with you.

JillyB - Hope you are ok hon.

Gill has not joined us yet, I really hope she does, it will help her so much. If you are reading our thread Gill, come on in, we are all waiting for you.

Lots and lots of love and hugs to all,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee

Oh it will be so lovely to have your husband back again! And wickedly I am glad that your GP has signed you off again. Really, you need all the rest you can get at the moment. And yes indeed, why not antibiotics now? I love my hospial but my GP is so rubbish I cannot tell you. But I would love to be there for that pie! I envy you your mum and dad,I really do. My mum is sorely missed. One day I will tell you the sadstory about her death with dementia nearly four years ago. I am still missing her but not how she was. And I am so glad she is out of all this with me.

Going shopping at the weekend. Wickedly getting Christmas underway!

Go on Gill! Where are you?

Much love Dyzee. Oh and my left thumbnail is going today! Oh no!

Love to all


Hi Girls its Gill (gillmc) , I am here, (introduced to thread by Dyzee) still can not get my head around the enormity of this disease and how its going to take over my life. I went to the GP’s tonight and got some sleeping tablets to try and help me sleep i have not slept for 2 and a bit weeks properly (can’t switch my head off).


Hi Gill,

Welcome welcome welcome!

We have been waiting for you to join us and bless your little heart you have.

As I said yesterday, you can come here to rant, rave, ask, cry and last but by no means least, have a bl***y good laugh.
We are always very honest about how we are feeling and give tremendous support to each other.

You will meet Dilys, who is our guardian angel and Julie, Maddy and JillyB very soon.

Well done hon -I am proud of you. You now have a ready made cyber family!

Now that you have your sleeping tablets I hope you get some quality sleep. I am sure you will feel stronger emotionally then.

Let us know how you are feeling tomorrow. We ALL care.

Sending you lots of love and hugs.
Dyzee. X

Hi Gill,
Me again, I have just seen your first post, I don’t know what happened but it wasn’t there earlier as I have been checking regularly
to see if you had joined us and now it’s just appeared???
Don’t want you to think I ignored it!!!
And I haven’t been on the bottle - must be the system! LOL!


Hi Gill

You are so very welcome, and trust me I am no guardian angel. Dyzee you are wicked to say so when I moan all the time about my nails! But love you all. Seriously though Gill you have found a family to whom you can say wjat you like, and we will be there to hold you rtight and support you. between us we will have been there and done it, however good or bad. And honestly this journey is c**p but it does have more than a few good moments as well as the bad ones. You will meet so many great people on the way. Sounding like a missionary now, which I most certainly am not.

Speak soon Gill and sleep tight

Much love


Hi Dylis

Are you all christmas shopped out? Did you buy lots of presents or hit a brick wall? Or have you been doing lovely things my love?

We have been shopping today. It was to busy for me, I was getting jostled and was afraid someone caught my arm.
So we came home and will try again through the week when it is hopefully a bit more quiet. I just realised it is December
next weekend (Aaaarghhhh). I just can’t seem to focus and I just have not got a clue what to buy!!!

Hi Gill,

How are you today. Did your sleeping tablets work? I so hope you had a good nights sleep and continue to do so as it makes a huge difference.
What have you been up to today? Are you any more organised than Dilys and I in the Christmas shopping department. I am just being hopeless
at the moment.

Julie, Maddy and JillyB - How are you all?

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X


Hi Everyone, especially a big hello to gilly, sorry you are here however, though as the others have already said we are all in this together at different stages and all here to listen and support and hopefully boost along when we need a helping hand. I stumbled across these wonderful women and Im so glad to be part of this team.
say anything, we dont shock easily, and we know where you are, although completely understand that your story and circumstances vary from ours . The main BC thread is the common one that links us.
today i too started xmas shopping, after 3 hrs came home, knackered stressed, and teary. too much. and not the thing to do on a saturday. we will try agin mid week mid dec. or its cancelled! Other half teary today too, i think the penny has dropped for him , hes such a softy, hes caring for me post op, and mum s coming for a week, then sis for 4 days… i had a bra fitting at m+s today, for post op, and bought my hospital list stuff. its real now.
i hope you Dyzee and Dilys are ok, sorry i dont feel im supporting you at the mo, i feel vulnerable. it will pass, i know.
speak soon,
chin up- i said that to myself!!!
Julie xxx